LZ-Opticks-NVIDIA OptiX 6->7 : Notes

PROGRESS : OptiXTest -> CSG + CSGOptiX, added CSG_GGeo


LONGTERM POSSIBILITY : Populate CSGFoundry model direct from Geant4 geometry ? [Disruptive]

Simon C Blyth, May 18, 2021

New "Foundry" Model : Shared CPU/GPU Geometry Context

Simple intersect headers, common CPU/GPU types

https://github.com/simoncblyth/CSG "Foundry" model
simple headers common to pre-7/7/CPU-testing
Convert Opticks/GGeo -> CSGFoundry
OptiX 7 + pre-7 rendering

GAS : Geometry Acceleration Structure

IAS : Instance Acceleration Structure

CSG : Constructive Solid Geometry

OptiX 7 + pre-7 intersecting same CSGFoundry geometry


150 extern "C" __global__ void __intersection__is()
151 {
152 HitGroupData* hg  = (HitGroupData*)optixGetSbtDataPointer();
153 int numNode = hg->numNode ;
154 int nodeOffset = hg->nodeOffset ;
156 const CSGNode* node = params.node + nodeOffset ;
157 const float4* plan = params.plan ;
158 const qat4*   itra = params.itra ;
160 const float  t_min = optixGetRayTmin() ;
161 const float3 ray_origin = optixGetObjectRayOrigin();
162 const float3 ray_direction = optixGetObjectRayDirection();
164 float4 isect ;
165 if(intersect_prim(isect, numNode, node, plan, itra,
                     t_min , ray_origin, ray_direction ))
166 {
175     optixReportIntersection( isect.w, hitKind, a0, a1, a2, a3 );
176 }
177 }

Minimize code split : 7, pre-7, CPU testing : same intersect_prim

CSG_GGeo : loads Opticks/GGeo, converts to CSGFoundry model

 11 int main(int argc, char** argv)
 12 {
 13     OPTICKS_LOG(argc, argv);
 15     Opticks ok(argc, argv);
 16     ok.configure();
 18     GGeo* ggeo = GGeo::Load(&ok);
 20     CSGFoundry foundry ;
 21     CSG_GGeo_Convert conv(&foundry, ggeo) ;
 22     conv.convert();
 39     foundry.write(cfbase, rel );
 41     CSGFoundry* fd = CSGFoundry::Load(cfbase, rel);
 42     assert( 0 == CSGFoundry::Compare(&foundry, fd ) );
 44     return 0 ;
 45 }

[9]cxr_i0_t8,_-1 : EXCLUDE SLOWEST

Current JUNO Geometry : Auto-Factorized by "progeny digest"

ridx plc prim component note
0 1 3084 3084:sWorld non-repeated remainder
1 25600 5 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid 4 types of PMT
2 12612 5 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
3 5000 5 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
4 2400 5 5:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
5 590 1 1:sStrutBallhead 4 parts of same assembly, BUT not grouped as siblings (not parent-child)
6 590 1 1:uni1
7 590 1 1:base_steel
8 590 1 1:uni_acrylic3
9 504 130 130:sPanel repeated parts of TT

Increasing instancing : reduces memory for geometry -> improved performance

JUNO OptiX 7 : "Foundry" Geometry Scan

JUNO Geometry : OptiX 7 Ray Trace Times ~2M pixels : TITAN RTX

idx -e time(s) relative enabled geometry description
0 9, 0.0017 0.1702 ONLY: 130:sPanel
1 7, 0.0017 0.1714 ONLY: 1:base_steel
2 6, 0.0019 0.1923 ONLY: 1:uni1
3 5, 0.0027 0.2780 ONLY: 1:sStrutBallhead
4 4, 0.0032 0.3268 ONLY: 5:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
5 1, 0.0032 0.3287 ONLY: 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid
6 2, 0.0055 0.5669 ONLY: 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
7 3, 0.0074 0.7582 ONLY: 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
8 1,2,3,4 0.0097 1.0000 ONLY PMT
9 t8,0 0.0099 1.0179 EXCL: 1:uni_acrylic3 3084:sWorld
10 0, 0.1171 12.0293 ONLY: 3084:sWorld
11 t8, 0.1186 12.1769 EXCL: 1:uni_acrylic3
12 t0, 0.5278 54.2066 EXCL: 3084:sWorld
13 8, 0.5310 54.5298 ONLY: 1:uni_acrylic3
14 t3, 0.6017 61.7954 EXCL: 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
15 t2, 0.6043 62.0620 EXCL: 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
16 t5, 0.6171 63.3787 EXCL: 1:sStrutBallhead
17 t6, 0.6196 63.6301 EXCL: 1:uni1
18 t7, 0.6226 63.9458 EXCL: 1:base_steel
19 t0 0.6240 64.0879 3084:sWorld
20 t4, 0.6243 64.1169 EXCL: 5:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
21 t9, 0.6335 65.0636 EXCL: 130:sPanel
22 t1, 0.6391 65.6384 EXCL: 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid

JUNO ALL PMTs : 2M ray traced pixels in 0.0097 s : NVIDIA TITAN RTX, NVIDIA OptiX 7.0.0, Opticks

[8]cxr_i0_1,2,3,4_-1 ALL PMTs

/env/presentation/cxr/cxr_overview/cxr_i0_1,2,3,4_-1.jpg 1280px_720px

"Flat" look is a bug

Was only rendering the last Prim for GAS after the 1st

CAUSE: using globalPrimIdx for SBTIndexOffset : needs to be GAS local

[10]cxr_i0_0,_-1 ONLY GLOBAL "REMAINDER"

/env/presentation/cxr/cxr_overview/cxr_i0_0,_-1.jpg 1280px_720px

3084 "remainder" non-instance volumes : is far too many

Looks to be obvious repetitions missed by the auto-instancer

[9]cxr_i0_t8,_-1 EXCLUDE SLOWEST 1

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_overview/cam_0_tmin_0.4/cxr_overview_emm_t8,_moi_-1.jpg 1280px_720px

Flipping between this and the next, shows the missing Prim bug effect

[9]cxr_i0_t8,_-1 EXCLUDE SLOWEST 2

/env/presentation/cxr/cxr_overview/cxr_i0_t8,_-1.jpg 1280px_720px

Flipping between this and the prev, shows the missing Prim bug effect


Inside View with only global remainder geometry

Same viewpoint in OptiX 5,6 and 7


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_view/cam_0_1,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_view/cam_0_1,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_view/cam_0_1,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px


These renders use ONE_PRIM_SOLID envvar with the Converter to add CSGFoundry solids containing a single Prim only.

Example solid names: r1p0 r1p1 r1p2 r1p3 r1p4

Then can plot them all using:

./cxr_solid.sh r1p

The argument selects 5 single prim solids and puts them into an IAS with Y-translations.


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_view/cam_0_2,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_view/cam_0_2,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_view/cam_0_2,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

OptiX 5,6,7

Last Prim SBT bug apparent with 7


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r2p.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r2p.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

Five of the debug single Prim solids selected with:

./cxr_solid.sh r2p


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_view/cam_0_9,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_view/cam_0_9,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_view/cam_0_9,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

ridx plc prim component note
9 504 130 130:sPanel repeated parts of TT

Only last of 130 Prim appears (OptiX 7), again due to globalPrimIdx bug


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_view/cam_0_8,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_view/cam_0_8,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_view/cam_0_8,/cxr_view_sWaterTube.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

Blank render for solid 8 in OptiX 5,6 and 7


Solid 8 "1:uni_acrylic3" is the "plunger" cup that holds the acrylic 35m diameter sphere


Currently the shape does a CSG subtraction with the huge sphere


ridx plc prim component note
8 590 1 1:uni_acrylic3  

590 of these all around the 35m diameter sphere


Has complicated CSG insides too, subtracting the 8 column "greek temple"


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r0@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r0@_.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r0@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

Argument r0@ matches only solid named "r0"

EYE=0,-1,0 TMIN=1 CAM=1 ./cxr_solid.sh r0@

EYE and TMIN in units of selected solid extent, CAM:0/1 perspective/orthographic


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r1@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r1@_.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r1@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

Argument r1@ matches only solid named "r1"

EYE=0,-1,0 TMIN=1 CAM=1 ./cxr_solid.sh r1@


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r2@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r2@_.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r2@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

EYE=0,-1,0 TMIN=1 CAM=1 ./cxr_solid.sh r1@


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r3@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r3@_.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r3@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px


/CSG_GGeo/cvd0/50001/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r4@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_0px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/60500/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r4@_.jpg 640px_360px 0px_360px

/CSG_GGeo/cvd1/70000/cxr_solid/cam_1/cxr_solid_r4@_.jpg 640px_360px 640px_360px

TODO: investigate this difference

"Extra" Background Slides Follow

Two-Level Hierarchy : Instance transforms (TLAS) over Geometry (BLAS)

OptiX supports multiple instance levels : IAS->IAS->GAS BUT: Simple two-level is faster : works in hardware RT Cores

Acceleration Structure
4x4 transforms, refs to BLAS
triangles : vertices, indices
custom primitives : AABB
axis-aligned bounding box

SBT : Shader Binding Table

Flexibly binds together:

  1. geometry objects
  2. shader programs
  3. data for shader programs

Hidden in OptiX 1-6 APIs

Optimizing Geometry : Split BLAS to avoid overlapping bbox


Optimization : deciding where to draw lines between:

  1. structure and solid (IAS and GAS)
  2. solids within GAS (bbox choice to minimize traversal intersection tests)

Where those lines are drawn defines the AS


Optimizing Geometry : Merge BLAS when lots of overlaps



Ray Intersection with Transformed Object -> Geometry Instancing


Fig 13.5 "Realistic Ray Tracing", Peter Shirley

Advantages apply equally to acceleration structures

Equivalent Intersects -> same t

  1. ray with ellipsoid : M*p
  2. M-1 ray with sphere : p

Local Frame Advantages

  1. simpler intersect (sphere vs ellipsoid)
  2. closer to origin -> better precision

Geometry Instancing Advantages


G4Boolean -> CUDA/OptiX Intersection Program Implementing CSG

Complete Binary Tree, pick between pairs of nearest intersects:

UNION tA < tB Enter B Exit B Miss B
Enter A ReturnA LoopA ReturnA
Exit A ReturnA ReturnB ReturnA
Miss A ReturnB ReturnB ReturnMiss
[1] Ray Tracing CSG Objects Using Single Hit Intersections, Andrew Kensler (2006)
with corrections by author of XRT Raytracer http://xrt.wikidot.com/doc:csg
[2] https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/optixrap/cu/csg_intersect_boolean.h
Similar to binary expression tree evaluation using postorder traverse.

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) : Shapes defined "by construction"

Simple by construction definition, implicit geometry.

CSG expressions

3D Parametric Ray : ray(t) = r0 + t rDir

Ray Geometry Intersection

How to pick exactly ?

CSG : Which primitive intersect to pick ?

Classical Roth diagram approach

Computational requirements:

BUT : High performance on GPU requires:

Classical approach not appropriate on GPU

CSG Complete Binary Tree Serialization -> simplifies GPU side

Geant4 solid -> CSG binary tree (leaf primitives, non-leaf operators, 4x4 transforms on any node)

Serialize to complete binary tree buffer:

Height 3 complete binary tree with level order indices:

                                                   depth     elevation

                     1                               0           3

          10                   11                    1           2

     100       101        110        111             2           1

 1000 1001  1010 1011  1100 1101  1110  1111         3           0

postorder_next(i,elevation) = i & 1 ? i >> 1 : (i << elevation) + (1 << elevation) ; // from pattern of bits

Postorder tree traverse visits all nodes, starting from leftmost, such that children are visited prior to their parents.

Evaluative CSG intersection Pseudocode : recursion emulated

fullTree = PACK( 1 << height, 1 >> 1 )  // leftmost, parent_of_root(=0)
tranche.push(fullTree, ray.tmin)

while (!tranche.empty)         // stack of begin/end indices 
    begin, end, tmin <- tranche.pop  ; node <- begin ;
    while( node != end )                   // over tranche of postorder traversal 
        elevation = height - TREE_DEPTH(node) ;
        if(is_primitive(node)){ isect <- intersect_primitive(node, tmin) ;  csg.push(isect) }
            i_left, i_right = csg.pop, csg.pop            // csg stack of intersect normals, t 
            l_state = CLASSIFY(i_left, ray.direction, tmin)
            r_state = CLASSIFY(i_right, ray.direction, tmin)
            action = LUT(operator(node), leftIsCloser)(l_state, r_state)

            if(      action is ReturnLeft/Right)     csg.push(i_left or i_right)
            else if( action is LoopLeft/Right)
                left = 2*node ; right = 2*node + 1 ;
                endTranche = PACK( node,  end );
                leftTranche = PACK(  left << (elevation-1), right << (elevation-1) )
                rightTranche = PACK(  right << (elevation-1),  node  )
                loopTranche = action ? leftTranche : rightTranche

                tranche.push(endTranche, tmin)
                tranche.push(loopTranche, tminAdvanced )  // subtree re-traversal with changed tmin 
                break ; // to next tranche
        node <- postorder_next(node, elevation)         // bit twiddling postorder 
isect = csg.pop();         // winning intersect  


CSG Deep Tree : Positivize tree using De Morgan's laws

1st step to allow balancing : Positivize : remove CSG difference di operators

                                                     ...    ...

                                               un          cy

                                       un          cy

                               un          cy

                       un          cy

               un          cy

       di          cy

   cy      cy

                                                     ...    ...

                                               un          cy

                                       un          cy

                               un          cy

                       un          cy

               un          cy

       in          cy

   cy      !cy

CSG Examples