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Collada Tools


  • MeshLab



The COLLADA DOM is generated at compile-time from the COLLADA schema. It provides a low-level interface that eliminates the need for hand-written parsing routines, but is limited to reading and writing only one version of COLLADA, making it difficult to upgrade as new versions are released.
FCollada (C++) -
A utility library available from Feeling Software. In contrast to the COLLADA DOM, Feeling Software’s FCollada provides a higher-level interface. FCollada is used in ColladaMaya, ColladaMax, and several commercial game engines. The development of the open source part was discontinued by Feeling Software in 2008. The company continues to support its paying customers and licenses with improved versions of its software.
OpenCOLLADA (C++) -
The OpenCOLLADA project provides plugins for 3ds Max and Maya and the sources of utility libraries which were developed for the plugins.
pycollada (Python) -
A Python module for creating, editing and loading COLLADA. The library allows the application to load a COLLADA file and interact with it as a Python object. In addition, it supports creating a COLLADA Python object from scratch, as well as in-place editing.
Scene Kit (Objective-C) -
An Objective-C framework introduced in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion that allows reading, high-level manipulation and display of COLLADA scenes.
GLGE (JavaScript) -
a JavaScript library presenting COLLADA files in a web browser using WebGL.
Three.js (JavaScript) -
a 3D Javascript library capable of loading COLLADA files in a web browser.
StormEngineC (JavaScript) -
Javascript 3D graphics library with option of loading COLLADA files.