Apache to bitbucket ==================== .. contents:: :local: Overview --------- Notes on migrating storing static resources (html pages, images, PDF, video) from locally hosted apache to cloud servers from bitbucket and dropbox. Related -------- * :doc:`/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/index` Creation ----------- https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket #. With bitbucket web interface create repository named: *simoncblyth.bitbucket.org* #. Clone that repo locally:: delta:~ blyth$ hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org destination directory: simoncblyth.bitbucket.org no changes found updating to branch default 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved delta:~ blyth$ #. add, commit, push static index.html to the root RST doc links -------------- Absolute Sphinx RST doc links need to omit the **/env/notes** prefix that arises due to the positioning of the root index.html. For example:: :doc:`/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/index` * :doc:`/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/index` env notes ----------- Add **bb** target to ~/env/Makefile that populates ~/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/env with the Sphinx generated html. #. slightly funny doing that out of svn working copy, but have not migrated yet, still testing :: delta:simoncblyth.bitbucket.org blyth$ hg commit -m "test Sphinx html with bitbucket static pages " delta:simoncblyth.bitbucket.org blyth$ delta:simoncblyth.bitbucket.org blyth$ hg push pushing to ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org searching for changes remote: adding changesets remote: adding manifests remote: adding file changes Bitbucket Static pages rejig ----------------------------- C2 is again offline, last straw #. through bitbucket web interface * delete repository named *simoncblyth.bitbucket.org* * create repository named *simoncblyth.bitbucket.org* # make it public this time #. in file system:: delta:~ blyth$ rm -rf simoncblyth.bitbucket.org # delete old clone delta:~ blyth$ hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org # clone the empty #. amend **bb** target of env/Makefile Sphinx build to create/populate BITBUCKET_HTDOCS/env/notes and build:: delta:e blyth$ make bb #. amend target of env/muon_simulation/presentation/Makefile to create populate BITBUCKET_HTDOCS/env/muon_simulation/presentation and build:: slides-;slides-scd;make # OR slides-;slides-make #. move original APACHE_HTDOCS/env to env.keep and create symbolic link to allow local apache testing of html and resources without committing+pushing to bitbucket:: delta:Documents blyth$ sudo ln -s /Users/blyth/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/env #. move across the contents of APACHE_HTDOCS/env.keep to the new BITBUCKET_HTDOCS/env excluding the videos #. add to the bitbucket repo, mercurial complains about big PDF, so revert and place in Dropbox/Public env/muon_simulation/presentation/gpu_optical_photon_simulation.pdf: up to 115 MB of RAM may be required to manage this file (use 'hg revert env/muon_simulation/presentation/gpu_optical_photon_simulation.pdf' to cancel the pending addition) delta:simoncblyth.bitbucket.org blyth$ du -h env/muon_simulation/presentation/gpu_optical_photon_simulation.pdf 37M env/muon_simulation/presentation/gpu_optical_photon_simulation.pdf (adm_env)delta:simoncblyth.bitbucket.org blyth$ mv env/muon_simulation/presentation/gpu_optical_photon_simulation.pdf ~/Dropbox/Public/ Layout migration rejig ----------------------- Sphinx derived html, for env at least, are very much **notes**. Make that explicit and avoid double top "e" and "env" with layout at expense of the path. As all repos share the one #. /env/notes Sphinx derived notes #. /env/... other resources #. /env/muon_simulation/presentation/ Formerly Sphinx and slides building machinery generates html into APACHE_HTDOCS/e and APACHE_HTDOCS/env respectively. Instead of this generate into BITBUCKET_HTDOCS/env/notes and BITBUCKET_HTDOCS/env Then can publish by a Mercurial commit and push. All bitbucket repos under a username share the same single static pages repo, so having a one to one correspondence to a top level dir named after the repo is the cleanest way. Whats missing --------------- On cms02, also used bare apache for docs like presentations and images:: find $(apache-htdocs)/env Need way to reference those from Sphinx pages, and need to avoid the big ones:: delta:env blyth$ du -hs $(apache-htdocs)/env 2.4G /Library/WebServer/Documents/env Bitbucket limits * https://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=273877699 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284669/how-do-i-manage-large-art-assets-appropriately-in-dvcs TODO: Investigate Dropbox for longterm holding of binaries Sphinx downloads ----------------- For small numbers of binaries can use Sphinx download with RST source like:: described in the :download:`Chroma whitepaper `. Not so keen on this, #. it results in having multiple copies of the binary that get copied around by the Sphinx build. #. Prefer a single resource with a single URL, that never gets copied existing resource approach and how to map into bitbucket ---------------------------------------------------------- #. binaries (images, pdf, videos) served by apache from $APACHE_HTDOCS/env/ #. Sphinx derived html served from $APACHE_HTDOCS/e/ Keeping big and unchanging binaries separate from small and frequently changing html is a good pattern to continue. Could map this into bitbucket via directory structure in the static pages repo:: /var/scm/mercurial/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/e/ /var/scm/mercurial/simoncblyth.bitbucket.org/env/ But its all one repo anyhow, that is populated by #. sphinx build #. manual placement of resources Could in principal create a script to merge the resource and derived html trees ? But that introduces complication and makes it difficult to do clean Sphinx builds. managing the binaries ----------------------- Most of the binaries are not huge, only the video is potentially a problem, maybe dropbox for that. But need a way to select only binaries that are actually referred to. dropbox alternatives --------------------- * https://www.yunio.com video on dropbox ------------------ * https://tech.dropbox.com/2014/02/video-processing-at-dropbox/ * http://eastasiastudent.net/china/dropbox-no-vpn * http://techcrunch.com/2014/02/17/dropbox-now-accessible-for-the-first-time-in-china-since-2010/ Right click on video stored in your Public Dropbox folder to get the Public link, include that URL in Some suggestions to add to /etc/hosts:: www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com resource collection --------------------- #. Extended ~/e/muon_simulation/presentation/rst2s5-2.6.py to doctree traverse collecting and resolving the urls of resources used in the document (images, videos, background images). #. ~/e/bin/resources.py adding up sizes https://www.dropbox.com/s/6jmcqxphnc8qhkg/g4daeview_001.m4v?dl=0