Geant4 StackingAction ========================== Documentation --------------- * G4UserStackingAction --------------------- `source/event/include/G4UserStackingAction.hh`:: 44 class G4UserStackingAction 45 { 46 public: 47 G4UserStackingAction(); 48 virtual ~G4UserStackingAction(); 49 protected: 50 G4StackManager * stackManager; 51 public: 52 inline void SetStackManager(G4StackManager * value) 53 { stackManager = value; } 54 55 public: // with description 56 //--------------------------------------------------------------- 57 // vitual methods to be implemented by user 58 //--------------------------------------------------------------- 59 // 60 virtual G4ClassificationOfNewTrack 61 ClassifyNewTrack(const G4Track* aTrack); Documentation Extracts ----------------------- * ClassifyNewTrack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `ClassifyNewTrack()` is invoked by `G4StackManager` whenever a new `G4Track` object is "pushed" onto a stack by `G4EventManager`. `ClassifyNewTrack()` returns an enumerator, `G4ClassificationOfNewTrack`, whose value indicates to which stack, if any, the track will be sent. This value should be determined by the user. `G4ClassificationOfNewTrack` has four possible values: #. `fUrgent` - track is placed in the urgent stack #. `fWaiting` - track is placed in the waiting stack, and will not be simulated until the urgent stack is empty #. `fPostpone` - track is postponed to the next event #. `fKill` - the track is deleted immediately and not stored in any stack. These assignments may be made based on the origin of the track which is obtained as follows: `G4int parent_ID = aTrack->get_parentID();` where #. `parent_ID = 0` indicates a primary particle #. `parent_ID > 0` indicates a secondary particle #. `parent_ID < 0` indicates postponed particle from previous event. * always returning `fUrgent` would result in stepping proceeding for tracks as they arise, ie with OP mixed up with everything else NewStage : deal with the wait stack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `NewStage()` is invoked when the urgent stack is empty and the waiting stack contains at least one `G4Track` object. Here the user may kill or re-assign to different stacks all the tracks in the waiting stack by calling the `stackManager->ReClassify()` method which, in turn, calls the `ClassifyNewTrack()` method. If no user action is taken, all tracks in the waiting stack are transferred to the urgent stack. * HMM: so can see how long the Optical Photons are taking could first collect them into the wait stack and then "do nothing" at NewStage The user may also decide to abort the current event even though some tracks may remain in the waiting stack by calling `stackManager->clear()`. This method is valid and safe only if it is called from the `G4UserStackingAction` class. A global method of event abortion is:: G4UImanager * UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer(); UImanager->ApplyCommand("/event/abort"); PrepareNewEvent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `PrepareNewEvent()` is invoked at the beginning of each event. At this point no primary particles have been converted to tracks, so the urgent and waiting stacks are empty. However, there may be tracks in the postponed-to-next-event stack; for each of these the `ClassifyNewTrack()` method is called and the track is assigned to the appropriate stack. StackingAction Source ---------------------- :: delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$ find source -name '*.cc' -exec grep -l StackingAction {} \; source/run/src/ # just holds userStackingAction property source/event/src/ # just holds userStackingAction property also source/event/src/ # invokes the action and acts on classification in G4StackManager::PushOneTrack source/event/src/ source/event/src/ # default empty-ish implementation source/run/src/ source/run/src/ source/run/src/ source/run/src/ source/run/src/ source/visualization/RayTracer/src/ source/visualization/RayTracer/src/ :: 813 void G4RunManager::SetUserAction(G4UserStackingAction* userAction) 814 { 815 eventManager->SetUserAction(userAction); 816 userStackingAction = userAction; 817 } 315 void G4EventManager::SetUserAction(G4UserStackingAction* userAction) 316 { 317 userStackingAction = userAction; 318 trackContainer->SetUserStackingAction(userAction); ## trackContainer is G4StackManager 319 } :: 57 G4ClassificationOfNewTrack G4UserStackingAction::ClassifyNewTrack 58 (const G4Track*) 59 { 60 return fUrgent; 61 } 62 63 void G4UserStackingAction::NewStage() 64 {;} 65 66 void G4UserStackingAction::PrepareNewEvent() 67 {;} 68 StackingAction examples ------------------------- :: delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$ find examples -name '*.cc' -exec grep -l ClassifyNewTrack {} \; examples/advanced/composite_calorimeter/src/ examples/advanced/underground_physics/src/ examples/basic/B3/src/ examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm1/src/ examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm17/src/ examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm18/src/ examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5/src/ examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm6/src/ examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8/src/ examples/extended/eventgenerator/HepMC/HepMCEx01/src/ examples/extended/exoticphysics/phonon/src/ examples/extended/exoticphysics/phonon/src/ examples/extended/field/field04/src/ examples/extended/hadronic/Hadr01/src/ examples/extended/hadronic/Hadr02/src/ examples/extended/hadronic/Hadr04/src/ examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity/src/ examples/extended/optical/LXe/src/ examples/extended/optical/OpNovice/src/ examples/extended/optical/wls/src/ examples/extended/parallel/TopC/ParN04/src/ examples/extended/runAndEvent/RE01/src/ examples/extended/runAndEvent/RE05/src/ delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$