JUNO+Opticks Photons : Validation and Deployment Plan

JUNO+Opticks Photons : Validation and Deployment Plan

Open source, https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks

Opticks replaces Geant4 optical photon simulation with an equivalent implementation that benefits from state-of-the-art GPU ray tracing from NVIDIA OptiX. All optically relevant aspects of Geant4 context must be translated+copied to GPU:

  • geometry : solids, structure, material+surface properties
  • generation : Cerenkov + Scintillation (using Gensteps from Geant4)
  • propagation : Rayleigh scattering, absorption, reemission, boundary

Achieving+maintaining equivalence is time consuming, BUT:

  • transformative performance benefits >1000x Geant4

Simon C Blyth, IHEP, CAS — 18 Jan 2022, JUNO Collaboration Meeting


Geant4OpticksWorkflow 2

Geometry/Translation Issues Summary

Fastener : interfering subtraction-of-subtraction issue

  • TODO: further checks before making it default
  • could add "cavity" volume to avoid geo change

Cutdown PMT breaks Opticks translation

solidXJfixture : ~10/64 overlaps with fasteners

solidXJfixture : extreme coincidence, many spurious intersects

Other Progress Summary

GPU Cerenkov float/double investigations


2D Opticks Geometry Slicing

2D Opticks Geometry Slicing

Planar 2D ray tracing to give slice renders for translated geometry debug


New transform enabled TORCH genstep (num_gs,6,4,4)


Transform local frame photon source positions (eg XZ plane, XYZ grid) into global frame using transforms of any piece of geometry.

671 template <typename T> inline QSIM_METHOD void qsim<T>::generate_photon_torch(quad4& p, curandStateXORWOW& rng, const quad6& gs)
672 {
673     p.q0.f = gs.q1.f ;  // start with local frame position, eg (0,0,0)
675     float u = curand_uniform(&rng);
676     float sinPhi, cosPhi;
677     sincosf(2.f*M_PIf*u,&sinPhi,&cosPhi);
679     //  local frame XZ plane directions
680     p.q1.f.x = cosPhi ;  p.q1.f.y = 0.f    ;  p.q1.f.z = sinPhi ;  p.q1.f.w = 0.f ;
682     qat4 qt(gs) ; // copy 4x4 transform from last 4 quads of genstep
683     qt.right_multiply_inplace( p.q0.f, 1.f );   // position            transform local->global
684     qt.right_multiply_inplace( p.q1.f, 0.f );   // direction
685 }

PMT Mask Modelling Fix

PMT Mask Modelling Fix


mask tail "bowl" cutting across PMT bulb ?

Hama_1_figs_positions_mpplt_pid.png 2

PMT Mask CSG Modelling Fix

coincident face CSG subtraction issue


Fastener : interfering subtraction-of-subtraction issue

quicktime 2 lAddition_uni_acrylic3


Daughter Cavity

Fastener : interfering subtraction-of-subtraction issue

If gap between acrylic cone and steel rods is not important

Model with hierarchy of 2 volumes:

This is the approach taken with option:


If gap between acrylic cone and steel rods is important

Model with hierarchy of 3 volumes:

How to handle Opticks CSG colocated sub-sub limitation A-(B-C)

Multiple non-interfering CSG subtractions work fine

CSG Sub. "pipe" cylinder => spurious inner intersects

Problem Arises from inherent CSG fragility regarding coincident faces

Possibility : Volume-centric CSG Implementation more like Geant4 ?

Opticks CSG is surface-centric

2D Geant4 Geometry Slicing

2D Geant4 Geometry Slicing

X4IntersectSolidTest : Geant4 2D cross-sections of single G4VSolid

  1. get G4VSolid from j/PMTSim with PMTSim::GetSolid
  2. SEvent::GenerateCenterExtentGenstepsPhotons creates grid of 2D planar "rays"
  3. X4Intersect::scan uses X4Intersect::Distance and collects intersect positions into NP array
  4. X4IntersectSolidTest.py presents the intersect positions with scatter plots
G4double X4Intersect::Distance(const G4VSolid* solid,
          const G4ThreeVector& pos, const G4ThreeVector& dir)
    EInside in =  solid->Inside(pos) ; G4double t = kInfinity ;
    switch( in ) {
        case kInside:  t = solid->DistanceToOut( pos, dir ) ; break ;
        case kSurface: t = solid->DistanceToOut( pos, dir ) ; break ;
        case kOutside: t = solid->DistanceToIn(  pos, dir ) ; break ; }
    return t ;





X4IntersectVolumeTest : Geant4 2D cross-sections of G4VPhysicalVolume

G4VPhysicalVolume has no convenient "Distance" methods ... so scan solids individually and present together after applying structure transforms.

  1. get G4VPhysicalVolume from j/PMTSim with PMTSim::GetPV
  2. collect and save structure transforms PMTSim::SaveTransforms for each solid
  3. X4Intersect::Scan each solid and persist in NP arrays
  4. present together using X4IntersectVolumeTest.py

Usage of xxv.sh script which runs executable and ipython:

cd ~/opticks/extg4
GEOM=body_phys ./xxv.sh




Cutdown PMT

Cutdown PMT breaks Opticks translation

Hamamatsu PMT Solid breaking Opticks : CSG tree height 8 : TOO DEEP

ZSolid::Draw [-1] nameprefix _body_solid_  NODE:19 PRIM:10 UNDEFINED:19 EXCLUDE:0 INCLUDE:0 MIXED:0 Order:IN                            Int

                                                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
                                                                                                                        U                       U
                                                                                                                        15                      18

                                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
                                                                                                        U                       U
                                                                                                        13                      16

                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
                                                                                        U                       U
                                                                                        11                      14

                                                                        Uni                     Ell
                                                                        U                       U
                                                                        9                       12

                                        Uni                                     Pol
                                        U                                       U
                                        5                                       10

                        Uni                             Sub
                        U                               U
                        3                               7

        Uni                     Ell             Pol             Tor
        U                       U               U               U
        1                       4               6               8

Ell             Pol
U               U
0               2

0.0             -2.5            -5.0            -179.2          -210.0          -242.5          -275.0          -385.0          -420.0          3.4     zdelta

190.0           0.0             -5.0            -148.4          -130.0          -210.0          -275.0          -350.0          -420.0          190.0   az1
0.0             -5.0            -195.0          -210.0          -290.0          -275.0          -365.0          -420.0          -450.0          -183.2  az0

I       1_2     II      1_3     III     1_4     IV_tub  IV      IV_tor  1_5     V       1_6     VI      1_8     VIII    1_9     IX      cut     intubs

Hamamatsu PMT Solid : PROFLIGATE G4ItersectionSolid Z-Cut

Bad Practice : Using G4IntersectionSolid to apply Z-cut to PMT

485     // Reduce the size when real surface is enabled.
487     if (m_useRealSurface ) {
546         const double body_height = m_pmt_h;
547         const double body_half_height = body_height / 2;
548         const G4ThreeVector cut_body_displacement(0., 0., m_z_equator-pmt_half_height);
549         G4VSolid* cut_body_solid = new G4Tubs( GetName() + "_body_solid_intubs",
550                                               0.,
551                                               helper_sep_tube_r+1E-9*mm,
552                                               body_half_height,
553                                               0., 360.*degree);
554         body_solid = new G4IntersectionSolid( GetName() + "_body_solid_cut",
555                                                 body_solid,
556                                                 cut_body_solid,
557                                                 NULL,
558                                                 cut_body_displacement);

SOLUTION ACTUALLY CUT THE CSG TREE using https://github.com/simoncblyth/j/blob/main/PMTSim/ZSolid.hh

G4VSolid* ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree( const G4VSolid* original, double zcut)

j/PMTSim : ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree

G4VSolid* ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree(const G4VSolid* orig, double zcut)


Applying Z-cut to G4VSolid CSG Tree

  1. classify tree nodes INCLUDE/EXCLUDE against Z-cut
  2. identify "crux" nodes dividing INCLUDE/EXCLUDE subtrees
  3. prune at crux nodes by tree surgery reconnections
  4. repeat until all tree nodes are INCLUDE

Pruning and Reconnection

Geant4 Booleans not intended to be modified
-> required "placement new" trickery

ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree classify tree nodes against Z-cut

ZSolid::apply_cut before prune [ 0] nameprefix maker_body_solid_zcut-183.2246_  NODE:15 PRIM:8 UNDEFINED:0 EXCLUDE:4 INCLUDE:7 MIXED:4 Order:IN
             I : include                                                                                IE
             E : exclude
                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
             IE: mixed include/exclude                                                  IE                      E
                                                                                        11                      14
             X : "crux" node
                                                                        Uni                     Pol
             S : survivor node                                          IE                      E
                                                                        9                       12

                                                        Uni                     Ell
                                                        IE                      E
                                                        7                       10
                                        Uni                     Pol
                                        I                       E
                                        5                       8
                        Uni                     Pol
                        I                       I
                        3                       6

        Uni                     Ell
        I                       I
        1                       4

Ell             Pol
I               I
0               2

0.0             -2.5            -5.0            -179.2          -242.5          -275.0          -385.0          -420.0  zdelta

190.0           0.0             -5.0            -162.0          -210.0          -275.0          -350.0          -420.0  az1
0.0             -5.0            -183.2          -183.2          -275.0          -365.0          -420.0          -450.0  az0

I       1_2     II      1_3     III     1_4     IV      1_5     V       1_6     VI      1_8     VIII    1_9     IX

CSG constituents are classified INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/MIXED against the Z-cut

ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree : (2) prune + reconnect tree

tree::apply_cut after prune and re-classify [ 3] nameprefix maker_body_solid_zcut-183.2246_


                        Uni                     Pol
                        I                       I
                        3                       6

        Uni                     Ell
        I                       I
        1                       4

Ell             Pol
I               I
0               2

0.0             -2.5            -5.0            -179.2  zdelta

190.0           0.0             -5.0            -162.0  az1
0.0             -5.0            -183.2          -183.2  az0
I       1_2     II      1_3     III     1_4     IV

Getting JUNO to work on GPU, improves it on CPU too










Render Speed Check

Render Speed Check



-e t0, : NOT 0 : 3084:sWorld : exclude global remainder volumes


Comparison of ray traced render times of different geometry
simple way to find issues, eg over complex CSG, overlarge BBox


Same viewpoint inside JUNO Central Detector, vary included volumes
ray trace performance very sensitive to geometry and its modelling => BVH structure

[Dec 2021] JUNO : OptiX 7 Ray Trace Times ~2M-pix : TITAN RTX

idx -e time(s) relative enabled geometry description 3dbec4dc
0 5, 0.0004 0.0643 ONLY: 1:sStrutBallhead
1 9, 0.0004 0.0658 ONLY: 130:sPanel
2 7, 0.0005 0.0782 ONLY: 1:base_steel
3 8, 0.0006 0.0966 ONLY: 1:uni_acrylic1
4 6, 0.0006 0.1009 ONLY: 1:uni1
5 1, 0.0009 0.1476 ONLY: 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid FAST cf 20in
6 4, 0.0015 0.2386 ONLY: 4:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
7 3, 0.0033 0.5373 ONLY: 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask SLOW cf 3in
8 0, 0.0040 0.6556 ONLY: 3084:sWorld
9 2, 0.0040 0.6627 ONLY: 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask SLOW cf 3in
10 t4, 0.0050 0.8307 EXCL: 4:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
11 t2, 0.0051 0.8391 EXCL: 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
12 t3, 0.0052 0.8514 EXCL: 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
13 t6, 0.0053 0.8799 EXCL: 1:uni1
14 t7, 0.0054 0.8809 EXCL: 1:base_steel
15 t0 0.0054 0.8843 ALL
16 t5, 0.0054 0.8843 EXCL: 1:sStrutBallhead
17 t9, 0.0054 0.8855 EXCL: 130:sPanel
18 t1, 0.0054 0.8860 EXCL: 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid
19 t8, 0.0055 0.9013 EXCL: 1:uni_acrylic1
20 t0, 0.0059 0.9753 EXCL: 3084:sWorld
21 1,2,3,4 0.0061 1.0000 ONLY PMT
22 t8,0 0.0062 1.0217 EXCL: 1:uni_acrylic1 3084:sWorld

Perhaps solid angle correction would even out render speeds

History Matching Check

History Matching Check

tds3gun.sh history check

epsilon:ana blyth$ tds3gun.sh 1    ## seqhis: 64bit uint : 16x4bit step flags for each photon
.    all_seqhis_ana  cfo:sum  1:g4live:tds3gun   -1:g4live:tds3gun
.           TOTALS:    11300    11300                    94.69     94.69/62 =  1.53   pvalue:P[C2>]:1.000  1-pvalue:P[C2<]:0.000
   n        iseq        a        b      a-b   (a-b)^2/(a+b)    a/b                  b/a          [ns]   label
0000    7cccccc2     1832     1795       37      0.38        1.021 +- 0.024       0.980 +- 0.023 [8 ]   SI BT BT BT BT BT BT SD
0001          42     1727     1683       44      0.57        1.026 +- 0.025       0.975 +- 0.024 [2 ]   SI AB
0002   7cccccc62      766      713       53      1.90        1.074 +- 0.039       0.931 +- 0.035 [9 ]   SI SC BT BT BT BT BT BT SD
0003   7cccccc52      522      518        4      0.02        1.008 +- 0.044       0.992 +- 0.044 [9 ]   SI RE BT BT BT BT BT BT SD
0004         452      515      505       10      0.10        1.020 +- 0.045       0.981 +- 0.044 [3 ]   SI RE AB
0005         462      379      377        2      0.01        1.005 +- 0.052       0.995 +- 0.051 [3 ]   SI SC AB
0006          41      256      262       -6      0.07        0.977 +- 0.061       1.023 +- 0.063 [2 ]   CK AB
0007  7cccccc662      246      249       -3      0.02        0.988 +- 0.063       1.012 +- 0.064 [10]   SI SC SC BT BT BT BT BT BT SD
0008  7cccccc652      212      230      -18      0.73        0.922 +- 0.063       1.085 +- 0.072 [10]   SI RE SC BT BT BT BT BT BT SD
0009  7cccccc552      167      168       -1      0.00        0.994 +- 0.077       1.006 +- 0.078 [10]   SI RE RE BT BT BT BT BT BT SD
0010        4552      173      162       11      0.36        1.068 +- 0.081       0.936 +- 0.074 [4 ]   SI RE RE AB
0011        8cc2      118      173      -55     10.40        0.682 +- 0.063       1.466 +- 0.111 [4 ]   SI BT BT SA
0012        4652      119      120       -1      0.00        0.992 +- 0.091       1.008 +- 0.092 [4 ]   SI RE SC AB
0013  cccccc6662      124      104       20      1.75        1.192 +- 0.107       0.839 +- 0.082 [10]   SI SC SC SC BT BT BT BT BT BT
0014  cccccc6652      111      114       -3      0.04        0.974 +- 0.092       1.027 +- 0.096 [10]   SI RE SC SC BT BT BT BT BT BT
0015        4662      100      110      -10      0.48        0.909 +- 0.091       1.100 +- 0.105 [4 ]   SI SC SC AB
.        TOTALS:    11300    11300              94.69     94.69/62 =  1.53   pvalue:P[C2>]:1.000  1-pvalue:P[C2<]:0.000

prior check excluded sticks geometry due to Fastener, giving chi2/ndf ~ 1 : (now with full geometry : ~1.5 )

Largest discrepancy is an Opticks lack of "SI BT BT SA" compared to Geant4

History Check : largest Chi2 contribs

Selecting the largest chi2 contribs:

In [4]: np.set_printoptions(linewidth=100)

In [5]: ab.his.ss[ab.his.c2 > 2]
array(['0011             8cc2      118     173       -55           10.40     SI BT BT SA',
       '0018        7ccccccc2       70      100      -30            5.29     SI BT BT BT BT BT BT BT SD',
       '0019       cccccccc62       77       59       18            2.38     SI SC BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT',
       '0031       ccccc66652       35       54      -19            4.06     SI RE SC SC SC BT BT BT BT BT',
       '0042            4ccc2       54        8       46           34.13     SI BT BT BT AB',
       '0045       ccccc65552       21       36      -15            3.95     SI RE RE RE SC BT BT BT BT BT',
       '0059       cccbcccc52       24       13       11            3.27     SI RE BT BT BT BT BR BT BT BT'],

In [6]:

"Counterpart" Opticks excess is "SI BT BT BT AB" which happens very little for Geant4.

Fixing that one pair of discrepancies would get chi2/ndf below 1.

Looks like only one issue big enough to chase at this sample size.

Delving in => PE_PA solid is discrepant => XJfixtureConstruction

In [8]: a.sel = "SI BT BT BT AB"   ## select Opticks photons with this history

In [9]: a.bn.shape
Out[9]: (54, 1, 4)

In [13]: a.bn.view(np.int8).shape
Out[13]: (54, 1, 16)

In [14]: a.bn.view(np.int8)   ## step-by-step boundary indices within selection, suspicious -24, 24 pairs
A([[[ 18, -17,  17,  24,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]],
   [[ 18, -17, -24,  24,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]],
   [[ 18, -17, -24,  24,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]],
   [[ 18, -17, -24,  24,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]],

In [26]: a.blib.bname(17-1)
Out[26]: 'Water///Acrylic'

In [27]: a.blib.bname(24-1)
Out[27]: 'Water///PE_PA'

epsilon:issues blyth$ jgr PE_PA
./Simulation/DetSimV2/CentralDetector/include/XJfixtureConstruction.hh:    G4Material* PE_PA ;
./Simulation/DetSimV2/CentralDetector/src/XJfixtureConstruction.cc:    PE_PA = G4Material::GetMaterial("PE_PA");
./Simulation/DetSimV2/CentralDetector/src/XJfixtureConstruction.cc:     PE_PA,

Delving in shows the excess Opticks photons absorbed by "PE_PA" and with suspicions sign flip last boundaries.

Investigate XJfixtureConstruction Solid

Investigate XJfixtureConstruction Solid


cd ~/opticks/extg4 ; GEOM=XJfixtureConstruction ./X4MeshTest.sh
view of Geant4 polygonized solidXJfixture
holy geometry : celtic cross (tubs + FOUR box) atop an altar (TWO box)
union of annular tubs and SIX boxes


COMP=custom_XY ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
cross section view of standalone solidXJfixture
All interior red intersects are spurious : not easy to fix.
probable cause of history discrepancy

So many spurious intersects : Easier to start over with fewer constituent solids

XJfixtureConstruction CSG Model

   Unexpected spurious vertical at 35          In Y box is at 50 +- 15
   (only appears with 4 box, not 2)                35    50     65
                                                    :     :     :                            altar frame      fixture frame
     -------------+                             +---+---+-+-----+        - - - - - - - - - - 18.5+13  = 31.5          6.5
     |            |                             |   :   |      13/2=6.5
     +            +                             +   :   + :     :         - - - - - - - - -  18.5+6.5 = 25            0.0
     |            |                             |   :   |       :
     +------------+----------------+-----25-----+---20--+-+-----+         - - - - - - -       8.5+10 =  18.5         -6.5
     |                                                          |
     +    up2                      +                            +       - - - - - - - - - -   8.5+5  = 13.5         -11.5
     |                                                          |
     +---------+^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+---------+       - - - - - - - - - -             8.5         -16.5
               |                                      |
               |                                     17/2=8.5
               +  up1                                 +                - - - - - - - - - -              0.0         -25.0
               |                                      |
               |                                      |
               +-------------------+-------40---------+            - - - - - - - - - - - - -           -8.5         -33.5

                                   |            |    :   |
        Z                          0            25   35  45
        |                                       |    :   |
        |                                       |    :   |
        +-- Y                                   |    :   outer tubs
       /                                        |    :
      X                                         |    spurious vertical from box edge (why? it is within the tubs ring)
                                                inner tubs

Due to construction technique and Geant4 limitations : simple anti-coincidence tricks cannot be used

Investigate XJfixtureConstruction Positions

Investigate XJfixtureConstruction Positions

RTP (Radial-Theta-Phi) Tangential Frames

RTP Tangential frame : target geometry without using instance frame
=> can be used for any geometry, eg non-instanced XJfixtureConstruction => consistent control of viewpoints or genstep grids for all placements

Render 64 solidXJfixture from same viewpoint in RTP frame of each

cd ~/opticks/CSGOptiX
for n in $(seq 0 63) ; do
  EYE=2,-1,-1 LOOK=0,0,0 UP=1,0,0 MOI=solidXJfixture:$n:-3 ./cxr_view.sh
MOI identifier picks volume using solid names and repeat indices
Instanced Geometry Global Geometry
NNVT:0:1000 solidXJfixture:10 (default cartesian XYZ)
Hama:0:2000 solidXJfixture:10:-3 (RTP tangential frame)

Components of MOI Mname:mOrdinal:InstanceIndex:

selects first volume with solid name starting with Mname
usually 0 with instanced geometry, or selects between global repeats
selects instanced repeat or with global geometry selects between frame types


Observations of the 64 solidXJfixture renders

LSExpDetectorConstruction::setupCD_Sticks Implemented poorly

12 large copy/pasted blocks of code with small changes in each

Clarity requires higher level code (simply use static method to handle the repetitive parts)


member class pos_file radius #pos
m_strut_name StrutAcrylicConstruction m_strut_pos_file strut_r 370
m_strut2_name StrutBar2AcrylicConstruction m_strut2_pos_file strut2_r 220
m_strutballhead_name StrutBallheadAcrylicConstruction m_fastener_pos_file strutballhead_r 590
m_fastener_name FastenerAcrylicConstruction m_fastener_pos_file fastener_r
m_upper_name UpperAcrylicConstruction m_fastener_pos_file upper_r
m_addition_name AdditionAcrylicConstruction m_fastener_pos_file addition_r
m_xjanchor_name XJanchorConstruction m_xjanchor_pos_file xjanchor_r 56
m_xjfixture_name XJfixtureConstruction m_xjanchor_pos_file xjfixture_r
m_sjclsanchor_name SJCLSanchorConstruction m_sjclsanchor_pos_file sjclsanchor_r 2
m_sjfixture_name SJFixtureConstruction m_sjfixture_pos_file sjfixture_r 36
m_sjreceiver_name SJReceiverConstruction m_sjreceiver_pos_file sjreceiver_r 8
m_sjreceiver_fastener_name XJfixtureConstruction m_sjreceiver_pos_file sjreceiver_fastener_r



EYE=8,-4,-4 LOOK=0,0,0 MOI=solidXJfixture:55:-3 ./cxr_view.sh
view directly at the fixture, but not visible as uni_acrylic1 in front


EYE=1,-0.5,-0.5 LOOK=0,0,0 MOI=solidXJfixture:55:-3 ./cxr_view.sh
closer again, at same angle of view : fixture now visible, coincidence speckle between spherically curved uni_acrylic1 base and sAcrylic


COMP=PR_55 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
PR cross section view of solidXJfixture:55:-3 from the +ve T axis : solidXJfixture is bumping into uni1


EYE=32,-48,0 LOOK=32,0,0 CAM=1 ./cxr_view.sh
wider view using CAM=1 parallel projection : fixture visible at base of chimney


EYE=32,-48,0 LOOK=32,0,0 CAM=1 ZOOM=0.25 ./cxr_view.sh
even wider view from same position, but with ZOOM=0.25 increasing the field-of-view : TT now visible


COMP=TR_0 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
TR cross section view of solidXJfixture:0:-3 which is mid-chimney showing overlap with solidSJReceiver


COMP=TP_0 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
Same TP "tangential" cross section view of solidXJfixture:0:-3 but lower in radial direction showing crossed "celtic-crosses"


COMP=TR_2 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
TR cross section view of solidXJfixture:2:-3 showing positioning at sTarget radius (first 0-7 are at this lower radius)


COMP=TR_52 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
TR cross section view of solidXJfixture:52:-3 showing positioning at higher radius inside uni_acrylic1


EYE=2,-1,-1 MOI=solidXJfixture:41:-3 ./cxr_view.sh
cxr render of solidXJfixture:41:-3 shows it poking out of uni_acrylic1


COMP=PR_41 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
PR cross section view of solidXJfixture:41:-3 showing uni_acrylic1 cutting across the fixture


COMP=PR_41 ./cxs_solidXJfixture.sh
closer PR cross section view of solidXJfixture:41:-3 showing uni_acrylic1 cutting across the fixture

Investigate XJanchorConstruction Solid

Investigate XJanchorConstruction Solid


Spurious Geant4 Intersects Visible on line between cone and cylinder
not fixed by expanding cylinder upwards, goes away when dont subtract acrylic sphere

Investigate SJReceiverConstruction Solid

Investigate SJReceiverConstruction Solid


GEOM=SJReceiverConstruction EYE=1,1,0.2 ZOOM=2.5 ./X4MeshTest.sh
union of two unconnected parts : inner cone face is spherically curved

Geant4 docs : component solids must not be disjoint


cd ~/opticks/extg4 ; GEOM=SJReceiverConstruction_XZ ./xxs.sh






Stick Geometry Issue Overview

class solid lv mat G4VSolid constituents
StrutAcrylicConstruction sStrut lSteel StrutSteel Tubs
StrutBar2AcrylicConstruction sStrut lSteel2 StrutSteel Tubs
StrutBallheadAcrylicConstruction sStrutBallhead lSteel Steel Orb
FastenerAcrylicConstruction uni1 lFasteners Steel Tubs, Union
UpperAcrylicConstruction (1) base_steel lUpper Steel Polycone
AdditionAcrylicConstruction (2) uni_acrylic3/1 lAddition Acrylic Polycone, Sphere, Sub.
XJanchorConstruction (3) solidXJanchor lXJanchor Acrylic Tubs, Cons, Sphere, Sub., Union
XJfixtureConstruction (4)(5) solidXJfixture lXJfixture PE_PA Tubs, Box, Union
SJCLSanchorConstruction solidSJCLSanchor lSJCLSanchor Acrylic Box, Cons, Sphere, Sub., Union
SJFixtureConstruction solidSJFixture lSJFixture Acrylic Box, Cons, Sphere, Sub., Union
SJReceiverConstruction (6) solidSJReceiver lSJReceiver Acrylic Tubs, Cons, Box, Sphere, Sub., Union
  1. DONE : fixed Opticks Polycone with multiple Rmin translation
  2. needs --additionacrylic-simplify-csg to fix daughter volume cavity subtraction (TODO: make default)
  3. spurious Geant4 intersects observed (subtracting big sphere implicated, TODO: try without)
  4. overlaps uni_acylic1, uni1, self (WIP: Yuxiang assigned to update positions)
  5. spurious coincidences (TODO: try simpler CSG modelling)
  6. disjoint union + overlap with solidXJfixture


JUNO Simulation -> Opticks -> GPU
  1. drastically faster GPU sim. in production
  2. improved CPU sim. speed + correctness
  • running out of geometry to have issues
  • issues getting smaller, are converging

Many Thanks to : Yuxiang Hu, Wang Zike

https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks code repository
https://simoncblyth.bitbucket.io presentations and videos

Extra Slides : G4Cerenkov Improvement, Cerenkov on GPU

Extra Slides : G4Cerenkov Improvement, CK on GPU

Frank-Tamm Formula : Cerenkov Photon Yield /mm at BetaInverse

          N_photon/369.81  =    Integral ( 1 - -----------------  )  dE         where   BetaInverse < ri[E]

                            =   Integral [ 1 ] dE -  BetaInverse^2 * Integral[ 1./(ri[E]*ri[E]) ] dE

G4Cerenkov::BuildThePhysicsTable -> CerenkovAngleIntegrals (misnomer)

Problems with G4Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons integration

636   G4double CAImax = CerenkovAngleIntegrals->GetMaxValue();
638   G4double dp, ge;
642   if (nMax < BetaInverse)        // ... no photons
649   else if (nMin > BetaInverse) {
650      dp = Pmax - Pmin;
651      ge = CAImax;
660   } else {
661      Pmin = Rindex->GetEnergy(BetaInverse);
662      dp = Pmax - Pmin;
667      G4double CAImin = CerenkovAngleIntegrals->GetValue(Pmin, isOutRange);
668      ge = CAImax - CAImin;
674   }
677   G4double NumPhotons = Rfact * charge/eplus * charge/eplus * (dp - ge * BetaInverse*BetaInverse);



Alternative "s2" integral approach : more precise, simpler, faster

Integral [ 1. -  ----------------------- ] (for BetaInverse < RINDEX)
                 RINDEX * RINDEX

Integral [ 1. - cos^2 theta ]

Integral [ sin^2 theta ]

Integral [ s2 ]             ( s2 > 0 )

Do not split the integral, do "s2" integral in one pass. Advantages:

Monte Carlo "Rejection Sampling" VS "Inverse Transform Sampling"

Sampling : generate (x0,x1,x2,... ) that follow distribution f(x)

Rejection Sampling (used by current G4Cerenkov)

Inverse Transform (ICDF) Sampling

Cerenkov radiation is electromagnetic equivalent of sonic boom in air or bow waves in water


Chi2 comparison of Rejection and ICDF Lookup Cerenkov energy samples

Created with:

cd ~/opticks/qudarap
QCerenkovIntegralTest   # create ICDF lookups for many BetaInverse
QCKTest                 # load ICDF, create lookup+rejection samples
ipython -i tests/QCKTest.py   # chi2 comparisons on energy distribs

Plots show:

Note: ICDF becomes flat in disallowed energy regions


