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Daeview Dev Notes



The position is transformed by the modelview matrix when glLight is called (just as if it were a point), and it is stored in eye coordinates. If the w component of the position is 0, the light is treated as a directional source. Diffuse and specular lighting calculations take the light’s direction, but not its actual position, into account, and attenuation is disabled. Otherwise, diffuse and specular lighting calculations are based on the actual location of the light in eye coordinates, and attenuation is enabled. The initial position is (0, 0, 1, 0); thus, the initial light source is directional, parallel to, and in the direction of the -Z axis.

Light Positioning

As shown, you supply a vector of four values (x, y, z, w) for the GL_POSITION parameter. If the last value, w, is zero, the corresponding light source is a directional one, and the (x, y, z) values describe its direction. This direction is transformed by the modelview matrix. By default, GL_POSITION is (0, 0, 1, 0), which defines a directional light that points along the negative z-axis. (Note that nothing prevents you from creating a directional light with the direction of (0, 0, 0), but such a light won’t help you much.)

If the w value is nonzero, the light is positional, and the (x, y, z) values specify the location of the light in homogeneous object coordinates. (See Appendix F.) This location is transformed by the modelview matrix and stored in eye coordinates. (See “Controlling a Light’s Position and Direction” for more information about how to control the transformation of the light’s location.) Also, by default, a positional light radiates in all directions, but you can restrict it to producing a cone of illumination by defining the light as a spotlight. (See “Spotlights” for an explanation of how to define a light as a spotlight.) i

Controlling a Light’s Position and Direction

Moving the Light Source Together with Your Viewpoint

To create a light that moves along with the viewpoint, you need to set the light position before the viewing transformation. Then the viewing transformation affects both the light and the viewpoint in the same way. Remember that the light position is stored in eye coordinates, and this is one of the few times when eye coordinates are critical. In Example 5-7, the light position is defined in init(), which stores the light position at (0, 0, 0) in eye coordinates. In other words, the light is shining from the lens of the camera.

Understanding Lights

Moving the red light along z while looking down z:

           r1     r2       r3
look       <      eye
  |--------|-------|-------|---------   Z
  0        1       2       3 -g 5000:6000 -t "" --eye="0,0,2" --look="0,0,0" --up="0,0.001,1" --lights="r" --rlight="0,0,1"

    # only PMTs lit red, not background -g 5000:6000 -t "" --eye="0,0,2" --look="0,0,0" --up="0,0.001,1" --lights="r" --rlight="0,0,2"

    # light at eye position, PMTs and background lit red
    # perturbing z offset, makes background fade to grey around zoffset 0.4,
    # light must be behind you to light the background -g 5000:6000 -t "" --eye="0,0,2" --look="0,0,0" --up="0,0.001,1" --lights="r" --rlight="0,0,3"

    # bright red background, fading to grey at zoffset 1.4 -g 5000:6000 -t "" --eye="0,0,2" --look="0,0,0" --up="0,0.001,1" --lights="r" --rlight="-1,1,2"

Original glumpy trackball constrained distance to be greater than 1:

213         gl.glTranslate (self._x, self._y, -self._distance)
238     def _set_distance(self, distance):
239         self._distance = distance
240         if self._distance < 1: self._distance= 1
241     distance = property(_get_distance, _set_distance,
242                         doc='''Scene distance from point of view''')
243 -g 5000:6000 -t "" --eye="0,0,2" --look="0,0,0" --up="0,0.001,1" --lights="rgb" --rlight="-1,1,1" --glight="1,1,1" --blight="0,-1,1" --flight 10 -g 5000:6000 --lights="rgb" --rlight="-1,1,-3" --glight="1,1,-3" --blight="0,-1,-3"   -t "" --eye="0,0.001,-3"  --wlight=0.

glumpy lights

(chroma_env)delta:glumpy blyth$ find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -l Light {} \;
./glumpy/                 # smth else
./glumpy/                   # figure on_init setup
./glumpy/graphics/   # only the testing main
(chroma_env)delta:glumpy blyth$