Chroma Sim Usage =================== Simplify ----------- #. Most of `chroma/` not relevant to simply propagating, its ripe for drastic simplification perhaps into a new `chroma/` #. will need my flexible CUDA launch stuff too chroma-sim ------------- `chroma/bin/chroma-sim`:: 082 detector = chroma.loader.load_geometry_from_string(args[0]) 84 pos = np.array([float(s) for s in options.pos.split(',')], dtype=float) 85 dir = np.array([float(s) for s in options.dir.split(',')], dtype=float) 87 ev_gen = constant_particle_gun(particle_name=options.particle, 88 pos=pos, dir=dir, 90 sim = Simulation(detector, seed=options.seed, cuda_device=options.device, 91 geant4_processes=options.ngenerators) 95 writer = root.RootWriter(options.output_filename) 97 start = time.time() 98 for i, ev in \ 99 enumerate(sim.simulate(itertools.islice(ev_gen, 100 options.nevents), 101 keep_photons_beg=options.save_photons_beg, 102 keep_photons_end=options.save_photons_end)): 104 sys.stdout.flush() 106 assert ev.nphotons > 0, 'Geant4 generated event with no photons!' 108 writer.write_event(ev) 109 print 111 writer.close() Simulation ------------ `chroma/chroma/`:: 19 class Simulation(object): 20 def __init__(self, detector, seed=None, cuda_device=None, 21 geant4_processes=4, nthreads_per_block=64, max_blocks=1024): 22 self.detector = detector .. 43 if hasattr(detector, 'num_channels'): 44 self.gpu_geometry = gpu.GPUDetector(detector) 45 self.gpu_daq = gpu.GPUDaq(self.gpu_geometry) 46 self.gpu_pdf = gpu.GPUPDF() 47 self.gpu_pdf_kernel = gpu.GPUKernelPDF() 48 else: 49 self.gpu_geometry = gpu.GPUGeometry(detector) .. 55 def simulate(self, iterable, keep_photons_beg=False, 56 keep_photons_end=False, run_daq=True, max_steps=100): .. 73 for ev in iterable: 74 gpu_photons = gpu.GPUPhotons(ev.photons_beg) 75 76 gpu_photons.propagate(self.gpu_geometry, self.rng_states, 77 nthreads_per_block=self.nthreads_per_block, 78 max_blocks=self.max_blocks, 79 max_steps=max_steps) 80 81 ev.nphotons = len(ev.photons_beg.pos) 82 83 if not keep_photons_beg: 84 ev.photons_beg = None 85 86 if keep_photons_end: 87 ev.photons_end = gpu_photons.get() 88 89 # Skip running DAQ if we don't have one 90 if hasattr(self, 'gpu_daq') and run_daq: // zero arrays 91 self.gpu_daq.begin_acquire() 92 self.gpu_daq.acquire(gpu_photons, self.rng_states, nthreads_per_block=self.nthreads_per_block, max_blocks=self.max_blocks) 93 gpu_channels = self.gpu_daq.end_acquire() 94 ev.channels = gpu_channels.get() 95 96 yield ev GPUDaq -------- #. time_int ? digitization ? `chroma/chroma/gpu/`:: 037 class GPUDaq(object): 38 def __init__(self, gpu_detector, ndaq=1): 39 self.earliest_time_gpu = ga.empty(gpu_detector.nchannels*ndaq, dtype=np.float32) 40 self.earliest_time_int_gpu = ga.empty(gpu_detector.nchannels*ndaq, dtype=np.uint32) 41 self.channel_history_gpu = ga.zeros_like(self.earliest_time_int_gpu) 42 self.channel_q_int_gpu = ga.zeros_like(self.earliest_time_int_gpu) 43 self.channel_q_gpu = ga.zeros(len(self.earliest_time_int_gpu), dtype=np.float32) 44 self.detector_gpu = gpu_detector.detector_gpu 45 self.solid_id_map_gpu = gpu_detector.solid_id_map 46 self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = gpu_detector.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu 47 48 self.module = get_cu_module('', options=cuda_options, 49 include_source_directory=True) 50 self.gpu_funcs = GPUFuncs(self.module) 51 self.ndaq = ndaq 52 self.stride = gpu_detector.nchannels 53 54 def begin_acquire(self, nthreads_per_block=64): 55 self.gpu_funcs.reset_earliest_time_int( np.float32(1e9), np.int32(len(self.earliest_time_int_gpu)), self.earliest_time_int_gpu, block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1), grid=(len(self.earliest_time_int_gpu)//nthreads_per_block+1,1) ) 56 self.channel_q_int_gpu.fill(0) 57 self.channel_q_gpu.fill(0) 58 self.channel_history_gpu.fill(0) 59 60 def acquire(self, gpuphotons, rng_states, nthreads_per_block=64, max_blocks=1024, start_photon=None, nphotons=None, weight=1.0): 61 if start_photon is None: 62 start_photon = 0 63 if nphotons is None: 64 nphotons = len(gpuphotons.pos) - start_photon 65 66 if self.ndaq == 1: 67 for first_photon, photons_this_round, blocks in \ 68 chunk_iterator(nphotons, nthreads_per_block, max_blocks): 69 self.gpu_funcs.run_daq(rng_states, np.uint32(0x1 << 2), 70 np.int32(start_photon+first_photon), np.int32(photons_this_round), gpuphotons.t, 71 gpuphotons.flags, gpuphotons.last_hit_triangles, gpuphotons.weights, 72 self.solid_id_map_gpu, 73 self.detector_gpu, 74 self.earliest_time_int_gpu, 75 self.channel_q_int_gpu, self.channel_history_gpu, 76 np.float32(weight), 77 block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1), grid=(blocks,1)) 78 else: ... 91 cuda.Context.get_current().synchronize() 92 93 def end_acquire(self, nthreads_per_block=64): 94 self.gpu_funcs.convert_sortable_int_to_float( np.int32(len(self.earliest_time_int_gpu)), self.earliest_time_int_gpu, self.earliest_time_gpu, block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1), grid=(len(self.earliest_time_int_gpu)//nthreads_per_block+1,1)) 95 96 self.gpu_funcs.convert_charge_int_to_float( self.detector_gpu, self.channel_q_int_gpu, self.channel_q_gpu, block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1), grid=(len(self.channel_q_int_gpu)//nthreads_per_block+1,1)) 97 98 cuda.Context.get_current().synchronize() 99 100 return GPUChannels(self.earliest_time_gpu, self.channel_q_gpu, self.channel_history_gpu, self.ndaq, self.stride) 101 009 class GPUChannels(object): 10 def __init__(self, t, q, flags, ndaq=1, stride=None): 11 self.t = t 12 self.q = q 13 self.flags = flags 14 self.ndaq = ndaq 15 if stride is None: 16 self.stride = len(t) 17 else: 18 self.stride = stride 19 20 def iterate_copies(self): 21 for i in xrange(self.ndaq): 22 yield GPUChannels(self.t[i*self.stride:(i+1)*self.stride], 23 self.q[i*self.stride:(i+1)*self.stride], 24 self.flags[i*self.stride:(i+1)*self.stride]) 25 26 def get(self): 27 t = self.t.get() 28 q = self.q.get() 29 30 # For now, assume all channels with small 31 # enough hit time were hit. // // NO q cut // 32 return event.Channels(t<1e8, t, q, self.flags.get()) 33 34 def __len__(self): 35 return self.t.size `chroma/chroma/`:: /// /// t<1e8 is numpy.where list of indices of channels with such earliest times /// 260 class Channels(object): 261 def __init__(self, hit, t, q, flags=None): 262 '''Create a list of n channels. All channels in the detector must 263 be included, regardless of whether they were hit. 264 265 hit: numpy.ndarray(dtype=bool, shape=n) 266 Hit state of each channel. 267 268 t: numpy.ndarray(dtype=numpy.float32, shape=n) 269 Hit time of each channel. (ns) 270 271 q: numpy.ndarray(dtype=numpy.float32, shape=n) 272 Integrated charge from hit. (units same as charge 273 distribution in detector definition) 274 ''' 275 self.hit = hit 276 self.t = t 277 self.q = q 278 self.flags = flags 279 280 def hit_channels(self): 281 '''Extract a list of hit channels. 282 283 Returns: array of hit channel IDs, array of hit times, array of charges on hit channels 284 ''' 285 return self.hit.nonzero(), self.t[self.hit], self.q[self.hit] `chroma/chroma/cuda/`:: 35 __global__ void 36 run_daq(curandState *s, unsigned int detection_state, 37 int first_photon, int nphotons, float *photon_times, 38 unsigned int *photon_histories, int *last_hit_triangles, 39 float *weights, 40 int *solid_map, 41 Detector *detector, 42 unsigned int *earliest_time_int, 43 unsigned int *channel_q_int, unsigned int *channel_histories, 44 float global_weight) 45 { 46 47 int id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x; 48 49 if (id < nphotons) { 50 curandState rng = s[id]; 51 int photon_id = id + first_photon; 52 int triangle_id = last_hit_triangles[photon_id]; 53 54 if (triangle_id > -1) { 55 int solid_id = solid_map[triangle_id]; 56 unsigned int history = photon_histories[photon_id]; 57 int channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id]; 58 59 if (channel_index >= 0 && (history & detection_state)) { 60 61 float weight = weights[photon_id] * global_weight; 62 if (curand_uniform(&rng) < weight) { 63 float time = photon_times[photon_id] + 64 sample_cdf(&rng, detector->time_cdf_len, 65 detector->time_cdf_x, detector->time_cdf_y); 66 unsigned int time_int = float_to_sortable_int(time); 67 68 float charge = sample_cdf(&rng, detector->charge_cdf_len, 69 detector->charge_cdf_x, 70 detector->charge_cdf_y); 71 unsigned int charge_int = roundf(charge / detector->charge_unit); 72 73 atomicMin(earliest_time_int + channel_index, time_int); 74 atomicAdd(channel_q_int + channel_index, charge_int); 75 atomicOr(channel_histories + channel_index, history); 76 } // if weighted photon contributes 77 78 } // if photon detected by a channel 79 80 } // if photon terminated on surface 81 82 s[id] = rng; 83 84 } 85 86 } * run_daq: time and charge sample_cdf applied to raw time and charge * time is offset by the sample_cdf random draw (detector/electronics jitter ? ) * charge is purely sample_cdf random draw ? * MAYBE need to skip this randomization, done later by ElecSim in DetSim case ? `chroma/chroma/cuda/detector.h`:: 04 struct Detector 5 { 6 // Order in decreasing size to avoid alignment problems 7 int *solid_id_to_channel_index; 8 9 float *time_cdf_x; 10 float *time_cdf_y; 11 12 float *charge_cdf_x; 13 float *charge_cdf_y; 14 15 int nchannels; 16 int time_cdf_len; 17 int charge_cdf_len; 18 float charge_unit; 19 // Convert charges to/from quantized integers with 20 // q_int = (int) roundf(q / charge_unit ) 21 // q = q_int * charge_unit 22 };