For sanity need to make the leap to OptiX 7 ASAP : avoid dividing time
BetaInverse^2 N_photon/369.81 = Integral ( 1 - ----------------- ) dE where BetaInverse < ri[E] ri(E)^2 = Integral [ 1 ] dE - BetaInverse^2 * Integral[ 1./(ri[E]*ri[E]) ] dE
G4Cerenkov::BuildThePhysicsTable -> CerenkovAngleIntegrals (misnomer)
G4Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons assumes monotonic RINDEX + only one permitted energy region
636 G4double CAImax = CerenkovAngleIntegrals->GetMaxValue(); 637 638 G4double dp, ge; 642 if (nMax < BetaInverse) // ... no photons 649 else if (nMin > BetaInverse) { 650 dp = Pmax - Pmin; 651 ge = CAImax; 660 } else { 661 Pmin = Rindex->GetEnergy(BetaInverse); 662 dp = Pmax - Pmin; 667 G4double CAImin = CerenkovAngleIntegrals->GetValue(Pmin, isOutRange); 668 ge = CAImax - CAImin; 674 } 677 G4double NumPhotons = Rfact * charge/eplus * charge/eplus * (dp - ge * BetaInverse*BetaInverse);
Trapezoidal s2 Integration
s2(E) : from RINDEX(E) values and BetaInverse
BetaInverse*BetaInverse Integral [ 1. - ----------------------- ] (for BetaInverse < RINDEX) RINDEX * RINDEX Integral [ 1. - cos^2 theta ] Integral [ sin^2 theta ] Integral [ s2 ] ( s2 > 0 )
Do not split the integral, do "s2" integral in one pass. Advantages:
G4double G4Cerenkov_modified::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons_s2( const G4double charge, const G4double beta, const G4Material*, G4MaterialPropertyVector* Rindex) const { G4double BetaInverse = 1./beta; G4double s2integral(0.) ; for(unsigned i=0 ; i < Rindex->GetVectorLength()-1 ; i++) { G4double en_0 = Rindex->Energy(i) ; G4double en_1 = Rindex->Energy(i+1) ; G4double ri_0 = (*Rindex)[i] ; G4double ri_1 = (*Rindex)[i+1] ; G4double ct_0 = BetaInverse/ri_0 ; G4double ct_1 = BetaInverse/ri_1 ; G4double s2_0 = (1.-ct_0)*(1.+ct_0) ; G4double s2_1 = (1.-ct_1)*(1.+ct_1) ; G4bool cross = s2_0*s2_1 < 0. ; G4double en_cross = cross ? en_0 + (BetaInverse - ri_0)*(en_1 - en_0)/(ri_1 - ri_0) : -1. ; // linear crossing more precision than s2 zeros if( s2_0 <= 0. and s2_1 <= 0. ) // no CK { // noop } else if( s2_0 < 0. and s2_1 > 0. ) // s2 becomes +ve within the bin left edge triangle { s2integral += (en_1 - en_cross)*s2_1*0.5 ; } else if( s2_0 >= 0. and s2_1 >= 0. ) // s2 +ve across full bin trapezoid { s2integral += (en_1 - en_0)*(s2_0 + s2_1)*0.5 ; } else if( s2_0 > 0. and s2_1 < 0. ) // s2 becomes -ve within the bin right edge triangle { s2integral += (en_cross - en_0)*s2_0*0.5 ; } } const G4double Rfact = 369.81/(eV * cm); return Rfact * charge/eplus * charge/eplus * s2integral ; }
Angular scan/plot code to check efficiency as function of theta
Following Miaoyu bug fix, efficiencies > 1. for NNVT and NNVT_HighQE
Aug 20 : meeting with Geant4 : Fermilab + Warwick(Ben Morgan, Software Management)
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epsilon:~ blyth$ opticks-deps
[2021-09-01 18:17:04,496] p10852 {/Users/blyth/opticks/bin/} INFO - home /Users/blyth/opticks
API_TAG : reldir : bash- : : dep Proj.names
10 OKCONF : okconf : okconf : OKConf : OpticksCUDA OptiX G4
20 SYSRAP : sysrap : sysrap : SysRap : OKConf NLJSON PLog
30 BRAP : boostrap : brap : BoostRap : Boost BoostAsio NLJSON PLog SysRap Threads
40 NPY : npy : npy : NPY : PLog GLM BoostRap
50 OKCORE : optickscore : okc : OpticksCore : NPY
60 GGEO : ggeo : ggeo : GGeo : OpticksCore
90 OKGEO : opticksgeo : okg : OpticksGeo : OpticksCore GGeo
100 CUDARAP : cudarap : cudarap : CUDARap : SysRap OpticksCUDA
110 THRAP : thrustrap : thrap : ThrustRap : OpticksCore CUDARap
120 OXRAP : optixrap : oxrap : OptiXRap : OKConf OptiX OpticksGeo ThrustRap
130 OKOP : okop : okop : OKOP : OptiXRap
140 OGLRAP : oglrap : oglrap : OGLRap : ImGui OpticksGLEW BoostAsio OpticksGLFW OpticksGeo
150 OKGL : opticksgl : okgl : OpticksGL : OGLRap OKOP
160 OK : ok : ok : OK : OpticksGL
165 X4 : extg4 : x4 : ExtG4 : G4 GGeo OpticksXercesC CLHEP
170 CFG4 : cfg4 : cfg4 : CFG4 : G4 ExtG4 OpticksXercesC OpticksGeo ThrustRap
180 OKG4 : okg4 : okg4 : OKG4 : OK CFG4
190 G4OK : g4ok : g4ok : G4OK : CFG4 ExtG4 OKOP
200 None : integration : integration : Integration :
epsilon:~ blyth$
Simulation Implementation, excluding geometry
OptiX 7 geometry, depending on:
CPU | GPU header | |
context steering | QSim.hh | qsim.h |
curandState setup | QRng.hh | qrng.h |
property interpolation | QProp.hh | qprop.h |
event handling | QEvent.hh | qevent.h |
Cerenkov generation | QCerenkov.hh | |
Scintillation generation | QScint.hh | |
texture handling | QTex.hh |
Aims of counterpart code organization:
CSGOptiX focus on geomerty
Minimimize non-geometry code here, as OptiX dependency demands a very specific organization.
Rejection Sampling
Start from flat energy distrib
sampleRI < BetaInverse :
168 G4VParticleChange* 169 G4Cerenkov_modified::PostStepDoIt( const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep) ... 252 G4double Pmin = Rindex->GetMinLowEdgeEnergy(); 253 G4double Pmax = Rindex->GetMaxLowEdgeEnergy(); 254 G4double dp = Pmax - Pmin; ... 268 G4double maxCos = BetaInverse / nMax; 270 G4double maxSin2 = (1.0 - maxCos) * (1.0 + maxCos); ... 315 for (G4int i = 0; i < fNumPhotons; i++) { 317 318 G4double rand; 319 G4double sampledEnergy, sampledRI; 320 G4double cosTheta, sin2Theta; ... 324 do { 325 rand = G4UniformRand(); 326 sampledEnergy = Pmin + rand * dp; 327 sampledRI = Rindex->Value(sampledEnergy); 334 cosTheta = BetaInverse / sampledRI; 342 sin2Theta = (1.0 - cosTheta)*(1.0 + cosTheta); 343 rand = G4UniformRand(); 344 346 } while (rand*maxSin2 > sin2Theta);
1.5/1.8 = .83, 1.5/1.62 = 0.92
Poor chi2 match investigations
random aligned comparison
256M curand_uniform floats -> Geant4
BUT statistical comparison still grotty chi2/ndf
Resorting to double precision rejection sampling
574 template <typename T> 575 inline QCTX_METHOD void qctx<T>::cerenkov_photon_expt( quad4& p, unsigned id, curandStateXORWOW& rng, int print_id ) 576 { 577 double BetaInverse = 1.5 ; 578 double Pmin = 1.55 ; 579 double Pmax = 15.5 ; 580 double nMax = 1.793 ; 581 double maxCos = BetaInverse / nMax; 582 double maxSin2 = ( 1. - maxCos )*( 1. + maxCos ); 583 584 double u0 ; 585 double u1 ; 586 double energy ; 587 double sampledRI ; 588 double cosTheta ; 589 double sin2Theta ; 590 double u_mxs2_s2 ; 592 unsigned loop = 0u ; 593 594 do { 596 u0 = curand_uniform_double(&rng) ; 598 energy = Pmin + u0*(Pmax - Pmin) ; 600 sampledRI = prop->interpolate( 0u, energy ); 602 cosTheta = BetaInverse / sampledRI ; 604 sin2Theta = (1. - cosTheta)*(1. + cosTheta); 606 u1 = curand_uniform_double(&rng) ; 608 u_mxs2_s2 = u1*maxSin2 - sin2Theta ; 610 loop += 1 ; 612 } while ( u_mxs2_s2 > 0. );