Meshlab Collada Importer Abysmal Speed ========================================== .. contents:: :local: Collader Import takes 41 min for full geometry on G ------------------------------------------------------- Pycollada using numpy takes maybe 40 s. C++ Qt meshlab taking 41 min. :: In [50]: 2494335./1000./60. Out[50]: 41.572250000000004 :: ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '0.707107 -0.707107 0 6603.82 0.707107 0.707107 0 3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '6.12303e-17 -1 0 0 1 6.12303e-17 0 5150 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '-0.707107 -0.707107 0 -6603.82 0.707107 -0.707107 0 3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '-1 -1.22461e-16 0 -8150 1.22461e-16 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '-0.707107 0.707107 0 -6603.82 -0.707107 -0.707107 0 -3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '6.12303e-17 1 0 0 -1 6.12303e-17 0 -5150 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '0.707107 0.707107 0 6603.82 -0.707107 0.707107 0 -3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' Parsing matrix node; text value is '1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -5150 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180' LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1632/g4_00.dae in 2494335 msec LOG: 0 All files opened in 2518742 msec 11 min after Geometry Cache addition, but exploded! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hmm, its faster but geometry is "exploded" into little pieces. :: ****** Reading face[ 95].V(0) = 45 (570-th of the index list) (face has 3 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 95].V(1) = 43 (572-th of the index list) (face has 3 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 95].V(2) = 40 (574-th of the index list) (face has 3 vertices) ****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (final mesh size vn 50 vertsize 50 - fn 192 facesize 192) **** Loading a Geometry Mesh **** (final mesh size 50 50 - 192 192) ** instance_geometry with url #near-radslab-box-90xc8e73c0 (final mesh size 1246046 1246046 - 2452916 2452916) LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGX_20131121-1957/g4_00.dae in 657315 msec LOG: 0 All files opened in 663948 msec :: In [7]: 2518742./663948. Out[7]: 3.7935832324218164 In [8]: 663948./1000./60. Out[8]: 11.065799999999999 Why is collada importer so slow ? ------------------------------------ /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/meshlabplugins/io_collada/io_collada.cpp:: 104 bool ColladaIOPlugin::open(const QString &formatName, const QString &fileName, MeshModel &m, int& mask, const RichParameterSet &, CallBackPos *cb, QWidget *parent) ... 118 if(formatName.toUpper() == tr("DAE")) 119 { ... 121 tri::io::InfoDAE info; 122 if (!tri::io::ImporterDAE::LoadMask(filename.c_str(), info)) 123 return false; ... 129 int result = vcg::tri::io::ImporterDAE::Open(, filename.c_str(),info); /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h:: 25 #define __VCGLIB_IMPORTERDAE 26 27 //importer for collada's files 28 29 #include 30 31 // uncomment one of the following line to enable the Verbose debugging for the parsing 32 #define QDEBUG if(1) ; else {assert(0);} 33 //#define QDEBUG qDebug 34 35 namespace vcg { 36 namespace tri { 37 namespace io { 38 template 39 class ImporterDAE : public UtilDAE 40 { 41 public: /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h:: 713 //merge all meshes in the collada's file in the templeted mesh m 714 //I assume the mesh 715 716 static int Open(OpenMeshType& m,const char* filename, InfoDAE& info, CallBackPos *cb=0) 717 { 718 (void)cb; 719 720 QDEBUG("----- Starting the processing of %s ------",filename); 721 //AdditionalInfoDAE& inf = new AdditionalInfoDAE(); 722 //info = new InfoDAE(); 723 724 QDomDocument* doc = new QDomDocument(filename); 725 info.doc = doc; Code looks like it is not doing any caching, repeatedly searching DOM for for every refernence. /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/dae:: 478 /* Very important procedure 479 it has the task to finde the name of the image node corresponding to a given material id, 480 it assuemes that the material name that is passed have already been bound with the current bindings 481 */ 482 483 inline static QDomNode textureFinder(QString& boundMaterialName, QString &textureFileName, const QDomDocument doc) 484 { 485 boundMaterialName.remove('#'); 486 //library_material -> material -> instance_effect 487 QDomNodeList lib_mat = doc.elementsByTagName("library_materials"); 488 if (lib_mat.size() != 1) 489 return QDomNode(); 490 QDomNode material = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(,QString("material"),QString("id"),boundMaterialName); 491 if (material.isNull()) 492 return QDomNode(); 493 QDomNodeList in_eff = material.toElement().elementsByTagName("instance_effect"); 494 if (in_eff.size() == 0) 495 return QDomNode(); 496 QString url ="url"); 497 if ((url.isNull()) || (url == "")) 498 return QDomNode(); 499 url = url.remove('#'); 500 qDebug("====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '%s' ",qPrintable(url)); 501 //library_effects -> effect -> instance_effect 502 QDomNodeList lib_eff = doc.elementsByTagName("library_effects"); 503 if (lib_eff.size() != 1) 504 return QDomNode(); 505 QDomNode effect = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(,QString("effect"),QString("id"),url); 506 if (effect.isNull()) 507 return QDomNode(); 508 QDomNodeList init_from = effect.toElement().elementsByTagName("init_from"); 509 if (init_from.size() == 0) 510 return QDomNode(); 511 QString img_id =; 512 if ((img_id.isNull()) || (img_id == "")) 513 return QDomNode(); 514 515 //library_images -> image 516 QDomNodeList libraryImageNodeList = doc.elementsByTagName("library_images"); 517 qDebug("====== searching among library_images the effect with id '%s' ",qPrintable(img_id)); 518 if (libraryImageNodeList.size() != 1) 519 return QDomNode(); 520 QDomNode imageNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(,QString("image"),QString("id"),img_id); 521 QDomNodeList initfromNode = imageNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("init_from"); 522 textureFileName=; 523 qDebug("====== the image '%s' has a %i init_from nodes text '%s'",qPrintable(img_id),initfromNode.size(),qPrintable(textureFileName)); 524 525 return imageNode; 526 } /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h:: 249 inline static QDomNode findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(const QDomNodeList& ndl,const QString& attrname,const QString& attrvalue) 250 { 251 int ndl_size = ndl.size(); 252 int ind = 0; 253 while(ind < ndl_size) 254 { 255 QString st =; 256 if (st == attrvalue) 257 return; 258 ++ind; 259 } 260 return QDomNode(); 261 } 262 263 inline static QDomNode findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(const QDomNode n,const QString& tag,const QString& attrname,const QString& attrvalue) 264 { 265 return findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(n.toElement().elementsByTagName(tag),attrname,attrvalue); 266 } 267 268 inline static QDomNode findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(const QDomDocument n,const QString& tag,const QString& attrname,const QString& attrvalue) 269 { 270 return findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(n.elementsByTagName(tag),attrname,attrvalue); 271 } Separate plugin build output ----------------------------- First section all in the ``Open(`` /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h:: ----- Starting the processing of /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGX_20131121-1957/g4_00.dae ------ File Contains 1 Scenes Scene 0 contains 1 instance_visual_scene instance_visual_scene 0 refers DefaultScene instance_visual_scene DefaultScene has 1 children Processing Visual Scene child 0 - of type 'node' Subsequentluy goes recursive /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h :: 806 if(node.toElement().tagName()=="node") 807 { 808 ColladaMesh newMesh; 809 AddNodeToMesh(node.toElement(), newMesh, baseTr,info); 810 tri::Append::Mesh(m,newMesh); 811 } :: 590 static void AddNodeToMesh(QDomElement node, 591 ColladaMesh& m, Matrix44f curTr, 592 InfoDAE& info) 593 { 594 QDEBUG("Starting processing with id %s",qPrintable(node.attribute("id"))); 595 596 curTr = curTr * getTransfMatrixFromNode(node); 597 598 QDomNodeList geomNodeList = node.elementsByTagName("instance_geometry"); 599 for(int ch = 0;ch < geomNodeList.size();++ch) 600 { 601 QDomElement instGeomNode=; 602 if(instGeomNode.parentNode()==node) // process only direct child 603 { 604 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (intial mesh size %i %i T = %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.fn,m.textures.size()); 605 //assert(m.textures.size()>0 == HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m)); 606 QString geomNode_url; 607 referenceToANodeAttribute(instGeomNode,"url",geomNode_url); 608 QDomNode refNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(*(info.doc),"geometry","id",geomNode_url); 609 QDomNodeList bindingNodes = instGeomNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("bind_material"); 610 QMap materialBindingMap; 611 if( bindingNodes.size()>0) { 612 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry has a material binding"); 613 GenerateMaterialBinding(instGeomNode,materialBindingMap); 614 } 615 //// this is the place to cache the mesh keyed by refNode , is ColladaMesh up to living in a container ? 616 ColladaMesh newMesh; 617 // newMesh.face.EnableWedgeTex(); 618 LoadGeometry(newMesh, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap); 619 tri::UpdatePosition::Matrix(newMesh,curTr); 620 tri::Append::Mesh(m,newMesh); 621 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (final mesh size %i %i - %i %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.vert.size(),m.fn,m.face.size()); 622 } 623 } /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/vcg/complex/complex.h:: 415 private: 416 // TriMesh cannot be copied. Use Append (see vcg/complex/append.h) 417 TriMesh operator =(const TriMesh & /*m*/){assert(0);return TriMesh();} 418 TriMesh(const TriMesh & ){} 419 :: Starting processing with id top getTrans form node with tag node Found a instance_node with url 'World0xc7ba680' Starting processing with id World0xc7ba680 getTrans form node with tag node ** instance_geometry with url #WorldBox0xc8e27e0 (intial mesh size 0 0 T = 0) ** instance_geometry has a material binding ++++ Found 1 instance_material binding ++++++ WHITE -> #__dd__Materials__Vacuum0xbd75258 **** Loading a Geometry Mesh **** (initial mesh size 0 0) ****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (initial mesh size 8 0) ****** material id 'WHITE' -> '#__dd__Materials__Vacuum0xbd75258' ====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__Vacuum_fx_0xbd75258' ****** but we were not able to find the corresponding image node ******* Start Reading faces. Attributes Offsets: offtx 0 - offnm 1 - offcl 0 ******* Reading face[ 0].V(0) = 0 (0-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 0].V(1) = 3 (2-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 0].V(2) = 2 (4-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 0].V(3) = 1 (6-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 1].V(0) = 4 (8-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices) ******* Reading face[ 1].V(1) = 7 (10-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices) Before profiling/optimising need to check the SVN future of meshlab/vcglib ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sourceforge yuck. * Slow code is actually in vcglib * * * :: simon:dae blyth$ vcglib-cd simon:vcglib_trunk blyth$ pwd /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk simon:vcglib_trunk blyth$ cd wrap/dae simon:dae blyth$ simon:dae blyth$ svn log . -v ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4985 | granzuglia | 2013-10-25 04:51:03 +0800 (Fri, 25 Oct 2013) | 1 line Changed paths: M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/poly_triangulator.h - added missing include file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4983 | granzuglia | 2013-10-25 00:18:13 +0800 (Fri, 25 Oct 2013) | 1 line Changed paths: M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h A /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/poly_triangulator.h M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h - updated collada format in order to manage alpha channel colour ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4861 | granzuglia | 2013-03-25 03:51:43 +0800 (Mon, 25 Mar 2013) | 2 lines Changed paths: M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/xmldocumentmanaging.h - small changes for qt5.0 compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4752 | cignoni | 2012-11-28 06:31:48 +0800 (Wed, 28 Nov 2012) | 1 line Changed paths: M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/export_idtf.h Added a few missing const specifiers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4180 | cignoni | 2011-10-05 23:04:40 +0800 (Wed, 05 Oct 2011) | 1 line Changed paths: A /trunk/vcglib (from /trunk/vcglib:4178) R /trunk/vcglib/apps (from /trunk/vcglib/apps:4178) R /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro (from /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro:4178) R /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/defs.h (from /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/defs.h:4178) R /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/history.txt (from /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/history.txt:4178) :: simon:meshlab blyth$ diff -r --brief $(meshlab-dir)/../../vcglib/wrap/dae $(vcglib-dir)/wrap/dae Files /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/../../vcglib/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h and /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h differ Only in /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae: poly_triangulator.h Files /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/../../vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h and /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae/util_dae.h differ Files /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/../../vcglib/wrap/dae/xmldocumentmanaging.h and /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae/xmldocumentmanaging.h differ simon:meshlab blyth$ Fix by addition of a geometry cache ---------------------------------------- Using a ``QCache`` would have been nice for eviction control to restrict memory usage, but the ColladaMesh type structure is too contorted to be usable outside of its definition class, hence the ``void*`` cheating. /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h:: 52 #if defined SCB_COLLADA_GEOMETRY_CACHE 53 #include 54 #endif 55 56 namespace vcg { 57 namespace tri { 58 namespace io { 59 60 61 62 class InfoDAE : public AdditionalInfo 63 { 64 public: 65 66 InfoDAE() :AdditionalInfo(){ 67 doc = NULL; 68 textureIdMap.clear(); 69 } 70 71 ~InfoDAE(){ 72 if(doc!=NULL) delete doc; 73 #if defined SCB_COLLADA_GEOMETRY_CACHE 74 geometry_cache.clear() ; 75 #endif 76 } 77 78 QDomDocument* doc; 79 QMap textureIdMap; 80 81 #if defined SCB_COLLADA_GEOMETRY_CACHE 82 QHash geometry_cache ; 83 #endif 84 85 86 }; /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h:: 591 static void AddNodeToMesh(QDomElement node, 592 ColladaMesh& m, Matrix44f curTr, 593 InfoDAE& info) 594 { 595 QDEBUG("Starting processing with id %s",qPrintable(node.attribute("id"))); 596 597 curTr = curTr * getTransfMatrixFromNode(node); 598 599 QDomNodeList geomNodeList = node.elementsByTagName("instance_geometry"); 600 for(int ch = 0;ch < geomNodeList.size();++ch) 601 { 602 QDomElement instGeomNode=; 603 if(instGeomNode.parentNode()==node) // process only direct child 604 { 605 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (intial mesh size %i %i T = %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.fn,m.textures.size()); 606 //assert(m.textures.size()>0 == HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m)); 607 QString geomNode_url; 608 referenceToANodeAttribute(instGeomNode,"url",geomNode_url); 609 610 #if defined SCB_COLLADA_GEOMETRY_CACHE 611 // cache them for reuse 612 bool geometry_cached = info.geometry_cache.contains(geomNode_url) ; 613 ColladaMesh* newMeshPtr ; 614 615 if( geometry_cached ) 616 { 617 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry cache hit %s ", qPrintable(geomNode_url)); 618 newMeshPtr = (ColladaMesh*)info.geometry_cache.value(geomNode_url) ; 619 } 620 else 621 { 622 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry CACHE MISS %s ", qPrintable(geomNode_url)); 623 newMeshPtr = new ColladaMesh ; 624 625 QDomNode refNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(*(info.doc),"geometry","id",geomNode_url); 626 QDomNodeList bindingNodes = instGeomNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("bind_material"); 627 QMap materialBindingMap; 628 if( bindingNodes.size()>0) { 629 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry has a material binding"); 630 GenerateMaterialBinding(instGeomNode,materialBindingMap); 631 } 632 633 LoadGeometry(*newMeshPtr, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap); 634 info.geometry_cache.insert(geomNode_url, (void*)newMeshPtr) ; 635 } 636 ColladaMesh& newMesh = *newMeshPtr ; 637 #else 638 639 QDomNode refNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(*(info.doc),"geometry","id",geomNode_url); 640 QDomNodeList bindingNodes = instGeomNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("bind_material"); 641 QMap materialBindingMap; 642 if( bindingNodes.size()>0) { 643 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry has a material binding"); 644 GenerateMaterialBinding(instGeomNode,materialBindingMap); 645 } 646 ColladaMesh newMesh; 647 // newMesh.face.EnableWedgeTex(); 648 LoadGeometry(newMesh, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap); 649 #endif 650 tri::UpdatePosition::Matrix(newMesh,curTr); 651 tri::Append::Mesh(m,newMesh); 652 QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (final mesh size %i %i - %i %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.vert.size(),m.fn,m.face.size()); Build this from ``graphics/meshlab/meshlabplugins/io_collada`` with:: meshlab-collada-make Install into the separately built meshlabserver with:: simon:io_collada blyth$ t meshlab-collada-install meshlab-collada-install is a function meshlab-collada-install () { cd_func $(env-home)/graphics/meshlab/meshlabplugins/io_collada; local dest=../../distrib/plugins/; mkdir -p $dest; local plug=libio_collada.dylib; local target=$dest/$plug; rm -rf $target; [ -f $plug ] && cp $plug $target } Exploded due to UpdatePosition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contrary to assumption that this was just setting a matrix, it is actually iterating over all vertices and multiplying by the matrix.:: 650 tri::UpdatePosition::Matrix(newMesh,curTr); Thus the cached ``newMesh`` position keeps changing for each use. Isolate the cache from its usage with Append, there is no copy ctor:: 636 ColladaMesh newMesh ; // avoid exploding the geometry by keeping the cached mesh and newMesh distinct 637 tri::Append::Mesh(newMesh,*cacheMeshPtr); :: ****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (final mesh size vn 50 vertsize 50 - fn 192 facesize 192) **** Loading a Geometry Mesh **** (final mesh size 50 50 - 192 192) ** instance_geometry with url #near-radslab-box-90xc8e73c0 (final mesh size 1246046 1246046 - 2452916 2452916) LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGX_20131121-1957/g4_00.dae in 587294 msec LOG: 0 All files opened in 594080 msec Thats better, geometry looks OK, and loading in less than 10 min on ancient laptop:: In [9]: 594080./1000./60. Out[9]: 9.9013333333333335