JUNO Opticks : Summer Progress

For sanity need to make the leap to OptiX 7 ASAP : avoid dividing time

Simon C Blyth, Sept 2, 2021

Frank-Tamm Formula : Cerenkov Photon Yield /mm at BetaInverse

          N_photon/369.81  =    Integral ( 1 - -----------------  )  dE         where   BetaInverse < ri[E]

                            =   Integral [ 1 ] dE -  BetaInverse^2 * Integral[ 1./(ri[E]*ri[E]) ] dE

G4Cerenkov::BuildThePhysicsTable -> CerenkovAngleIntegrals (misnomer)

G4Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons assumes monotonic RINDEX + only one permitted energy region

636   G4double CAImax = CerenkovAngleIntegrals->GetMaxValue();
638   G4double dp, ge;
642   if (nMax < BetaInverse)        // ... no photons
649   else if (nMin > BetaInverse) {
650      dp = Pmax - Pmin;
651      ge = CAImax;
660   } else {
661      Pmin = Rindex->GetEnergy(BetaInverse);
662      dp = Pmax - Pmin;
667      G4double CAImin = CerenkovAngleIntegrals->GetValue(Pmin, isOutRange);
668      ge = CAImax - CAImin;
674   }
677   G4double NumPhotons = Rfact * charge/eplus * charge/eplus * (dp - ge * BetaInverse*BetaInverse);

Alternative "s2" integral approach : more precise, simpler, faster

Integral [ 1. -  ----------------------- ] (for BetaInverse < RINDEX)
                 RINDEX * RINDEX

Integral [ 1. - cos^2 theta ]

Integral [ sin^2 theta ]

Integral [ s2 ]             ( s2 > 0 )

Do not split the integral, do "s2" integral in one pass. Advantages:


G4double G4Cerenkov_modified::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons_s2(
    const G4double charge, const G4double beta, const G4Material*, G4MaterialPropertyVector* Rindex) const
    G4double BetaInverse = 1./beta;
    G4double s2integral(0.) ;

    for(unsigned i=0 ; i < Rindex->GetVectorLength()-1 ; i++)
        G4double en_0 = Rindex->Energy(i)   ; G4double en_1 = Rindex->Energy(i+1) ;
        G4double ri_0 = (*Rindex)[i]        ; G4double ri_1 = (*Rindex)[i+1] ;
        G4double ct_0 = BetaInverse/ri_0    ; G4double ct_1 = BetaInverse/ri_1 ;
        G4double s2_0 = (1.-ct_0)*(1.+ct_0) ; G4double s2_1 = (1.-ct_1)*(1.+ct_1) ;

        G4bool cross = s2_0*s2_1 < 0. ;
        G4double en_cross =  cross ? en_0 + (BetaInverse - ri_0)*(en_1 - en_0)/(ri_1 - ri_0) : -1. ;
        // linear crossing more precision than s2 zeros

        if( s2_0 <= 0. and s2_1 <= 0. )  // no CK
            // noop
        else if( s2_0 < 0. and s2_1 > 0. )  // s2 becomes +ve within the bin  left edge triangle
            s2integral +=  (en_1 - en_cross)*s2_1*0.5 ;
        else if( s2_0 >= 0. and s2_1 >= 0. )   // s2 +ve across full bin    trapezoid
            s2integral += (en_1 - en_0)*(s2_0 + s2_1)*0.5 ;
        else if( s2_0 > 0. and s2_1 < 0. )  // s2 becomes -ve within the bin   right edge triangle
            s2integral +=  (en_cross - en_0)*s2_0*0.5 ;
    const G4double Rfact = 369.81/(eV * cm);
    return Rfact * charge/eplus * charge/eplus * s2integral ;








Angular scan/plot code to check efficiency as function of theta

Following Miaoyu bug fix, efficiencies > 1. for NNVT and NNVT_HighQE



Geant4 Meeting + Recent Opticks "Snapshot" tags

Aug 20 : meeting with Geant4 : Fermilab + Warwick(Ben Morgan, Software Management)

Recent Tags

Yuxiang Progress on Simulation Matching


Opticks Packages (OptiX <= 6.5)

epsilon:~ blyth$ opticks-deps
[2021-09-01 18:17:04,496] p10852 {/Users/blyth/opticks/bin/CMakeLists.py:165} INFO - home /Users/blyth/opticks
      API_TAG :        reldir :         bash- :     Proj.name : dep Proj.names
10        OKCONF :        okconf :        okconf :        OKConf : OpticksCUDA OptiX G4
20        SYSRAP :        sysrap :        sysrap :        SysRap : OKConf NLJSON PLog
30          BRAP :      boostrap :          brap :      BoostRap : Boost BoostAsio NLJSON PLog SysRap Threads
40           NPY :           npy :           npy :           NPY : PLog GLM BoostRap
50        OKCORE :   optickscore :           okc :   OpticksCore : NPY
60          GGEO :          ggeo :          ggeo :          GGeo : OpticksCore
90         OKGEO :    opticksgeo :           okg :    OpticksGeo : OpticksCore GGeo

100       CUDARAP :       cudarap :       cudarap :       CUDARap : SysRap OpticksCUDA
110         THRAP :     thrustrap :         thrap :     ThrustRap : OpticksCore CUDARap
120         OXRAP :      optixrap :         oxrap :      OptiXRap : OKConf OptiX OpticksGeo ThrustRap
130          OKOP :          okop :          okop :          OKOP : OptiXRap

140        OGLRAP :        oglrap :        oglrap :        OGLRap : ImGui OpticksGLEW BoostAsio OpticksGLFW OpticksGeo
150          OKGL :     opticksgl :          okgl :     OpticksGL : OGLRap OKOP
160            OK :            ok :            ok :            OK : OpticksGL
165            X4 :         extg4 :            x4 :         ExtG4 : G4 GGeo OpticksXercesC CLHEP
170          CFG4 :          cfg4 :          cfg4 :          CFG4 : G4 ExtG4 OpticksXercesC OpticksGeo ThrustRap
180          OKG4 :          okg4 :          okg4 :          OKG4 : OK CFG4
190          G4OK :          g4ok :          g4ok :          G4OK : CFG4 ExtG4 OKOP
200          None :   integration :   integration :   Integration :
epsilon:~ blyth$

New Opticks Packages (OptiX >= 7.0)

Basis geometry model
Translation of GGeo into CSG model

Simulation Implementation, excluding geometry

  • Scintillation generation
  • Cerenkov generation

OptiX 7 geometry, depending on:

  • CSG : geometry model
  • QUDARap :simulation

QUDARap : new Heart of Opticks Simulation

  CPU GPU header
context steering QSim.hh qsim.h
curandState setup QRng.hh qrng.h
property interpolation QProp.hh qprop.h
event handling QEvent.hh qevent.h
Cerenkov generation QCerenkov.hh  
Scintillation generation QScint.hh  
texture handling QTex.hh  
  1. CPU : data access, uploads/downloads, prepares GPU instance with device pointers
  2. GPU : simple header

Aims of counterpart code organization:

QUDARap/QCerenkov Progress : single precision solution ?

QUDARap-CSGOptiX integration

CSGOptiX focus on geomerty

Minimimize non-geometry code here, as OptiX dependency demands a very specific organization.

CSGOptiXSimulation : cross-section from planar gensteps


CSGOptiXSimulation : cross-section from planar gensteps : closeup


CSGOptiXSimulation : PMT geometry overlap+coincidence problems ?


G4Cerenkov : Photon Energy/Wavelength + Cone angle generation

168 G4VParticleChange*
169 G4Cerenkov_modified::PostStepDoIt(
      const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep)
252   G4double Pmin = Rindex->GetMinLowEdgeEnergy();
253   G4double Pmax = Rindex->GetMaxLowEdgeEnergy();
254   G4double dp = Pmax - Pmin;
268   G4double maxCos = BetaInverse / nMax;
270   G4double maxSin2 = (1.0 - maxCos) * (1.0 + maxCos);
315   for (G4int i = 0; i < fNumPhotons; i++) {
318       G4double rand;
319       G4double sampledEnergy, sampledRI;
320       G4double cosTheta, sin2Theta;
324       do {
325          rand = G4UniformRand();
326          sampledEnergy = Pmin + rand * dp;
327          sampledRI = Rindex->Value(sampledEnergy);
334          cosTheta = BetaInverse / sampledRI;
342          sin2Theta = (1.0 - cosTheta)*(1.0 + cosTheta);
343          rand = G4UniformRand();
346       } while (rand*maxSin2 > sin2Theta);



1.5/1.8 = .83, 1.5/1.62 = 0.92

ana/ck.py rejection sampling

Cerenkov energy/cone angle sample : resorting to double precision

574 template <typename T>
575 inline QCTX_METHOD void qctx<T>::cerenkov_photon_expt(
        quad4& p, unsigned id, curandStateXORWOW& rng, int print_id )
576 {
577     double BetaInverse = 1.5 ;
578     double Pmin = 1.55 ;
579     double Pmax = 15.5 ;
580     double nMax = 1.793 ;
581     double maxCos = BetaInverse / nMax;
582     double maxSin2 = ( 1. - maxCos )*( 1. + maxCos );
584     double u0 ;
585     double u1 ;
586     double energy ;
587     double sampledRI ;
588     double cosTheta ;
589     double sin2Theta ;
590     double u_mxs2_s2 ;
592     unsigned loop = 0u ;
594     do {
596         u0 = curand_uniform_double(&rng) ;
598         energy = Pmin + u0*(Pmax - Pmin) ;
600         sampledRI = prop->interpolate( 0u, energy );
602         cosTheta = BetaInverse / sampledRI ;
604         sin2Theta = (1. - cosTheta)*(1. + cosTheta);
606         u1 = curand_uniform_double(&rng) ;
608         u_mxs2_s2 = u1*maxSin2 - sin2Theta ;
610         loop += 1 ;
612     } while ( u_mxs2_s2 > 0. );

ck_photon_enprop 100 very poor chi2

ck_photon_expt 100 matched

ck_photon_enprop 1001 better but still poor chi2

ck_photon_expt 1001 matched