Migration Overview =================== * https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Convert+from+Subversion+to+Mercurial 2-stage strategy ------------------ Attack in two stages: #. migrate "env" asis into bitbucket Split -------- Not really a migration, this is new creation. #. create a (3?) new repositories with * g4dae : just the geant4 exporter * g4daeview : visualization, optional dependency on g4daechroma * g4daechroma : mapping from g4dae into chroma and propagation steering Division to allow users without Chroma/CUDA to still benefit from the visualization functionality. * `hg convert` can extract history of parts of the SVN repo in its conversion into Mercurial, so can partition into separate repos. Which can then be fixed up for the different python import paths. code and revision history --------------------------- #. see `hg-convert` trying hg convert * http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ConvertExtension * worked OK, 8 mins for env over network * timezone ? * authormap ? * how to verify systematically ? #. alternative http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HgSubversion * TODO: check this recommendation of bitbucket http://blogs.atlassian.com/2011/03/goodbye_subversion_hello_mercurial/ #. probably just leave: wiki markup in commit messages wiki ---- #. see `trac2bitbucket-wiki` * needs a wiki repo first #. `tracwikidump.py` works, creates txt files for each Trac wikipage * more of a backup than a migration tickets -------- #. see `trac2bitbucket-tickets` * tickets have crazy dates from 1970, FIXED * http://www.redmine.org/issues/14567 trac timestamps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using Trac 0.11, so need to remove a factor of 1 million on timestamps. In Trac API 0.12, the representation of timestamps was changed from seconds since the epoch to microseconds since the epoch: * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracDev/ApiChanges/0.12#Timestampstorageindatabase