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Geometry Review

Immediate solution to bad G4DAE export of PMT vacuum

Modify dpib geocache using “OPTICKS_QUERY=range:1:6” to exclude the box, then can treat it like the original 5 solid. The query controls the AssimpSelection, used on making the geocache.

188 elif [ "${cmdline/--dpmt}" != "${cmdline}" ]; then
191    export OPTICKS_QUERY="range:1:6"   # de-select the box slot 0
192    export OPTICKS_CTRL=""

Create PMT only geocache from DPIB geometry (ie with box excluded) then visual check, then combination check

ggv --dpmt -G

ggv --dpmt --tracer

ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --tracer

Make some ini labels for the paths:

47 export IDPATH_DPIB_ALL=/usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.dae
48 export IDPATH_DPIB_PMT=/usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.6f627a3ec05405cbcfff6bd479fbdd37.dae

Load this geometry into GGeoTest rather than grabbing the standard mergedmesh by setting pmtpath parameter.:

144     local test_config=(
145                  mode=PmtInBox
146                  pmtpath=$IDPATH_DPIB_PMT/GMergedMesh/0
147                  control=$testverbosity,0,0,0
148                  analytic=1
149                  shape=box
150                  boundary=Rock//perfectAbsorbSurface/MineralOil
151                  parameters=0,0,0,300
152                    )

Somewhat logistically dirty, but this is just an interim solution anyhow, so OK.

89 GMergedMesh* GGeoTest::createPmtInBox()
90 {
91     // somewhat dirtily associates analytic geometry with triangulated for the PMT
92     //
93     //   * detdesc parsed analytic geometry in GPmt (see pmt-ecd etc..)
94     //   * instance-1 GMergedMesh
95     //
96     //

Longterm solution

Eventually will need to rerun the full geometry export and update the standard.

Problem avoidance

Why not do ggv-pmt-test using dpib geometry ?

  • not so easy, as need to associate analytic
  • also that removes flexibility from the test

Pie in the sky solution

It would be cleaner to directly derive triangulated geometry from GCSG within cfg4- using G4 capabilities just like G4DAE does. Then have a single source.

Getting that to work would be a rabbithole though, G4DAE/Assimp/AssimpWrap/GGeo is a lot of code that are aiming to shortcircuit.

Geometry Pools

pmt-/partial detdesc parse

pmt- hemi-pmt.xml detdesc used as source for analytic PMT parsing, leading to GPmt and GCSG

GPmt partitioned analytic geometry

  • partitioned analytic geometry with support for going GPU side with opticks-/cu/

GCSG analytic geometry

  • created together with (and paired with) GPmt, contains CSG tree allowing reconstruction of G4 geometry, as is done by cfg4-/CDetector::makePMT
139 void CDetector::makePMT(G4LogicalVolume* container)
140 {
141     // try without creating an explicit node tree
143     NSlice* slice = m_config->getSlice();
145     GCSG* csg = m_lib->getPmtCSG(slice);
146     if(m_verbosity > 1)
147     csg->dump();
149     unsigned int ni = csg->getNumItems();
151     if(m_verbosity > 0)
152     LOG(info) << "CDetector::makePMT"
153               << " csg items " << ni
154               ;
156     G4LogicalVolume* mother = container ;
158     std::map<unsigned int, G4LogicalVolume*> lvm ;
160     for(unsigned int index=0 ; index < ni ; index++)

Minature Dev Cycle, without the offset

Export PmtInBox geometry


# ie: ggv-pmt-test –cdetector –export –exportconfig $path

Whats happening here

  • cfg4-/CDetector creates G4 geometry from the GPmt/GCSG derived analytic PMT description (which came from the standalone detdesc parse).
  • G4 geometry then exported by g4d-/G4DAE (built against G4 10.2)

Using Assimp/AssimpGGeo to parse the .dae creating geocache GMergedMesh etc:

ggv --dpib -G
ggv --dpib -G --loaderverbosity 3

Load geocache GMergedMesh etc and push to GPU for OpenGL etc..:

ggv --dpib

The fact that this does not have the problem with Vacuum vertex sagging might indicate a problem with older G4 (or G4DAE) not present in current one.

GGV test running ggeo-/GGeoTest

ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --tracer

ggv running with “–test” option loads standard geometry (in order to have all materials etc.. available) but then modifies the geometry based on GGeoTestConfig command line args.

BUT crucially this grabs PMT triangulated geometry from the standard IDP source.

339 void GGeo::modifyGeometry(const char* config)
340 {
341     // NB only invoked with test option : "ggv --test"
342     GGeoTestConfig* gtc = new GGeoTestConfig(config);
344     LOG(debug) << "GGeo::modifyGeometry"
345               << " config [" << ( config ? config : "" ) << "]" ;
347     assert(m_geotest == NULL);
349     m_geotest = new GGeoTest(m_cache, gtc);
350     m_geotest->modifyGeometry();
351 }


G4VPhysicalVolume* CDetector::Construct()

Test with:

ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --cdetector


CMaker is a constitent of CDetector used to convert GCSG geometry into G4 geometry.

G4DAE Exports

cfg4.dae exported with:

cfg4-dpib ()
    local msg="=== $FUNCNAME ";
    local base=$(export-base dpib);
    local path=$base.dae;
    [ -f "$path" ] && echo $msg path $path exists already : delete and rerun to recreate && return;
    ggv-pmt-test --cdetector --export --exportconfig $path
1521     <geometry id="sphere-i-150x109063930" name="sphere-i-150x109063930">
1522       <mesh>
1523         <source id="sphere-i-150x109063930-Pos">
1524           <float_array count="864" id="sphere-i-150x109063930-Pos-array">
1525                 98.1428 0 -13
1526                 94.7986 25.4012 -13
1527                 84.9941 49.0714 -13
1528                 69.3974 69.3974 -13
1529                 49.0714 84.9941 -13
1530                 25.4012 94.7986 -13
1810                 2.20269e-06 -2.20269e-06 -98
1811                 2.69774e-06 -1.55754e-06 -98
1812                 3.00893e-06 -8.06241e-07 -98
1813 </float_array>


4557     <node id="lvPmtHemiVacuum0x10905e140">
4558       <instance_geometry url="#union-ab-i-6-fc-7-lc-110x10905e000">
4559         <bind_material>
4560           <technique_common>
4561             <instance_material symbol="Vacuum" target="#Vacuum0x10905af00"/>
4562           </technique_common>
4563         </bind_material>
4564       </instance_geometry>

////  nodes: pvPmtHemiCathode pvPmtHemiBottom pvPmtHemiDynode
////  are contained within lvPmtHemiVacuum

4565       <node id="pvPmtHemiCathode0x10905eca0">
4566         <matrix>
4567                 1 0 0 0
4568 0 1 0 0
4569 0 0 1 0
4570 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
4571 </matrix>
4572         <instance_node url="#lvPmtHemiCathode0x10905ec10"/>
4573         <extra>
4574           <meta id="pvPmtHemiCathode0x10905eca0">
4575             <copyNo>0</copyNo>
4576             <ModuleName></ModuleName>
4577           </meta>
4578         </extra>
4579       </node>

4580       <node id="pvPmtHemiBottom0x1090620b0">
4581         <matrix>
4582                 1 0 0 0
4583 0 1 0 0
4584 0 0 1 69
4585 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
4586 </matrix>

////  initially surprised by the +69 Z translation,
////  but looking at pmt-ecd/ the radius is rather large
////  with restricted theta range so it makes sense that need to
////  translate to the front of PMT

4587         <instance_node url="#lvPmtHemiBottom0x109063fe0"/>
4588         <extra>
4589           <meta id="pvPmtHemiBottom0x1090620b0">
4590             <copyNo>0</copyNo>
4591             <ModuleName></ModuleName>
4592           </meta>
4593         </extra>
4594       </node>

4595       <node id="pvPmtHemiDynode0x1090622a0">
4596         <matrix>
4597                 1 0 0 0
4598 0 1 0 0
4599 0 0 1 -81.5
4600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
4601 </matrix>
4602         <instance_node url="#lvPmtHemiDynode0x1090621e0"/>
4603         <extra>
4604           <meta id="pvPmtHemiDynode0x1090622a0">
4605             <copyNo>0</copyNo>
4606             <ModuleName></ModuleName>
4607           </meta>
4608         </extra>
4609       </node>


Presents GPmt


Reads in the nodes


Z transforms come thru as expected:

delta:assimpwrap blyth$ ggv --dpib -G --loaderverbosity 3

[2016-Mar-06 13:59:23.627085]:info: AssimpGGeo::convertStructureVisit nodeIndex      4 ( mti    2 mt 0x7f98e2771710 ) OpaqueVacuum0x7fd599d5f1e0 ( mti_p    4 mt_p 0x7f98e27776f0 ) Vacuum0x7fd599d5b3b0 ( msi    1 mesh 0x7f98e2788c40 ) sphere-i-150x7fd599d63de0
AssimpGGeo::convertStructureVisit gtransform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000     69.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
AssimpGGeo::convertStructureVisit ltransform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000     69.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 13:59:23.627358]:info: AssimpGGeo::convertStructureVisit nodeIndex      5 ( mti    2 mt 0x7f98e2771710 ) OpaqueVacuum0x7fd599d5f1e0 ( mti_p    4 mt_p 0x7f98e27776f0 ) Vacuum0x7fd599d5b3b0 ( msi    2 mesh 0x7f98e2782410 ) tubs-i-160x7fd599d625b0
AssimpGGeo::convertStructureVisit gtransform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000    -81.500
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
AssimpGGeo::convertStructureVisit ltransform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000    -81.500
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000


Finds repeated geometry and creates GMergedMesh instances for them and for the global leftovers.


097 GMergedMesh* GGeoLib::makeMergedMesh(GGeo* ggeo, unsigned int index, GNode* base)
 98 {
 99     if(m_merged_mesh.find(index) == m_merged_mesh.end())
100     {
101         m_merged_mesh[index] = GMergedMesh::create(index, ggeo, base);
102     }
103     return m_merged_mesh[index] ;
104 }
 ggv --dpib -G --meshverbosity 3

[2016-Mar-06 14:57:54.158467]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 0 id  (  0,  5,  0,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min   -300.000   -300.000   -300.000  max    300.000    300.000    300.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 14:57:54.158698]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 1 id  (  1,  4,  1,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 14:57:54.158924]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 2 id  (  2,  3,  2,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min    -97.288    -97.288   -164.495  max     97.288     97.288    128.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 14:57:54.159146]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 3 id  (  3,  0,  3,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min    -98.138    -98.139     55.996  max     98.148     98.147    128.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 14:57:54.159343]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 4 id  (  4,  1,  4,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000     69.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 14:57:54.159511]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 5 id  (  5,  2,  4,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000    -81.500
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
ggv -G --meshverbosity 3

[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.447428]:info: GMergedMesh::create index 1 numVertices 1474 numFaces 2928 numSolids 5 numSolidsSelected 5
[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.447638]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 3199 id  (3199, 47, 27,  0)  pv __dd__Geometry__AD__lvOIL--pvAdPmtArray--pvAdPmtArrayRotated--pvAdPmtRingInCyl..1--pvAdPmtInRing..1--pvAdPmtUnit--pvAdPmt0xc2a6b40 lv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemi0xc133740 bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.447953]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 3200 id  (3200, 46, 28,  0)  pv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemi--pvPmtHemiVacuum0xc1340e8 lv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiVacuum0xc2c7cc8 bb bb min    -98.995    -99.003   -164.504  max     99.005     98.997    128.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.448235]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 3201 id  (3201, 43, 29,  3)  pv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiVacuum--pvPmtHemiCathode0xc02c380 lv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiCathode0xc2cdca0 bb bb min    -98.138    -98.147     55.996  max     98.148     98.139    128.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.448495]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 3202 id  (3202, 44, 30,  0)  pv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiVacuum--pvPmtHemiBottom0xc21de78 lv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiBottom0xc12ad60 bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000     69.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.448748]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid idx 3203 id  (3203, 45, 30,  0)  pv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiVacuum--pvPmtHemiDynode0xc04ad28 lv __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiDynode0xc02b280 bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000    -81.500
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 15:04:42.449049]:info: GTreeCheck::createInstancedMergedMeshes dumpSolids

Above bb z range looks correct -30 to 56.131, but the offset is stubbornly still there:

With testverbosity enabled, it looks like GGeoTest::createPmtInBox is stomping on preexisting solid 0. Yep, but this doesnt explain the offset.

ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --tracer

[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.902350]:info: App:: loadGeometryBase
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.902596]:info: GGeoTest::createPmtInBox B : Rock//perfectAbsorbSurface/MineralOil 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,300.0000
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.902749]:info: GGeoLib::getMergedMesh index 1 m_ggeo 0x7fc673736100 mm 0x7fc6735bc000 meshverbosity 3
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.902869]:info: GGeoTest::createPmtInBox verbosity 3
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.902965]:info: GGeoTest::createPmtInBox GMergedMesh::dumpSolids (before:mmpmt)
    0 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -18.997    149.997  bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
    1 ce             gfloat4      0.005     -0.003    -18.252    146.252  bb bb min    -98.995    -99.003   -164.504  max     99.005     98.997    128.000
    2 ce             gfloat4      0.005     -0.004     91.998     98.143  bb bb min    -98.138    -98.147     55.996  max     98.148     98.139    128.000
    3 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000     13.066     98.143  bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
    4 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -81.500     83.000  bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904071]:info: GMergedMesh::combine making new mesh  index 1 solids 1 verbosity 3
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904192]:info: GMergedMesh::count other GMergedMesh   selected true num_solids 5 num_solids_selected 1
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904336]:info: GMergedMesh::count GSolid  selected true num_solids 6 num_solids_selected 2ar-06 16:57:34.904465]:info: GMesh::allocate numVertices 1498 numFaces 2940 numSolids 6
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904642]:info: GMesh::setCenterExtent (creates buffer)  m_center_extent 0x7fc678232fc0 m_num_solids 6
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904760]:info: GMesh::allocate DONE
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904833]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeMergedMesh m_cur_solid 0 m_cur_vertices 0 m_cur_faces 0 other nsolid 5 selected true
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.904959]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeMergedMesh m_cur_solid 0 i 0 ce gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -18.997    149.997  bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.905163]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeMergedMesh m_cur_solid 1 i 1 ce gfloat4      0.005     -0.003    -18.252    146.252  bb bb min    -98.995    -99.003   -164.504  max     99.005     98.997    128.000
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.905363]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeMergedMesh m_cur_solid 2 i 2 ce gfloat4      0.005     -0.004     91.998     98.143  bb bb min    -98.138    -98.147     55.996  max     98.148     98.139    128.000
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.905560]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeMergedMesh m_cur_solid 3 i 3 ce gfloat4      0.000      0.000     13.066     98.143  bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.905756]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeMergedMesh m_cur_solid 4 i 4 ce gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -81.500     83.000  bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.906038]:info: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid m_cur_solid 5 idx 0 id  (  0,1000,123,  0)  pv - lv - bb bb min   -300.000   -300.000   -300.000  max    300.000    300.000    300.000
GMergedMesh::mergeSolid transform
 a      1.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
 b      0.000      1.000      0.000      0.000
 c      0.000      0.000      1.000      0.000
 d      0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.906210]:fatal: GMergedMesh::mergeSolid mismatch  nodeIndex 0 m_cur_solid 5
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.906420]:info: GGeoTest::createPmtInBox GMergedMesh::dumpSolids (after:tri)
    0 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000      0.000    300.000  bb bb min   -300.000   -300.000   -300.000  max    300.000    300.000    300.000
    1 ce             gfloat4      0.005     -0.003    -18.252    146.252  bb bb min    -98.995    -99.003   -164.504  max     99.005     98.997    128.000
    2 ce             gfloat4      0.005     -0.004     91.998     98.143  bb bb min    -98.138    -98.147     55.996  max     98.148     98.139    128.000
    3 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000     13.066     98.143  bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
    4 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -81.500     83.000  bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500
    5 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000      0.000    300.000  bb bb min   -300.000   -300.000   -300.000  max    300.000    300.000    300.000
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.906980]:info: App:: modifyGeometry
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.907054]:info: App::registerGeometry
[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.907133]:info: GGeoLib::getMergedMesh index 0 m_ggeo 0x7fc673736100 mm 0x7fc678232b40 meshverbosity 3

With offset:

[2016-Mar-06 16:57:34.902965]:info: GGeoTest::createPmtInBox GMergedMesh::dumpSolids (before:mmpmt)
    0 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -18.997    149.997  bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
    1 ce             gfloat4      0.005     -0.003    -18.252    146.252  bb bb min    -98.995    -99.003   -164.504  max     99.005     98.997    128.000
    2 ce             gfloat4      0.005     -0.004     91.998     98.143  bb bb min    -98.138    -98.147     55.996  max     98.148     98.139    128.000
    3 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000     13.066     98.143  bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
    4 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -81.500     83.000  bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500

Without offset:

ggv --dpib --meshverbosity 3

[2016-Mar-06 17:42:35.481308]:info: App::loadGeometryBase mesh0
    0 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -18.997    149.997  bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
    1 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -18.997    149.997  bb bb min   -100.288   -100.288   -168.995  max    100.288    100.288    131.000
    2 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -18.247    146.247  bb bb min    -97.288    -97.288   -164.495  max     97.288     97.288    128.000
    3 ce             gfloat4      0.005      0.004     91.998     98.143  bb bb min    -98.138    -98.139     55.996  max     98.148     98.147    128.000
    4 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000     13.066     98.143  bb bb min    -98.143    -98.143    -30.000  max     98.143     98.143     56.131
    5 ce             gfloat4      0.000      0.000    -81.500     83.000  bb bb min    -27.500    -27.500   -164.500  max     27.500     27.500      1.500
[2016-Mar-06 17:42:35.481514]:info: App:: loadGeometryBase

delta:ggeoview blyth$ mv /tmp/vbuf.npy /tmp/dpib_vbuf.npy

Is there an offset by 1 mismatch ?

In [1]: a = np.load("/tmp/dpib_vbuf.npy")

In [2]: b = np.load("/tmp/vbuf_modifyGeometry.npy")

In [3]: a.shape
Out[3]: (1494, 3)

In [4]: b.shape
Out[4]: (1498, 3)

In [5]: a
array([[   0.   ,    0.   ,  131.   ],
       [  33.905,    0.   ,  126.536],
       [  32.75 ,    8.775,  126.536],
       [   0.   ,   -0.   ,  -29.   ],
       [   0.   ,   -0.   ,  -29.   ],
       [   0.   ,   -0.   ,  -29.   ]], dtype=float32)

In [6]: b
array([[   0.   ,    0.   ,  131.   ],
       [  33.905,    0.   ,  126.536],
       [  32.75 ,    8.775,  126.536],
       [ 300.   ,  300.   , -300.   ],
       [ 300.   , -300.   , -300.   ],
       [-300.   , -300.   , -300.   ]], dtype=float32)

dump the base and modified meshes from pmt test

ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --tracer --meshverbosity 3
134     #base = os.path.expandvars("$IDPATH/GMergedMesh/1")
135     #base = "/tmp/GMergedMesh/baseGeometry"
136     #base = "/tmp/GMergedMesh/modifyGeometry"
137     base = os.path.expandvars("$IDPATH_DPIB/GMergedMesh/0")
139     mm = MergedMesh(base=base)
141     pmt = Pmt()
142     ALL, PYREX, VACUUM, CATHODE, BOTTOM, DYNODE = None,0,1,2,3,4
143     pts =
145     fig = plt.figure()
147     #one_plot(fig, pmt, pts, axes=ZX, clip=True)
149     solids_plot(fig, pmt, mm, solids=range(5))
151     #plot_vertices(fig, mm)

Only “$IDPATH_DPIB/GMergedMesh/0” does not have the vacuum sagging vertices problem, but needed to offset that by one.

npy-/ GMergedMesh check

High level comparison of GMergedMesh read into python.

In [11]: run
INFO:__main__:base /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/DayaBay_VGDX_20140414-1300/g4_00.96ff965744a2f6b78c24e33c80d3a4cd.dae/GMergedMesh/1
[[ 720  362 3199 3155]
 [ 672  338 3200 3199]
 [ 960  482 3201 3200]
 [ 480  242 3202 3200]
 [  96   50 3203 3200]]
nvert  1474 v.shape (1474, 3)
INFO:__main__:base /tmp/GMergedMesh/baseGeometry
[[ 720  362 3199 3155]
 [ 672  338 3200 3199]
 [ 960  482 3201 3200]
 [ 480  242 3202 3200]
 [  96   50 3203 3200]]
nvert  1474 v.shape (1474, 3)
WARNING:__main__:NO PATH /tmp/GMergedMesh/modifyGeometry/iidentity.npy
INFO:__main__:base /tmp/GMergedMesh/modifyGeometry
[[ 720  362 3199 3155]
 [ 672  338 3200 3199]
 [ 960  482 3201 3200]
 [ 480  242 3202 3200]
 [  96   50 3203 3200]
 [  12   24    0   -1]]
nvert  1498 v.shape (1498, 3)
WARNING:__main__:NO PATH /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.f7ba6061a8e024189e641c86eb847ee4.dae/GMergedMesh/0/aiidentity.npy
WARNING:__main__:NO PATH /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.f7ba6061a8e024189e641c86eb847ee4.dae/GMergedMesh/0/iidentity.npy
WARNING:__main__:NO PATH /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.f7ba6061a8e024189e641c86eb847ee4.dae/GMergedMesh/0/itransforms.npy
INFO:__main__:base /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.f7ba6061a8e024189e641c86eb847ee4.dae/GMergedMesh/0
[[  0   0   0  -1]
 [720 362   1   0]
 [720 362   2   1]
 [960 482   3   2]
 [576 288   4   2]
 [  0   0   5   2]]
nvert  1494 v.shape (1494, 3)

Fixed GGeoTest nodeinfo

ggv --dpib -G
diff -r 51d44e61e625 graphics/ggeoview/
--- a/graphics/ggeoview/  Mon Mar 07 15:16:07 2016 +0800
+++ b/graphics/ggeoview/  Mon Mar 07 16:58:36 2016 +0800
@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@
 elif [ "${cmdline/--dpib}" != "${cmdline}" ]; then

-   export OPTICKS_QUERY="range:1:5"
+   #export OPTICKS_QUERY="range:1:5"
+   export OPTICKS_QUERY=""
    export OPTICKS_CTRL=""

After changing OPTICKS_QUERY and getting AssimpSelection to support empty queries the dropouts are fixed, following IDPATH_DPIB update:

INFO:__main__:base /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.dae/GMergedMesh/0
[[ 12   8   0  -1]
 [720 362   1   0]
 [720 362   2   1]
 [960 482   3   2]
 [576 288   4   2]
 [ 96  50   5   2]]
nvert  1552 v.shape (1552, 3)


Contrary to prior invalid assumption, the problem is with the vacuum (solid 1), not the PMT bottom.

Analytic shapes plotted together with triangulated vertices in zr projection. All apart from /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/dpib/cfg4.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.dae/GMergedMesh/0/vertices.npy have the vacuum offset.


DAE level comparison plot of zr vertices from standard old export and PmtInBox recent export (g4d-). That makes offset very clear.:

In [1]: run
-46.992 128.0
-20.9888 128.0