LZ-Opticks-NVIDIA OptiX 6->7 : Notes


OptiX 7 Experiments

Overview of Migration Task

Simon C Blyth, Feb 8 2021

Translate : Geant4 -> Opticks/GGeo (eg JUNO geometry)

Effectively re-factors ~300k G4VPhysicalVolume to ~10 GMergedMesh (with thousands of instance transforms)




Translate : Opticks/GGeo -> OptiX 6+7 : instances structure


m_top                  (Group)             m_top_accel
   ggg                 (GeometryGroup)        m_ggg_accel           global non-instanced geometry from merged mesh 0
      ggi              (GeometryInstance)

   assembly.0          (Group)                m_assembly_accel      1:1 with instanced merged mesh (~6 of these for JUNO)

         xform.0       (Transform)                                  (at most 20k/36k different transforms)
           perxform    (GeometryGroup)
              accel[0]                            m_instance_accel  common accel within each assembly
              pergi    (GeometryInstance)                           distinct pergi for every instance, with instance_index assigned
                 omm   (Geometry)                                   the same omm and mat are child of all xform/perxform/pergi
                 mat   (Material)

         xform.1       (Transform)
           perxform    (GeometryGroup)
              pergi    (GeometryInstance)
                 omm   (Geometry)
                 mat   (Material)

         ... for all the many thousands of instances of repeated geometry ...

   assembly.1          (Group)                  (order ~6 repeated assemblies for JUNO)
        xform.0      ... just like above ...

OptiX 7 Example : 1 IAS <= 3 GAS spheres


61     std::vector<OptixInstance> instances ;
62     for(unsigned i=0 ; i < num_tr ; i++)
63     {
...        grab glm::uvec4 idv from "spare" slots of the 4x4 transform
69         glm::mat4 imat = glm::transpose(mat);
74         unsigned instanceId = idv.x ;
75         unsigned gasIdx = idv.y ;
77         const GAS& gas = geo->getGAS(gasIdx);
79         OptixInstance instance = {} ;
80         instance.flags = flags ;
82         instance.instanceId = instanceId ;
83         instance.sbtOffset = gasIdx ;
85         instance.visibilityMask = 255;
86         instance.traversableHandle = gas.handle ;
88         memcpy( instance.transform, glm::value_ptr(imat),
             12*sizeof( float ) );
90         instances.push_back(instance);
91     }

OptiX 7 Example : 1 IAS <= 3 GAS spheres : NEXT : Instance Identity


OptiX 7 programs customized(eg different radii) with SbtData CUdeviceptr optixGetSbtDataPointer();

226 extern "C" __global__ void __intersection__is()
227 {
228     HitGroupData* hg_data  = reinterpret_cast<HitGroupData*>( optixGetSbtDataPointer() );
234     const float  radius = hg_data->radius;

700p43 (OptiX 700 Guide p43)

sbt-index =
+ (sbt-GAS-index * sbt-stride-from-trace-call) +  sbt-offset-from-trace-call
instance.sbtOffset (see OptixInstance::sbtOffset)
first SBT GAS index for each GAS build input is the prefix sum of the number of SBT records

NEXT Exercise : instance identity, Sbt entries and indexing for per-instance colors (visual standin for efficiency)

OptiX 6 : Consume Geometry Context in intersect/bounds programs


087 rtDeclareVariable(optix::Ray, ray, rtCurrentRay, );
089 rtDeclareVariable(uint2, launch_index, rtLaunchIndex, );
090 rtDeclareVariable(float, t_parameter, rtIntersectionDistance, );
091 rtDeclareVariable(float, propagate_epsilon, , );
094 rtDeclareVariable(unsigned int, instance_index,  ,);
098 rtDeclareVariable(unsigned int, primitive_count, ,);
099 rtDeclareVariable(unsigned int, repeat_index, ,);
102 rtBuffer<Part> partBuffer;  // nodes of the CSG tree (both operators and primitives)
104 rtBuffer<Matrix4x4> tranBuffer;
106 rtBuffer<Prim>  primBuffer;  // offsets into part,tran,plan buffers
108 rtBuffer<uint4>  identityBuffer //  lookups with instance_index*primitive_count+primIdx  
164 // attributes communicate to closest hit program,
167 rtDeclareVariable(uint4, instanceIdentity,   attribute instance_identity,);
168 rtDeclareVariable(float3, geometric_normal, attribute geometric_normal, );
169 rtDeclareVariable(float3, shading_normal, attribute shading_normal, );
229 RT_PROGRAM void bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]){
271     const Prim& prim    = primBuffer[primIdx];
385 }
425 RT_PROGRAM void intersect(int primIdx){
427     const Prim& prim    = primBuffer[primIdx];
474 }

OptiX 6 : Populate Geometry Context from GMergedMesh/GParts


 717 optix::Geometry OGeo::makeAnalyticGeometry(GMergedMesh* mm)
 718 {
 732     GParts* pts = mm->getParts();  //  geometry defined with six arrays 
 761     NPY*     partBuf = pts->getPartBuffer(); assert(partBuf && partBuf->hasShape(-1,4,4));    // node buffer
 762     NPY*     tranBuf = pts->getTranBuffer(); assert(tranBuf && tranBuf->hasShape(-1,3,4,4));  // transform triples (t,v,q)
 763     NPY*     planBuf = pts->getPlanBuffer(); assert(planBuf && planBuf->hasShape(-1,4));      // planes used for convex polyhedra such as trapezoid
 764     NPY*       primBuf = pts->getPrimBuffer(); assert(primBuf && primBuf->hasShape(-1,4));      // prim
 766     // NB these buffers are concatenations of the corresponding buffers for multiple prim 
 767     unsigned numPrim = primBuf->getNumItems();
 769     NPY* itransforms = mm->getITransformsBuffer(); assert(itransforms && itransforms->hasShape(-1,4,4) ) ;
 770     unsigned numInstances = itransforms->getNumItems();
 771     NPY*  idBuf = mm->getInstancedIdentityBuffer();   assert(idBuf);

 828     optix::Geometry geometry = m_context->createGeometry();
 845     geometry->setPrimitiveCount( numPrim );

 849     geometry["primitive_count"]->setUint( numPrim );       // needed GPU side, for instanced offset into buffers
 850     geometry["repeat_index"]->setUint( mm->getIndex() );  // ridx
         //  intersect_analytic.cu handles all CSG solids 
 853     optix::Program intersectProg = m_ocontext->createProgram("intersect_analytic.cu", "intersect") ;
 854     optix::Program boundsProg  =  m_ocontext->createProgram("intersect_analytic.cu", "bounds") ;
 856     geometry->setIntersectionProgram(intersectProg );
 857     geometry->setBoundingBoxProgram( boundsProg );

OptiX 6 : Populate Geometry Context from GMergedMesh/GParts

 860     optix::Buffer primBuffer = createInputUserBuffer( primBuf,  4*4, "primBuffer");
 861     geometry["primBuffer"]->setBuffer(primBuffer);
 865     optix::Buffer partBuffer = createInputUserBuffer( partBuf,  4*4*4, "partBuffer");
 866     geometry["partBuffer"]->setBuffer(partBuffer);
 869     optix::Buffer tranBuffer = createInputUserBuffer( tranBuf,  sizeof(optix::Matrix4x4), "tranBuffer");
 870     geometry["tranBuffer"]->setBuffer(tranBuffer);
 872     optix::Buffer identityBuffer = createInputBuffer( idBuf, RT_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT4, 1 , "identityBuffer");
 873     geometry["identityBuffer"]->setBuffer(identityBuffer);
 875     optix::Buffer planBuffer = createInputUserBuffer( planBuf,  4*4, "planBuffer");
 876     geometry["planBuffer"]->setBuffer(planBuffer);

 891     return geometry ;
 892 }

OptiX 7 : GMergedMesh/GParts -> HitGroup_CSG_SbtRecord ?

template <typename T>
struct SbtRecord
    T data;

struct HitGroupData   // simple example
    float radius;
typedef SbtRecord<HitGroupData>   HitGroupSbtRecord;

#define MAX_CSG_DATA_VALUES 4096 // (guess) compile time constant
struct HitGroup_CSG_Data
    float values[MAX_CSG_DATA_VALUES] ;
typedef SbtRecord<HitGroup_CSG_Data>   HitGroup_CSG_SbtRecord;
prim : (num_prim, 4)      num_prim > 1 for concatenated solids
part : (num_parts,4,4)    CSG nodes, num_parts ~ 1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255
tran : (num_tran, 3,4,4)  num_tran = num_parts, every node has transform
plan : (num_plan, 4 )     planes needed for convexpolyhedron, trapezoid

size <- num_prim,num_tran,num_parts,num_plan

OptiX 7 Compound Custom Primitive GAS


078 GAS GAS_Builder::Build(const std::vector<float>& bb )  // static
079 {
080     unsigned num_val = bb.size() ;
081     assert( num_val % 6 == 0 );
082     unsigned num_bb = num_val / 6 ;
094     OptixBuildInput build_input = {};
097     OptixBuildInputCustomPrimitiveArray& aabbArray
              = build_input.aabbArray ;
099     aabbArray.aabbBuffers   = &d_aabb_buffer;
100     aabbArray.numPrimitives = num_bb ;
101     aabbArray.numSbtRecords = num_bb ; // ? 
107     unsigned flag = OPTIX_GEOMETRY_FLAG_DISABLE_ANYHIT ;
108     unsigned* flags = new unsigned[num_bb];
109     unsigned* sbt_index = new unsigned[num_bb];
110     for(unsigned i=0 ; i < num_bb ; i++)
111     {
112         flags[i] = flag ; sbt_index[i] = i ;
114     }
116     aabbArray.numSbtRecords = num_bb ;
117     aabbArray.flags         = flags;
122     if(num_bb > 1)
123     {
124         unsigned sbt_index_size = sizeof(unsigned)*num_bb ;
125         CUdeviceptr    d_sbt_index ;
126         CUDA_CHECK( cudaMalloc( reinterpret_cast( &d_sbt_index ), sbt_index_size ) );
127         CUDA_CHECK( cudaMemcpy( reinterpret_cast( d_sbt_index ),
128                        sbt_index, sbt_index_size,
129                         cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) );
131         aabbArray.sbtIndexOffsetBuffer  = d_sbt_index ;
132         aabbArray.sbtIndexOffsetSizeInBytes  = sizeof(unsigned);
133         aabbArray.sbtIndexOffsetStrideInBytes = sizeof(unsigned);
134     }
136     GAS gas = Build(build_input);
138     delete[] flags ;
139     CUDA_CHECK( cudaFree( (void*)d_aabb_buffer ) );