Geant4 StackManager ==================== Comments below aim at developing an external Optical Photon Propagation Stategy G4StackManager.hh -------------------- #. the stacks are private, with no accessors #. can setup multiple waiting stacks : that could be useful if need to multipart ZMQ message `source/event/include/G4StackManager.hh`:: 049 // class description: 050 // 051 // This is the manager class of handling stacks of G4Track objects. 052 // This class must be a singleton and be constructed by G4EventManager. 053 // Almost all methods must be invoked exclusively by G4EventManager. 054 // Especially, some Clear() methods MUST NOT be invoked by the user. 055 // Event abortion is handled by G4EventManager. 056 // 057 // This G4StackingManager has three stacks, the urgent stack, the 058 // waiting stack, and the postpone to next event stack. The meanings 059 // of each stack is descrived in the Geant4 user's manual. 060 // 061 062 class G4StackManager 063 { 064 public: 065 G4StackManager(); 066 ~G4StackManager(); 067 068 private: 069 const G4StackManager& operator=(const G4StackManager &right); 070 G4int operator==(const G4StackManager &right) const; 071 G4int operator!=(const G4StackManager &right) const; 072 073 public: 074 G4int PushOneTrack(G4Track *newTrack, G4VTrajectory *newTrajectory = 0); 075 G4Track * PopNextTrack(G4VTrajectory**newTrajectory); 076 G4int PrepareNewEvent(); 077 078 public: // with description 079 void ReClassify(); 080 // Send all tracks stored in the Urgent stack one by one to 081 // the user's concrete ClassifyNewTrack() method. This method 082 // can be invoked from the user's G4UserStackingAction concrete 083 // class, especially fron its NewStage() method. Be aware that 084 // when the urgent stack becomes empty, all tracks in the waiting 085 // stack are send to the urgent stack and then the user's NewStage() 086 // method is invoked. 087 088 void SetNumberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks(G4int iAdd); 089 // Set the number of additional (optional) waiting stacks. 090 // This method must be invoked at PreInit, Init or Idle states. 091 // Once the user set the number of additional waiting stacks, 092 // he/she can use the corresponding ENUM in G4ClassificationOfNewTrack. 093 // The user should invoke G4RunManager::SetNumberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks 094 // method, which invokes this method. 095 096 void TransferStackedTracks(G4ClassificationOfNewTrack origin, G4ClassificationOfNewTrack destination); 097 // Transfter all stacked tracks from the origin stack to the destination stack. 098 // The destination stack needs not be empty. 099 // If the destination is fKill, tracks are deleted. 100 // If the origin is fKill, nothing happen. 101 102 void TransferOneStackedTrack(G4ClassificationOfNewTrack origin, G4ClassificationOfNewTrack destination); 103 // Transfter one stacked track from the origin stack to the destination stack. 104 // The transfered track is the one which came last to the origin stack. 105 // The destination stack needs not be empty. 106 // If the destination is fKill, the track is deleted. 107 // If the origin is fKill, nothing happen. 108 109 private: 110 G4UserStackingAction * userStackingAction; 111 G4int verboseLevel; 112 #ifdef G4_USESMARTSTACK 113 G4SmartTrackStack * urgentStack; 114 #else 115 G4TrackStack * urgentStack; 116 #endif 117 G4TrackStack * waitingStack; 118 G4TrackStack * postponeStack; 119 G4StackingMessenger* theMessenger; 120 std::vector additionalWaitingStacks; 121 G4int numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks; 122 123 public: 124 void clear(); 125 void ClearUrgentStack(); 126 void ClearWaitingStack(int i=0); 127 void ClearPostponeStack(); 128 G4int GetNTotalTrack() const; 129 G4int GetNUrgentTrack() const; 130 G4int GetNWaitingTrack(int i=0) const; 131 G4int GetNPostponedTrack() const; 132 void SetVerboseLevel( G4int const value ); 133 void SetUserStackingAction(G4UserStackingAction* value); 134 135 private: 136 G4ClassificationOfNewTrack DefaultClassification(G4Track *aTrack); 137 }; 138 139 #endif G4StackManager::G4StackManager ------------------------------- `source/event/src/`:: 39 G4StackManager::G4StackManager() 40 :userStackingAction(0),verboseLevel(0),numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks(0) 41 { 42 theMessenger = new G4StackingMessenger(this); 43 #ifdef G4_USESMARTSTACK 44 urgentStack = new G4SmartTrackStack; 45 // G4cout<<"+++ G4StackManager uses G4SmartTrackStack. +++"< 50 { 51 public: 52 G4TrackStack() : safetyValve1(0), safetyValve2(0), nstick(0) {} 53 G4TrackStack(size_t n) : safetyValve1(4*n/5), safetyValve2(4*n/5-100), nstick(100) { reserve(n);} 54 ~G4TrackStack(); 55 G4StackedTrack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **simple** holder for track and trajectory pointers * this might provide an opportunity to avoid keeping huge wait stacks of photons waiting around, whilst there Chroma copies are externally propagated * maybe can get away with deleting the track (and not creating the trajectory) and just keeping the G4StackedTrack alive as a placeholder * the place holder can then be repopulated with tracks created from the results of the external propagation `source/event/include/G4StackedTrack.hh`:: 41 // 42 // This class is exclusively used by G4StackManager and G4TrackStack 43 // classes for storing a G4Track object. 44 45 class G4StackedTrack 46 { 47 public: 48 G4StackedTrack() : track(0), trajectory(0) {} 49 G4StackedTrack(G4Track* aTrack, G4VTrajectory* aTraj = 0) : track(aTrack), trajectory(aTraj) {} 50 ~G4StackedTrack() {} 51 52 private: 53 G4Track* track; 54 G4VTrajectory* trajectory; 55 56 public: 57 G4Track* GetTrack() const { return track; } 58 G4VTrajectory* GetTrajectory() const { return trajectory; } 59 }; 60 61 #endif G4Track ~~~~~~~~~~ * its fat `source/track/include/G4Track.hh`:: 072 ////////////// 073 class G4Track 074 ////////////// 075 { 076 077 //-------- 078 public: // With description 079 080 // Constructor 081 G4Track(); 082 G4Track(G4DynamicParticle* apValueDynamicParticle, 083 G4double aValueTime, 084 const G4ThreeVector& aValuePosition); 085 // aValueTime is a global time 086 G4Track(const G4Track&); 087 // Copy Constructor copys members other than tracking information 088 ... 114 G4int GetTrackID() const; 115 void SetTrackID(const G4int aValue); 116 117 G4int GetParentID() const; 118 void SetParentID(const G4int aValue); 119 120 // dynamic particle 121 const G4DynamicParticle* GetDynamicParticle() const; `source/track/src/`:: 094 ////////////////// 095 G4Track::G4Track() 096 ////////////////// 097 : fCurrentStepNumber(0), 098 fGlobalTime(0), fLocalTime(0.), 099 fTrackLength(0.), 100 fParentID(0), fTrackID(0), 101 fVelocity(c_light), 102 fpDynamicParticle(0), 103 fTrackStatus(fAlive), 104 fBelowThreshold(false), fGoodForTracking(false), 105 fStepLength(0.0), fWeight(1.0), 106 fpStep(0), 107 fVtxKineticEnergy(0.0), 108 fpLVAtVertex(0), fpCreatorProcess(0), 109 fCreatorModelIndex(-1), 110 fpUserInformation(0), 111 prev_mat(0), groupvel(0), 112 prev_velocity(0.0), prev_momentum(0.0), 113 is_OpticalPhoton(false), 114 useGivenVelocity(false) 115 { 116 } /// default ctor : not so fat G4DynamicParticle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `source/particles/management/include/G4DynamicParticle.hh`:: 73 class G4DynamicParticle 74 { 75 // Class Description 76 // The dynamic particle is a class which contains the purely 77 // dynamic aspects of a moving particle. It also has a 78 // pointer to a G4ParticleDefinition object, which holds 79 // all the static information. 80 // G4StackManager::PushOneTrack ------------------------------- :: 92 G4int G4StackManager::PushOneTrack(G4Track *newTrack,G4VTrajectory *newTrajectory) 93 { ... 166 G4ClassificationOfNewTrack classification = DefaultClassification( newTrack ); 167 if(userStackingAction) 168 { classification = userStackingAction->ClassifyNewTrack( newTrack ); } /// Maybe could in ClassifyNewTrack: /// /// * collect OP trackinfo into ChromaPhotonList /// * delete the OP track, set pointer to NULL (hmm its called `const G4Track*`, maybe need some patching) /// [this would avoid pointlessly holding large memory expensive stacks of OPs ] /// * return fWaiting for OPs /// 169 170 if(classification==fKill) // delete newTrack without stacking 171 { ... 180 delete newTrack; 181 delete newTrajectory; 182 } 183 else 184 { 185 G4StackedTrack newStackedTrack( newTrack, newTrajectory ); 186 switch (classification) 187 { 188 case fUrgent: 189 urgentStack->PushToStack( newStackedTrack ); 190 break; 191 case fWaiting: 192 waitingStack->PushToStack( newStackedTrack ); /// newTrack could be NULL here without harm 193 break; 194 case fPostpone: 195 postponeStack->PushToStack( newStackedTrack ); 196 break; 197 default: 198 G4int i = classification - 10; 199 if(i<1||i>numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks) { 200 G4ExceptionDescription ED; 201 ED << "invalid classification " << classification << G4endl; 202 G4Exception("G4StackManager::PushOneTrack","Event0051", 203 FatalException,ED); 204 } else { 205 additionalWaitingStacks[i-1]->PushToStack( newStackedTrack ); 206 } 207 break; 208 } 209 } 210 211 return GetNUrgentTrack(); 212 } G4StackManager::PopNextTrack ------------------------------- External Propagation Intervention Possibilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At `NewStage`: * have collected all the OPs * have also seen all other tracks, so can judge whether the event is interesting to proceed with Thus within `NewStage` for interesting events: * send ZMQ REQ message with serialized ChromaPhotonList to Chroma server, * block until get REP, in the form of propagated ChromaPhotonList * propagated till where ? OP subset ? enter PMT/hit Bialkali * then call `ReClassify` to revisit the track placeholders * when receive NULL tracks, switch them for propagated tracks and classify `fUrgent` * for the extra NULLs (as only a subset of photons will come back) create a sacrificial track and classify `fKill` Maybe: * do i need to match `trackID,parentID` to keep G4 fooled ? * probably not useful * how involved is creating tracks ? Standard Operation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: 084 // when the urgent stack becomes empty, all tracks in the waiting 085 // stack are send to the urgent stack and then the user's NewStage() 086 // method is invoked. * pops from urgent until thats empty * then waiting stack transferred to urgent * additional waiting stacks are shunted to one higher priority notch * `userStackingAction::NewStage` then gives opportunity to * `ReClassify` OR `clear` * the `ReClassify` calls `ClassifyNewTrack` for each track that has been waiting :: 215 G4Track * G4StackManager::PopNextTrack(G4VTrajectory**newTrajectory) 216 { 225 while( GetNUrgentTrack() == 0 ) 226 { ... 231 waitingStack->TransferTo(urgentStack); 232 if(numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks>0) { 233 for(int i=0;iTransferTo(waitingStack); 236 } else { 237 additionalWaitingStacks[i]->TransferTo(additionalWaitingStacks[i-1]); 238 } 239 } 240 } 241 if(userStackingAction) userStackingAction->NewStage(); ... 247 if( ( GetNUrgentTrack()==0 ) && ( GetNWaitingTrack()==0 ) ) return 0; 248 } 249 250 G4StackedTrack selectedStackedTrack = urgentStack->PopFromStack(); 251 G4Track * selectedTrack = selectedStackedTrack.GetTrack(); 252 *newTrajectory = selectedStackedTrack.GetTrajectory(); ... 265 return selectedTrack; 266 } G4StackManager::ReClassify ---------------------------- :: 268 void G4StackManager::ReClassify() 269 { 270 G4StackedTrack aStackedTrack; 271 G4TrackStack tmpStack; 272 273 if( !userStackingAction ) return; 274 if( GetNUrgentTrack() == 0 ) return; 275 276 urgentStack->TransferTo(&tmpStack); 277 while( tmpStack.GetNTrack() > 0 ) 278 { 279 aStackedTrack=tmpStack.PopFromStack(); 280 G4ClassificationOfNewTrack classification = 281 userStackingAction->ClassifyNewTrack( aStackedTrack.GetTrack() ); 282 switch (classification) 283 { 284 case fKill: 285 delete aStackedTrack.GetTrack(); 286 delete aStackedTrack.GetTrajectory(); 287 break; 288 case fUrgent: 289 urgentStack->PushToStack( aStackedTrack ); 290 break; 291 case fWaiting: 292 waitingStack->PushToStack( aStackedTrack ); 293 break; 294 case fPostpone: 295 postponeStack->PushToStack( aStackedTrack ); 296 break; 297 default: 298 G4int i = classification - 10; 299 if(i<1||i>numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks) { 300 G4ExceptionDescription ED; 301 ED << "invalid classification " << classification << G4endl; 302 G4Exception("G4StackManager::ReClassify","Event0052", 303 FatalException,ED); 304 } else { 305 additionalWaitingStacks[i-1]->PushToStack( aStackedTrack ); 306 } 307 break; 308 } 309 } 310 } PrepareNewEvent ---------------- :: 312 G4int G4StackManager::PrepareNewEvent() 313 { 314 if(userStackingAction) userStackingAction->PrepareNewEvent(); 315 316 urgentStack->clearAndDestroy(); // Set the urgentStack in a defined state. Not doing it would affect reproducibility. 317 318 G4int n_passedFromPrevious = 0; 319 320 if( GetNPostponedTrack() > 0 ) 321 { ... 379 } 380 381 return n_passedFromPrevious; 382 }