DetSim DsConsOptical ======================= Geant4 Refs ----------- * * * * * Geant4 Process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * Process Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AtRest * AtRestDoIt, * AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength * (G4VAtRestProcess, processes with only AtRestDoIt) AlongStep * AlongStepDoIt, * AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength * (G4VContinuousProcess, processes with only AlongStepDoIt) PostStep * PostStepDoIt * PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength * (G4VDiscreteProcess, processes with only PostStepDoIt) Process Ordering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProcessManager of a particle is responsible for providing the Ordering #. Ordering of GetPhysicalInteractionLength in AlongStepDoIt, * Multiple Scattering process has to be invoked just before Transportation * Transportation process has to be invoked at the end. #. Ordering of DoIts * There is only some special cases. * For example, the Cherenkov process needs the energy loss information of the current step for its DoIt invocation. Therefore, the EnergyLoss process has to be invoked before the Cherenkov process. This ordering is provided by the process manager. Energy loss information necessary for the Cherenkov process is passed using G4Step (or the static dE/dX table is used together with the step length information in G4Step to obtain the energy loss information). Any other? DsPhysConsOptical.h --------------------- :: // Construct Optical Processes 20 class DsPhysConsOptical : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase 21 { --------------------- Assuming `DsPhysConsOptical` is used `DsG4Scintillation` is being used by default define:: 01 #define USE_CUSTOM_CERENKOV 02 #define USE_CUSTOM_SCINTILLATION 03 04 #include "DsPhysConsOptical.h" 05 #include "DsG4OpRayleigh.h" 06 07 #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_CERENKOV 08 #include "DsG4Cerenkov.h" 09 #else 10 #include "G4Cerenkov.hh" 11 #endif 12 13 #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_SCINTILLATION 14 #include "DsG4Scintillation.h" 15 #else 16 #include "G4Scintillation.hh" 17 #endif 18 Default properties:: 37 declareProperty("CerenMaxPhotonsPerStep",m_cerenMaxPhotonPerStep = 300, 38 "Limit step to at most this many (unscaled) Cerenkov photons."); 39 40 declareProperty("ScintDoReemission",m_doReemission = true, 41 "Do reemission in scintilator."); 42 declareProperty("ScintDoScintAndCeren",m_doScintAndCeren = true, 43 "Do both scintillation and Cerenkov in scintilator."); 44 45 declareProperty("UseCerenkov", m_useCerenkov=true, 46 "Use the Cerenkov process?"); 47 declareProperty("ApplyWaterQe", m_applyWaterQe=true, 48 "Apply QE for water cerenkov process when OP is created?" 49 "If it is true the CerenPhotonScaleWeight will be disabled in water," 50 "but it still works for AD and others"); 51 // wz: Maybe we can set the weight of a OP to >1 in future. 52 53 declareProperty("UseScintillation",m_useScintillation=true, 54 "Use the Scintillation process?"); 55 declareProperty("UseRayleigh", m_useRayleigh=true, 56 "Use the Rayleigh scattering process?"); 57 declareProperty("UseAbsorption", m_useAbsorption=true, 58 "Use light absorption process?"); 59 declareProperty("UseFastMu300nsTrick", m_useFastMu300nsTrick=false, 60 "Use Fast muon simulation?"); 61 declareProperty("ScintillationYieldFactor",m_ScintillationYieldFactor = 1.0, 62 "Scale the number of scintillation photons per MeV by this much."); 63 64 declareProperty("BirksConstant1", m_birksConstant1 = 6.5e-3*g/cm2/MeV, 65 "Birks constant C1"); 66 declareProperty("BirksConstant2", m_birksConstant2 = 3.0e-6*(g/cm2/MeV)*(g/cm2/MeV), 67 "Birks constant C2"); 68 69 declareProperty("GammaSlowerTime", m_gammaSlowerTime = 149*ns, 70 "Gamma Slower time constant"); 71 declareProperty("GammaSlowerRatio", m_gammaSlowerRatio = 0.338, 72 "Gamma Slower time ratio"); 73 74 declareProperty("NeutronSlowerTime", m_neutronSlowerTime = 220*ns, 75 "Neutron Slower time constant"); 76 declareProperty("NeutronSlowerRatio", m_neutronSlowerRatio = 0.34, 77 "Neutron Slower time ratio"); 78 79 declareProperty("AlphaSlowerTime", m_alphaSlowerTime = 220*ns, 80 "Alpha Slower time constant"); 81 declareProperty("AlphaSlowerRatio", m_alphaSlowerRatio = 0.35, 82 "Alpha Slower time ratio"); 83 84 declareProperty("CerenPhotonScaleWeight",m_cerenPhotonScaleWeight = 3.125, 85 "Scale down number of produced Cerenkov photons by this much."); 86 declareProperty("ScintPhotonScaleWeight",m_scintPhotonScaleWeight = 3.125, 87 "Scale down number of produced scintillation photons by this much."); :: 137 #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_SCINTILLATION 138 DsG4Scintillation* scint = 0; 139 info() << "Using customized DsG4Scintillation." << endreq; 140 scint = new DsG4Scintillation(); 141 scint->SetBirksConstant1(m_birksConstant1); 142 scint->SetBirksConstant2(m_birksConstant2); 143 scint->SetGammaSlowerTimeConstant(m_gammaSlowerTime); 144 scint->SetGammaSlowerRatio(m_gammaSlowerRatio); 145 scint->SetNeutronSlowerTimeConstant(m_neutronSlowerTime); 146 scint->SetNeutronSlowerRatio(m_neutronSlowerRatio); 147 scint->SetAlphaSlowerTimeConstant(m_alphaSlowerTime); 148 scint->SetAlphaSlowerRatio(m_alphaSlowerRatio); 149 scint->SetDoReemission(m_doReemission); 150 scint->SetDoBothProcess(m_doScintAndCeren); 151 scint->SetApplyPreQE(m_scintPhotonScaleWeight>1.); 152 scint->SetPreQE(1./m_scintPhotonScaleWeight); 153 scint->SetScintillationYieldFactor(m_ScintillationYieldFactor); //1.); 154 scint->SetUseFastMu300nsTrick(m_useFastMu300nsTrick); 155 scint->SetTrackSecondariesFirst(true); 156 if (!m_useScintillation) { 157 scint->SetNoOp(); 158 } 159 #else // standard G4 scint 160 G4Scintillation* scint = 0; 161 if (m_useScintillation) { 162 info() << "Using standard G4Scintillation." << endreq; 163 scint = new G4Scintillation(); 164 scint->SetScintillationYieldFactor(m_ScintillationYieldFactor); // 1.); 165 scint->SetTrackSecondariesFirst(true); 166 } 167 #endif `DsPhysConsOptical::ConstructProcess` --------------------------------------- Creates and configures process instances: #. cerenkov (DsG4Cerenkov) #. scint (DsG4Scintillation) #. absorb (G4OpAbsorption) #. rayleigh (DsG4OpRayleigh) #. boundproc (DsG4OpBoundaryProcess) #. `fast_sim_man` (G4FastSimulationManagerProcess) Adds the processes to particles to which they are applicable. Last 4 are for Optical Photon and added with `AddDiscreteProcess` Q: Is `G4Transportation` automatically added ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: delta:src blyth$ grep Transportation *.* G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()-> DsG4OpBoundaryProcess.h:#include "G4TransportationManager.hh" // AddTransportation(); "G4TransportationManager.hh" "G4TransportationManager.hh" TransportationManager used to get Navigator in boundproc:: 134 G4VParticleChange* 135 DsG4OpBoundaryProcess::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep) 136 { ... 164 G4Navigator* theNavigator = 165 G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()-> 166 GetNavigatorForTracking(); 167 168 G4ThreeVector theLocalPoint = theNavigator-> 169 GetGlobalToLocalTransform(). 170 TransformPoint(theGlobalPoint); Comment indicates GiGa adds the Transportation:: 098 void DsPhysConsGeneral::ConstructProcess() 099 { 100 // can't call this from a GiGaPhysConstructorBase, but 101 // G4VModularPhysicsList will do it for us. 102 // AddTransportation(); 103 104 G4Decay* theDecayProcess = new G4Decay(); 105 theParticleIterator->reset(); 106 while( (*theParticleIterator)() ) { 107 G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value(); 108 G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager(); 109 if (theDecayProcess->IsApplicable(*particle)) { 110 pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(theDecayProcess); 111 pmanager ->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxPostStep); 112 pmanager ->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxAtRest); 113 } 114 } Good to know where Optical Photon fake PDG code 20022 is set:: 43 void DsPhysConsGeneral::ConstructParticle() .. 84 /// Special hook: change the PDG encoded value for optical photons to be unique and useful. 85 G4ParticlePropertyTable* propTable = G4ParticlePropertyTable::GetParticlePropertyTable(); 86 assert(propTable); 87 G4ParticlePropertyData* photonData = propTable->GetParticleProperty(G4OpticalPhoton::Definition()); 88 assert(photonData); 89 photonData->SetPDGEncoding(20022); 90 photonData->SetAntiPDGEncoding(20022); 91 if(propTable->SetParticleProperty(*photonData)) 92 info() << "Set PDG code for opticalphoton to " << G4OpticalPhoton::Definition()->GetPDGEncoding() << endreq; 93 else 94 warning() << "Failed to reset PDG code on opticalphoton.. it's still set to " 95 << G4OpticalPhoton::Definition()->GetPDGEncoding() << endreq; More Phys setup ?:: delta:src blyth$ grep \ GiGaPhysConstructorBase *.h DsPhysConsEM.h:class DsPhysConsEM : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsElectroNu.h:class DsPhysConsElectroNu : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsGeneral.h:class DsPhysConsGeneral : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsHadron.h:class DsPhysConsHadron : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsIon.h:class DsPhysConsIon : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsOptical.h:class DsPhysConsOptical : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase `source/processes/parameterisation/include/G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * `Fast` used to be `Parametrisation` * G4FastSimulationManagerProcess ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A `G4VProcess` (usaully Discrete) providing interface between tracking and fast simulation. * It has to be set to the particles to be parameterised: The process ordering: * [n-3] ... * [n-2] Multiple Scattering * [n-1] G4FastSimulationManagerProcess * [ n ] G4Transportation