GGEO ====== GGeo top level holder of geometry libs GScene used for analytic geometry : phasing out, now analytic is integrated within GGeo GVolume analogue of Geant4 PV, used to represent the volume tree GNode base class of GVolume, has a GMesh constituent GNodeLib collects PV LV names GGeoGLTF GGeo helper that can write a geometry to glTF 2.0 files GSolidRec struct used by GGeoGLTF to record instances related to single solids GInstancer invoked by GGeo::prepareMeshes : finds instanced geometry and creates GMergedMesh for each instance assembly and for the global non-instanced geometry. GTree static helper methods used by GInstancer and GMergedMesh for serializing instance transforms and identity GTreePresent creates text dumps of volume trees, made more readable by eliding large numbers of siblings GGeoBase protocol base class, subclasses include : GGeo, GScene, GGeoTest GBndLib GMaterialLib GScintillatorLib GSurfaceLib GSourceLib property libs GPropertyLib base class for GBndLib, GMaterialLib, GScintillatorLib, GSurfaceLib, GSourceLib GMeshLib holder of GMesh for each solid GMesh vertices and triangles of a solid, obtained from Geant4 polgonization GBuffer used by GMesh to hold vertices, triangles etc.. : aiming to replace with NPY GGeoLib holder of GMergedMesh, one for global geometry and one for each instance assembly GMergedMesh combination of GMesh GProperty domain and value arrays GAry holding a property as a function of wavelength GPropertyMap collection of GProperty : base for GMaterial, GSkinSurface, GBorderSurface, GSource GMaterial GSkinSurface GSource GBorderSurface property maps GOpticalSurface constituent of GPropertyMap used for GSkinSurface and GBorderSurface GBnd collection of four indices of materials and surfaces representing a boundary GAry used for domain and value of GProperty GDomain represents wavelength raster GParts holder of analytic geometry, created from NCSG shapes, provides combination and serialization Others -------- :: GArray GBBox GBBoxMesh GCIE GCSG GColorMap GColorizer GConstant GDrawable GEnums GGeoCfg GGeoSensor GGeoTest GIds GItemIndex GItemList GMaker GMatrix GMeshFixer GMeshMaker GPmt GPmtLib GSurfaceIndex GTransforms GTraverse GVector GVolumeList