Wavelength Distribution Debugging ==================================== Compares simulated photon wavelengths against blackbody expectation. * still a hint of "ringing steps" from 200:400nm, but seems acceptable (TODO: try increasing icdf bins from 1024 to identify) [ISSUE] wp last bin elevated ----------------------------- :: In [69]: plt.close();plt.hist(wp, bins=200) , 2215., 2158., 2046., 2017., 2052., 2111., 2565.]), [FIXED] Bug with w0 sel.recwavelength(0) ----------------------------------------- Without selection sel.recwavelength(0) from ggv-newton: * length of 500000 * three bin spike at lower bound around 60nm, comprising about 7000 photons (not present in the uncompressed wp) **FIXED WHEN AVOID WAVELENGTH DOMAIN DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOURCES AND COMPRESSION** * plateau from 60~190 nm **MADE MUCH LESS OBJECTIONABLE BY INCREASING ICDF BINS FROM 256 TO 1024** * normal service resumes above 190nm with good match to Planck black body curve * 256 unique linspaced values, a result of the compression:: In [36]: np.allclose(np.linspace(60,820,256),np.unique(w)) # upper changed 810 to 820 by the fix Out[36]: True