Opticks : JUNO PMT Modelling Issue

  • Hamamatsu PMT Solid breaking Opticks
    • CSG tree height 8 : TOO DEEP
    • PROFLIGATE : G4ItersectionSolid Z-Cut
    • SOLUTION : ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree : Actually Cut the CSG Tree
  • Tools for development of solution ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree
    • PMTSim::GetSolid PMTSim::GetPV
    • X4IntersectTest
    • ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree algorithm
  • new Opticks pkg : GeoChain
    • single executables handle full chain of geometry conversions
Simon C Blyth, 2021/11/17

Hamamatsu PMT Solid breaking Opticks : CSG tree height 8 : TOO DEEP

ZSolid::Draw [-1] nameprefix _body_solid_  NODE:19 PRIM:10 UNDEFINED:19 EXCLUDE:0 INCLUDE:0 MIXED:0 Order:IN                            Int

                                                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
                                                                                                                        U                       U
                                                                                                                        15                      18

                                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
                                                                                                        U                       U
                                                                                                        13                      16

                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
                                                                                        U                       U
                                                                                        11                      14

                                                                        Uni                     Ell
                                                                        U                       U
                                                                        9                       12

                                        Uni                                     Pol
                                        U                                       U
                                        5                                       10

                        Uni                             Sub
                        U                               U
                        3                               7

        Uni                     Ell             Pol             Tor
        U                       U               U               U
        1                       4               6               8

Ell             Pol
U               U
0               2

0.0             -2.5            -5.0            -179.2          -210.0          -242.5          -275.0          -385.0          -420.0          3.4     zdelta

190.0           0.0             -5.0            -148.4          -130.0          -210.0          -275.0          -350.0          -420.0          190.0   az1
0.0             -5.0            -195.0          -210.0          -290.0          -275.0          -365.0          -420.0          -450.0          -183.2  az0

I       1_2     II      1_3     III     1_4     IV_tub  IV      IV_tor  1_5     V       1_6     VI      1_8     VIII    1_9     IX      cut     intubs

Hamamatsu PMT Solid : PROFLIGATE G4ItersectionSolid Z-Cut

Using G4IntersectionSolid to apply Z-cut to PMT

485     // Reduce the size when real surface is enabled.
486     // Tao Lin, 09 Aug 2021
487     if (m_useRealSurface ) {
546         const double body_height = m_pmt_h;
547         const double body_half_height = body_height / 2;
548         const G4ThreeVector cut_body_displacement(0., 0., m_z_equator-pmt_half_height);
549         G4VSolid* cut_body_solid = new G4Tubs( GetName() + "_body_solid_intubs",
550                                               0.,
551                                               helper_sep_tube_r+1E-9*mm,
552                                               body_half_height,
553                                               0., 360.*degree);
554         body_solid = new G4IntersectionSolid( GetName() + "_body_solid_cut",
555                                                 body_solid,
556                                                 cut_body_solid,
557                                                 NULL,
558                                                 cut_body_displacement);

SOLUTION ACTUALLY CUT THE CSG TREE using https://github.com/simoncblyth/j/blob/main/PMTSim/ZSolid.hh

G4VSolid* ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree( const G4VSolid* original, double zcut)

j/PMTSim : Standalone Provider of JUNO PMT Solids and Volumes

G4VSolid* body_solid = PMTSim::GetSolid("body_solid");
G4VSolid* inner1_solid = PMTSim::GetSolid("inner1_solid");

G4VPhysicalVolume* body_phys = PMTSim::GetPV("body_phys");

X4IntersectSolidTest : Geant4 2D cross-sections of single G4VSolid

  1. get G4VSolid from j/PMTSim with PMTSim::GetSolid
  2. SEvent::GenerateCenterExtentGenstepsPhotons creates grid of 2D planar "rays"
  3. X4Intersect::scan uses X4Intersect::Distance and collects intersect positions into NP array
  4. X4IntersectSolidTest.py presents the intersect positions with scatter plots
G4double X4Intersect::Distance(const G4VSolid* solid,
          const G4ThreeVector& pos, const G4ThreeVector& dir)
    EInside in =  solid->Inside(pos) ; G4double t = kInfinity ;
    switch( in ) {
        case kInside:  t = solid->DistanceToOut( pos, dir ) ; break ;
        case kSurface: t = solid->DistanceToOut( pos, dir ) ; break ;
        case kOutside: t = solid->DistanceToIn(  pos, dir ) ; break ; }
    return t ;





j/PMTSim : ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree

G4VSolid* ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree(const G4VSolid* orig, double zcut)


Applying Z-cut to G4VSolid CSG Tree

  1. classify tree nodes INCLUDE/EXCLUDE against Z-cut
  2. identify "crux" nodes dividing INCLUDE/EXCLUDE subtrees
  3. prune at crux nodes by tree surgery reconnections
  4. repeat until all tree nodes are INCLUDE

Pruning and Reconnection

ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree classify tree nodes against Z-cut

ZSolid::apply_cut before prune [ 0] nameprefix maker_body_solid_zcut-183.2246_  NODE:15 PRIM:8 UNDEFINED:0 EXCLUDE:4 INCLUDE:7 MIXED:4 Order:IN
             I : include                                                                                IE
             E : exclude
                                                                                        Uni                     Pol
             IE: mixed include/exclude                                                  IE                      E
                                                                                        11                      14
             X : "crux" node
                                                                        Uni                     Pol
             S : survivor node                                          IE                      E
                                                                        9                       12

                                                        Uni                     Ell
                                                        IE                      E
                                                        7                       10
                                        Uni                     Pol
                                        I                       E
                                        5                       8
                        Uni                     Pol
                        I                       I
                        3                       6

        Uni                     Ell
        I                       I
        1                       4

Ell             Pol
I               I
0               2

0.0             -2.5            -5.0            -179.2          -242.5          -275.0          -385.0          -420.0  zdelta

190.0           0.0             -5.0            -162.0          -210.0          -275.0          -350.0          -420.0  az1
0.0             -5.0            -183.2          -183.2          -275.0          -365.0          -420.0          -450.0  az0

I       1_2     II      1_3     III     1_4     IV      1_5     V       1_6     VI      1_8     VIII    1_9     IX

ZSolid::ApplyZCutTree : (2) prune + reconnect tree

tree::apply_cut after prune and re-classify [ 3] nameprefix maker_body_solid_zcut-183.2246_  NODE:7 PRIM:4 UNDEFINED:0 EXCLUDE:0 INCLUDE:7 MIXED:0 Order:IN


                        Uni                     Pol
                        I                       I
                        3                       6

        Uni                     Ell
        I                       I
        1                       4

Ell             Pol
I               I
0               2

0.0             -2.5            -5.0            -179.2  zdelta

190.0           0.0             -5.0            -162.0  az1
0.0             -5.0            -183.2          -183.2  az0
I       1_2     II      1_3     III     1_4     IV










X4IntersectVolumeTest : Geant4 2D cross-sections of G4VPhysicalVolume

G4VPhysicalVolume has no convenient "Distance" methods ... so scan solids individually and present together after applying structure transforms.

  1. get G4VPhysicalVolume from j/PMTSim with PMTSim::GetPV
  2. collect and save structure transforms PMTSim::SaveTransforms for each solid
  3. X4Intersect::Scan each solid and persist in NP arrays
  4. present together using X4IntersectVolumeTest.py

Usage of xxv.sh script which runs executable and ipython:

cd ~/opticks/extg4
GEOM=body_phys ./xxv.sh








GeoChainSolidTest : single solid full chain of geometry conversions

new package for fast iteration geometry debugging by doing all geometry conversions in single executables

The solid to create is controlled by the name string obtained from envvar GEOM

  1. creates G4VSolid directly or from j/PMTSim
  2. invokes GeoChain::convert
    • (x4) X4PhysicalVolume::ConvertSolid : G4VSolid -> nnode -> GMesh/GPts
      • X4Solid::Convert converts G4VSolid into npy/nnode tree
      • NTreeProcess<nnode>::Process balances the nnode tree when that is configured
      • NCSG::Adopt wrap nnode tree enabling it to travel
      • X4Mesh::Convert converts G4VSolid into GMesh which has above created NCSG associated
    • (this) using placeholder GVolume the GMesh is added to a test GGeo
    • (cg) CSG_GGeo_Convert GGeo -> CSGFoundry
  3. saves geometry to $TMP/GeoChain/$GEOM/CSGFoundry/ (OptiX 7 compatible)

Subsequently can render this geometry, eg with CSGOptiX/cxs.sh using just the path to the CSGFoundry directory.

GeoChainVolumeTest : volume full chain of geometry conversions

WIP : Integrating ZSolid with j/PMTSim and then offline/PMTSim