Glumpy Usage Of PyOpenGL ========================= VertexBuffer ------------- * `/usr/local/env/graphics/glumpy/glumpy/glumpy/graphics/` Usage ~~~~~~~ ``:: 129 def main(): 130 import sys 131 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) 132 133 arg = "4998:6000" 134 vbo = VBO.from_dae(arg, scale=True) 135 136 fig = gp.figure((1024,768)) 137 frame = fig.add_frame(size=(1,1)) 138 139 mesh =, vbo.faces ) 140 trackball = gp.Trackball( 65, 135, 1.0, 2.5 ) 141 142 FigHandler(fig, trackball) 143 FrameHandler(frame, mesh, trackball) 144 145 Adapted from `demos/` in ``:: 38 def __init__(self, vertices, normals, faces): 39 40 data = np.zeros(len(vertices), [('position', np.float32, 3), 41 ('color', np.float32, 3), 42 ('normal', np.float32, 3)]) 43 data['position'] = vertices 44 data['color'] = np.random.random(vertices.shape) # (vertices+1)/2. 45 data['normal'] = normals 46 47 = data 48 self.faces = faces __init__ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Dicts of attributes keyed on first char of subdtype name created, buffers created and bound:: 128 class VertexBuffer(object): 130 def __init__(self, vertices, indices=None): ... 155 if name in['position', 'color', 'normal', 'tex_coord', 156 'fog_coord', 'secondary_color', 'edge_flag']: 157 vclass = 'VertexAttribute_%s' % name 158 attribute = eval(vclass)(count,gltype,stride,offset) 159 self.attributes[name[0]] = attribute 160 else: 161 attribute = VertexAttribute_generic(count,gltype,stride,offset,index) 162 self.generic_attributes.append(attribute) 163 index += 1 ... 167 self.vertices_id = gl.glGenBuffers(1) 168 169 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vertices_id ) 170 gl.glBufferData( gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vertices, gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW ) 171 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 ) 172 173 self.indices = indices 174 self.indices_id = gl.glGenBuffers(1) 175 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.indices_id ) 176 gl.glBufferData( gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.indices, gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW ) 177 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 ) draw ~~~~~~ :: 186 def draw( self, mode=gl.GL_QUADS, what='pnctesf' ): 187 gl.glPushClientAttrib( gl.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT ) # mask specifies which attributes to save 188 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vertices_id ) # select this objects ARRAY and ELEMENT_ARRAY buffers via id 189 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.indices_id ) 190 for attribute in self.generic_attributes: 191 attribute.enable() 192 for c in self.attributes.keys(): 193 if c in what: 194 self.attributes[c].enable() 195 gl.glDrawElements( mode, self.indices.size, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) 196 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 ) 197 gl.glBindBuffer( gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 ) 198 gl.glPopClientAttrib( ) 199 VertexAttribute_position/color/normal/... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :: ... the use of glVertexPointer and glColorPointer is part of the "legacy" OpenGL API. When using shader-based geometry there is no need to restrict oneself to a single position, colour or texture for a given vertex. glVertexPointer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :: 096 class VertexAttribute_position(VertexAttribute): 097 def __init__(self, count, gltype, stride, offset): 098 assert count > 1, \ 099 'Vertex attribute must have count of 2, 3 or 4' 100 assert gltype in (gl.GL_SHORT, gl.GL_INT, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_DOUBLE), \ 101 'Vertex attribute must have signed type larger than byte' 102 VertexAttribute.__init__(self, count, gltype, stride, offset) 103 def enable(self): 104 gl.glVertexPointer(self.count, self.gltype, self.stride, self.offset) 105 gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) 106 glColorPointer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :: 27 class VertexAttribute_color(VertexAttribute): 28 def __init__(self, count, gltype, stride, offset): 29 assert count in (3, 4), \ 30 'Color attributes must have count of 3 or 4' 31 VertexAttribute.__init__(self, count, gltype, stride, offset) 32 def enable(self): 33 gl.glColorPointer(self.count, self.gltype, self.stride, self.offset) 34 gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_COLOR_ARRAY) 35 36 glNormalPointer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: 60 class VertexAttribute_normal(VertexAttribute): 61 def __init__(self, count, gltype, stride, offset): 62 assert count == 3, \ 63 'Normal attribute must have a size of 3' 64 assert gltype in (gl.GL_BYTE, gl.GL_SHORT, 65 gl.GL_INT, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_DOUBLE), \ 66 'Normal attribute must have signed type' 67 VertexAttribute.__init__(self, 3, gltype, stride, offset) 68 def enable(self): 69 gl.glNormalPointer(self.gltype, self.stride, self.offset) 70 gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY) 71