Opticks Integration with Geant4 Simulation ============================================ Geometry Overview --------------------- Opticks is intended to be run from geometry exported from Geant4, so that you can have a single geometry source definition that is auto converted into an Opticks geometry. For tests using simple geometries and photon sources it is also possible to define solids using a simple python CSG specification. Geometry Integration : Exporting Geant4 geometry into G4DAE and GDML files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opticks typically operates from geometries exported from Geant4 using the standard GDML format exporter as well as the G4DAE exporter which exports COLLADA format .dae files (an XML based industry standard 3D file format with triangulated mesh geometry) with extra information including all optical material and surface properties. * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/g4dae The code required to export G4DAE and GDML is very similar using the G4DAEParser from *g4dae* and the Geant4 standard G4GDMLParser. These exports should be done simultaneously (from the same process) so that memory address names match. :: G4VPhysicalVolume* world_pv = m_detector->Construct(); G4DAEParser* g4dae = new G4DAEParser ; G4bool refs = true ; G4bool recreatePoly = false ; G4int nodeIndex = -1 ; // so World is volume 0 g4dae->Write(path, world_pv, refs, recreatePoly, nodeIndex ); Future of Opticks Geometry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The recent(mid 2017) addition of GPU CSG intersection capabilities to Opticks gives the possibility to operate from standard Geant4 GDML geometry files alone in future. However GDML files do not currently contain all the wavelength dependant material and surface optical properties, that are included within G4DAE files. The Geant4 polygonization included within G4DAE files is useful for OpenGL visualizations within Opticks, although Opticks has some nascent capabilities at generating polygonizations these are not yet reliable. Simple Geometry Testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For small scale Opticks debugging/testing it is convenient to define geometry using a python CSG input representation. On running the python scripts writes a serialization of the geometry to file which is read by Opticks. Many examples can be seen in the `tboolean-` tests * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/tests/tboolean.bash You can also define simple optical photon sources via commandline **torch** config arguments. Following good experience with python defined test geometry it is planned to overhaul source configuation to use a similar approach. Full Geometry Testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opticks has some functionality in the `Cfg4` package for comparing itself to a Geant4 simulation that it creates itself. This package however needs to revisited following Opticks recent move to fully analytic CSG geometries. Event Data Integration : Getting Photons into Opticks ---------------------------------------------------------- The Geant4 processes `G4Cerenkov` and `G4Scintillation` generate large numbers of optical photons on the CPU. Opticks moves this optical photon generation to the GPU via modifications of the code for these processes. The photon generation loop of these processes is replaced by collection of so called **genstep** parameters of the generation. These gensteps are serialized into a buffer and copied to the GPU where ported versions of the inner photon generation loops are run * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/optixrap/cu/cerenkovstep.h * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/optixrap/cu/scintillationstep.h In effect the inner loop of the photon generation is moved to the GPU. Although this generation is not time consuming, the copying of large numbers of photons from the CPU to the GPU and duplication of the photon memory allocation on CPU and GPU can be avoided by generating the photons on the GPU. Outdated Chroma Live Integration Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/env/src/tip/chroma/G4DAEChroma/src/ This stage was previously implemented in the context of the Chroma package. As Chroma was implemented in python a ZeroMQ networking approach was used to effect the integration to Geant4, sending photons or **gensteps** over the network to be GPU propagated. Planned Opticks Integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Opticks is implemented in C++ a simple single process approach to integration is planned to be implemented. Prior to live integration Opticks testing currently uses **gensteps** persisted to file from Geant4. Detailed instructions appropriate to current Opticks await these stages from being revisited. Returning Photon Detector Hits to Geant4 Hit Collections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/env/src/tip/chroma/G4DAEChroma/src/ Again this stage was previously implemented in the context of Chroma in a somewhat (Daya Bay) experiment specific manner. Integration Collaboration ----------------------------- Example Daya Bay and JUNO Experiment geometry and **genstep** files are included in the OpticksData repository. * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticksdata/commits/all * https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticksdata/src A clone of this repository is done as part of the Opticks installation, eg :: simon:~ blyth$ l /usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/ total 8 drwxr-xr-x 12 blyth staff 408 Jul 22 10:07 export drwxr-xr-x 5 blyth staff 170 Jul 22 10:07 gensteps drwxr-xr-x 3 blyth staff 102 Jun 14 13:13 config -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 1150 Jun 14 13:13 opticksdata.bash drwxr-xr-x 3 blyth staff 102 Jun 14 13:13 refractiveindex drwxr-xr-x 4 blyth staff 136 Jun 14 13:13 resource The easiest way to collaborate on getting new geometries operational within Opticks is to follow the above export instructions to produce the below two files and commit them into the **opticksdata** repository. If you do not yet have commit access a pull request can be made from a bitbucket fork of **opticksdata**. :: simon:~ blyth$ du -h /usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/juno1707/g4_00.{dae,gdml} 24M /usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/juno1707/g4_00.dae 20M /usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/juno1707/g4_00.gdml Note that if your experiment has confidentiality concerns regarding sharing of an actual geometry you can collaborate/learn with an older/simplified demo version of your geometry. Configuring Opticks to use the Geometry -------------------------------------------- The **op.sh** script is the primary entry point to running Opticks executables, the specific executable to run and environment variables to setup specifying a geometry are configured by this script based on the command line arguments provided. This script together with `$OPTICKS_HOME/externals/opticksdata.bash` needs to be adapted for the new geometry. Note it is possible via geometry query strings to define multiple virtual geometries that all use the same input geometry files selecting different volumes sets. :: simon:opticks blyth$ op --help ubin /usr/local/opticks/lib/OKTest cfm cmdline --help === op-export : OPTICKS_BINARY /usr/local/opticks/lib/OKTest op.sh : Opticks Launching Script =================================== The **op.sh** script launches different Opticks executables or scripts depending on the arguments provided. It also sets environment variables picking a detector geometry and selecting volumes within the geometry. Most usage of Opticks should use this script. To see the options specific to particular scripts or executables use "-h" rather than the "--help" that provides this text. Profile Setup --------------- To save typing add the below bash function to your .bash_profile:: op(){ op.sh $* ; } GEOMETRY SELECTION ARGUMENTS --dyb : DYB : DayaBay Near Site --dlin : DLIN : DayaBay LingAo Site --dfar : DFAR : DayaBay Far Site --dpib : DPIB : DayaBay PMT in Box of Mineral Oil Test Geometry --dsst : DSST : DYB debugging SST rib impingement --dsst2 : DSST2 : DYB debugging SST rib impingement --dlv65 : DLV65 : DYB cycybobo lvid 65 --jpmt : JPMT : JUNO with PMTs --j1707 : J1707 : JUNO with ~36k 3inch PMTs, ~18k 20inch PMTs, torus guide tube --lxe : LXE : Geant4 LXe Liquid Xenon example BINARY SELECTION ARGUMENTS --idpath : OpticksIDPATH : Emit to stdout the path of the geocache directory for the geometry selected by arguments --keys : InteractorKeys : List key controls available in GGeoViewTest --tcfg4 : CG4Test : Geant4 comparison simulation of simple test geometries --okg4 : OKG4Test : Integrated Geant4/Opticks runing allowing G4GUN steps to be directly Opticks GPU propagated. --tracer : OTracerTest : Fast OpenGL viz and OptiX tracing, NO propagation. From ggeoview-/tests. Used for simple geometry/machinery checking --gdml2gltf : gdml2gltf.py : Once only geometry conversion of GDML input into GLTF file needed for analytic geocache creation --mat : GMaterialLibTest : Dump properties of material identified by 0-based index , eg op --mat 0 --cmat : CMaterialLibTest : --surf : GSurfaceLibTest : Dump properties of surface identified by 0-based index , eg op --surf 0 --bnd : GBndLibTest : Dump boundaries of a geometry, eg op --bnd --jpmt --ctestdetector : CTestDetectorTest : Test Geant4 simple detector construction using class cfg4-/CTestDetector --cgdmldetector : CGDMLDetectorTest : Test Geant4 GDML full detector construction using cfg4-/CGDMLDetector --ngunconfig : NGunConfigTest : Test Geant4 Gun configuration with npy-/NGunConfigTest ... Geocache ---------- Opticks makes extensive use of geocaching to avoid repetition of geometry processing. Expensive parsing of XML and multiple traversals of large geometry trees are done once only and resulting serialized NPY format buffers are written to the geocache ready to be quickly loaded from file and then uploaded to the GPU. The geocache allows Opticks initialization even with huge geometries to be kept to a few seconds only, facilitating fast iteration.