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Instance Identity

OptiX geometry instances (each with a different transform associated) need to have separate identity, so can know which PMT gets hit for example.

DYB GMergedMesh/1, the 5 solids of the PMT:

In [1]: s = np.load("sensors.npy")

In [3]: s.shape
Out[3]: (2928, 1)

In [3]: s.shape
Out[3]: (2928, 1)

In [4]: s[:,0]
Out[4]: array([1, 1, 1, ..., 5, 5, 5], dtype=int32)

In [5]: count_unique(s[:,0])
array([[  1, 720],
       [  2, 672],
       [  3, 960],
       [  4, 480],
       [  5,  96]])
In [7]: n = np.load("nodeinfo.npy")

In [8]: n
array([[ 720,  362, 3199, 3155],
       [ 672,  338, 3200, 3199],
       [ 960,  482, 3201, 3200],
       [ 480,  242, 3202, 3200],
       [  96,   50, 3203, 3200]], dtype=uint32)


  • nodeinfo just covers the 1st instance.
  • only the 3rd solid, the cathode, is really a sensor

Using the instance identity buffer to handle this:

In [1]: ii = np.load("iidentity.npy")

In [2]: ii.shape
Out[2]: (3360, 4)

In [3]: ii.reshape(-1,5,4).shape
Out[3]: (672, 5, 4)

In [4]: ii.reshape(-1,5,4)
array([[[ 3199,    47,    19,     0],
        [ 3200,    46,    20,     0],
        [ 3201,    43,    21,     3],
        [ 3202,    44,     1,     0],
        [ 3203,    45,     1,     0]],

       [[ 3205,    47,    19,     0],
        [ 3206,    46,    20,     0],
        [ 3207,    43,    21,     8],
        [ 3208,    44,     1,     0],
        [ 3209,    45,     1,     0]],

       [[ 3211,    47,    19,     0],
        [ 3212,    46,    20,     0],
        [ 3213,    43,    21,    13],
        [ 3214,    44,     1,     0],
        [ 3215,    45,     1,     0]],
