Geant4 Process ================ .. contents:: :local: Overview ---------- Trace how Geant4 processes work, with a view to glueing external batched optical photon propagation into geant4 via a pseudo process. G4 Stepping, Process mechanics ------------------------------------ * What is a Process? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Only processes can change information of G4Track and add secondary tracks via ParticleChange. G4VProcess is a base class of all processes and it has 3 kinds of DoIt and GetPhysicalInteraction methods in order to describe interactions generically. If a user want to modify information of G4Track, he (or she) SHOULD create a special process for the purpose and register the process to the particle. What is a ParticleChange? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Processes do NOT change any information of G4Track directly in their DoIt. Instead, they proposes changes as a result of interactions by using ParticleChange. After each DoIt, ParticleChange updates PostStepPoint based on proposed changes. Then, G4Track is updated after finishing all AlongStepDoIts and after each PostStepDoIt. External Shoe-horning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begs question: #. how to force only my process takes control, and dont waste CPU on other processes ? * create a special particle type *ExternalOpticalPhoton* and switch standard optical photon type for it in all the Optical Photon creating processes Process Example : G4OpRayleigh -------------------------------- `geant4.10.00.p01/source/processes/optical/include/G4OpRayleigh.hh`:: 076 class G4OpRayleigh : public G4VDiscreteProcess 077 { ... 099 public: 100 ... 105 G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType); 106 // Returns true -> 'is applicable' only for an optical photon. 107 108 void BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType); 109 // Build table at a right time 110 111 G4double GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& aTrack, 112 G4double , 113 G4ForceCondition* ); 114 // Returns the mean free path for Rayleigh scattering in water. 115 // --- Not yet implemented for other materials! --- 116 117 G4VParticleChange* PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, 118 const G4Step& aStep); 119 // This is the method implementing Rayleigh scattering. 120 121 G4PhysicsTable* GetPhysicsTable() const; 122 // Returns the address of the physics table. 123 124 void DumpPhysicsTable() const; 125 // Prints the physics table. 126 Where are the canonical calls to GetMeanFreePath ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ordering of MeanFreePath of applicable processes is used to decide which process to invoke. :: delta:source blyth$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H \ GetMeanFreePath\( {} \; ./processes/decay/src/ currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); ./processes/management/src/ currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); ./processes/management/src/ currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); ./processes/management/src/ currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); ./processes/management/src/ currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); delta:source blyth$ :: 71 G4double G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( 72 const G4Track& track, 73 G4double previousStepSize, 74 G4ForceCondition* condition 75 ) 76 { 77 if ( (previousStepSize < 0.0) || (theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft<=0.0)) { 78 // beggining of tracking (or just after DoIt of this process) 79 ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(); 80 } else if ( previousStepSize > 0.0) { 81 // subtract NumberOfInteractionLengthLeft 82 SubtractNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(previousStepSize); 83 } else { 84 // zero step 85 // DO NOTHING 86 } 87 88 // condition is set to "Not Forced" 89 *condition = NotForced; 90 91 // get mean free path 92 currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); 93 94 G4double value; 95 if (currentInteractionLength GetDefinition()->GetProcessManager(); .. 76 // AtRestDoits 77 MAXofAtRestLoops = pm->GetAtRestProcessVector()->entries(); 78 fAtRestDoItVector = pm->GetAtRestProcessVector(typeDoIt); 79 fAtRestGetPhysIntVector = pm->GetAtRestProcessVector(typeGPIL); .. 85 // AlongStepDoits 86 MAXofAlongStepLoops = pm->GetAlongStepProcessVector()->entries(); 87 fAlongStepDoItVector = pm->GetAlongStepProcessVector(typeDoIt); 88 fAlongStepGetPhysIntVector = pm->GetAlongStepProcessVector(typeGPIL); .. 94 // PostStepDoits 95 MAXofPostStepLoops = pm->GetPostStepProcessVector()->entries(); 96 fPostStepDoItVector = pm->GetPostStepProcessVector(typeDoIt); 97 fPostStepGetPhysIntVector = pm->GetPostStepProcessVector(typeGPIL); ExclusivelyForced maybe way to restrict to just one process. Nope, cannot restrict to one process: need to arrange the ordering such that the the processes that generate Optical Photons (Cherenkov, Scintillaton) go first and the chain is stopped at the pseudo process. Hmm its kinda a replacement for the tail transport process. Sorta but cannot allow the optical processes to do their thing. :: 128 void G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() 130 { ... 162 // GPIL for PostStep 163 fPostStepDoItProcTriggered = MAXofPostStepLoops; 164 165 for(size_t np=0; np < MAXofPostStepLoops; np++){ 166 fCurrentProcess = (*fPostStepGetPhysIntVector)(np); ... 172 physIntLength = fCurrentProcess-> 173 PostStepGPIL( *fTrack, 174 fPreviousStepSize, 175 &fCondition ); ... 181 switch (fCondition) { 182 case ExclusivelyForced: 183 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = ExclusivelyForced; 184 fStepStatus = fExclusivelyForcedProc; 185 fStep->GetPostStepPoint() 186 ->SetProcessDefinedStep(fCurrentProcess); 187 break; 188 case Conditionally: 189 // (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = Conditionally; 190 G4Exception("G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength()", "Tracking1001", FatalException, "This feature no more supported"); 191 192 break; 193 case Forced: 194 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = Forced; 195 break; 196 case StronglyForced: 197 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = StronglyForced; 198 break; 199 default: 200 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = InActivated; 201 break; 202 } 203 204 205 206 if (fCondition==ExclusivelyForced) { 207 for(size_t nrest=np+1; nrest < MAXofPostStepLoops; nrest++){ 208 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[nrest] = InActivated; 209 } 210 return; // Take note the 'return' at here !!! 211 } 212 else{ 213 if(physIntLength < PhysicalStep ){ 214 PhysicalStep = physIntLength; 215 fStepStatus = fPostStepDoItProc; 216 fPostStepDoItProcTriggered = G4int(np); 217 fStep->GetPostStepPoint() 218 ->SetProcessDefinedStep(fCurrentProcess); 219 } 220 } 221 222 223 } 483 void G4SteppingManager::InvokePostStepDoItProcs() 484 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 485 { 486 487 // Invoke the specified discrete processes 488 for(size_t np=0; np < MAXofPostStepLoops; np++){ 489 // 490 // Note: DoItVector has inverse order against GetPhysIntVector 491 // and SelectedPostStepDoItVector. 492 // 493 G4int Cond = (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[MAXofPostStepLoops-np-1]; 494 if(Cond != InActivated){ 495 if( ((Cond == NotForced) && (fStepStatus == fPostStepDoItProc)) || 496 ((Cond == Forced) && (fStepStatus != fExclusivelyForcedProc)) || 497 // ((Cond == Conditionally) && (fStepStatus == fAlongStepDoItProc)) || 498 ((Cond == ExclusivelyForced) && (fStepStatus == fExclusivelyForcedProc)) || 499 ((Cond == StronglyForced) ) 500 ) { 501 502 InvokePSDIP(np); 503 if ((np==0) && (fTrack->GetNextVolume() == 0)){ 504 fStepStatus = fWorldBoundary; 505 fStep->GetPostStepPoint()->SetStepStatus( fStepStatus ); 506 } 507 } 508 } //if(*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector(np)........ 509 510 // Exit from PostStepLoop if the track has been killed, 511 // but extra treatment for processes with Strongly Forced flag 512 if(fTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill) { 513 for(size_t np1=np+1; np1 < MAXofPostStepLoops; np1++){ 514 G4int Cond2 = (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[MAXofPostStepLoops-np1-1]; 515 if (Cond2 == StronglyForced) { 516 InvokePSDIP(np1); 517 } 518 } 519 break; 520 } 521 } //for(size_t np=0; np < MAXofPostStepLoops; np++){ 522 } 526 void G4SteppingManager::InvokePSDIP(size_t np) 527 { 528 fCurrentProcess = (*fPostStepDoItVector)[np]; 529 fParticleChange 530 = fCurrentProcess->PostStepDoIt( *fTrack, *fStep); 531 532 // Update PostStepPoint of Step according to ParticleChange 533 fParticleChange->UpdateStepForPostStep(fStep); 534 #ifdef G4VERBOSE 535 // !!!!! Verbose 536 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->PostStepDoItOneByOne(); 537 #endif 538 // Update G4Track according to ParticleChange after each PostStepDoIt 539 fStep->UpdateTrack(); 540 541 // Update safety after each invocation of PostStepDoIts 542 fStep->GetPostStepPoint()->SetSafety( CalculateSafety() ); 543 544 // Now Store the secondaries from ParticleChange to SecondaryList 545 G4Track* tempSecondaryTrack; 546 G4int num2ndaries; 547 548 num2ndaries = fParticleChange->GetNumberOfSecondaries(); 549 550 for(G4int DSecLoop=0 ; DSecLoop< num2ndaries; DSecLoop++){ 551 tempSecondaryTrack = fParticleChange->GetSecondary(DSecLoop); ... 579 } //end of loop on secondary 580 581 // Set the track status according to what the process defined 582 fTrack->SetTrackStatus( fParticleChange->GetTrackStatus() ); 583 584 // clear ParticleChange 585 fParticleChange->Clear(); 586 } G4TrackingManager ------------------- `tracking/src/`:: 48 G4TrackingManager::G4TrackingManager() 49 ////////////////////////////////////// 50 : fpUserTrackingAction(0), fpTrajectory(0), 51 StoreTrajectory(0), verboseLevel(0), EventIsAborted(false) 52 { 53 fpSteppingManager = new G4SteppingManager(); 54 messenger = new G4TrackingMessenger(this); 55 } :: 067 void G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack(G4Track* apValueG4Track) ... 069 { 070 071 // Receiving a G4Track from the EventManager, this funciton has the 072 // responsibility to trace the track till it stops. 073 fpTrack = apValueG4Track; ... 088 // Give SteppingManger the pointer to the track which will be tracked 089 fpSteppingManager->SetInitialStep(fpTrack); 090 091 // Pre tracking user intervention process. 092 fpTrajectory = 0; 093 if( fpUserTrackingAction != 0 ) { 094 fpUserTrackingAction->PreUserTrackingAction(fpTrack); 095 } ... 109 110 // Give SteppingManger the maxmimum number of processes 111 fpSteppingManager->GetProcessNumber(); 112 113 // Give track the pointer to the Step 114 fpTrack->SetStep(fpSteppingManager->GetStep()); 115 116 // Inform beginning of tracking to physics processes 117 fpTrack->GetDefinition()->GetProcessManager()->StartTracking(fpTrack); 118 119 // Track the particle Step-by-Step while it is alive 120 // G4StepStatus stepStatus; 121 122 while( (fpTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fAlive) || 123 (fpTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopButAlive) ){ 124 125 fpTrack->IncrementCurrentStepNumber(); 126 fpSteppingManager->Stepping(); 127 #ifdef G4_STORE_TRAJECTORY 128 if(StoreTrajectory) fpTrajectory-> 129 AppendStep(fpSteppingManager->GetStep()); 130 #endif 131 if(EventIsAborted) { 132 fpTrack->SetTrackStatus( fKillTrackAndSecondaries ); 133 } 134 } 135 // Inform end of tracking to physics processes 136 fpTrack->GetDefinition()->GetProcessManager()->EndTracking(); 137 138 // Post tracking user intervention process. 139 if( fpUserTrackingAction != 0 ) { 140 fpUserTrackingAction->PostUserTrackingAction(fpTrack); 141 } 142 143 // Destruct the trajectory if it was created 144 #ifdef G4VERBOSE 145 if(StoreTrajectory&&verboseLevel>10) fpTrajectory->ShowTrajectory(); 146 #endif 147 if( (!StoreTrajectory)&&fpTrajectory ) { 148 delete fpTrajectory; 149 fpTrajectory = 0; 150 } 151 } G4EventManager ---------------- `event/src/`:: 099 void G4EventManager::DoProcessing(G4Event* anEvent) 100 { 145 sdManager = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointerIfExist(); 146 if(sdManager) 147 { currentEvent->SetHCofThisEvent(sdManager->PrepareNewEvent()); } 148 149 if(userEventAction) userEventAction->BeginOfEventAction(currentEvent); ... 159 if(!abortRequested) 160 { StackTracks( transformer->GimmePrimaries( currentEvent, trackIDCounter ),true ); } ... 171 G4VTrajectory* previousTrajectory; 172 while( ( track = trackContainer->PopNextTrack(&previousTrajectory) ) != 0 ) 173 { ... 184 tracking = true; 185 trackManager->ProcessOneTrack( track ); 186 istop = track->GetTrackStatus(); 187 tracking = false; ... 217 G4TrackVector * secondaries = trackManager->GimmeSecondaries(); 218 switch (istop) 219 { 220 case fStopButAlive: 221 case fSuspend: 222 trackContainer->PushOneTrack( track, aTrajectory ); 223 StackTracks( secondaries ); 224 break; 225 226 case fPostponeToNextEvent: 227 trackContainer->PushOneTrack( track ); 228 StackTracks( secondaries ); 229 break; 230 231 case fStopAndKill: 232 StackTracks( secondaries ); 233 delete track; 234 break; 235 236 case fAlive: 237 G4cout << "Illeagal TrackStatus returned from G4TrackingManager!" 238 << G4endl; 239 case fKillTrackAndSecondaries: 240 //if( secondaries ) secondaries->clearAndDestroy(); 241 if( secondaries ) 242 { 243 for(size_t i=0;isize();i++) 244 { delete (*secondaries)[i]; } 245 secondaries->clear(); 246 } 247 delete track; 248 break; 249 } 250 } ... 260 if(sdManager) 261 { sdManager->TerminateCurrentEvent(currentEvent->GetHCofThisEvent()); } 262 263 if(userEventAction) userEventAction->EndOfEventAction(currentEvent); 264 265 stateManager->SetNewState(G4State_GeomClosed); 266 currentEvent = 0; 267 abortRequested = false; 268 } Modelling Processes -------------------- * Each process has two groups of methods which play an important role in tracking, `GetPhysicalInteractionLength (GPIL)` Get step length from the current space-time point to the next space-time point. It does this by calculating the probability of interaction based on the process's cross section information. At the end of this step the DoIt method should be invoked. `DoIt`. The DoIt method implements the details of the interaction, changing the particle's energy, momentum, direction and position, and producing secondary tracks if required. These changes are recorded as G4VParticleChange objects(see Particle Change). `G4VRestProcess` processes using only the `AtRestDoIt` method, example: neutron capture `G4VContinuousProcess` processes using only the `AlongStepDoIt` method, example: cerenkov `G4VDiscreteProcess` processes using only the `PostStepDoIt` method, example: compton scattering, hadron inelastic interaction OR for more complex processes which implement 2 or 3 of those 3 methods: `G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess`, `G4VRestDiscreteProcess`, `G4VRestContinuousProcess`, `G4VRestContinuousDiscreteProcess` Tracking of Photons in processes/optical ------------------------------------------ * Absorption ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The implementation of optical photon bulk absorption, `G4OpAbsorption`, is trivial in that the process merely kills the particle. The procedure requires the user to fill the relevant `G4MaterialPropertiesTable` with empirical data for the absorption length, using `ABSLENGTH` as the property key in the public method AddProperty. The absorption length is the average distance traveled by a photon before being absorpted by the medium; i.e. it is the mean free path returned by the `GetMeanFreePath` method. ABSLENGTH ^^^^^^^^^^ :: [blyth@cms01 source]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H 'ABSLENGTH' {} \; ./processes/optical/src/ GetProperty("WLSABSLENGTH"); ./processes/optical/src/ GetProperty("ABSLENGTH"); G4OpAbsorption::PostStepDoIt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: 101 G4VParticleChange* 102 G4OpAbsorption::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep) 103 { 104 aParticleChange.Initialize(aTrack); 105 106 aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); 107 108 if (verboseLevel>0) { 109 G4cout << "\n** Photon absorbed! **" << G4endl; 110 } 111 return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep); 112 } #. can PostStepDoIt put it on hold ? G4OpAbsorption::GetMeanFreePath ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: 118 G4double G4OpAbsorption::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& aTrack, 119 G4double , 120 G4ForceCondition* ) 121 { 122 const G4DynamicParticle* aParticle = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle(); 123 const G4Material* aMaterial = aTrack.GetMaterial(); 124 125 G4double thePhotonMomentum = aParticle->GetTotalMomentum(); 126 127 G4MaterialPropertiesTable* aMaterialPropertyTable; 128 G4MaterialPropertyVector* AttenuationLengthVector; 129 130 G4double AttenuationLength = DBL_MAX; 131 132 aMaterialPropertyTable = aMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable(); 133 134 if ( aMaterialPropertyTable ) { 135 AttenuationLengthVector = aMaterialPropertyTable-> 136 GetProperty("ABSLENGTH"); 137 if ( AttenuationLengthVector ){ 138 AttenuationLength = AttenuationLengthVector-> 139 GetProperty (thePhotonMomentum); G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: (gdb) b 'G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(G4Track const&, double, G4ForceCondition*)' Breakpoint 1 at 0x68f34ed: file /data1/env/local/dyb/NuWa-trunk/../external/build/LCG/geant4.9.2.p01/source/processes/management/include/G4VDiscreteProcess.hh, line 137. (gdb) bt #0 G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength (this=0xd37b178, track=@0x10c8cd90, previousStepSize=0, condition=0xc481da0) at /data1/env/local/dyb/NuWa-trunk/../external/build/LCG/geant4.9.2.p01/source/processes/management/include/G4VDiscreteProcess.hh:137 #1 0x07247e95 in G4VProcess::PostStepGPIL (this=0xd37b178, track=@0x10c8cd90, previousStepSize=0, condition=0xc481da0) at /data1/env/local/dyb/NuWa-trunk/../external/build/LCG/geant4.9.2.p01/source/processes/management/include/G4VProcess.hh:464 #2 0x0724655a in G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ #3 0x07242e2c in G4SteppingManager::Stepping (this=0xc481c98) at src/ #4 0x0725150a in G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack (this=0xc481c70, apValueG4Track=0x10c8cd90) at src/ #5 0xb666c24f in G4EventManager::DoProcessing (this=0xc481480, anEvent=0x10832350) at src/ #6 0xb666c9e6 in G4EventManager::ProcessOneEvent (this=0xc481480, anEvent=0x10832350) at src/ #7 0xb4e605e8 in GiGaRunManager::processTheEvent (this=0xc480c18) at ../src/component/GiGaRunManager.cpp:207 #8 0xb4e5f522 in GiGaRunManager::retrieveTheEvent (this=0xc480c18, event=@0xbfa6c9d8) at ../src/component/GiGaRunManager.cpp:158 #9 0xb4e3b64f in GiGa::retrieveTheEvent (this=0xc480220, event=@0xbfa6c9d8) at ../src/component/GiGa.cpp:469 #10 0xb4e38564 in GiGa::operator>> (this=0xc480220, event=@0xbfa6c9d8) at ../src/component/GiGaIGiGaSvc.cpp:73 #11 0xb4e362fa in GiGa::retrieveEvent (this=0xc480220, event=@0xbfa6c9d8) at ../src/component/GiGaIGiGaSvc.cpp:211 #12 0xb507fcd3 in DsPullEvent::execute (this=0xc473470) at ../src/ #13 0x046d6408 in Algorithm::sysExecute (this=0xc473470) at ../src/Lib/Algorithm.cpp:558 #14 0x03a61d4e in DybBaseAlg::sysExecute (this=0xc473470) at ../src/lib/ #15 0x01cf0fd4 in GaudiSequencer::execute (this=0xbf36020) at ../src/lib/GaudiSequencer.cpp:100 #16 0x046d6408 in Algorithm::sysExecute (this=0xbf36020) at ../src/Lib/Algorithm.cpp:558 #17 0x01c8868f in GaudiAlgorithm::sysExecute (this=0xbf36020) at ../src/lib/GaudiAlgorithm.cpp:161 #18 0x0475241a in MinimalEventLoopMgr::executeEvent (this=0xbaf2f98) at ../src/Lib/MinimalEventLoopMgr.cpp:450 #19 0x03b20956 in DybEventLoopMgr::executeEvent (this=0xbaf2f98, par=0x0) at ../src/DybEventLoopMgr.cpp:125 #20 0x03b2118a in DybEventLoopMgr::nextEvent (this=0xbaf2f98, maxevt=10) at ../src/DybEventLoopMgr.cpp:188 #21 0x04750dbd in MinimalEventLoopMgr::executeRun (this=0xbaf2f98, maxevt=10) at ../src/Lib/MinimalEventLoopMgr.cpp:400 #22 0x08c086d9 in ApplicationMgr::executeRun (this=0xb7b9ad0, evtmax=10) at ../src/ApplicationMgr/ApplicationMgr.cpp:867 #23 0x0239af57 in method_3426 (retaddr=0xc5821b0, o=0xb7b9efc, arg=@0xb825c50) at ../i686-slc5-gcc41-dbg/dict/GaudiKernel/dictionary_dict.cpp:4375 #24 0x0030cadd in ROOT::Cintex::Method_stub_with_context (context=0xb825c48, result=0xc5cafe4, libp=0xc5cb03c) at cint/cintex/src/CINTFunctional.cxx:319 G4VProcess::PostStepGPIL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: (gdb) frame 1 #1 0x07247e95 in G4VProcess::PostStepGPIL (this=0xd37b178, track=@0x10c8cd90, previousStepSize=0, condition=0xc481da0) at /data1/env/local/dyb/NuWa-trunk/../external/build/LCG/geant4.9.2.p01/source/processes/management/include/G4VProcess.hh:464 464 =PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(track, previousStepSize, condition); (gdb) list 459 inline G4double G4VProcess::PostStepGPIL( const G4Track& track, 460 G4double previousStepSize, 461 G4ForceCondition* condition ) 462 { 463 G4double value 464 =PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(track, previousStepSize, condition); 465 return thePILfactor*value; 466 } G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: 131 inline G4double G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( 132 const G4Track& track, 133 G4double previousStepSize, 134 G4ForceCondition* condition 135 ) 136 { 137 if ( (previousStepSize < 0.0) || (theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft<=0.0)) { 138 // beggining of tracking (or just after DoIt of this process) 139 ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(); 140 } else if ( previousStepSize > 0.0) { 141 // subtract NumberOfInteractionLengthLeft 142 SubtractNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(previousStepSize); 143 } else { 144 // zero step 145 // DO NOTHING 146 } 147 148 // condition is set to "Not Forced" 149 *condition = NotForced; 150 151 // get mean free path 152 currentInteractionLength = GetMeanFreePath(track, previousStepSize, condition); 153 154 G4double value; 155 if (currentInteractionLength 1){ 162 G4cout << "G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength "; 163 G4cout << "[ " << GetProcessName() << "]" <DumpInfo(); 165 G4cout << " in Material " << track.GetMaterial()->GetName() <GetAtRestProcessVector()->entries(); 75 fAtRestDoItVector = pm->GetAtRestProcessVector(typeDoIt); 76 fAtRestGetPhysIntVector = pm->GetAtRestProcessVector(typeGPIL); 77 #ifdef debug 78 G4cout<<"G4SteppingManager::GetProcessNumber: #ofAtRest="<GetAlongStepProcessVector()->entries(); 83 fAlongStepDoItVector = pm->GetAlongStepProcessVector(typeDoIt); 84 fAlongStepGetPhysIntVector = pm->GetAlongStepProcessVector(typeGPIL); 85 #ifdef debug 86 G4cout<<"G4SteppingManager::GetProcessNumber:#ofAlongStp="<GetPostStepProcessVector()->entries(); 91 fPostStepDoItVector = pm->GetPostStepProcessVector(typeDoIt); 92 fPostStepGetPhysIntVector = pm->GetPostStepProcessVector(typeGPIL); 93 #ifdef debug 94 G4cout<<"G4SteppingManager::GetProcessNumber: #ofPostStep="<GetPostStepProcessVector(typeDoIt); ./tracking/src/ fCurrentProcess = (*fPostStepDoItVector)[np]; ./tracking/src/ ptProcManager = (*fPostStepDoItVector)[np]; ./tracking/src/ ptProcManager = (*fPostStepDoItVector)[np]; ./tracking/src/ fPostStepDoItVector = fManager->GetfPostStepDoItVector(); [blyth@cms01 source]$ What distribution is used for OP times, energy ---------------------------------------------------- DsPmtSensDet::ProcessHits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the G4Step, energies and times feed into creating hits. For OP, wavelength is more relevant than energy. From * Optical photons are generated in GEANT4 without energy conservation and their energy must therefore not be tallied as part of the energy balance of an event. :: 318 bool DsPmtSensDet::ProcessHits(G4Step* step, 319 G4TouchableHistory* /*history*/) 320 { 321 //if (!step) return false; just crash for now if not defined 322 323 // Find out what detector we are in (ADx, IWS or OWS) 324 G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint(); 325 326 double energyDep = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit(); ... ... ... 434 double wavelength = CLHEP::twopi*CLHEP::hbarc/energyDep; ... ... ... 459 DayaBay::SimPmtHit* sphit = new DayaBay::SimPmtHit(); 460 461 // base hit 462 463 // Time since event created 464 sphit->setHitTime(preStepPoint->GetGlobalTime()); 465 466 //#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh" 467 468 const G4AffineTransform& trans = hist->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform(); 469 const G4ThreeVector& global_pos = preStepPoint->GetPosition(); 470 G4ThreeVector pos = trans.TransformPoint(global_pos); 471 sphit->setLocalPos(pos); 472 sphit->setSensDetId(pmtid); 473 474 // pmt hit 475 // sphit->setDir(...); // for now 476 G4ThreeVector pol = trans.TransformAxis(track->GetPolarization()); 477 pol = pol.unit(); 478 G4ThreeVector dir = trans.TransformAxis(track->GetMomentum()); 479 dir = dir.unit(); 480 sphit->setPol(pol); 481 sphit->setDir(dir); 482 sphit->setWavelength(wavelength); 483 sphit->setType(0); 484 // G4cerr<<"PMT: set hit weight "<setWeight(weight); Where do the times come from ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [blyth@cms01 source]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H SetGlobalTime {} \; ./track/src/ pPostStepPoint->SetGlobalTime( theTimeChange ); ./track/src/ pPostStepPoint->SetGlobalTime( theTimeChange ); ./track/src/ pPostStepPoint->SetGlobalTime( theTimeChange ); ./processes/hadronic/models/lll_fission/src/ it->SetGlobalTime(getnage_(&i)*second); ./processes/hadronic/models/lll_fission/src/ it->SetGlobalTime(getpage_(&i)*second); ./processes/parameterisation/src/ pPostStepPoint->SetGlobalTime( theTimeChange ); ./processes/parameterisation/src/ pPostStepPoint->SetGlobalTime( theTimeChange ); [blyth@cms01 source]$ :: [blyth@cms01 source]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H ProposeGlobalTime {} \; ./processes/hadronic/models/radioactive_decay/src/ fParticleChangeForRadDecay.ProposeGlobalTime( finalGlobalTime ); ./processes/transportation/src/ fParticleChange.ProposeGlobalTime( fCandidateEndGlobalTime ) ; ./processes/transportation/src/ fParticleChange.ProposeGlobalTime( fCandidateEndGlobalTime ) ; ./processes/decay/src/ fParticleChangeForDecay.ProposeGlobalTime( finalGlobalTime ); ./processes/decay/src/ fParticleChangeForDecay.ProposeGlobalTime( finalGlobalTime ); [blyth@cms01 source]$ G4Transportation::AlongStepDoIt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For OP, what determines the GlobalTime is * `startTime + (stepLength/finalVelocity)` So question becomes: where is stepLength distribution implemented ? Each process provides a MeanFreePath, where is the dice rolled ? :: 450 G4VParticleChange* G4Transportation::AlongStepDoIt( const G4Track& track, 451 const G4Step& stepData ) 452 { 453 static G4int noCalls=0; 454 static const G4ParticleDefinition* fOpticalPhoton = 455 G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("opticalphoton"); 456 457 noCalls++; 458 459 fParticleChange.Initialize(track) ; 460 461 // Code for specific process 462 // 463 fParticleChange.ProposePosition(fTransportEndPosition) ; 464 fParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(fTransportEndMomentumDir) ; 465 fParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(fTransportEndKineticEnergy) ; 466 fParticleChange.SetMomentumChanged(fMomentumChanged) ; 467 468 fParticleChange.ProposePolarization(fTransportEndSpin); 469 470 G4double deltaTime = 0.0 ; 471 472 // Calculate Lab Time of Flight (ONLY if field Equations used it!) 473 // G4double endTime = fCandidateEndGlobalTime; 474 // G4double delta_time = endTime - startTime; 475 476 G4double startTime = track.GetGlobalTime() ; 477 478 if (!fEndGlobalTimeComputed) 479 { 480 // The time was not integrated .. make the best estimate possible 481 // 482 G4double finalVelocity = track.GetVelocity() ; 483 G4double initialVelocity = stepData.GetPreStepPoint()->GetVelocity() ; 484 G4double stepLength = track.GetStepLength() ; 485 486 deltaTime= 0.0; // in case initialVelocity = 0 487 const G4DynamicParticle* fpDynamicParticle = track.GetDynamicParticle(); 488 if (fpDynamicParticle->GetDefinition()== fOpticalPhoton) 489 { 490 // A photon is in the medium of the final point 491 // during the step, so it has the final velocity. 492 deltaTime = stepLength/finalVelocity ; 493 } 494 else if (finalVelocity > 0.0) 495 { 496 G4double meanInverseVelocity ; 497 // deltaTime = stepLength/finalVelocity ; 498 meanInverseVelocity = 0.5 499 * ( 1.0 / initialVelocity + 1.0 / finalVelocity ) ; 500 deltaTime = stepLength * meanInverseVelocity ; 501 } 502 else if( initialVelocity > 0.0 ) 503 { 504 deltaTime = stepLength/initialVelocity ; 505 } 506 fCandidateEndGlobalTime = startTime + deltaTime ; 507 } 508 else 509 { 510 deltaTime = fCandidateEndGlobalTime - startTime ; 511 } 512 513 fParticleChange.ProposeGlobalTime( fCandidateEndGlobalTime ) ; G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [blyth@cms01 source]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H DefinePhysicalStepLength {} \; ./tracking/src/ DefinePhysicalStepLength(); ./tracking/src/ void G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() ./tracking/src/} // void G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() // ./tracking/src/ G4cout << G4endl << " >>DefinePhysicalStepLength (List of proposed StepLengths): " << G4endl; :: 118 void G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() 119 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 120 { 121 122 // ReSet the counter etc. 123 PhysicalStep = DBL_MAX; // Initialize by a huge number 124 physIntLength = DBL_MAX; // Initialize by a huge number 125 #ifdef G4VERBOSE 126 // !!!!! Verbose 127 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLStarted(); 128 #endif 129 130 // Obtain the user defined maximum allowed Step in the volume 131 // 1997.12.13 adds argument for GetMaxAllowedStep by K.Kurashige 132 // 2004.01.20 This block will be removed by Geant4 7.0 133 // G4UserLimits* ul= fCurrentVolume->GetLogicalVolume()->GetUserLimits(); 134 // if (ul) { 135 // physIntLength = ul->GetMaxAllowedStep(*fTrack); 136 //#ifdef G4VERBOSE 137 // // !!!!! Verbose 138 // if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLUserLimit(); 139 //#endif 140 // } 141 // 142 // if(physIntLength < PhysicalStep ){ 143 // PhysicalStep = physIntLength; 144 // fStepStatus = fUserDefinedLimit; 145 // fStep->GetPostStepPoint() 146 // ->SetProcessDefinedStep(NULL); 147 // // Take note that the process pointer is 'NULL' if the Step 148 // // is defined by the user defined limit. 149 // } 150 // 2004.01.20 This block will be removed by Geant4 7.0 151 152 // GPIL for PostStep 153 fPostStepDoItProcTriggered = MAXofPostStepLoops; 154 155 for(size_t np=0; np < MAXofPostStepLoops; np++){ 156 fCurrentProcess = (*fPostStepGetPhysIntVector)(np); 157 if (fCurrentProcess== NULL) { 158 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = InActivated; 159 continue; 160 } // NULL means the process is inactivated by a user on fly. 161 162 physIntLength = fCurrentProcess-> 163 PostStepGPIL( *fTrack, 164 fPreviousStepSize, 165 &fCondition ); 166 #ifdef G4VERBOSE 167 // !!!!! Verbose 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); 169 #endif 170 171 switch (fCondition) { 172 case ExclusivelyForced: 173 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = ExclusivelyForced; 174 fStepStatus = fExclusivelyForcedProc; 175 fStep->GetPostStepPoint() 176 ->SetProcessDefinedStep(fCurrentProcess); 177 break; 178 case Conditionally: 179 (*fSelectedPostStepDoItVector)[np] = Conditionally; 180 break; 181 case Forced: G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength ---------------------------------------------- Only 6 processes ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $9 = (const G4String &) @0xc094a20: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xc094c04 "Transportation"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. 1 -1.43e+04 -8e+05 -1.14e+03 2.31e-06 0 3.3e+03 3.3e+03 /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearRPCRoof Transportation Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $10 = (const G4String &) @0xce5a190: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xc484aec "Scintillation"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $11 = (const G4String &) @0xd37bc80: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xd379024 "fast_sim_man"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $12 = (const G4String &) @0xd37b258: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xd37b164 "OpBoundary"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $13 = (const G4String &) @0xd3782f8: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xce5eb2c "OpRayleigh"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $14 = (const G4String &) @0xd3779e8: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xce6044c "OpAbsorption"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); (gdb) p fCurrentProcess->GetProcessName() $15 = (const G4String &) @0xc094a20: {,std::allocator >> = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0xc094c04 "Transportation"}}, } (gdb) c Continuing. 2 -1.45e+04 -8e+05 -1.31e+03 2.31e-06 0 208 3.51e+03 /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvNearRPCRoof#pvNearUnSlopModArray#pvNearUnSlopModOne:3#pvNearUnSlopMod:2#pvNearSlopModUnit Transportation Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -1.23e+04 -8e+05 1.56e+03 5.77e-06 0 0 0 /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop initStep Breakpoint 2, G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength (this=0xc481c98) at src/ 168 if(verboseLevel>0) fVerbose->DPSLPostStep(); 2.4.4. Interaction with Physics Processes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The interaction of the tracking category with the physics processes is done in two ways. First each process can limit the step length through one of its three `GetPhysicalInteractionLength()` methods, `AtRest`, `AlongStep`, or `PostStep`. Second, for the selected processes the `DoIt` (`AtRest`, `AlongStep` or `PostStep`) methods are invoked. All this interaction is managed by the `Stepping` method of `G4SteppingManager`. To calculate the step length, the `DefinePhysicalStepLength()` method is called. The flow of this method is the following: Obtain maximum allowed Step in the volume define by the user through G4UserLimits. #. The `PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength` of all active processes is called. #. Each process returns a step length and the minimum one is chosen. #. This method also returns a `G4ForceCondition` flag, to indicate if the process is forced or not: `Forced` Corresponding `PostStepDoIt` is forced. `NotForced` Corresponding `PostStepDoIt` is not forced unless this process limits the step. `Conditionally` Only when `AlongStepDoIt` limits the step, corresponding `PoststepDoIt` is invoked. `ExclusivelyForced` Corresponding `PostStepDoIt` is exclusively forced. All other `DoIt` including `AlongStepDoIts` are ignored. The `AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength` method of all active processes is called. Each process returns a step length and the minimum of these and the This method also returns a `fGPILSelection` flag, to indicate if the process is the selected one can be is forced or not. `CandidateForSelection` this process can be the winner. If its step length is the smallest, it will be the process defining the step (the process = `NotCandidateForSelection` this process cannot be the winner. Even if its step length is taken as the smallest, it will not be the process defining the step G4Transportation ------------------ Do nothing methods may be applicable `processes/transportation/include/G4Transportation.hh`:: 058 class G4Transportation : public G4VProcess 059 { ... 080 G4VParticleChange* PostStepDoIt( 081 const G4Track& track, 082 const G4Step& stepData 083 ); 084 // Responsible for the relocation. 085 086 G4double PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( 087 const G4Track& , 088 G4double previousStepSize, 089 G4ForceCondition* pForceCond 090 ); 091 // Forces the PostStepDoIt action to be called, 092 // but does not limit the step. ... 129 G4double AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength( 130 const G4Track& , 131 G4ForceCondition* 132 ) { return -1.0; }; 133 // No operation in AtRestDoIt. 134 135 G4VParticleChange* AtRestDoIt( 136 const G4Track& , 137 const G4Step& 138 ) {return 0;}; 139 // No operation in AtRestDoIt. NuWa hookup ------------- #. Maybe split with `DetSimChroma/src/` `NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Simulation/DetSim/src/`:: 110 void DsPhysConsOptical::ConstructProcess() 111 { 169 G4OpAbsorption* absorb = 0; 170 if (m_useAbsorption) { 171 absorb = new G4OpAbsorption(); 172 } 173 174 DsG4OpRayleigh* rayleigh = 0; 175 if (m_useRayleigh) { 176 rayleigh = new DsG4OpRayleigh(); 177 // rayleigh->SetVerboseLevel(2); 178 } 179 180 //G4OpBoundaryProcess* boundproc = new G4OpBoundaryProcess(); 181 DsG4OpBoundaryProcess* boundproc = new DsG4OpBoundaryProcess(); 182 boundproc->SetModel(unified); 183 184 G4FastSimulationManagerProcess* fast_sim_man 185 = new G4FastSimulationManagerProcess("fast_sim_man"); 186 187 theParticleIterator->reset(); 188 while( (*theParticleIterator)() ) { 189 190 G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value(); 191 G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager(); 192 193 // Caution: as of G4.9, Cerenkov becomes a Discrete Process. 194 // This code assumes a version of G4Cerenkov from before this version. 195 196 if(cerenkov && cerenkov->IsApplicable(*particle)) { 197 pmanager->AddProcess(cerenkov); 198 pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(cerenkov, idxPostStep); 199 debug() << "Process: adding Cherenkov to " 200 << particle->GetParticleName() << endreq; 201 } 202 203 if(scint && scint->IsApplicable(*particle)) { 204 pmanager->AddProcess(scint); 205 pmanager->SetProcessOrderingToLast(scint, idxAtRest); 206 pmanager->SetProcessOrderingToLast(scint, idxPostStep); 207 debug() << "Process: adding Scintillation to " 208 << particle->GetParticleName() << endreq; 209 } 210 211 if (particle == G4OpticalPhoton::Definition()) { 212 if (absorb) 213 pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(absorb); 214 if (rayleigh) 215 pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(rayleigh); 216 pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(boundproc); 217 //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(pee); 218 pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(fast_sim_man); 219 } 220 } 221 } PhysicsList setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Simulation/DetSim/src/DsPhysConsGeneral.h`:: 12 class DsPhysConsGeneral : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase 13 { 14 public: 15 DsPhysConsGeneral(const std::string& type, 16 const std::string& name, 17 const IInterface* parent ); .. 20 // Interface methods 21 void ConstructParticle(); 22 void ConstructProcess(); `NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Simulation/DetSim/src/`:: 098 void DsPhysConsGeneral::ConstructProcess() 099 { 100 // can't call this from a GiGaPhysConstructorBase, but 101 // G4VModularPhysicsList will do it for us. 102 // AddTransportation(); :: [blyth@belle7 src]$ grep public\ GiGaPhysConstructorBase *.h DsPhysConsElectroNu.h:class DsPhysConsElectroNu : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsEM.h:class DsPhysConsEM : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsGeneral.h:class DsPhysConsGeneral : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsHadron.h:class DsPhysConsHadron : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsIon.h:class DsPhysConsIon : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase DsPhysConsOptical.h:class DsPhysConsOptical : public GiGaPhysConstructorBase Impingement ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * The G4ProcessManager has the possibility of switching on/off some processes at run time by using ActivateProcess() and InActivateProcess() * The G4Transportation class must be registered with all particle classes. An AddTransportation() method is provided in G4VUserPhysicsList and it must be called in ConstructPhysics() Wrapper Process ----------------- Interesting for biasing, not canonically used `processes/management/src/`:: 82 G4double G4WrapperProcess:: 83 PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const G4Track& track, 84 G4double previousStepSize, 85 G4ForceCondition* condition ) 86 { 87 return pRegProcess->PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( track, 88 previousStepSize, 89 condition ); 90 } G4WrapperProcess usage for event biasing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * G4WrapperProcess can be used to implement user defined event biasing #. G4WrapperProcess, which is a process itself, wraps an existing process * All function calls forwarded to wrapped process * Non-invasive way to modify behaviour of existing (built-in) process 1. Create derived class inheriting from G4WrapperProcess 2. Override only the methods to be modified, e.g., PostStepDoIt() 3. Register this class in place of the original 4. Finally, register the original (wrapped) process with user class