Meshtool ========== Meshtool provides PyCollada based utilities such as: #. viewing collada docs (via Panda3D) #. dumping info on collada docs Invokation via bash function ------------------------------ Using system python 2.5.1 to enable panda3d usage:: simon:~ blyth$ meshtool- simon:~ blyth$ t meshtool meshtool is a function meshtool () { /usr/bin/python -c "from meshtool.__main__ import main ; main() " $* } Start Geometry Web Server -------------------------- :: simon:~ blyth$ --webserver 2013-10-29 13:08:49,008 INFO /Users/blyth/env/bin/ 2013-10-29 13:08:49,012 INFO VNode.parse pycollada parse /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/xdae/g4_01.dae ... 2013-10-29 13:09:02,654 INFO starting webserver Grab some geometry and view ----------------------------- :: simon:~ blyth$ collada- simon:~ blyth$ collada-cd simon:collada blyth$ pwd /usr/local/env/graphics/collada simon:collada blyth$ curl -O http://localhost:8080/subcopy/__dd__Geometry__AD__lvOIL--pvAdPmtArray--pvAdPmtArrayRotated--pvAdPmtRingInCyl..1--pvAdPmtInRing..1--pvAdPmtUnit--pvAdPmt0xa8d92d8.0.dae simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada __dd__Geometry__AD__lvOIL--pvAdPmtArray--pvAdPmtArrayRotated--pvAdPmtRingInCyl..1--pvAdPmtInRing..1--pvAdPmtUnit--pvAdPmt0xa8d92d8.0.dae --viewer ## `--collada_viewer` shows nothing visible, as have no cameras/lights in the file To edit the DAE download first:: simon:collada blyth$ curl -sO http://localhost:8080/subcopy/3199.dae simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada 3199.dae --viewer Can also view direct from a subcopy URL:: simon:~ blyth$ meshtool --load_collada http://localhost:8080/subcopy/3199.dae --viewer Meshtool dumping ------------------ `print_scene` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada 3199.dae --print_scene Warning: filter 'sander_simplify' disabled because of ImportError: cannot import name combinations `print_info` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada 3199.dae --print_info Warning: filter 'sander_simplify' disabled because of ImportError: cannot import name combinations Cameras: 0 Lights: 0 Materials: 4 Effects: 4 Images: 0 Geometries: 5 pmt-hemi0x88414e8-Pos: pmt-hemi0x88414e8-Norm: pmt-hemi-vac0x8840ae8-Pos: pmt-hemi-vac0x8840ae8-Norm: pmt-hemi-cathode0x8840560-Pos: pmt-hemi-cathode0x8840560-Norm: pmt-hemi-bot0x8840698-Pos: pmt-hemi-bot0x8840698-Norm: pmt-hemi-dynode0x8840708-Pos: pmt-hemi-dynode0x8840708-Norm: `print_instances` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada 3199.dae --print_instances Warning: filter 'sander_simplify' disabled because of ImportError: cannot import name combinations Total geometries instantiated in default scene: 5 `print_render_info` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: simon:collada blyth$ curl -sO http://localhost:8080/subcopy/0.dae simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada 0.dae --print_render_info Warning: filter 'sander_simplify' disabled because of ImportError: cannot import name combinations Total texture RAM required: 0.0 bytes Total triangles: 2483650 Total vertices: 6133544 Total normals: 6133544 Total texcoords: 0 Raw number of draw calls: 12230 Number of draw calls with instance batching: 249 Number of draw calls with instance and material batching: 36 Number of lines: 0 `print_bounds` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: simon:collada blyth$ meshtool --load_collada 0.dae --print_bounds Warning: filter 'sander_simplify' disabled because of ImportError: cannot import name combinations Bounds: <<-2400000, -2400000, -2400000>, <2400000, 2400000, 2400000>> Center: <0, 0, 0> Point farthest from center: <-2400000, -2400000, -2400000> at distance of 4156922 Meshtool structure -------------------- Filter pipeline structure, /usr/local/env/graphics/collada/meshtool/meshtool/ 35 order = ['Loading', 36 'Printing', 37 'Simplification', 38 'Optimizations', 39 'Visualizations', 40 'Meta', 41 'Operations', 42 'Saving'] Meshtool panda3d viewer ------------------------ /usr/local/env/graphics/collada/meshtool/meshtool/filters/panda_filters/ 03 from pandacore import setupPandaApp, getBaseNodePath 04 from pandacontrols import KeyboardMovement, MouseDrag, MouseScaleZoom, MouseCamera, ButtonUtils 05 06 def runViewer(mesh): 07 p3dApp = setupPandaApp(mesh) 08 p3dApp.render.analyze() 09 KeyboardMovement() 10 ButtonUtils(getBaseNodePath(p3dApp.render)) 11 MouseDrag(getBaseNodePath(p3dApp.render)) 12 MouseScaleZoom(getBaseNodePath(p3dApp.render)) 13 MouseCamera() 14 controls ~~~~~~~~ /usr/local/env/graphics/collada/meshtool/meshtool/filters/panda_filters/ 07 class KeyboardMovement(DirectObject): 08 def __init__(self, scale=1.0): 09 self.scale = scale 10 self.adjustSpeed() 11 12 #initial values for movement of the camera 13 self.cam_pos_x = 0 14 self.cam_pos_y = 0 15 self.cam_pos_z = 0 16 self.cam_h = 0 17 self.cam_p = 0 18 self.cam_r = 0 19 20 #Each input modifies x,y,z, h,p,r by an amount .. camera position x,y,z and camera yaw/pitch/roll 21 key_modifiers = [('w', [True, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0]), # w/s (arrow_up/arrow_down) towards/away from object +y/-y 22 ('s', [True, 0, -0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0]), # 23 ('a', [True, -0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), # a/d camera left/right -x/+x 24 ('d', [True, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), # perspective change apparent 25 ('r', [True, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0]), # 26 ('f', [True, 0, 0, -0.5, 0, 0, 0]), # 27 ('arrow_up', [True, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 28 ('arrow_down', [True, 0, -0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 29 ('arrow_left', [True, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0]), 30 ('arrow_right', [True, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0, 0])] .. 38 self.accept('escape', sys.exit) 39 self.accept('[', self.speedDown) # multiple keypresses needed to effect much change 40 self.accept(']', self.speedUp) :: .. .. w r .. a s d f .. Panda3D coordinates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :: myNodePath.setPos(X, Y, Z) myNodePath.setHpr(Yaw, Pitch, Roll) By default in Panda3D, the X axis points to the right, the Y axis is forward, and Z is up. An object's rotation is usually described using Euler angles called Heading, Pitch, and Roll (sometimes called Yaw, Pitch, and Roll in other packages) these specify angle rotations in degrees.