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Propagate Timeouts

Optical Photon Marshalling


Simplify OP lifecycle ?

  • maybe avoid intermediary std::vector<float> using NPY format
  • consider memory impact of approach, do not want to require twice (or more) the memory of the raw photon data to be used
  • may necessitate chunking and sending chunks separately, dummyfication of killed OP objects
    • chunking can allow to use fixed chunk sizes, with special case-ing the last one
    • chunking may impact transport decision, eg SBE with fixed group size would provide a way to skip the intermediate vectors as can do the ordered write directly into the binary encoding
  • implications of blocking ClassifyNewTrack vs NewStage
  • need architecture for
    • easy swapping different compression/transport techniques fine grained timing the steps
  • speed of the python implementation less important, push on the cpp route

Numpy Serialize into buffer ?

Efficient Selection of Numpy array, eg just the hits with PMTID > 0

Current lifecycle of optical photon data

  1. G4ThreeVector for position, momentum, polarization + wavelength, time etc.. generated by Geant4

    processes G4Cerenkov G4Scintillation and set as a member of a G4Track

  2. G4Track* passed to:

    `G4ClassificationOfNewTrack DsChromaStackAction::ClassifyNewTrack (const G4Track* aTrack)`
  3. collected into ChromaPhotonList std::vector<float> members


083 void DsChromaStackAction::CollectPhoton(const G4Track* aPhoton )
 84 {
 85 #ifdef WITH_CHROMA_ZMQ
 86    G4ParticleDefinition* pd = aPhoton->GetDefinition();
 87    assert( pd->GetParticleName() == "opticalphoton" );
 89    G4String pname="-";
 90    const G4VProcess* process = aPhoton->GetCreatorProcess();
 91    if(process) pname = process->GetProcessName();
102    assert( pname == "Cerenkov" || pname == "Scintillation" );
104    G4ThreeVector pos = aPhoton->GetPosition()/mm ;
105    G4ThreeVector dir = aPhoton->GetMomentumDirection() ;
106    G4ThreeVector pol = aPhoton->GetPolarization() ;
107    float time = aPhoton->GetGlobalTime()/ns ;
108    float wavelength = (h_Planck * c_light / aPhoton->GetKineticEnergy()) / nanometer ;
110    fPhotonList->AddPhoton(
111               pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(),
112               dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z(),
113               pol.x(), pol.y(), pol.z(),
114               time,
115               wavelength );
117 #endif
118 }
  1. Serialized from ChromaPhotonList with ROOT TObject into a byte string

  2. Copied (still?) into ZMQRoot buffer and sent across the wire from ZMQ Client

  3. relayed at ZMQ broker on to ZMQ worker

  4. de-serialized by ZMQRoot back into a ChromaPhotonList object within CPLResponder

  5. data read from ChromaPhotonList into chroma.event.Photon numpy arrays:

    11 class DAEEventBase(object):
    33     def setup_cpl(self, cpl):
    34         """
    35         :param cpl: ChromaPhotonList instance
    37         Convert serialization level ChromaPhotonList into operation level Photons
    38         """
    39         photons = Photons.from_cpl(cpl, extend=True)
  6. chroma.event.Photons copies from std::vector<float> into numpy arrays


092 class Photons(object):
 93     """
 94     A few enhancements:
 96     #. from_cpl classmethod
 97     #. timesorting
 98     #. dump
 99     """
100     @classmethod
101     def from_cpl(cls, cpl, extend=True ):
102         """
103         :param cpl: ChromaPhotonList instance, as obtained from file or MQ
104         :param extend: when True add pmtid attribute and sort by time
105         """
106         xyz_ = lambda x,y,z,dtype:np.column_stack((np.array(x,dtype=dtype),np.array(y,dtype=dtype),np.array(z,dtype=dtype)))
108         pos = xyz_(cpl.x,cpl.y,cpl.z,np.float32)
109         dir = xyz_(cpl.px,,cpl.pz,np.float32)
110         pol = xyz_(cpl.polx,cpl.poly,cpl.polz,np.float32)
111         wavelengths = np.array(cpl.wavelength, dtype=np.float32)
112         t = np.array(cpl.t, dtype=np.float32)
113         pass
114         obj = cls(pos,dir,pol,wavelengths,t)
116         if extend:
117             order = np.argsort(obj.t)
118             pmtid = np.array(cpl.pmtid, dtype=np.int32)
119             obj.sort(order)
120             obj.pmtid = pmtid[order]
121         pass
122         return obj
  1. chroma.event.Photons copied to GPU in GPUPhotons


13 class GPUPhotons(object):
14     def __init__(self, photons, ncopies=1):
15         """Load ``photons`` onto the GPU, replicating as requested.
17            Args:
18                - photons: chroma.Event.Photons
19                    Photon state information to load onto GPU
20                - ncopies: int, *optional*
21                    Number of times to replicate the photons
22                    on the GPU.  This is used if you want
23                    to propagate the same event many times,
24                    for example in a likelihood calculation.
26                    The amount of GPU storage will be proportionally
27                    larger if ncopies > 1, so be careful.
28         """
29         nphotons = len(photons)
30         self.pos = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=ga.vec.float3)
31         self.dir = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=ga.vec.float3)
32         self.pol = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=ga.vec.float3)
33         self.wavelengths = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=np.float32)
34         self.t = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=np.float32)
35         self.last_hit_triangles = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=np.int32)
36         self.flags = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=np.uint32)
37         self.weights = ga.empty(shape=nphotons*ncopies, dtype=np.float32)
39         # Assign the provided photons to the beginning (possibly
40         # the entire array if ncopies is 1
41         self.pos[:nphotons].set(to_float3(photons.pos))
42         self.dir[:nphotons].set(to_float3(photons.dir))
43         self.pol[:nphotons].set(to_float3(photons.pol))
44         self.wavelengths[:nphotons].set(photons.wavelengths.astype(np.float32))
45         self.t[:nphotons].set(photons.t.astype(np.float32))
46         self.last_hit_triangles[:nphotons].set(photons.last_hit_triangles.astype(np.int32))
47         self.flags[:nphotons].set(photons.flags.astype(np.uint32))
  1. all photons read back from GPU after propagation to termination or max_steps
  2. back into event.Photons
  3. thence into ChromaPhotonList and serialized
  4. into byte string and replied over wire to waiting Geant4 process
  5. photons reaching PMT cathode converted into hits and collected into hit collections

Photon Data

  1. per-photon data is ~12 float32 and ~2 int32

Using C++ placement new for dummy OP ?

Position an object at a known address.

  • Could possibly replacing millions of Optical Photon G4Track with a single dummy placeholder object to avoid memory expense.

Alternate Serialization/Compression to ROOT TObject

  1. capnproto, pycapnproto
  2. cnpy : small C project
  3. SBE : Simple Binary Encoding
  4. blosc, bloscpack, bcolz, carray : interesting blocked/shuffled compression algo
  5. npy and cnpy, uncompressed numpy serialization format
    • appears to allow serialized numpy arrays to be created in C, this would shortcut many of the lifecycle steps as could go straight from std::vector<float> into npy serialization and send that over the wire
      • BUT, uncompressed nature may be problematic
  6. msgpack : very wide support