Customized C4OpBoundaryProcess
BUT : need to change very nasty Geant4 impl:
Biggest problem with FastSim based POM : forces using unnatural geometry
body hidden under inner1 inner2
body is FastSim envelope volume
CURRENT : Unnatural 4-volume PMT (Pyrex+Pyrex+Vacuum+Vacuum) => Half Fake
Biggest advantage with Custom Boundary Process POM : enables natural geometry
Natural 2-volume PMT (Pyrex + Vacuum) : NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FastSim
Custom Boundary POM
+---------------pmt-Pyrex----------------+ | | | | | | | +~inner~Vacuum~~~~~~~~~~~+ | | ! ! | | ! ! | | ! ! | | ! ! | | ! ! | | + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------------------+ | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------+
OpSurfaceName[0] == '@'
Custom Boundary Process : Advantages
Current FastSim POM | 4 Solid, 4 LV, 4 PV |
Custom Boundary POM | 2 Solid, 2 LV, 2 PV |
Advantages far outweigh disadvantages
PostStepDoIt type switch
if( m_custom_status == 'Y' ) { G4double rand = G4UniformRand(); if ( rand < theAbsorption ) { DoAbsorption(); // A } else { DielectricDielectric(); // R or T } } else if (type == dielectric_metal) { DielectricMetal(); } ...
Standard DoAbsorption DielectricDielectric reused
G4OpBoundaryProcess unless OpticalSurfaceNam[0] == '@'/'#'
if( OpticalSurfaceName0 == '@' || OpticalSurfaceName0 == '#' ) { if( m_custom_art->local_z(aTrack) < 0. ) // Lower hemi : Standard { m_custom_status = 'Z' ; } else if( OpticalSurfaceName0 == '@') // MultiFilm ART POM { m_custom_status = 'Y' ; m_custom_art->doIt(aTrack, aStep) ; type = dielectric_dielectric ; theModel = glisur ; theFinish = polished ; } else if( OpticalSurfaceName0 == '#' ) // Traditional POM { m_custom_status = '-' ; type = dielectric_metal ; theModel = glisur ; theReflectivity = 0. ; theTransmittance = 0. ; theEfficiency = 1. ; } }
DielectricDielectric expects 2-way (theReflectivity,theTransmittance) => so C4CustomART.h rescales 3-way (A,R,T)
(theAbsorption,theReflectivity,theTransmittance) <= (A, R/(1-A), T/(1-A))
C4CustomART customizations
doIt C4MultiLayrStack.h TMM calc, only for:
reuse standard G4OpBoundaryProcess
#include "C4IPMTAccessor.h" #include "C4MultiLayrStack.h" #include "C4Touchable.h" struct C4CustomART { const C4IPMTAccessor* accessor ; G4double& theAbsorption ; // doIt sets these G4double& theReflectivity ; G4double& theTransmittance ; G4double& theEfficiency ; const G4ThreeVector& theGlobalPoint ; const G4ThreeVector& OldMomentum ; const G4ThreeVector& OldPolarization ; const G4ThreeVector& theRecoveredNormal ; const G4double& thePhotonMomentum ; C4CustomART( const C4IPMTAccessor* accessor, G4double& theAbsorption, G4double& theReflectivity, G4double& theTransmittance, G4double& theEfficiency, const G4ThreeVector& theGlobalPoint, const G4ThreeVector& OldMomentum, const G4ThreeVector& OldPolarization, const G4ThreeVector& theRecoveredNormal, const G4double& thePhotonMomentum ); double local_z( const G4Track& aTrack ); void doIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep ); };
Why Custom4 mini-package ?
Added to : junoenv/
Auto-installed like other externals (eg Geant4), or:
cd $JUNOTOP/junoenv bash junoenv libs get custom4 bash junoenv libs conf custom4 bash junoenv libs make custom4 bash junoenv libs install custom4 bash junoenv libs all custom4
4 POM*PMT quadrants | Unnatural PMT Impl --pmt-unnatural-geometry m_UsePMTNaturalGeometry:false |
Natural PMT Impl --pmt-natural-geometry m_UsePMTNaturalGeometry:true |
Traditional POM (photons stop at photocathode, none enter PMT) PMT innards modelled with only (QE,CE) --no-pmt-optical-model m_UsePMTOpticalModel:false |
OpticalSurfaceName without prefix | OpticalSurfaceName starting '#' C4OpBoundaryProcess active |
MultiFilm POM (photons refract into PMT, complex rindex layers) --pmt-optical-model m_UsePMTOpticalModel:true |
junoPMTOpticalModel FastSim in control (boundary process not run) OpticalSurfaceName without prefix |
C4MultiLayrStack.h C4CustomART.h OpticalSurfaceName starting '@' C4OpBoundaryProcess Active DEFAULT QUADRANT |
Standalone Advantages | | |
j:PMTSim Standalone PMT geometry and Optical Model
Quadrant Controls:
Optical only Geant4 simulation, with full step point recording
N=0/1 POM=0/1 ./
Geant4 Simtrace intersection : 2D geometry plotting
N=0/1 ./
two_pmt layout with HAMA, NNVT (Natural Geometry N=1)
Compare Unnatural/Natural N=0/1 geometry simulations by skipping N=0 Pyrex/Pyrex + Vacuum/Vacuum fake points
Geometry | ||
A | N=0 | Unnatural 4-volume Pyrex+Pyrex+Vacuum+Vacuum PMT Geometry (FastSim kludge) |
B | N=1 | Natural 2-volume Pyrex+Vacuum PMT Geometry (Using Custom4 C4OpBoundaryProcess) |
As comparing simulations from different geometries : random aligned comparison is impractical, so:
Initial comparisons :
FastSim junoPMTOpticalModel::ModelTrigger should happen:
ModelTrigger elsewhere is a BUG -> unphysical results, including "tunneling" through geometry
Commandlines to create plots showing : NNVT Unphysical mid-Vacuum Reflect/Refract/Detect/Absorb
APID=2181 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="9:reflect at vac/vac (but obscured)" ./ ana APID=2563 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="7:SD at vac/vac" ./ ana APID=2912 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="7:vac/vac refract 11:SD detect in vac" ./ ana APID=2942 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="6->7:cross-geometry 7:vac/vac-reflect" ./ ana APID=2982 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="7:unphysical refract" ./ ana APID=5866 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="7:reflect at vac/vac" ./ ana APID=7625 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="13:detect mid vacuum" ./ ana APID=8499 AOPT=idx N=0 SUBTITLE="13:detect mid vacuum" ./ ana
Record details of every candidate trigger
#include "NPX.h" struct ModelTrigger_Debug { static constexpr const char* NAME = "ModelTrigger_Debug.npy" ; static std::vector<ModelTrigger_Debug> RECORD ; static const int NUM_QUAD = 7 ; void add(){ RECORD.push_back(*this); } static NP* Array(){ return NPX::ArrayFromVec<double,ModelTrigger_Debug>(RECORD,NUM_QUAD,4); } static void Save(const char* savedir); double pos_x ; // 00 double pos_y ; // 01 double pos_z ; // 02 double time ; // 03 ... double dist1 ; // 20 double dist2 ; // 21 uint64_t mlv ; // 22 uc8 etrig ; // 23 uint64_t index ; // 30 uint64_t pv ; // 31 uint64_t whereAmI ; // 32 uint64_t trig ; // 33 ... };
Reflection off NNVT innards => misplaced "Pyrex" ModelTrigger => FastSim too soon => Unphysical photons
Why no similar ModelTriggerBuggy problem for HAMA ? Undefined behaviour of G4UnionSolid::DistanceToIn from Inside
u4/tests/ u4/tests/
Check ModelTrigger position, whereAmI : 271/11214 ~2.5% unphysical
mtd_trig = mtd.trig == 1 mtd_upper = mtd.pos[:,2] > 1e-4 mtd_mid = np.abs( mtd.pos[:,2]) < 1e-4 mtd_lower = mtd.pos[:,2] < -1e-4 mtd_trig_vacuum = np.logical_and(mtd.trig == 1, mtd.whereAmI_ == 2 ) mtd_trig_vacuum_upper = np.logical_and(mtd_trig_vacuum, mtd_upper ) mtd_trig_vacuum_mid = np.logical_and(mtd_trig_vacuum, mtd_mid ) mtd_trig_vacuum_lower = np.logical_and(mtd_trig_vacuum, mtd_lower ) mtd_trig_pyrex = np.logical_and(mtd.trig == 1, mtd.whereAmI_ == 1 ) mtd_trig_pyrex_upper = np.logical_and(mtd_trig_pyrex, mtd_upper ) mtd_trig_pyrex_mid = np.logical_and(mtd_trig_pyrex, mtd_mid ) mtd_trig_pyrex_lower = np.logical_and(mtd_trig_pyrex, mtd_lower )
NumPy mask expressions used for ModelTrigger_Debug analysis
G4UnionSolid::DistanceToIn(DistanceToOut) from Inside(Outside) is "Undefined" BUT GEANT4 DOES NOT CHECK
> u4t ; ./ NNVT INNER2: Just Lower-Hemi-Ellipsoid pos INNER1 DistToIn DistToOut Dist INNER2 DistToIn DistToOut Dist trig (0,0,20) kInside 170.0000 170.0000 170.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,15) kInside 175.0000 175.0000 175.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,10) kInside 180.0000 180.0000 180.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,5) kInside 185.0000 185.0000 185.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,4) kInside 186.0000 186.0000 186.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,3) kInside 187.0000 187.0000 187.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,2) kInside 188.0000 188.0000 188.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,1) kInside 189.0000 189.0000 189.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,0) kSurface 0.0000 190.0000 190.0000 kSurface kInfinity 0.0000 0.0000 YES (0,0,-1) kOutside 1.0000 191.0000 1.0000 kInside kInfinity 1.0000 1.0000 YES (0,0,-2) kOutside 2.0000 192.0000 2.0000 kInside kInfinity 2.0000 2.0000 YES (0,0,-3) kOutside 3.0000 193.0000 3.0000 kInside kInfinity 3.0000 3.0000 YES (0,0,-4) kOutside 4.0000 194.0000 4.0000 kInside kInfinity 4.0000 4.0000 YES (0,0,-5) kOutside 5.0000 195.0000 5.0000 kInside kInfinity 5.0000 5.0000 YES (0,0,-6) kOutside 6.0000 196.0000 6.0000 kInside kInfinity 6.0000 6.0000 YES (0,0,-7) kOutside 7.0000 197.0000 7.0000 kInside kInfinity 7.0000 7.0000 YES (0,0,-8) kOutside 8.0000 198.0000 8.0000 kInside kInfinity 8.0000 8.0000 YES (0,0,-9) kOutside 9.0000 199.0000 9.0000 kInside kInfinity 9.0000 9.0000 YES (0,0,-10) kOutside 10.0000 200.0000 10.0000 kInside kInfinity 10.0000 10.0000 YES
inline G4double Distance( const G4VSolid* solid, const G4ThreeVector& pos, const G4ThreeVector& dir, EInside& in ) { in = solid->Inside(pos) ; G4double t = kInfinity ; switch( in ) { case kInside: t = solid->DistanceToOut( pos, dir ) ; break ; case kSurface: t = solid->DistanceToOut( pos, dir ) ; break ; case kOutside: t = solid->DistanceToIn( pos, dir ) ; break ; } return t ; }
> u4t ; ./ HAMA INNER2: Union of Polycone and Lower-Hemi-Ellipsoid pos INNER1 DistToIn DistToOut Dist INNER2 DistToIn DistToOut Dist trig (0,0,20) kInside 170.0000 170.0000 170.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,15) kInside 175.0000 175.0000 175.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,10) kInside 180.0000 180.0000 180.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,5) kInside 185.0000 185.0000 185.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,4) kInside 186.0000 186.0000 186.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,3) kInside 187.0000 187.0000 187.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,2) kInside 188.0000 188.0000 188.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,1) kInside 189.0000 189.0000 189.0000 kOutside kInfinity 0.0000 kInfinity YES (0,0,0) kSurface 0.0000 190.0000 190.0000 kSurface kInfinity 0.0000 0.0000 YES (0,0,-1) kOutside 1.0000 191.0000 1.0000 kInside kInfinity 1.0000 1.0000 YES (0,0,-2) kOutside 2.0000 192.0000 2.0000 kInside kInfinity 2.0000 2.0000 YES (0,0,-3) kOutside 3.0000 193.0000 3.0000 kInside kInfinity 3.0000 3.0000 YES (0,0,-4) kOutside 4.0000 194.0000 4.0000 kInside kInfinity 4.0000 4.0000 YES (0,0,-5) kOutside 5.0000 195.0000 5.0000 kInside 0.0000 5.0000 5.0000 NO (0,0,-6) kOutside 6.0000 196.0000 6.0000 kInside 1.0000 6.0000 6.0000 NO (0,0,-7) kOutside 7.0000 197.0000 7.0000 kInside 2.0000 7.0000 7.0000 NO (0,0,-8) kOutside 8.0000 198.0000 8.0000 kInside 3.0000 8.0000 8.0000 NO (0,0,-9) kOutside 9.0000 199.0000 9.0000 kInside 4.0000 9.0000 9.0000 NO (0,0,-10) kOutside 10.0000 200.0000 10.0000 kInside 5.0000 10.0000 10.0000 NO
ModelTrigger whereAmI bug
+----------*----pmt-Pyrex----------------+ | | | | | +------*-------body-Pyrex----+ | | | +-----*-------inner1-Vac-+ | | | | | \ | | | | | | \ | | | | | | \ |-| | | | | \ |1e-3 | | | | \ | | | | | +~~vac/vac~~\~~~~~!~~~~~~+ | | | | | \ / \ | | | | | | \ / \ | | | | | | +--------*---+ \ | | | | | | | dynode/MCP | \ | | | | | | +------------+ \ | | | | | +-inner2-Vac------------*+ | | | +----------------------------+ | | | | | +----------------------------------------+
G4bool junoPMTOpticalModel::ModelTrigger(const G4FastTrack &fastTrack) { // GetVolume : CAUTION NEEDED AT BORDERS ... if(fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetVolume() == _inner2_phys){ return false; } // SIMPLISTIC VIEW OF GEOMETRY if(fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetVolume() == _inner1_phys){ whereAmI = kInVacuum; }else{ whereAmI = kInGlass; // BUG: REFLECTION FROM dynode/MCP -> kInGlass } if(whereAmI == kInGlass){ dist1 = _inner1_solid->DistanceToIn(pos, dir); dist2 = _inner2_solid->DistanceToIn(pos, dir); // BUG: dist2 "Undefined" at reflect inside inner2 if(dist1 == kInfinity){ return false; }else if(dist1>dist2){ return false; }else{ return true;} // BUG: depends on "Undefined" behaviour (+CSG constituents) }else{ dist1 = _inner1_solid->DistanceToOut(pos, dir); dist2 = _inner2_solid->DistanceToIn(pos, dir); if(dist2 == kInfinity){ return true;} // reliance on edge handling : not a good approach } return false; }
FIXED : "Ray Style" ModelTrigger
G4bool ModelTrigger(const G4FastTrack &fastTrack) { bool trig = false ; dist1 = Distance( _inner1_solid, pos, dir, in1 ); if( dist1 != kInfinity && dist1 > EPSILON ) { next_pos = pos + dir*dist1 ; trig = next_pos.z() > EPSILON ; // disqualify flat face intersects next_norm = _inner1_solid->SurfaceNormal(next_pos); next_mct = next_norm * dir ; whereAmI = next_mct < 0. ? kInGlass : kInVacuum ; // against/with normal is Glass/Vacuum } return trig ; } const G4double EPSILON = 2e-4 ;
Use: Distance, SurfaceNormal -- NOT Volumes
G4bool junoPMTOpticalModel::ModelTrigger(const G4FastTrack &fastTrack) { // GetVolume : NOT RELIABLE AT BORDERS ... if(fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetVolume() == _inner2_phys){ return false; } // SIMPLISTIC VIEW OF GEOMETRY if(fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetVolume() == _inner1_phys){ whereAmI = kInVacuum; }else{ whereAmI = kInGlass; // BUG: REFLECTION FROM dynode/MCP -> kInGlass } if(whereAmI == kInGlass){ dist1 = _inner1_solid->DistanceToIn(pos, dir); dist2 = _inner2_solid->DistanceToIn(pos, dir); // BUG: dist2 "Undefined" at reflect inside inner2 if(dist1 == kInfinity){ return false; }else if(dist1>dist2){ return false; }else{ return true;} // BUG: depends on "Undefined" behaviour (+CSG constituents) }else{ dist1 = _inner1_solid->DistanceToOut(pos, dir); dist2 = _inner2_solid->DistanceToIn(pos, dir); if(dist2 == kInfinity){ return true;} // reliance on edge handling : not a good approach } return false; }
ModelTriggerSimple : Avoids Undefined trig behavior + Unphysical mid-Vacuum Reflect/Refract/Detect/Absorb, "Tunneling"
N=0 Unnatural : HAMA "rain_line" photon positions : 0th:blue 1st:red last:cyan
N=1 Natural : HAMA "rain_line" photon positions : 0th:blue 1st:red last:cyan
./ cf ## PMT Geometry : A(N=0) Unnatural+FastSim, B(N=1) Natural+CustomBoundary
GEOM/GEOMList/IMPL/LAYOUT/CHECK : FewPMT/nnvtLogicalPMT/ModelTriggerSimple/one_pmt/rain_line
c2sum : 60.2333 c2n : 67.0000 c2per: 0.8990 C2CUT: 30
np.c_[siq,_quo,siq,sabo2,sc2,sabo1][:25] ## A-B history frequency chi2 comparison
[[' 0' TO BT SD ' 37975 37525' ' 2.6821' ' 1268 1268']
[' 1' TO BT SA ' 32161 32735' ' 5.0770' ' 1174 1200']
[' 2' TO BT BT SR SA ' 4980 4998' ' 0.0325' ' 11979 12125']
[' 3' TO BT BT SA ' 4392 4362' ' 0.1028' ' 10275 10285']
[' 4' TO BT BT SR BT BT SA ' 4366 4366' ' 0.0000' ' 21394 21384']
[' 5' TO BT BR BT SA ' 3225 3153' ' 0.8128' ' 1286 1269']
[' 6' TO SA ' 2281 2283' ' 0.0009' ' 0 0']
[' 7' TO BT BT SR BR SR SA ' 1185 1280' ' 3.6613' ' 22175 22191']
[' 8' TO BT BT SR BR SA ' 1151 1150' ' 0.0004' ' 21484 21399']
[' 9' TO BR SA ' 1051 1091' ' 0.7470' ' 1154 1154']
['10' TO BT BT SR SR SA ' 742 730' ' 0.0978' ' 11888 11906']
['11' TO BT BT SR BR SR BT BT SA ' 714 694' ' 0.2841' ' 22163 22168']
['12' TO BT BT SR BR SR SR SA ' 396 324' ' 7.2000' ' 22136 23759']
['13' TO BT BT SR SR BT BT SA ' 368 357' ' 0.1669' ' 18370 18360']
['14' TO BT AB ' 341 367' ' 0.9548' ' 1483 1417']
['15' TO BT BT SR BR SR SR BT BT SA ' 363 338' ' 0.8916' ' 22134 22135']
['16' TO BT BT SR SR SR SA ' 285 276' ' 0.1444' ' 11903 12085']
['17' TO BT BT SR SR SR BT BT SA ' 239 238' ' 0.0021' ' 13690 13690']
['18' TO BT BT SR BR SR BR SR BT BT SA ' 225 236' ' 0.2625' ' 22345 22388']
A B (A-B)^2 APID[0] BPID[0]
Compare simulations by chi2 comparison of photon history counts
./ cf ## PMT Geometry : A(N=0) Unnatural+FastSim, B(N=1) Natural+CustomBoundary
GEOM/GEOMList/IMPL/LAYOUT/CHECK : FewPMT/hamaLogicalPMT/ModelTriggerSimple/one_pmt/rain_line
c2sum : 41.2803 c2n : 43.0000 c2per: 0.9600 C2CUT: 30
np.c_[siq,_quo,siq,sabo2,sc2,sabo1][:25] ## A-B history frequency chi2 comparison
[[' 0' 'TO BT SD '' 37923 37958' ' 0.0161' ' 1262 1274']
[' 1' 'TO BT SA '' 32806 32562' ' 0.9108' ' 1185 1207']
[' 2' 'TO BT BT SA '' 12071 12233' ' 1.0798' ' 10532 10430']
[' 3' 'TO BT BT SR SA '' 3757 3741' ' 0.0341' ' 12754 12407']
[' 4' 'TO BT BR BT SA '' 3204 3250' ' 0.3279' ' 1465 1464']
[' 5' 'TO SA '' 2277 2274' ' 0.0020' ' 1 0']
[' 6' 'TO BT BT SR SR SA '' 1857 1859' ' 0.0011' ' 12391 12393']
[' 7' 'TO BR SA '' 1129 1215' ' 3.1553' ' 1154 1154']
[' 8' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR BT BT SA '' 613 580' ' 0.9128' ' 16112 16120']
[' 9' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR SA '' 584 576' ' 0.0552' ' 13493 16172']
['10' 'TO BT BT SR BT BT SA '' 357 375' ' 0.4426' ' 34234 34225']
['11' 'TO BT AB '' 356 325' ' 1.4112' ' 1367 1317']
['12' 'TO BT BT SR BR SA '' 287 305' ' 0.5473' ' 34230 34221']
['13' 'TO BT BT SR SR BT BT SA '' 243 226' ' 0.6162' ' 27497 27530']
['14' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR BR SA '' 232 206' ' 1.5434' ' 16755 16130']
['15' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR BR BT BT SA '' 200 206' ' 0.0887' ' 16715 16760']
['16' 'TO BT BT BR SR SA '' 181 179' ' 0.0111' ' 10909 10984']
['17' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR BR SR SA '' 146 180' ' 3.5460' ' 16223 16205']
['18' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR BR BR SR SA '' 148 131' ' 1.0358' ' 17957 16775']
['19' 'TO AB '' 147 126' ' 1.6154' ' 86 68']
['20' 'TO BT BT SR SR SR BR BR SA '' 113 111' ' 0.0179' ' 16724 16934']
A B (A-B)^2 APID[0] BPID[0]
opticks/u4/tests/ checks
FewPMT/(hama,nnvt)LogicalPMT/ModelTriggerSimple/one_pmt/... using 100k/50k photons
check | c2sum/c2n:c2per(C2CUT) | ||
HAMA | NNVT | |||
rain_disc | 3D beam directly onto PMT front face | 32.56/41 0.794 (30) | 41.91/46:0.911 (30) |
rain_line | 2D line directly onto PMT midline | 41.28/43 0.960 (30) | 28.85/45:0.641 (30) |
up_rain_line | 2D line shooting PMT from behind | 10.80/24 0.450 (30) | 6.41/12:0.534 (30) |
rain_dynode | 2D line from vacuuum directed onto dynode | 12.08/11 1.098 (30) | 23.76/35:0.679 (30) |
rain_dynode_diag | 2D line diagonnally directed from mid-vacuum | 8.31/26 0.320 (30) | 42.82/56:0.765 (30) |
lhs_window_line | 2D line from left directed onto PMT window | 37.53/34 1.104 (30) | 26.74/43:0.622 (30) |
lhs_reflector_line | 2D line from left directed onto PMT reflector | 14.35/18 0.797 (30) | 15.75/19:0.829 (30) |
Obtained using opticks/u4/tests/ (runs both simulations and compares)
Reasonable Chi2 for all checks => consistent simulation histories with Unnatural/Natural geometry
(N=0) Shoot from side to check PMT window : many photons enter PMT
(N=1) Shoot from side to check PMT window : many photons enter PMT
(N=0) Shoot from side to check PMT reflector : no photons get into PMT
(N=1) Shoot from side to check PMT reflector : no photons get into PMT
Standalone vs Insitu Development
Standalone Cycles much cheaper than Insitu
Standalone Test Architecture
j/PMTSim "virtual" package : PMT Geometry+Model
No Known Issues In Standalone Tests
Insitu Testing with: --opticks-mode 2
Opticks AnaMgr + GtOpticksTool
js/U4RecorderAnaMgr -> ok/U4Recorder
js/GtOpticksTool : input photons via GenTool
Target specific repeat/instance
ntds(){ local opts="" opts="$opts --opticks-mode 2" # G4 with Opticks Instrumentation case $POM in ## passed into UsePMTOpticalModel 0) opts="$opts --no-pmt-optical-model" ;; 1) opts="$opts --pmt-optical-model" ;; esac case $PMT in ## passed into UsePMTNaturalGeometry 0) opts="$opts --pmt-unnatural-geometry" ;; 1) opts="$opts --pmt-natural-geometry" ;; esac opts="$opts --opticks-anamgr" ## Full Photon Point recording export OPTICKS_EVENT_MODE=StandardFullDebug export OPTICKS_MAX_BOUNCE=31 [ "$PMT" == "0" ] && export U4Recorder__FAKES_SKIP=1 export OPTICKS_INPUT_PHOTON=RainXZ_Z230_10k_f8.npy export OPTICKS_INPUT_PHOTON_FRAME=Hama:0:1000 python $opts opticks ## GtOpticksTool }
Actual ntds bash function :
U4Recorder : uses CPU Opticks to persist SEvt photons/histories/.. into NumPy .npy files for analysis
In [3]: b Out[3]: b.base:/tmp/blyth/opticks/GEOM/V1J008/ntds2/ALL1/000 : b.genstep : (1, 6, 4) : 14:01:49.017610 : b.seq : (100000, 2, 2) : 13:59:54.715319 : b.pho0 : (100000, 4) : 14:01:40.913446 : b.record : (100000, 32, 4, 4) : 13:59:55.174871 : b.junoSD_PMT_v2 : (1,) : 14:01:44.544258 : b.sframe : (4, 4, 4) : 13:59:54.714881 : b.inphoton : (100000, 4, 4) : 14:01:44.544879 : b.pho : (100000, 4) : 14:01:42.596733 : b.flat : (100000, 64) : 14:01:49.018186 : b.prd : (100000, 32, 2, 4) : 14:01:26.149970 : b.photon : (100000, 4, 4) : 14:01:26.466269 : : (1, 4) : 14:01:49.017187 : b.aux : (100000, 32, 4, 4) : 14:01:49.191892 : b.tag : (100000, 4) : 13:59:54.705722
array | shape | notes |
inphoton | (n,4,4) | input photons |
photon | (n,4,4) | final photon positions (at AB, SA, SD) |
record | (n,32,4,4) | photon histories (up to 32 points) |
seq | (n,2,2) | uint64 packed histories eg "TO BT BT SD" |
aux | (n,32,4,4) | extra step point info eg A,R,T |
sframe | (4,4,4) | target frame with M2W W2M transforms |
cd ~/j/ntds ; N=1 GLOBAL=1 MODE=3 ./ ana ## interactive 3D pyvista
Target Frame Hama:0:1000
Green : start position (100k input photons)
Red : end position, Cyan : other position
NumPy transform all photon positions to target frame (eg Hama:0:1000)
w2m = evt.f.sframe.w2m # (4,4) : world-to-model gpos = b.f.record[:,:,0].copy() # (100000,32,4) : global (pos, time) gpos[...,3] = 1. # use 1. : to transform as position lpos = gpos, w2m ) # (100000,32,4) : local (pos, 1)
Suitable : input photon shape, position, direction, target frame
cd ~/j/ntds ; MODE=2 ./ ana
cd ~/j/ntds ; N=0 ./ ana
10k : Unnatural Pyrex+Pyrex+Vac+Vac PMT geometry, without : export U4Recorder__FAKES_SKIP=1
cd ~/j/ntds ; N=0 ./ ana
10k : Unnatural Pyrex+Pyrex+Vac+Vac HAMA PMT geometry, with : export U4Recorder__FAKES_SKIP=1
cd ~/j/ntds ; N=1 ./ ana
10k : Natural Pyrex+Vac HAMA PMT geometry, no fakes, no skipping needed
cd ~/j/ntds ; ./ cf QCF qcf c2sum/c2n:c2per(C2CUT) 103.55/103:1.005 (30) np.c_[siq,_quo,siq,sabo2,sc2,sabo1][:25] ## A-B history frequency chi2 comparison [[' 0' 'TO BT BT BT BT SA ' ' 0' ' 37664 37569' 0.1200 ' 2 1'] [' 1' 'TO BT BT BT BT SD ' ' 1' ' 30711 30904' 0.6045 ' 4 2'] [' 2' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SA ' ' 2' ' 12432 12470' 0.0580 ' 9199 8859'] [' 3' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SA ' ' 3' ' 3824 3761' 0.5233 ' 11002 11014'] [' 4' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR SA ' ' 4' ' 1984 1967' 0.0731 ' 10886 10878'] [' 5' 'TO BT BT AB ' ' 5' ' 853 918' 2.3857 ' 8 27'] [' 6' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR SR SA ' ' 6' ' 583 609' 0.5671 ' 14779 14727'] [' 7' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SA ' ' 7' ' 444 420' 0.6667 ' 1042 1016'] [' 8' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT AB ' ' 8' ' 435 430' 0.0289 ' 10280 7615'] [' 9' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SD ' ' 9' ' 354 328' 0.9912 ' 5253 5256'] ['10' 'TO BT BT BT BT AB ' '10' ' 331 341' 0.1488 ' 84 143'] ['11' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR BR SA ' '11' ' 258 314' 5.4825 ' 33580 33573'] ['12' 'TO BT BT BR BT BT BT SA ' '12' ' 295 250' 3.7156 ' 0 3'] ['13' 'TO BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT SA ' '13' ' 291 259' 1.8618 ' 213 192'] ['14' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT AB ' '14' ' 289 275' 0.3475 ' 8511 9213'] ['15' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SA ' '15' ' 245 276' 1.8445 ' 9353 9360'] ['16' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SD ' '16' ' 261 246' 0.4438 ' 9350 9416'] ['17' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR SR BR BT BT BT BT BT BT SA ' '17' ' 247 199' 5.1659 ' 15391 15388'] ['18' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR SR BR SA ' '18' ' 246 227' 0.7632 ' 14754 15177'] ['19' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR BT BT BT BT BT BT SA ' '19' ' 215 194' 1.0782 ' 26564 26588'] A,B counts Chi2 A,B 1st photon idx
Chi2 comparison of photon histories for A:Unnatural(fakes skipped) B:Natural geometry
Any bug changing simulation histories -> huge Chi2 -> USEFUL METRIC
Enumerate all returns, Collect
359 #ifdef WITH_G4CXOPTICKS 360 G4bool junoSD_PMT_v2::ProcessHits(G4Step* step,...) 361 { 362 G4bool is_hit = ProcessHits_(step, nullptr) ; 363 m_jpmt_dbg->add( m_eph, is_hit ); 373 return is_hit ; 374 } 382 #endif 384 #ifdef WITH_G4CXOPTICKS 385 G4bool junoSD_PMT_v2::ProcessHits_(G4Step* step,...) 386 #else 387 G4bool junoSD_PMT_v2::ProcessHits(G4Step* step,...) 388 #endif 389 { 390 if (m_disable) { 391 #ifdef WITH_G4CXOPTICKS 392 m_eph = EPH::NDIS ; 393 #endif 394 return false; 395 } ...
Counts stored into SEvt metadata
cd ~/j/ntds ; NEVT=3 ./ cfmeta array([[[31967, 31903, 32017], N=0 0:ProcessHits_count [33305, 33464, 33416]], N=1 [[ 8732, 8693, 8745], 1:ProcessHits_true [ 8696, 8772, 8717]], [[23235, 23210, 23272], 2:ProcessHits_false [24609, 24692, 24699]], [[ 8732, 8693, 8745], 3:SaveNormHit_count [ 8696, 8772, 8717]], ... [[ 2155, 2149, 2086], 8:NEDEP [ 3443, 3577, 3552]], [[ 134, 114, 130], 9:NBOUND [ 134, 131, 129]], ... [[20946, 20947, 21056], 12:NDECULL [21032, 20984, 21018]], ... [[ 8732, 8693, 8745], 14:YSAVE [ 8696, 8772, 8717]], [[ 2, 2, 2], 15:opticksMode [ 2, 2, 2]], [[ 0, 1, 2], 16:eventID [ 0, 1, 2]], [[ 0, 0, 0], 17:VERSION [ 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=uint64)
msab.c_itab array([[[15617, 15661, 15635, 15890, 15447, 15871, 15500, 15824, 15598, 15627], 0:ProcessHits_count N=0 [18490, 18210, 18490, 18174, 18467, 18069, 18608, 18198, 18291, 18284]], N=1 [[ 3083, 3070, 3035, 2978, 3020, 2966, 2976, 2944, 3044, 3029], 1:ProcessHits_true [ 3042, 3001, 2904, 2958, 2925, 2996, 3023, 3007, 3068, 2991]], [[12534, 12591, 12600, 12912, 12427, 12905, 12524, 12880, 12554, 12598], 2:ProcessHits_false [15448, 15209, 15586, 15216, 15542, 15073, 15585, 15191, 15223, 15293]], ... msab.c_itab[msab.ik.YSAVE,0].sum()/msab.c_itab[msab.ik.YSAVE,1].sum() 1.0077 # ratio of YSAVE counts N=0/N=1 msab.c_ftab[0,1].sum()/msab.c_ftab[0,0].sum() 0.8472 # ratio of durations N=1/N=0 np.diff(msab.c_ttab)[0,1].sum()/np.diff(msab.c_ttab)[0,0].sum() 0.8582 # ratio of evt times N=1/N=0 np.diff(msab.c_ttab)/1e6 # seconds between event starts array([[[2.589, 2.983, 3.004, 3.01 , 2.994, 2.665, 2.619, 2.641, 2.61 ], [2.304, 2.526, 2.453, 2.443, 2.495, 2.144, 2.179, 2.478, 2.531]]]) Little difference in durations, evt times np.c_[msab.c_ttab[0].T].view('datetime64[us]') # SEvt start times (UTC) opticks/sysrap/stimer.h (std::chrono) array([['2023-04-15T17:35:25.726622', '2023-04-15T17:41:01.654181'], ['2023-04-15T17:35:28.315248', '2023-04-15T17:41:03.957860'], ... ['2023-04-15T17:35:50.840385', '2023-04-15T17:41:23.207810']], dtype='datetime64[us]') msab.c2tab # c2sum, c2n, c2per for each event array([[28.08 , 21.765, 24.036, 14.987, 12.353, 29.081, 23.99 , 18.305, 17.485, 20.135], [25. , 25. , 26. , 25. , 25. , 27. , 25. , 25. , 27. , 28. ], [ 1.123, 0.871, 0.924, 0.599, 0.494, 1.077, 0.96 , 0.732, 0.648, 0.719]]) # c2per for 10 evts msab.c2tab[0,:].sum()/msab.c2tab[1,:].sum() 0.8148 # c2per_tot
N=0,1 History Chi2 (target HAMA) : Consistent across 10 evt Overall Chi2 : 0.8148
cd ~/j/ntds ; N=0 ./ ana
10k : Unnatural Pyrex+Pyrex+Vac+Vac NNVT PMT geometry, with : export U4Recorder__FAKES_SKIP=1
cd ~/j/ntds ; N=1 ./ ana
10k : Natural Pyrex+Vacuum NNVT PMT geometry, no fakes, no skipping needed
cd ~/j/ntds ; ./ cf
QCF qcf : c2sum/c2n:c2per(C2CUT) 197.53/194:1.018 (30)
np.c_[siq,_quo,siq,sabo2,sc2,sabo1][:25] ## A-B history frequency chi2 comparison
[[' 0' 'TO BT BT BT BT SD ' ' 0' ' 33025 33400' ' 2.1170' ' 0 3']
[' 1' 'TO BT BT BT BT SA ' ' 1' ' 28317 27980' ' 2.0173' ' 3 4']
[' 2' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SA ' ' 2' ' 6205 6328' ' 1.2071' ' 10427 10543']
[' 3' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SA ' ' 3' ' 4684 4693' ' 0.0086' ' 8523 8481']
[' 4' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR BR SR SA ' ' 4' ' 1188 1174' ' 0.0830' ' 21107 21015']
[' 5' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT AB ' ' 5' ' 1008 961' ' 1.1219' ' 7713 9959']
[' 6' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR BR SA ' ' 6' ' 960 944' ' 0.1345' ' 20304 20311']
[' 7' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR SA ' ' 7' ' 951 900' ' 1.4052' ' 10387 10424']
[' 8' 'TO BT BT AB ' ' 8' ' 904 828' ' 3.3349' ' 14 126']
[' 9' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT AB ' ' 9' ' 629 587' ' 1.4507' ' 20503 20814']
['10' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT AB ' '10' ' 590 585' ' 0.0213' ' 86 8872']
['11' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SD ' '11' ' 445 462' ' 0.3186' ' 9137 9101']
['12' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SD ' '12' ' 445 435' ' 0.1136' ' 11465 7184']
['13' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SA ' '13' ' 445 437' ' 0.0726' ' 666 675']
['14' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SA ' '14' ' 423 426' ' 0.0106' ' 9090 9118']
['15' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SA ' '15' ' 387 414' ' 0.9101' ' 11478 7091']
['16' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT BT SD' '16' ' 381 404' ' 0.6739' ' 16538 16757']
['17' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR BR SR SR SA ' '17' ' 335 383' ' 3.2089' ' 22766 20996']
['18' 'TO BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT BT SA' '18' ' 356 327' ' 1.2313' ' 16336 16142']
['19' 'TO BT BT BT BT BT SR SR SR SA ' '19' ' 354 348' ' 0.0513' ' 10746 10369']
Chi2 comparison of photon histories for:
msab.c_itab array([[[22063, 22278, 21789, 21762, 21833, 22246, 21838, 21914, 22052, 21912], 0:ProcessHits_count [25986, 25956, 25693, 25834, 26009, 25528, 25944, 25642, 25787, 25522]], [[ 3512, 3517, 3541, 3496, 3576, 3434, 3607, 3484, 3542, 3552], 1:ProcessHits_true [ 3541, 3529, 3510, 3535, 3491, 3534, 3601, 3506, 3562, 3529]], [[18551, 18761, 18248, 18266, 18257, 18812, 18231, 18430, 18510, 18360], 2:ProcessHits_false [22445, 22427, 22183, 22299, 22518, 21994, 22343, 22136, 22225, 21993]], ... msab.c_itab[msab.ik.YSAVE,0].sum()/msab.c_itab[msab.ik.YSAVE,1].sum() 0.9978 # N=0/N=1 msab.c_ftab[0,1].sum()/msab.c_ftab[0,0].sum() 0.8766 # ratio of durations N=1/N=0 np.diff(msab.c_ttab)[0,1].sum()/np.diff(msab.c_ttab)[0,0].sum() 0.9107 # ratio of evt times N=1/N=0 np.diff(msab.c_ttab)/1e6 # seconds between event starts array([[[3.086, 3.643, 3.474, 3.063, 3.012, 3.149, 3.164, 3.192, 3.177], [2.942, 2.859, 2.8 , 2.798, 2.788, 2.827, 2.795, 2.8 , 3.767]]]) np.c_[msab.c_ttab[0].T].view('datetime64[us]') # SEvt start times (UTC) array([['2023-04-15T19:18:04.210151', '2023-04-15T19:22:38.213798'], ['2023-04-15T19:18:07.296470', '2023-04-15T19:22:41.155448'], ... ['2023-04-15T19:18:33.170123', '2023-04-15T19:23:04.588021']], dtype='datetime64[us]') msab.c2tab # c2sum, c2n, c2per for each event array([[21.007, 30.807, 31.403, 33.485, 14.285, 42.094, 40.497, 21.573, 31.372, 22.241], [31. , 33. , 33. , 32. , 32. , 31. , 30. , 31. , 34. , 31. ], [ 0.678, 0.934, 0.952, 1.046, 0.446, 1.358, 1.35 , 0.696, 0.923, 0.717]]) # >> 1. would indicate bug msab.c2tab[0,:].sum()/msab.c2tab[1,:].sum() 0.9081 # c2per_tot
N=0,1 History Chi2 (target NNVT) : Consistent across 10 evt : Overall Chi2 0.9081
cd ~/j/ntds ; ./ cfmeta c_itab array([[[11274, 11012, 10851, 11422, 11372, 11151, 11535, 11250, 11123, 11001], N=0 ProcessHits_count [13990, 13709, 13649, 13709, 14365, 14609, 13600, 13869, 14686, 14014]], N=1 [[ 1820, 1724, 1696, 1740, 1806, 1721, 1748, 1745, 1763, 1713], ProcessHits_true [ 1722, 1654, 1702, 1757, 1791, 1761, 1690, 1769, 1763, 1820]], ... [[ 9214, 9051, 8905, 9427, 9326, 9206, 9531, 9242, 9131, 9055], NEDEP [11990, 11762, 11674, 11658, 12290, 12558, 11621, 11829, 12641, 11923]], [[ 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0], NBOUND [ 21, 31, 29, 28, 33, 36, 26, 34, 32, 32]], ## More sensitive Pyrex with N=1 ... [[ 1820, 1724, 1696, 1740, 1806, 1721, 1748, 1745, 1763, 1713], YSAVE [ 1722, 1654, 1702, 1757, 1791, 1761, 1690, 1769, 1763, 1820]], np.diff(c_ttab)/1e6 # seconds between event starts [[[2.76 2.586 3.106 3.033 3.231 2.62 2.772 2.69 3.112] ## Little difference, timings dominated by recording overheads however [3.026 2.71 2.858 2.842 3.094 2.874 2.836 2.841 2.708]]] np.c_[c_ttab[0,0].view('datetime64[us]'),c_ttab[0,1].view('datetime64[us]')] # event start times (UTC) [['2023-04-14T13:16:14.802047' '2023-04-14T13:24:48.696600'] ['2023-04-14T13:16:17.561901' '2023-04-14T13:24:51.722786'] ... c2tab # c2sum, c2n, c2per for each event : Chi2 comparing simulation histories array([[67.968, 54.336, 57.879, 50.578, 68.72 , 64.923, 60.431, 79.85 , 68.574, 60.395], [63. , 62. , 63. , 69. , 60. , 63. , 62. , 66. , 64. , 64. ], [ 1.079, 0.876, 0.919, 0.733, 1.145, 1.031, 0.975, 1.21 , 1.071, 0.944]]) ## Consistent histories between N=0, N=1 c2per_tot: 0.9963 ## Combined Chi2 over all 10 events : close to 1.
export OPTICKS_INPUT_PHOTON=GridXY_X1000_Z1000_40k_f8.npy export OPTICKS_INPUT_PHOTON_FRAME=NNVT:0:1000 MODE=3 EDL=1 N=0 EYE=500,0,2300 CHECK=not_first ~/j/ntds/ ana
Photon step points from grid of input photons target NNVT:0:1000 (POM:1)
POM=0 ntds2_cf ## Check No PMT Optical model
Photon step points from grid of input photons target NNVT:0:1000 (POM:0)
EVT=001 ~/j/ntds/ cf ## Chi2 history check for 1 evt c2sum/c2n:c2per(C2CUT) 64.20/69:0.930 (30) np.c_[siq,_quo,siq,sabo2,sc2,sabo1][:25] ## A-B history frequency chi2 comparison [[' 0' 'TO BT BT BT BT SD ' ' 0' ' 27052 27168' ' 0.2482' ' 0 0'] [' 1' 'TO SA ' ' 1' ' 3099 3078' ' 0.0714' ' 78 77'] [' 2' 'TO AB ' ' 2' ' 948 908' ' 0.8621' ' 33 2'] [' 3' 'TO DR BT SA ' ' 3' ' 872 929' ' 1.8040' ' 132 138'] [' 4' 'TO BT SD ' ' 4' ' 889 881' ' 0.0362' ' 8241 8241'] [' 5' 'TO BT BT AB ' ' 5' ' 343 314' ' 1.2801' ' 74 223'] [' 6' 'TO BT BT SA ' ' 6' ' 278 274' ' 0.0290' ' 479 1032'] [' 7' 'TO DR BT DR BT SA ' ' 7' ' 239 226' ' 0.3634' ' 154 134'] [' 8' 'TO BT BT BR BT BT SA ' ' 8' ' 200 229' ' 1.9604' ' 128 176'] [' 9' 'TO BT SA ' ' 9' ' 181 177' ' 0.0447' ' 8439 8240'] ['10' 'TO DR BT BT BT BT SD ' '10' ' 162 176' ' 0.5799' ' 162 537'] NEVT=3 ~/j/ntds/ cfmeta ## Compare counts, chi2 for 3 events array([[[31967, 31903, 32017], N=0 0:ProcessHits_count array([[[6.679, 6.614, 6.632], 0:SEvt__TimerDone [33305, 33464, 33416]], N=1 [6.192, 6.146, 6.107]]]) [[ 8732, 8693, 8745], 1:ProcessHits_true msab.c2tab # c2sum, c2n, c2per for each event [ 8696, 8772, 8717]], array([[42.234, 64.198, 51.987], [[ 2155, 2149, 2086], 8:NEDEP [66. , 69. , 67. ], [ 3443, 3577, 3552]], [ 0.64 , 0.93 , 0.776]]) [[ 134, 114, 130], 9:NBOUND [ 134, 131, 129]],
Geant4 FastSim based junoPMTOpticalModel implementation has incorrect polarization and propagation time within PMT and also overcomplex 4 volume PMT geometry
Pivot Branch
Merge Request
My checks are mostly between the N=0,N=1 implementations in the branch.
Some sanity checks (eg hit counts, time distribution of hits) between:
Good to check both with and without the PMT Optical Model
Aim is to confirm that any differences are small.
Small effect expected as:
Although expect small effect on hits, needs to be fixed for Opticks full photon validation to match.