Torch Stratification ====================== Summary -------- Confirmed to be due to time compression domain of 200ns being inappropriate for small scale testing. Reducing time domain to 10ns eliminates visible stratification. :: ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --timemax 10 Issue ------ 100mm radius beam head on to PMT. * Observe clear dinner plate (Fresnel lens) looking stratification in the beam, prior to hitting PMT, categories "BT SA" and "BT SD" show it clearest. * Moving the PMT out of the way with "slice=0:0" gets rid of the stratification. .. image:: //env/graphics/ggeoview/issues/statification.png :width: 900px :align: center :: ggv-pmt-test(){ type $FUNCNAME local torch_config=( type=disc photons=500000 frame=1 source=0,0,300 target=0,0,0 radius=25 zenithazimuth=0,1,0,1 material=Vacuum ) local test_config=( mode=PmtInBox boundary=Rock//perfectAbsorbSurface/MineralOil dimensions=300,0,0,0 shape=B analytic=1 ) ggv \ --test --testconfig "$(join _ ${test_config[@]})" \ --torch --torchconfig "$(join _ ${torch_config[@]})" \ --animtimemax 10 \ --eye 0.5,0.5,0.0 \ $* } :: [2015-Nov-17 14:55:14.112908]:info: 0 442214 0.884 8cd TO BT SA 1 52171 0.104 7cd TO BT SD 2 3613 0.007 4d TO AB 3 1040 0.002 86d TO SC SA 4 743 0.001 4cd TO BT AB 5 164 0.000 8c6d TO SC BT SA 6 25 0.000 7c6d TO SC BT SD 7 11 0.000 46d TO SC AB 8 8 0.000 8bd TO BR SA 9 7 0.000 8cc6d TO SC BT BT SA 10 2 0.000 8b6d TO SC BR SA 11 1 0.000 4c6d TO SC BT AB 12 1 0.000 866d TO SC SC SA TOT 500000 [2015-Nov-17 14:55:14.113700]:info: App::indexSequence m_seqmat [2015-Nov-17 14:55:14.113868]:info: 0 495128 0.990 ee4 MO Py Py 1 3613 0.007 44 MO MO 2 1059 0.002 444 MO MO MO 3 190 0.000 ee44 MO MO Py Py 4 7 0.000 44e44 MO MO Py MO MO 5 3 0.000 4444 MO MO MO MO TOT 500000 Using tracer mode for fast turnaround vary the slice to find just the front part of PMT, then run without tracer for propagation:: ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --tracer #slice=2:3 ggv-;ggv-pmt-test See same stratification pattern with just the MO/Pyrex of very front face, just not quite as wide. Visualization Artifact Only ? NO --------------------------------- Plotting the z position of the intersect shows no stair stepping. * temporal compression is biting far more than spatial Time Banding -------------- :: In [2]: run -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 32000080 Nov 17 16:56 /usr/local/env/dayabay/oxtorch/1.npy -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 80000080 Nov 17 16:56 /usr/local/env/dayabay/rxtorch/1.npy -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 8000080 Nov 17 16:56 /usr/local/env/dayabay/phtorch/1.npy In [16]: cu = count_unique(t) # 26 Out[16]: array([[ 0.928, 9470. ], [ 0.934, 15620. ], [ 0.94 , 15575. ], [ 0.946, 15433. ], [ 0.952, 15309. ], [ 0.958, 15100. ], [ 0.964, 14928. ], [ 0.97 , 14858. ], [ 0.977, 14547. ], [ 0.983, 14366. ], [ 0.989, 14178. ], [ 0.995, 14093. ], [ 1.001, 13906. ], [ 1.007, 13886. ], [ 1.013, 13681. ], [ 1.019, 13598. ], [ 1.025, 13292. ], [ 1.032, 13172. ], [ 1.038, 13150. ], [ 1.044, 12745. ], [ 1.05 , 12687. ], [ 1.056, 12576. ], [ 1.062, 12264. ], [ 1.068, 12346. ], [ 1.074, 12073. ], [ 1.08 , 2510. ]]) Time Compression Artifact ? YEP ---------------------------------- Time not as easy as position to contain based on geometry as will want to use different time horizons depending on what looking at. * Time domain extent `--timemax` default is 200ns, distinct from `--animtimemax` * Speed of light in vacuum : 299.792 mm/ns ~300 mm/ns * Domain of 200ns corresponds to time for light to travel 60m ( 200*300 = 60,000 mm ) in order to contain large detector geometries * Are compressing into 16 bit short int with (0x1 << 15) - 1 = 32767 values, so the steps between possible times correspond to time light in vacuum would go 60000./32767 = 1.83 mm, so in MineralOil 1.83*1.482 = 2.712 mm * Range of positions across frontface of PMT is 31mm (as shown below) 31./2.712 = 11 (this suggests 11 steps, when see 26 distinct times) * Factor of 2 somewhere ? * There are actually two relevant compressed times at either ends of the step. Refractive indices at 380nm * `ggv --mat Pyrex` 1.458 * `ggv --mat MineralOil` 1.48264 Improve Time Compression ? ------------------------------ * shortnorm compression uses signed short for easy handling of position using geometry center offset and extent scaling, for time the center is taken as zero which wastes half the bits as never have negative times cu/photon.h:: 102 __device__ short shortnorm( float v, float center, float extent ) 103 { 104 // range of short is -32768 to 32767 105 // Expect no positions out of range, as constrained by the geometry are bouncing on, 106 // but getting times beyond the range eg 0.:100 ns is expected 107 // 108 int inorm = __float2int_rn(32767.0f * (v - center)/extent ) ; // linear scaling into -1.f:1.f * float(SHRT_MAX) 109 return fitsInShort(inorm) ? short(inorm) : SHRT_MIN ; 110 } Changing Position/Time Domain used for record compression ----------------------------------------------------------- App::registerGeometry:: m_composition->setTimeDomain( gfloat4(0.f, m_fcfg->getTimeMax(), m_fcfg->getAnimTimeMax(), 0.f) ); m_parameters->add("timeMax",m_composition->getTimeDomain().y ); gfloat4 ce0 = m_mesh0->getCenterExtent(0); // 0 : all geometry of the mesh, >0 : specific volumes m_composition->setDomainCenterExtent(ce0); // define range in compressions etc.. :: ggv --help --timemax arg Maximum time in nanoseconds. Default 200 --animtimemax arg Maximum animation time in nanoseconds. Default 50 Position Compression Artifact ? Dont think so ----------------------------------------------- Where does the position come from: * the intersection point with sphere is calculated and than a linear interpolation between the steps based on input time provides the position :: In [1]: np.load("OPropagatorF.npy") Out[1]: array([[[ 0., 0., 0., 700.]], # center extent domain [[ 0., 200., 7., 0.]], [[ 60., 810., 20., 750.]]], dtype=float32) :: Compression extent is 700mm Front part of PMT radius of curvature 131mm cu/photon.h:: int inorm = __float2int_rn(32767.0f * (v - center)/extent ) ; // linear scaling into -1.f:1.f * float(SHRT_MAX) :: [2015-Nov-17 16:16:41.757108]:info: OGeo::makeAnalyticGeometry partBuf (2,4,4) ( 0) 0.000 0.000 0.000 131.000 ( 0) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ( 0) -84.540 -84.540 100.070 0.000 ( 0) 84.540 84.540 131.000 0.000 ( 1) 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.000 ( 1) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ( 1) -300.003 -300.003 -300.003 0.000 ( 1) 300.003 300.003 300.003 0.000 Save the data:: ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --save :: In [1]: run -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 32000080 Nov 17 16:56 /usr/local/env/dayabay/oxtorch/1.npy -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 80000080 Nov 17 16:56 /usr/local/env/dayabay/rxtorch/1.npy -rw-r--r-- 1 blyth staff 8000080 Nov 17 16:56 /usr/local/env/dayabay/phtorch/1.npy In [2]: e.history_table() 8cd 345363 : TORCH BT SA 8d 137769 : TORCH SA 4d 6276 : TORCH AB 4cd 6192 : TORCH BT AB In [3]: s = Selection(e,"BT SA") # select the most prolific category In [8]: z = s.recpos(1)[:,2] # z position of record index 1, ie PMT Pyrex intersection z In [9]: z Out[9]: array([ 129.505, 112.687, 102.414, ..., 113.428, 119.691, 102.432], dtype=float32) In [10]: z.min() Out[10]: 100.07019 In [12]: z.max() Out[12]: 130.99765 In [14]: iz = s.rx[:,1,0,2] In [15]: z.shape Out[15]: (345363,) In [16]: iz.shape Out[16]: (345363,) In [17]: iz.min() Out[17]: 10930 In [18]: iz.max() Out[18]: 14308 Huh extent now 300mm:: In [24]: e.fdom Out[24]: array([[[ 0., 0., 0., 300.]], [[ 0., 200., 10., 0.]], [[ 60., 810., 20., 750.]]], dtype=float32) In [25]: float(iz.min())/32767.0*300. Out[25]: 100.07019257179479 In [26]: float(iz.max())/32767.0*300. Out[26]: 130.99765007477035 Sufficiently small seems unlikely to cause that much strat:: In [29]: iz.max() - iz.min() Out[29]: 3378 In [30]: 1./32767.0*300. Out[30]: 0.009155552842799158 Real histo of record data shows nothing unexpected:: In [36]: plt.hist(z, bins=3379) Out[36]: (array([ 52., 76., 84., ..., 113., 122., 84.]), array([ 100.07 , 100.079, 100.088, ..., 130.979, 130.988, 130.998]), ) Refs ----- * :: Since the resultant colour of each pixel is based upon one infinitely small sample taken within the centre of each pixel and because pixels occur at regular intervals frequency based aliasing problems often arise. Aliasing refers to the inclusion of characteristics or artifacts in an image that could have come from more than one scene description.