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Collada Tools

Collada Materials

Geometry is associated with material within instance_geometry, symbol/target pairs declare key/values of the material mapping:

427   <library_nodes>
428     <node id="__dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallTop0xbf55760" name="__dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallTop0xbf55760">
429       <instance_geometry url="#near_hall_top_dwarf0xbbd1a68">
430         <bind_material>
431           <technique_common>
432             <instance_material symbol="WHITE" target="#__dd__Materials__Air0xbbd2908" />
433           </technique_common>
434         </bind_material>
435       </instance_geometry>
436     </node>

The symbol keys are subsequntly used by the polylist material attribute.:

168         <vertices id="WorldBox0xbbf06d8-Vtx">
169           <input semantic="POSITION" source="#WorldBox0xbbf06d8-Pos" />
170         </vertices>
171         <polylist count="6" material="WHITE">
172           <input offset="0" semantic="VERTEX" source="#WorldBox0xbbf06d8-Vtx" />
173           <input offset="1" semantic="NORMAL" source="#WorldBox0xbbf06d8-Norm" />
174           <vcount>4 4 4 4 4 4 </vcount>
175           <p>0 0  3 0  2 0  1 0   4 1  7 1  3 1  0 1   7 2  6 2  2 2  3 2   6 3  5 3  1 3  2 3   5 4  4 4  0 4  1 4   4 5  5 5  6 5  7 5   </p>
176         </polylist>

Basis effects use phong with simple color attributes.

MeshLab material loading

Code looks to deal with image textures only not phong shaders.

Threejs Loading

Some handling is present for phong etc..