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G4DAEChroma Implementation Details



Pull out everything Chroma related and reusable from StackAction and SensitiveDetector for flexible reusability from different Geant4 contexts

Recent Changes

Major recent changes are:

  • forming PMT hits on the GPU, by associating every triangle of the PMT cathode with the PMT identifier. This allows returning only photons that hit PMTs to Geant4

  • transforming global hit coordinates into local coordinates for the hits using a per PMT transform cache

  • integrating the GPU formed hits into the standard Geant4 hit collections, allowing subsequent simulation to work unchanged

  • moving Scintillation and Cerenkov generation to the GPU by collecting generation steps and transferring those. Avoids having to transfer ~200MB of photon data for a 3M photon event : instead down to ~2MB of generation steps.

    Its also advantageous never to even create G4Track for the millions of photons : they are skipped in the Scintillation and Cerenkov processes

  • adopting NumPy serialization format, so can effectively directly fill NumPy arrays from Geant4 C++ Allows to get rid of ROOT TObject, (and ROOT entirely) and annoying dictionary generation hassles.

  • for monitoring, control and communication G4DAEChroma includes integration with sqlite3 and a cJSON implementation allowing python dicts to be passed to C++ as map<string,string> which can be inserted into sqlite3 tables

  • G4DAE geometry exporter was presented at the Geant4 Okinawa Collaboration meeting in Sept. I proposed to contribute the exporter to Geant4 and they agreed. The plan is to include it with the Geant4 released at the end of 2015.

TODO : Test on Workstation GPU

So far I have been developing using my laptop GPU only. I think I will soon be interested in testing the machinery to see the kind of performance possible on workstation GPUs.

Comparing my laptop GPU (with that


  • ROOT, CLHEP, Geant4, ZMQ, ZMQRoot
  • NOT detsim/giga/gaudi/gauss
    • G4DAEChroma intended to be used from minimal shim G4 Actions hooked up in DetSim/GiGa in as few lines of code as possible
    • this facilities limited dependency development/testing providing faster dev cycle : see mocknuwa- datamodel-

Current Approach Aiming at

  • Cerenkov/Scintillation processes generating large numbers of secondary Optical Photons
  • these are put into track stack
  • collected from track stack and track killed into PhotonList
  • PhotonList is serialized, sent over network and deseralized
  • PhotonList then copied to GPU and propagated
  • Photons then copied back from GPU
  • hit selection is applied (ie need to have reached SURFACE_DETECT) and a HitList is compiled
  • HitList then serialized and replied to original request
  • HitList deserialized back in Geant4 process, and collected into standard DsPmtSensDet hit collections using TrojanSensDet approach

Ultimate photon list compression approach

Moving generation of PhotonList to the other end of the transport would allow to only transfer generation parameters of the PhotonList cohort as formed in the Cerenkov/Scintillation process.

  • Ultimate Photon List compression : just transfer parameters of the cohort

Transform cache problem

  • currently keyed on volume_index but that is not being trasported, only pmtid is

Geometry Consistency between GPU and MEMORY trees

Geometry matching between in MEMORY G4 tree and the one reconstructed from DAE file should be done in a handshake REQ/REP.

This will be particularly useful when handling multiple partial geometries.

  • maybe implement in some metadata properties of the transport object

Appropriate identifiers

Currently make heavy use of volume traverse indices. This is a frail approach as using partial geometries or otherwise updating geometry will change the indices. Better to affix things like transforms to PMT Identifiers which can be regarded as permanent identifiers.

Generalization of PMT Identifier handling

  • Construct Volume Transform cache keyed on PmtId

Want to add IDMAP handling to G4DAEGeometry organized into

  • generic base, depending on Geant4 only
    • Geant4 volume traversal
    • making PVStack for all nodes of the tree
    • forming TouchableHistories for all Sensitive Detectors
    • a default implementation of providing identifiers could just be the SD index in volume traverse order
  • Dyb specialized level, depending on Gaudi/Gauss/DetectorElements/NuWa:TH2DE
    • yields PmtId from TouchableHistory for all SD,

Incorporate IDMAP Handling into G4DAEChroma/G4DAEGeometry

  1. Chroma GPU photons reaching SURFACE_DETECT know the solid/volume index they are landing on
  2. to be able to return only hits the association from volume index a PmtId is needed in order to form a hit

Need to know the PmtId at GPU level, so have to propagate this forward.

The PmtId are associated to pieces of geometry “DetectorElements” at Gaudi level, this info does not exist at Geant4 level, so have to do contortions to make the association of volume traverse index and pmtid.

Merge what is currently done separately in the below into G4DAEGeometry

  • NuWa-trunk/lhcb/Sim/GaussTools/src/Components/GiGaRunActionExport.h
  • NuWa-trunk/lhcb/Sim/GaussTools/src/Components/GiGaRunActionExport.cpp

Usage Stages


  • G4DAEChroma::G4DAEChroma ctor singleton and configure constituents
    • Geometry : traverse volume tree creating tranform cache
    • Transport : prepare ZMQ sockets
    • SensDet : use Trojan to steal DsPmtSensDet hit collections and AddNewDetector
  • geometry is exported to DAE in BeginOfRunAction also, but only need to do that once

StackAction::ClassifyNewTrack OR customized Processes

  • G4DAEChroma::CollectPhoton and avoid further

    G4 processing via kill or not adding as secondary


  • perhaps could be Event
  • G4DAEChroma::Propagate which proceeds to add the hits

How to organize code

Everything under single G4DAEChroma umbrella manager singleton using methods and constituent worker classes for each aspect:

  • geometry export
  • geometry gdml loading
  • trojan SD registration
  • extra hit adding
  • photon collection

Primary concern of organization is:

  • ease of testing from MockNuWa

Leave usage of StackAction etc at level of examples

MockNuWa code development


  • mocknuwa-
  • datamodel-
  • gdc- G4DAEChroma
  • gdct- G4DAEChromaTest

Real NuWa hookup for machinery test

[blyth@belle7 dybgaudi]$ svn ci -m "minor: add G4DAEChroma package and hookup to DetSimChroma StackAction and RunAction "
Sending        Simulation/DetSimChroma/src/
Adding         Simulation/DetSimChroma/src/
Adding         Simulation/DetSimChroma/src/DsChromaRunAction.h
Sending        Simulation/DetSimChroma/src/
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEChroma.hh
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEGeometry.hh
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEChroma/G4DAESensDet.hh
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEChroma/G4DAETransport.hh
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/G4DAEChroma/G4DAETrojanSensDet.hh
Sending        Utilities/G4DAEChroma/cmt/requirements
Sending        Utilities/G4DAEChroma/src/
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/src/
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/src/
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/src/
Adding         Utilities/G4DAEChroma/src/
Transmitting file data ...............
Committed revision 23458.
[blyth@belle7 dybgaudi]$ date
Tue Oct 21 20:57:27 CST 2014

Integrate with real NuWa via shims:

  • DsChromaRunAction
  • DsChromaStackAction

that all depend on G4DAEChroma from Utilities.

Keep all functionality in G4DAEChroma, only thing admissable to do in the shim is configuration.

csa : ChromaStackAction

Hmm this is sourced from people area SVN, move to env.


321     def configure_chromastackaction(self):
323         import DetSimChroma
324         from DetSimChroma.DetSimChromaConf import DsChromaStackAction
325         saction = DsChromaStackAction("GiGa.DsChromaStackAction")
326         saction.PhotonCut = True      # kill OP after collection
327         saction.ModuloPhoton = 1000   # scale down collection
328         return saction


Handled by adding RunAction sourced from GaussTools, but cannot make GaussTools depend on G4DAEChroma


69     # --- WRL + GDML + DAE geometry export ---------------------------------
70     from GaussTools.GaussToolsConf import GiGaRunActionExport, GiGaRunActionCommand, GiGaRunActionSequence
71     export = GiGaRunActionExport("GiGa.GiGaRunActionExport")
91     giga.RunAction = export


GiGaRunActionBase.h inherits from G4UserRunAction

[blyth@cms01 ~]$ find $DYB/NuWa-trunk/lhcb/Sim -name 'GiGa*ActionBase.h'
26 class GiGaRunActionBase :
27   public virtual IGiGaRunAction ,
28   public          GiGaBase
29 {

30 class IGiGaRunAction:
31   virtual public G4UserRunAction ,
32   virtual public IGiGaInterface
33 {


37 //  This is the base class of a user's action class which defines the
38 // user's action at the begining and the end of each run. The user can
39 // override the following two methods but the user should not change
40 // any of the contents of G4Run object.
41 //    virtual void BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run* aRun);
42 //    virtual void EndOfRunAction(const G4Run* aRun);
43 // The user can override the following method to instanciate his/her own
44 // concrete Run class. G4Run has a virtual method RecordEvent, so that
45 // the user can store any information useful to him/her with event statistics.
46 //    virtual G4Run* GenerateRun();
47 //  The user's concrete class derived from this class must be set to
48 // G4RunManager via G4RunManager::SetUserAction() method.
49 //
50 #include "G4Types.hh"
52 class G4UserRunAction
53 {
54   public:
55     G4UserRunAction();
56     virtual ~G4UserRunAction();
58   public:
59     virtual G4Run* GenerateRun();
60     virtual void BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run* aRun);
61     virtual void EndOfRunAction(const G4Run* aRun);



28 class GiGaRunActionExport: public virtual GiGaRunActionBase
29 {
30   /// friend factory for instantiation
31   //friend class GiGaFactory<GiGaRunActionExport>;
33 public:
35   typedef std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> PVStack_t;
38   /** performe the action at the begin of each run
39    *  @param run pointer to Geant4 run object
40    */
41   void BeginOfRunAction ( const G4Run* run );
43   /** performe the action at the end  of each event
44    *  @param run pointer to Geant4 run object
45    */
46   void EndOfRunAction   ( const G4Run* run );
660 void GiGaRunActionExport::BeginOfRunAction( const G4Run* run )
661 {
663   if( 0 == run )
664     { Warning("BeginOfRunAction:: G4Run* points to NULL!") ; }
666    G4VPhysicalVolume* wpv = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->
667       GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();

Initialize in RunAction?

// 2nd parameter target must match the name of an existing SD

Normally AddNewDetector is done at G4 ConstructDetector initialization stage but seems no GiGa hooks back then. Try in RunAction, but with a check to make sure not already there. Makes sense to add this to the GiGaRunActionExport code that does the G4DAE export..

As operating from the real G4 geometry tree (not the GDML one), can collect SD names by logical volume inspection during the traverse. Might as well include SD names in the COLLADA export metadata.

Looking for hooks

[blyth@cms01 lhcb]$ find . -name '*Action.h'
[blyth@cms01 lhcb]$


70     from GaussTools.GaussToolsConf import GiGaRunActionExport, GiGaRunActionCommand, GiGaRunActionSequence
71     export = GiGaRunActionExport("GiGa.GiGaRunActionExport")
73     #   NOT WORKING :  RunSeq fails to do the vis : only the GDML+DAE gets exported
74     #   so do at C++ level
75     #
76     #wrl  = GiGaRunActionCommand("GiGa.GiGaRunActionCommand")
77     #wrl.BeginOfRunCommands = [
78     #         "/vis/open VRML2FILE",
79     #         "/vis/viewer/set/culling global false",
80     #         "/vis/viewer/set/culling coveredDaughters false",
81     #         "/vis/drawVolume",
82     #         "/vis/viewer/flush"
83     #]
84     #runseq = GiGaRunActionSequence("GiGa.GiGaRunActionSequence")
85     #giga.addTool( runseq , name="RunSeq" )
86     #giga.RunSeq.Members += ["GiGaRunActionCommand"]
87     #giga.RunSeq.Members += ["GiGaRunActionGDML"]
88     #giga.RunAction = "GiGaRunActionSequence/RunSeq"
89     # why so many ways to address things ? Duplication is evil
91     giga.RunAction = export


Development Cycle too slow

Create test application for machinery test (enable to rapidly work on the marshalling)

  • reads Dyb geometry into G4 from exported GDML
  • reads some initial photon positions from a .root file
  • invokes this photon collection and propagation
  • dumps the hits returned

Using MockNuWa with NuWa DataModel subset for fast cycle

GPU Hit handling : SensDet

  • how to register DsChromaPmtSensDet instead of (or in addition to) DsPmtSensDet or some how get access to DsPmtSensDet
    • class name “DsPmtSensDet” is mentioned in DetDesc logvol sensdet attribute, somehow DetDesc/GiGa hands that over to Geant4 : need to swizzle OR add ?
    • old approach duplicated bits of “DsPmtSensDet” for adding hits into the StackAction : that was too messy then, but perhaps clean enough now have pulled out Chroma parts into G4DAEChroma
    • but needs access to private methods from DsPmtSensDet, so maybe a no-no anyhow : especially as need very little functionality

Using TrojanSD approach registered in the RunActionExport

Accessing SD

  • how to get access to DsPmtSensDet in order to add hits
    • provide singleton accessor for cheat access to globally shared instance ? Approach has MT complications : but no need to worry about that yet
    • gaudi has a way of accessing the instance, do it externally (where?) and pass it in

Doing it via a Trojan parasitic G4VSensitiveDetector which caches the hit collections of the real SD:

// adding extra hits needs access to the tsd
TrojanSensDet* TSD = (TrojanSensDet*)G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->FindSensitiveDetector("Trojan_DsPmtSensDet", true);

Detector Specific Code

  • how to handle hits interfacing to detector specific code
  • arrange det specifics together and use preprocessor macros

Trace channel_id/PmtId from CUDA kernel backwards

  • a positive last_hit_triangle for the SURFACE_DETECT subset indicates a hit


118 // iiPPPPPPPPPPPiiiP
120 __global__ void
121 propagate_hit(
122       int first_photon,
123       int nthreads,
124       unsigned int *input_queue,
125       unsigned int *output_queue,
126       curandState *rng_states,
127       float3 *positions,
128       float3 *directions,
129       float *wavelengths,
130       float3 *polarizations,
131       float *times,
132       unsigned int *histories,
133       int *last_hit_triangles,
134       float *weights,
135       int max_steps,
136       int use_weights,
137       int scatter_first,
138       Geometry *g,
139       int* solid_map,
140       int* solid_id_to_channel_id )
141 {
142     __shared__ Geometry sg;
233     if ((p.history & SURFACE_DETECT) != 0) {
235         //
236         // kludgy mis-use of lht for outputting
237         // various things like
238         //       solid_id:    index like, zero based
239         //       channel_id:  the pmtid, encoding site/ad/ring/...
240         //
241         int triangle_id = last_hit_triangles[photon_id];
242         if (triangle_id > -1) {
243             int solid_id = solid_map[triangle_id];
244             int channel_id = solid_id_to_channel_id[solid_id];
245             last_hit_triangles[photon_id] = channel_id ;
246         } else {
247             last_hit_triangles[photon_id] = -2 ;
248         }
250     }
254 } // propagate_hit


154     def propagate_hit(self,
155                   gpu_geometry,
156                   rng_states,
157                   nthreads_per_block=64,
158                   max_blocks=1024,
159                   max_steps=100,
160                   use_weights=False,
161                   scatter_first=0):
162         """Propagate photons on GPU to termination or max_steps, whichever
163         comes first.
165         May be called repeatedly without reloading photon information if
166         single-stepping through photon history.
168         ..warning::
169             `rng_states` must have at least `nthreads_per_block`*`max_blocks`
170             number of curandStates.
171         """
172         nphotons = self.pos.size
173         nwork = nphotons
174         self.upload_queues( nwork )
176         solid_id_map_gpu = gpu_geometry.solid_id_map
177         solid_id_to_channel_id_gpu = gpu_geometry.solid_id_to_channel_id_gpu

Modified original GPUPhotons to GPUPhotonsHit to add this hit info.


21 from import get_cu_module, cuda_options, chunk_iterator, to_float3
22 #from chroma.gpu.photon import GPUPhotons
23 from chroma.gpu.photon_hit import GPUPhotonsHit
24 from chroma.gpu.geometry import GPUGeometry
27 class DAEDirectPropagator(object):
28     def __init__(self, config, chroma):
29         """
30         :param config:
31         :param chroma: DAEChromaContext instance
32         """
33         self.config = config
34         self.chroma = chroma
36     def propagate(self, cpl, max_steps=100 ):
37         """
38         :param cpl: ChromaPhotonList instance
39         :return propagated_cpl: ChromaPhotonList instance
41         """
42         photons = Photons.from_cpl(cpl, extend=True)  # CPL into chroma.event.Photons OR photons.Photons
43         gpu_photons = GPUPhotonsHit(photons)
44         gpu_detector = self.chroma.gpu_detector
46         gpu_photons.propagate_hit(gpu_detector,
47                                   self.chroma.rng_states,
48                                   nthreads_per_block=self.chroma.nthreads_per_block,
49                                   max_blocks=self.chroma.max_blocks,
50                                   max_steps=max_steps)
52         photons_end = gpu_photons.get()
53         self.photons_end = photons_end
54         return create_cpl_from_photons_very_slowly(photons_end)

Copying mapping array to GPU.


16 class GPUDetector(GPUGeometry):
17     def __init__(self, detector, wavelengths=None, print_usage=False):
18         GPUGeometry.__init__(self, detector, wavelengths=wavelengths, print_usage=False)
20         self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = \
21             ga.to_gpu(detector.solid_id_to_channel_index.astype(np.int32))
22         self.solid_id_to_channel_id_gpu = \
23             ga.to_gpu(detector.solid_id_to_channel_id.astype(np.int32))
25         self.nchannels = detector.num_channels()

Populate mapping array on add_pmt


59     def add_pmt(self, pmt, rotation=None, displacement=None, channel_id=None):
60         """Add the PMT `pmt` to the geometry. When building the final triangle
61         mesh, `solid` will be placed by rotating it with the rotation matrix
62         `rotation` and displacing it by the vector `displacement`, just like
63         add_solid().
65             `pmt``: instance of chroma.Solid
66                 Solid representing a PMT.
67             `rotation`: numpy.matrix (3x3)
68                 Rotation to apply to PMT mesh before displacement.  Defaults to
69                 identity rotation.
70             `displacement`: numpy.ndarray (shape=3)
71                 3-vector displacement to apply to PMT mesh after rotation.
72                 Defaults to zero vector.
73             `channel_id`: int
74                 Integer identifier for this PMT.  May be any integer, with no
75                 requirement for consective numbering.  Defaults to None,
76                 where the ID number will be set to the generated channel index.
77                 The channel_id must be representable as a 32-bit integer.
79             Returns: dictionary { 'solid_id' : solid_id,
80                                   'channel_index' : channel_index,
81                                   'channel_id' : channel_id }
82         """
84         solid_id = self.add_solid(solid=pmt, rotation=rotation,
85                                   displacement=displacement)
87         channel_index = len(self.channel_index_to_solid_id)
88         if channel_id is None:
89             channel_id = channel_index
91         # add_solid resized this array already
92         self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = channel_index
93         self.solid_id_to_channel_id[solid_id] = channel_id

channel_id Identifiers are affixed to the DAENode.


701         solid = Solid( mesh, material1, material2, surface, color )
702         solid.node = node
704         #
705         # hmm a PMT is comprised of several volumes all of which
706         # have the same associated channel_id
707         #
708         channel_id = getattr(node, 'channel_id', None)
709         if not channel_id is None and channel_id > 0:
710             self.channel_count += 1             # nodes with associated non zero channel_id
711             self.channel_ids.add(channel_id)
712             self.chroma_geometry.add_pmt( solid, channel_id=channel_id)
713         else:
714             self.chroma_geometry.add_solid( solid )
715         pass

This is relying on the idmap (keyed by volume index) that is written by GiGaRunActionExport

  • NuWa-trunk/lhcb/Sim/GaussTools/src/Components/GiGaRunActionExport.cpp


375     @classmethod
376     def idmaplink(cls, idmap ):
377         if idmap is None:
378             log.warn("skip idmaplink ")
379             return
380         pass
381"linking DAENode with idmap %s identifiers " % len(idmap))
382         assert len(cls.registry) == len(idmap), ( len(cls.registry), len(idmap))
383         for index, node in enumerate(cls.registry):
384             node.channel_id = idmap[index]
385             node.g4tra = idmap.tra[index]
386             node.g4rot = idmap.rot[index]
387             #if index % 100 == 0:
388             #    print index, node.channel_id, node, node.__class__