How Chroma Works ? ==================== A collection of lightbulb realizations, from perusing the source and playing around running tests etc.. questions ---------- #. single detector material ? * proper simulation needs to lookup material at generation point of optical photon that gets generated as a result of physics processes happening to other particles being tracked chroma/generator/ ----------------------------- ZMQ sockets are used to communicate between the `G4ParallelGenerator` *controller* and a handful of worker `G4GeneratorProcess` instances. The `G4ParallelGenerator` provides the *photon_generator* used by `chroma.sim.Simulation`. G4GeneratorProcess ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: 08 class G4GeneratorProcess(multiprocessing.Process) 09 def __init__(self, idnum, material, vertex_socket_address, photon_socket_address, seed=None): 10 multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) Each instance corresponds to a separate process. While run this waits to receive a vertex (via ZMQ socket PULL) Vertices are passed to g4gen to generate photons which are populated into `ev.photon_beg` and pushed via ZMQ socket. G4ParallelGenerator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: 65 class G4ParallelGenerator(object): 66 def __init__(self, nprocesses, material, base_seed=None): Manages a handful of `G4GeneratorProcess` instances, ensuring distinct seeds, which it communicates to via zmq sockets. When *generate_events* is called with vertices these are pushed to the `G4GeneratorProcess` instances running in separate processes and the photon socket is iterated over in order to receive the resulting events with *ev.photon_beg* populated once G4 has completed their generation. chroma/ --------------- Simulation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: 19 class Simulation(object): 20 def __init__(self, detector, seed=None, cuda_device=None, 21 geant4_processes=4, nthreads_per_block=64, max_blocks=1024): .. 36 if geant4_processes > 0: 37 self.photon_generator = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(geant4_processes, detector.detector_material, base_seed=self.seed) 38 else: 39 self.photon_generator = None