LZ-Opticks-NVIDIA OptiX 6->7 : Notes



Simon C Blyth, March 15 2021

GAS:BI:AABB 1NN vs 11N for 20 concentric spheres


1NN : Clips to smallest AABB from all BI


11N : Single BI with all AABB


gas_bi_aabb=0  # 0:1NN 1:11N

Shape generalization with : Node, quad, (Prim)

146 extern "C" __global__ void __intersection__is()
147 {
148     HitGroupData* hg =
149     const Node* node = hg->node ;
151     const float3 ray_origin = optixGetObjectRayOrigin();
152     const float3 ray_direction = optixGetObjectRayDirection();
153     const float  t_min = optixGetRayTmin() ;
155     float4 isect ;
156     bool valid_isect =
        intersect_node(isect, node, t_min, ray_origin, ray_direction);
158     if(valid_isect)
159     {
160         const unsigned hitKind = 0u ;  // user hit kind
161         unsigned a0, a1, a2, a3;       // attribute registers
163         a0 = float_as_uint( isect.x );
164         a1 = float_as_uint( isect.y );
165         a2 = float_as_uint( isect.z );
166         a3 = float_as_uint( isect.w ) ;
168         optixReportIntersection( isect.w, hitKind, a0, a1, a2, a3 );
169     }
170 }

Plan : generalization to trees of Node using Prim

intersect_node switch statement

130 bool intersect_node( float4& isect, const Node* node, const float t_min , const float3& ray_origin, const float3& ray_dir )
131 {
132     const unsigned typecode = node->typecode() ;
133     bool valid_isect = false ;
134     switch(typecode)
135     {
136       case CSG_SPHERE:  valid_isect = intersect_node_sphere(  isect, node->q0,           t_min, ray_origin, ray_dir ) ;  break ;
137       case CSG_ZSPHERE: valid_isect = intersect_node_zsphere( isect, node->q0, node->q1, t_min, ray_origin, ray_dir ) ;  break ;
138     }
139    return valid_isect ;
140 }

Split off intersection maths into intersect_node.h -> allows testing on CPU with intersect_node.cc



Geometry Identifier : single 32-bit unsigned encoding indices: (ias,instance,gas,prim) ?

172 extern "C" __global__ void __closesthit__ch()
173 {
174     const float3 isect_normal =
175         make_float3(
176                 uint_as_float( optixGetAttribute_0() ),
177                 uint_as_float( optixGetAttribute_1() ),
178                 uint_as_float( optixGetAttribute_2() )
179                 );
181     const float t = uint_as_float( optixGetAttribute_3() ) ;
183     unsigned instance_id = optixGetInstanceId() ; // packed (instance_idx,gas_idx)
184     unsigned prim_id  = 1u + optixGetPrimitiveIndex() ;
185     unsigned identity =
        (( prim_id & 0xff ) << 24 ) | ( instance_id & 0x00ffffff ) ;
187     float3 normal = normalize(
        optixTransformNormalFromObjectToWorldSpace( isect_normal )
        ) * 0.5f + 0.5f ;
189     const float3 world_origin = optixGetWorldRayOrigin() ;
190     const float3 world_direction = optixGetWorldRayDirection() ;
191     const float3 world_position = world_origin + t*world_direction ;
193     setPayload( normal, t,  world_position, identity );
194 }


Intersect Identity : Pack (ins_idx, gas_idx) into 14+10=24 bit InstanceId

pack (instance_idx, gas_idx) into instance_id

 29 struct InstanceId
 30 {
 31     enum { ins_bits = 14, gas_bits = 10 } ;
 33     static constexpr unsigned ins_mask = ( 1 << ins_bits ) - 1 ;
 34     static constexpr unsigned gas_mask = ( 1 << gas_bits ) - 1 ;
 36     static unsigned Encode(unsigned  ins_idx, unsigned  gas_idx );
 37     static void     Decode(unsigned& ins_idx, unsigned& gas_idx,
        const unsigned identity );
 38 };
 40 inline unsigned InstanceId::Encode(
        unsigned  ins_idx, unsigned  gas_idx )
 41 {
 42     assert( ins_idx < ins_mask );
 43     assert( gas_idx < gas_mask );
 44     unsigned identity =
        (( 1 + ins_idx ) << gas_bits ) | (( 1 + gas_idx ) <<  0 )  ;
 45     return identity ;
 46 }


Detector Geometry in Opticks

Detector Geometry in Opticks :
GPU Optical Simulation with NVIDIA® OptiX™

Open source, https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks

Simon C Blyth, IHEP, CAS — Compute Accelerator Forum Meeting, March 10 2021, Virtual



Outline Extras


JUNO Optical Photon Simulation Problem...

NVIDIA Marbles At Night RTX Demo

NVIDIA Marbles At Night RTX Demo 2

Ampere : 2nd Generation RTX

"...triple double over Turing..."

GPU Ray Tracing (RT) APIs Converging

Three Similar Interfaces over same RTX tech:

NVIDIA OptiX (Linux, Windows) [2009]

Vulkan RT (Linux, Windows) [final spec 2020]

Microsoft DXR : DirectX 12 Ray Tracing (Windows) [2018]

Metal Ray Tracing API (macOS) [introduced 2020[1]]

[1] https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10012/

RTX Execution Pipeline : Common to DirectX RT, Vulkan NV RT, OptiX

Acceleration Structure (AS) traversal is central to pipeline performance


"The RTX Shader Binding Table (SBT) Three Ways", Will Usher

RG : Ray Generation

IS : Intersect

CH : Closest Hit

AH : Any Hit

MS : Miss

GPU Opticks

"bounce" loop
primitives, CSG

Spatial Index Acceleration Structure

Two-Level Hierarchy : Instance transforms (TLAS) over Geometry (BLAS)

OptiX supports multiple instance levels : IAS->IAS->GAS BUT: Simple two-level is faster : works in hardware RT Cores

Acceleration Structure
4x4 transforms, refs to BLAS
triangles : vertices, indices
custom primitives : AABB
axis-aligned bounding box

SBT : Shader Binding Table

Flexibly binds together:

  1. geometry objects
  2. shader programs
  3. data for shader programs

Hidden in OptiX 1-6 APIs


NPY Serialization : Fundamental to Opticks Geometry Model

Separate address space -> cudaMemcpy
upload/download : host(CPU)<->device(GPU)

Array-oriented : separate data from compute

Opticks/NPY pkg : Array Interface Using glm::mat4 glm::vec4

Opticks/GGeo classes implemented with NPY arrays

[1] http://www.numpy.org/neps/nep-0001-npy-format.html

Persist NumPy Arrays to .npy Files from Python, Examine File Format

IPython persisting NumPy arrays:

In [1]: a = np.arange(10)           # array of 10 long (int64) 
In [2]: a
Out[2]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

In [3]: np.save("/tmp/a.npy", a )   # serialize array to file 

In [4]: a2 = np.load("/tmp/a.npy")  # load array into memory 
In [5]: assert np.all( a == a2 )    # check all elements the same 

IPython examine NPY file format:

In [6]: !xxd /tmp/a.npy             # xxd hexdump file contents 
                                    # minimal header : type and shape 

00000000: 934e 554d 5059 0100 7600 7b27 6465 7363  .NUMPY..v.{'desc
00000010: 7227 3a20 273c 6938 272c 2027 666f 7274  r': '<i8', 'fort
00000020: 7261 6e5f 6f72 6465 7227 3a20 4661 6c73  ran_order': Fals
00000030: 652c 2027 7368 6170 6527 3a20 2831 302c  e, 'shape': (10,
00000040: 292c 207d 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020  ), }
00000050: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
00000060: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
00000070: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 200a                 .
00000080: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000090: 0200 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 0000 0000  ................

Translation 1st Step : Geant4 -> Opticks/GGeo : 1->1 conversions

Structural volumes : G4PVPlacement ->

JUNO: tree of ~300,000 GVolume

Solid shapes : G4VSolid ->

GMesh (collected into GMeshLib)
arrays: vertices, indices
ref to NCSG
tree of NNode (CSG constituents)

Material/surface properties as function of wavelength

Translation steered by X4 package


Translation 2nd Step : Opticks/GGeo Instancing : "Factorizes" Geometry

Structural volumes vs solid shapes
distinction for convenience only, distinction is movable

JUNO: ~300,000 GVolume : mostly small repeated groups (PMTs)


  1. GVolume progeny digest : shapes+transforms -> subtree ident.
  2. find repeated digests, disqualifying repeats inside others
  3. label all nodes with repeat index, non-repeated remainder : 0

For each repeat+remainder create GMergedMesh:

GMergedMesh -> IAS+GAS


Optimizing Geometry : Split BLAS to avoid overlapping bbox


Optimization : deciding where to draw lines between:

  1. structure and solid (IAS and GAS)
  2. solids within GAS (bbox choice to minimize traversal intersection tests)

Where those lines are drawn defines the AS


Optimizing Geometry : Merge BLAS when lots of overlaps



Ray Intersection with Transformed Object -> Geometry Instancing


Fig 13.5 "Realistic Ray Tracing", Peter Shirley

Advantages apply equally to acceleration structures

Equivalent Intersects -> same t

  1. ray with ellipsoid : M*p
  2. M-1 ray with sphere : p

Local Frame Advantages

  1. simpler intersect (sphere vs ellipsoid)
  2. closer to origin -> better precision

Geometry Instancing Advantages


OpenGL Instancing 2

OptiX Instancing

G4VSolid -> CUDA Intersect Functions for ~10 Primitives


Sphere, Cylinder, Disc, Cone, Convex Polyhedron, Hyperboloid, Torus, ...

intersect_analytic.cu : for all shapes/concatenated-shapes/primitives


425 RT_PROGRAM void intersect(int primIdx)
426 {
427     const Prim& prim    = primBuffer[primIdx];
429     unsigned partOffset  = prim.partOffset() ;
430     unsigned numParts    = prim.numParts() ;
431     unsigned primFlag    = prim.primFlag() ;
433     if(primFlag == CSG_FLAGNODETREE)
434     {
435         evaluative_csg( prim, primIdx );
436     }
474 }
229 RT_PROGRAM void bounds (int primIdx, float result[6])
230 {
251     optix::Aabb* aabb = (optix::Aabb*)result;
252     *aabb = optix::Aabb();
254     uint4 identity =
        identityBuffer[instance_index*primitive_count+primIdx] ;
271     const Prim& prim    = primBuffer[primIdx];
294     if(primFlag == CSG_FLAGNODETREE || primFlag == CSG_FLAGINVISIBLE )
295     {
301         csg_bounds_prim(primIdx, prim, aabb);
318     }
385 }


G4Boolean -> CUDA/OptiX Intersection Program Implementing CSG

Complete Binary Tree, pick between pairs of nearest intersects:

UNION tA < tB Enter B Exit B Miss B
Enter A ReturnA LoopA ReturnA
Exit A ReturnA ReturnB ReturnA
Miss A ReturnB ReturnB ReturnMiss
[1] Ray Tracing CSG Objects Using Single Hit Intersections, Andrew Kensler (2006)
with corrections by author of XRT Raytracer http://xrt.wikidot.com/doc:csg
[2] https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/optixrap/cu/csg_intersect_boolean.h
Similar to binary expression tree evaluation using postorder traverse.

Opticks : Translates G4 Geometry to GPU, Without Approximation

G4 Structure Tree -> Instance+Global Arrays -> OptiX

Group structure into repeated instances + global remainder:

instancing -> huge memory savings for JUNO PMTs




Opticks Analytic Daya Bay Near Site, GPU Raytrace (3)

Opticks Analytic Daya Bay Near Site, GPU Raytrace (1)

scan-pf-1_Opticks_vs_Geant4 2

JUNO analytic, 400M photons from center Speedup
Geant4 Extrap. 95,600 s (26 hrs)  
Opticks RTX ON (i) 58 s 1650x

Useful Speedup > 1500x : But Why Not Giga Rays/s ? (1 Photon ~10 Rays)

OptiX Performance Tools and Tricks, David Hart, NVIDIA https://developer.nvidia.com/siggraph/2019/video/sig915-vid

Summary : Opticks Detector Geometry


Opticks : state-of-the-art GPU ray tracing applied to optical photon simulation and integrated with Geant4, giving a leap in performance that eliminates memory and time bottlenecks.

  • Drastic speedup -> better detector understanding -> greater precision
    • any simulation limited by optical photons can benefit
    • more photon limited -> more overall speedup (99% -> 100x)
https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks code repository
https://simoncblyth.bitbucket.io presentations and videos
https://groups.io/g/opticks forum/mailing list archive
email:opticks+subscribe@groups.io subscribe to mailing list

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) : Shapes defined "by construction"

Simple by construction definition, implicit geometry.

CSG expressions

3D Parametric Ray : ray(t) = r0 + t rDir

Ray Geometry Intersection

How to pick exactly ?

CSG : Which primitive intersect to pick ?

Classical Roth diagram approach

Computational requirements:

BUT : High performance on GPU requires:

Classical approach not appropriate on GPU

CSG Complete Binary Tree Serialization -> simplifies GPU side

Geant4 solid -> CSG binary tree (leaf primitives, non-leaf operators, 4x4 transforms on any node)

Serialize to complete binary tree buffer:

Height 3 complete binary tree with level order indices:

                                                   depth     elevation

                     1                               0           3

          10                   11                    1           2

     100       101        110        111             2           1

 1000 1001  1010 1011  1100 1101  1110  1111         3           0

postorder_next(i,elevation) = i & 1 ? i >> 1 : (i << elevation) + (1 << elevation) ; // from pattern of bits

Postorder tree traverse visits all nodes, starting from leftmost, such that children are visited prior to their parents.

Evaluative CSG intersection Pseudocode : recursion emulated

fullTree = PACK( 1 << height, 1 >> 1 )  // leftmost, parent_of_root(=0)
tranche.push(fullTree, ray.tmin)

while (!tranche.empty)         // stack of begin/end indices 
    begin, end, tmin <- tranche.pop  ; node <- begin ;
    while( node != end )                   // over tranche of postorder traversal 
        elevation = height - TREE_DEPTH(node) ;
        if(is_primitive(node)){ isect <- intersect_primitive(node, tmin) ;  csg.push(isect) }
            i_left, i_right = csg.pop, csg.pop            // csg stack of intersect normals, t 
            l_state = CLASSIFY(i_left, ray.direction, tmin)
            r_state = CLASSIFY(i_right, ray.direction, tmin)
            action = LUT(operator(node), leftIsCloser)(l_state, r_state)

            if(      action is ReturnLeft/Right)     csg.push(i_left or i_right)
            else if( action is LoopLeft/Right)
                left = 2*node ; right = 2*node + 1 ;
                endTranche = PACK( node,  end );
                leftTranche = PACK(  left << (elevation-1), right << (elevation-1) )
                rightTranche = PACK(  right << (elevation-1),  node  )
                loopTranche = action ? leftTranche : rightTranche

                tranche.push(endTranche, tmin)
                tranche.push(loopTranche, tminAdvanced )  // subtree re-traversal with changed tmin 
                break ; // to next tranche
        node <- postorder_next(node, elevation)         // bit twiddling postorder 
isect = csg.pop();         // winning intersect  


CSG Deep Tree : JUNO "fastener"


CSG Deep Tree : height 11 before balancing, too deep for GPU raytrace

 NTreeAnalyse height 11 count 25    ( un : union,  cy : cylinder, di : difference )

                                                                               un              di

                                                                       un          cy      cy      cy

                                                               un          cy

                                                       un          cy

                                               un          cy

                                       un          cy

                               un          cy

                       un          cy

               un          cy

       di          cy

   cy      cy

CSG trees are non-unique

CSG Deep Tree : Positivize tree using De Morgan's laws

1st step to allow balancing : Positivize : remove CSG difference di operators

                                                     ...    ...

                                               un          cy

                                       un          cy

                               un          cy

                       un          cy

               un          cy

       di          cy

   cy      cy

                                                     ...    ...

                                               un          cy

                                       un          cy

                               un          cy

                       un          cy

               un          cy

       in          cy

   cy      !cy

CSG Deep Tree : height 4 after balancing, OK for GPU raytrace

NTreeAnalyse height 4 count 25

                               un                                                      un

               un                              un                      un                      in

       un              un              un              un          cy          in          cy     !cy

   cy      cy      cy      cy      cy      cy      cy      cy              cy     !cy

un : union, in : intersect, cy : cylinder, !cy : complemented cylinder

Balancing positive tree:

  1. classify tree operators and their placement
    • mono-operator trees can easily be rearranged as union un and intersection in operators are commutative
    • mono-operator above bileaf level can also easily be rearranged as the bileaf can be split off and combined
  2. create complete binary tree of appropriate size filled with placeholders
  3. populate the tree replacing placeholders
  4. prune (pull primitives up to avoid placeholder pairings)

Not a general balancer : but succeeds with all CSG solid trees from Daya Bay and JUNO so far


CSG Examples

Torus : much more difficult/expensive than other primitives

3D parametric ray : ray(x,y,z;t) = rayOrigin + t * rayDirection

High order equation

Best Solution : replace torus

Torus : different artifacts as change implementation/params/viewpoint

/env/presentation/torus_cloud_artifact_2017_08_14.png /env/presentation/torus_cuts_artifact_2017_08_08.png /env/presentation/torus_fan_artifact_2017_07_28.png