PyOpenGL GLUT Menu =================== Menuing Options ---------------- #. GLUT (triggering not easy) #. python menu ? #. add dependancy GUI toolkit glutAttachMenu ---------------- * :google:`glutAttachMenu` * Usage:: void glutAttachMenu(int button); void glutDetachMenu(int button); glutAttachMenu attaches a mouse button for the current window to the identifier of the current menu; glutDetachMenu detaches an attached mouse button from the current window. By attaching a menu identifier to a button, the named menu will be popped up when the user presses the specified button. button should be one of GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON, and GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON. Note that the menu is attached to the button by identifier, not by reference. OSX Trackpad and GLUT buttons ------------------------------ ================= ============================== GLUT_XXX_BUTTON trackpad menu triggering ================= ============================== LEFT light tap MIDDLE *unable to trigger it* RIGHT two finger press ================= ============================== * OSX GLUT --------- * Examples ---------- :: delta:e blyth$ pyopengl- delta:e blyth$ pyopengl-demo-cd delta:PyOpenGL-Demo blyth$ find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -l Menu {} \; ./GLE/ ./GLUT/ ./proesch/simple/ ./tom/ GLE/ ----------------- 2-finger click on trackpad with cursor inside the GLUT window raises the EXIT button menu (this is **GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON**):: (chroma_env)delta:~ blyth$ pyopengl- (chroma_env)delta:~ blyth$ python $(pyopengl-demo-dir)/GLE/ `GLE/`:: def JoinStyle (msg): sys.exit(0) def main(DrawStuff): global glutDisplayFunc, glutMotionFunc # initialize glut glutInit(sys.argv) glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH) glutCreateWindow("basic demo") glutDisplayFunc(DrawStuff) glutMotionFunc(MouseMotion) # create popup menu */ glutCreateMenu (JoinStyle) glutAddMenuEntry ("Exit", 99) glutAttachMenu (GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) # initialize GL */ glClearDepth (1.0) glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST) glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH) glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION) GLUT/ ------------------ Hmm, a 4 item menu : but its not very easy to use (two finger clicking and menu selection would be tricky with a large menu). :: (chroma_env)delta:GLUT blyth$ python $(pyopengl-demo-dir)/GLUT/ RIGHT-CLICK to display the menu. `GLUT/`:: VOID, ADD_PLANE, REMOVE_PLANE, MOTION_ON, MOTION_OFF, QUIT = range(6) def domotion_on(): moving = GL_TRUE glutChangeToMenuEntry(3, "Motion off", MOTION_OFF) glutIdleFunc(animate) return def domotion_off(): moving = GL_FALSE glutChangeToMenuEntry(3, "Motion", MOTION_ON) glutIdleFunc(None) return def doquit(): sys.exit(0) return menudict ={ADD_PLANE : add_plane, REMOVE_PLANE : remove_plane, MOTION_ON : domotion_on, MOTION_OFF: domotion_off, QUIT : doquit} def dmenu(item): menudict[item]() return 0 /// /// dmenu is the menu callback that gets called with the menu entry enum integer /// glutCreateMenu(dmenu) glutAddMenuEntry("Add plane", ADD_PLANE) glutAddMenuEntry("Remove plane", REMOVE_PLANE) glutAddMenuEntry("Motion", MOTION_ON) glutAddMenuEntry("Quit", QUIT) glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) # setup OpenGL state `$(pyopengl-demo-dir)/proesch/simple/`:: 097 MENU_RED, MENU_GREEN, MENU_BLUE, MENU_QUIT = 0, 1, 2, 3 098 colors = [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1] ] 099 def handleMenu( selection ): 100 """Callback function (menu). 101 102 Glut menus are not supported in PyOpenGL-3.0.0a6""" 103 104 global colors, rP 105 if selection == MENU_QUIT: 106 sys.exit() 107 elif MENU_RED <= selection <= MENU_BLUE: 108 rP.drawColor = colors[ selection ] 109 else: 110 print 'Warning: illegel Menu entry' 111 glutPostRedisplay( ) 112 113 def initMenus( ): 114 global handleMenu 115 colorMenu = glutCreateMenu( handleMenu ) 116 glutAddMenuEntry( "red", MENU_RED ) 117 glutAddMenuEntry( "green", MENU_GREEN ) 118 glutAddMenuEntry( "blue", MENU_BLUE ) 119 glutCreateMenu( handleMenu ) 120 glutAddSubMenu( "color", colorMenu) 121 glutAddMenuEntry( "quit", MENU_QUIT ) 122 glutAttachMenu( GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON ) 123 Hmm unable to trigger the menu:: (chroma_env)delta:pyopengl_glut blyth$ pyopengl- (chroma_env)delta:pyopengl_glut blyth$ python $(pyopengl-demo-dir)/proesch/simple/