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Leaky Triangulated Box


Shooting millions of photons at triangulation edges is fount to let some thru. The solution is to avoid doing that eg by shifting targetted point to avoid cracks or use analytic box instead.

Initial Observation

BoxInBox Pyrex block in Vacuum lit by spherical focus light targetting single point:  --test --save \
     --eye 0.5,0.5,0.0 \
     --animtimemax 7 \
     --testconfig "mode=BoxInBox_dimensions=500,300,0,0_boundary=Rock//perfectAbsorbSurface/Vacuum_boundary=Vacuum///Pyrex_" \
     --torchconfig "polz=spol_frame=1_type=refltest_source=0,0,300_target=0,0,1_radius=102_zenithazimuth=0,0.5,0,1_material=Vacuum" \
      $* seqhis selection

  • TORCH BR SA : one reflection then gets surface absorbed
  • TORCH BR AB : one reflection then bulk absorbed

Some 6 percent miss the target:

In [78]: pos1[:,2]
Out[78]: array([ 299.997,  299.997,  299.997, ...,  299.997,  299.997,  299.997], dtype=float32)

In [91]: pos1[pos1[:,2] != pos1[0,2]].shape
Out[91]: (4728, 3)

In [82]: p1z
Out[82]: array([ 299.997,  299.997,  299.997, ...,  299.997,  299.997,  299.997], dtype=float32)

In [83]: p1z[p1z<299]
Out[83]: array([ 12.009,  47.792, -18.876, ..., -15.503, -42.802,  68.941], dtype=float32)

In [87]: 4728./82600
Out[87]: 0.05723970944309927