Chroma ZeroMQ ================= Where does ZeroMQ server fit in ? ------------------------------------ Its communication glue between processes.:: simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -H zmq {} \; ./chroma/generator/ zmq ./chroma/generator/ context = zmq.Context() ./chroma/generator/ vertex_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) ./chroma/generator/ photon_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) ./chroma/generator/ self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() ./chroma/generator/ self.vertex_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.PUSH) ./chroma/generator/ self.photon_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.PULL) ./ install_requires = ['uncertainties','pyzmq-static','spnav', 'pycuda', simon:chroma blyth$ That misses **chroma_server**, which provides propagation on demand to remote clients:: (chroma_env)delta:chroma blyth$ grep zmq ../bin/* ../bin/chroma-server:import zmq ../bin/chroma-server: self.context = zmq.Context() ../bin/chroma-server: self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) chroma/generator/ --------------------------- :: 65 class G4ParallelGenerator(object): 66 def __init__(self, nprocesses, material, base_seed=None): 67 self.material = material 68 if base_seed is None: 69 base_seed = np.random.randint(100000000) 70 base_address = 'ipc:///tmp/chroma_'+str(uuid.uuid4()) 71 self.vertex_address = base_address + '.vertex' 72 self.photon_address = base_address + '.photon' 73 self.processes = [ G4GeneratorProcess(i, material, self.vertex_address, self.photon_address, seed=base_seed + i) for i in xrange(nprocesses) ] 74 75 for p in self.processes: 76 p.start() :: simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -H G4Parallel {} \; ./chroma/ = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(4, water) ./chroma/generator/ G4ParallelGenerator(object): ./chroma/ self.photon_generator = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(geant4_processes, detector.detector_material, base_seed=self.seed) ./test/ TestG4ParallelGenerator(unittest.TestCase): ./test/ gen = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(1, water) ./test/ gen = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(1, water) ./test/ chroma.generator.photon import G4ParallelGenerator ./test/ g4generator = G4ParallelGenerator(1, water) chroma/ -------------- :: 19 class Simulation(object): 20 def __init__(self, detector, seed=None, cuda_device=None, 21 geant4_processes=4, nthreads_per_block=64, max_blocks=1024): 22 self.detector = detector 23 24 self.nthreads_per_block = nthreads_per_block 25 self.max_blocks = max_blocks 26 27 if seed is None: 28 self.seed = pick_seed() 29 else: 30 self.seed = seed 31 32 # We have three generators to seed: numpy.random, GEANT4, and CURAND. 33 # The latter two are done below. 34 np.random.seed(self.seed) 35 36 if geant4_processes > 0: 37 self.photon_generator = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(geant4_processes, detector.detector_material, base_seed=self.seed) 38 else: 39 self.photon_generator = None 40 chroma/io/ ------------------- bin/chroma-server ----------------- * elegant simplicity, should be easy to integrate against #. loads geometry from STL file specified by cmdline arg #. bind zmq server to address eg `tcp://*:5024` that: * listens for photon objs * propagates them and returns end photons to client :: 11 class ChromaServer(object): 12 '''A ZeroMQ socket server which listens for incoming Photons objects 13 and replies with propagated Photons. 14 15 :param address: Socket address on which to listen 16 :param detector: Detector to progagate photons in 17 ''' 18 def __init__(self, address, detector): 19 # set up zeromq socket 20 self.address = address 21 self.context = zmq.Context() 22 self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) 23 self.socket.bind(address) 24 25 # set up simulation 26 self.detector = detector 27 self.sim = Simulation(self.detector) 28 29 def serve_forever(self): 30 '''Listen for photons, propagate them, and return the final states.''' 31 while True: 32 photons_in = self.socket.recv_pyobj() 33 print 'Processing', len(photons_in), 'photons' 34 35 # propagate in chroma simulation 36 photons_end = self.sim.simulate(photons_in, keep_photons_end=True).next() 37 38 # return final photon vertices to client 39 self.socket.send_pyobj(photons_end) 40 BUT: its expecting python objects client usage of this server --------------------------- * Would expect some connection request code like:: context = zmq.Context() print "Connecting to server..." socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect ("tcp://localhost:%s" % port) if len(sys.argv) > 2: socket.connect ("tcp://localhost:%s" % port1) Used to communicate between chroma and g4py subprocesses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `G4ParallelGenerator` uses ZMQ to send vertices and get photons back from its `g4py` sub-processes :: simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*' -exec grep -H zmq {} \; Binary file ./.hg/store/data/chroma/models/_colbert___high_res___brow.stl.bz2.d matches Binary file ./bin/.chroma-server.swp matches ./bin/chroma-server:import zmq ./bin/chroma-server: self.context = zmq.Context() ./bin/chroma-server: self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) ./chroma/generator/ zmq ./chroma/generator/ context = zmq.Context() ./chroma/generator/ vertex_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) ./chroma/generator/ photon_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) ./chroma/generator/ self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() ./chroma/generator/ self.vertex_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.PUSH) ./chroma/generator/ self.photon_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.PULL) Binary file ./chroma/models/Colbert_HighRes_Brow.stl.bz2 matches ./ install_requires = ['uncertainties','pyzmq-static','spnav', 'pycuda', simon:chroma blyth$ bin/chroma-sim ---------------- #. geometry loading from STL file specified on cmdline #. particle gun specification via cmdline options #. simulation #. generation using G4ParallelGenerator #. propagation to detectors #. ROOT output of events