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DAE cf WRL at code level



  1. why do the boolean volume vertices depend on which export is done first DAE or WRL ?
    • this causes between process exports to differ (for boolean volumes), if they differ in export ordering
  2. do WRL and DAE face indices correspond ?

Answered Questions

  1. why are AD PMTs in the iPad and meshlab renders all pointing in same direction, and not towards center ?
    • that render was without the monkey_matrix_load fix ?
    • YES, looking at WRL render in meshlab shows expected PMT directions
    • after fixing invrot in DAE, that is also OK : I was wrong in thinking that the daenode subcopy was doing this
  2. VRML2 Y is being rounded to the nearest 1 mm, and X often to nearest 0.1 mm
    • applying the g4-vrml- fix get max (and avg) offsets down to 0.03 mm

Create DAE DB

Preexisting DB are deleted: --daepath '$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/xdae/g4_01.dae'    # 2nd generatation, from a GDML import --daepath '$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/g4_10.dae'    # 1st generation, direct from NuWa/Geant4 detdesc creation

Note that with system python but NuWa PYTHONPATH get:

File "/data1/env/system/python/Python-2.5.1/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pycollada-0.4-py2.5.egg/collada/", line 11, in <module>
  from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
ImportError: No module named etree

Workaround is to not be in NuWa env or skip the PYTHONPATH:

[blyth@belle7 ~]$ PYTHONPATH= --daepath '$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/xdae/g4_01.dae'

Attaching two DB in sqlite3

cat << EOS > /tmp/dae_cf_wrl.sql
attach database "$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/xdae/g4_01.db" as dae ;
attach database "$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/vrml2/g4_01.db" as wrl ;
sqlite3 -init /tmp/dae_cf_wrl.sql

Function for that:

simon:e blyth$ t g4dae-cf
g4dae-cf is a function
g4dae-cf ()
    local sql=$(g4dae-cf-path);
    mkdir -p $(dirname $sql);
    $FUNCNAME- > $sql;
    sqlite3 -init $sql
simon:e blyth$ g4dae-cf-
attach database "/usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/xdae/g4_01.db" as dae ;
attach database "/usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/vrml2/g4_01.db" as wrl ;
simon:e blyth$

Consistent Volume counts

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.shape ;   # world volume was culled for this wrl export
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.xshape ;  # world volume was culled for this wrl export , xshape is faster than shape as smaller

Volume index join between WRL and DAE tables in separate DB

sqlite> select d.idx,, from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx limit 10 ;
idx         name                                                                                                  name
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1           /dd/Structure/Sites/db-rock.1000                                                                      __dd__Structure__Sites__db-rock0xaa8b0f8.0
2           /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000                                                  __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearSiteRock--pvNearHallTop0xaa8ace0.0
3           /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTopCover.1000                                                  __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallTop--pvNearTopCover0xa8d3790.0
4           /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTeleRpc#pvNearTeleRpc:1.1                                      __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallTop--pvNearTeleRpc--pvNearTeleRpc..10xa8d3ac8.0
5           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCMod#pvRPCFoam.1000                                                              __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCMod--pvRPCFoam0xa8c1d58.0
6           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCFoam#pvBarCham14Array#pvBarCham14ArrayOne:1#pvBarCham14Unit.1                   __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCFoam--pvBarCham14Array--pvBarCham14ArrayOne..1--pvBarCham14Unit0xa8c19e0.0
7           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCBarCham14#pvRPCGasgap14.1000                                                    __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCBarCham14--pvRPCGasgap140xa8c10f0.0
8           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:1#pvStrip14Unit.1                     __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCGasgap14--pvStrip14Array--pvStrip14ArrayOne..1--pvStrip14Unit0xa8c02c0.0
9           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:2#pvStrip14Unit.2                     __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCGasgap14--pvStrip14Array--pvStrip14ArrayOne..2--pvStrip14Unit0xa8c0390.0
10          /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:3#pvStrip14Unit.3                     __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCGasgap14--pvStrip14Array--pvStrip14ArrayOne..3--pvStrip14Unit0xa8c08a0.0

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx  ;

Vertex Count Discrepancy for 1688/12230 volumes (14 %)

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx where w.npo != d.nvertex ;
1688              # ouch 14% of volumes have different vertex counts

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx where w.npo = d.nvertex ;

With first generation DAE makes no difference

[blyth@belle7 gdml]$ g4dae-cf 10
-- Loading resources from /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4dae-cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/g4_10.dae.db
3    wrl              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/vrml2/g4_01.db

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx where w.npo != d.nvertex ;
  • is the VRML2 first gen ? I thought they all were ?

Discrepancies grouped by geometry id

  1. 34 shapes out of 249 are vertex count discrepant
  2. all are discrepant in the same way : with same vertex counts for all instances of that geometry
sqlite> select count(distinct(geoid)) from dae.geom ;

sqlite> select d.geoid, group_concat(distinct(d.nvertex)) as dae_nvtx, group_concat(distinct(w.npo)) as wrl_npo, w.npo-d.nvertex, count(*) as N, group_concat(distinct(d.idx)) from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx where w.npo != d.nvertex  group by d.geoid ;
geoid                    dae_nvtx    wrl_npo     w.npo-d.nvertex  N           group_concat(distinct(d.idx))
-----------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ----------  -----------------------------
AmCCo60AcrylicContainer  342         233         -109             6           4567,4655,4737,6227,6315,6397      # union of union
AmCCo60Cavity            150         194         44               6           4568,4656,4738,6228,6316,6398      # u of u
IavTopRib                22          16          -6               16          3187,3188,3189,3190,3191,3192      # subtraction of subtraction
LsoOflTnk                480         192         -288             2           4606,6266                          # u of u
OavTopRib                16          33          17               16          4497,4498,4499,4500,4501,4502      # s of s
OcrCalLso                49          98          49               2           4520,6180                          #
OcrCalLsoPrt             288         192         -96              2           4517,6177
OcrGdsInLsoOfl           49          98          49               2           4516,6176
OcrGdsLsoInOil           49          98          49               2           4514,6174
OcrGdsLsoPrt             288         192         -96              2           4511,6171
OcrGdsPrt                192         288         96               2           3165,4825
OcrGdsTfbInLsoOfl        98          49          -49              2           4515,6175
OflTnkContainer          344         366         22               2           4604,6264
SstBotRib                15          35          20               16          4431,4432,4433,4434,4435,4436
SstTopCirRibBase         48          34          -14              16          4465,4466,4467,4468,4469,4470
SstTopHub                192         96          -96              2           4464,6124
amcco60-source-assy      775         296         -479             6           4566,4654,4736,6226,6314,6396
headon-pmt-assy          122         100         -22              12          4351,4358,4365,4372,4379,4386    # union
headon-pmt-mount         192         96          -96              12          4357,4364,4371,4378,4385,4392    # union
led-source-assy          778         629         -149             6           4540,4628,4710,6200,6288,6370
led-source-shell         342         50          -292             6           4541,4629,4711,6201,6289,6371
lso                      170         168         -2               2           3157,4817                        # union
near-radslab-box-9       34          50          16               1           12229
near_hall_top_dwarf      20          16          -4               1           2
near_pentagon_iron_box   10          12          2                144         2389,2390,2391,2392,2393,2394
near_pool_dead_box       50          34          -16              1           3148
near_pool_liner_box      34          50          16               1           3149
near_pool_ows_box        78          53          -25              1           3150
near_top_cover_box       34          40          6                1           3
pmt-hemi                 360         362         2                672         3199,3205,3211,3217,3223,3229
pmt-hemi-vac             334         338         4                672         3200,3206,3212,3218,3224,3230
source-assy              780         357         -423             6           4551,4639,4721,6211,6299,6381
source-shell             342         50          -292             6           4552,4640,4722,6212,6300,6382
wall-led-assy            316         360         44               6           4521,4524,4527,6181,6184,6187
weight-shell             342         50          -292             36          4543,4547,4558,4562,4591,4595

Caution System SQLite3 is glacial on N

Multi-DB joins with system sqlite3 on N (SQLite version 3.3.6) taking minutes whereas source sqlite3 (SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13) takes a few seconds, just like on G. Note cannot upgrade it as used by yum.

Dont use sqlite3 instead sqlite3--:

[blyth@belle7 gdml]$ sqlite3-- -init  /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4dae-cf.sql
-- Loading resources from /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4dae-cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/xdae/g4_01.dae.db
3    wrl              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/vrml2/g4_01.db

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.xshape w inner join dae.geom d on w.sid = d.idx  ;

Check GDML

Sampling the GDML, all checked are unions or subtraction solids.

1456     <union name="AmCCo60AcrylicContainer0xbb640b8">
1457       <first ref="AcrylicCylinder+ChildForAmCCo60AcrylicContainer0xbb63c38"/>
1458       <second ref="LowerAcrylicHemisphere0xbb648e8"/>
1459       <position name="AmCCo60AcrylicContainer0xbb640b8_pos" unit="mm" x="0" y="0" z="-14.865"/>
1460       <rotation name="AmCCo60AcrylicContainer0xbb640b8_rot" unit="deg" x="-90" y="0" z="0"/>
1461     </union>
1436     <union name="AmCCo60MainCavity+ChildForAmCCo60Cavity0xbb64188">
1437       <first ref="AmCCo60MainCavity0xb91bd38"/>
1438       <second ref="UpperAmCCo60SideCavity0xb91bfd0"/>
1439       <position name="AmCCo60MainCavity+ChildForAmCCo60Cavity0xbb64188_pos" unit="mm" x="0" y="0" z="16.76"/>
1440     </union>
1441     <tube aunit="deg" deltaphi="360" lunit="mm" name="LowerAmCCo60SideCavity0xb91c1a0" rmax="6.35" rmin="0" startphi="0" z="3.8"/>
1442     <union name="AmCCo60Cavity0xb91c2a0">
1443       <first ref="AmCCo60MainCavity+ChildForAmCCo60Cavity0xbb64188"/>
1444       <second ref="LowerAmCCo60SideCavity0xb91c1a0"/>
1445       <position name="AmCCo60Cavity0xb91c2a0_pos" unit="mm" x="0" y="0" z="-16.76"/>
1446     </union>

IavTopRib subtraction of subtraction:

607     <subtraction name="IavTopRibBase-ChildForIavTopRib0xba42f70">
608       <first ref="IavTopRibBase0xba428e0"/>
609       <second ref="IavTopRibSidCut0xba42f30"/>
610       <position name="IavTopRibBase-ChildForIavTopRib0xba42f70_pos" unit="mm" x="639.398817652391" y="0" z="40.875"/>
611       <rotation name="IavTopRibBase-ChildForIavTopRib0xba42f70_rot" unit="deg" x="0" y="30" z="0"/>
612     </subtraction>
613     <cone aunit="deg" deltaphi="360" lunit="mm" name="IavTopRibBotCut0xba43130" rmax1="1520.39278882354" rmax2="100" rmin1="0" rmin2="0" startphi="0" z="74.4396317718873"/>
614     <subtraction name="IavTopRib0xba43230">
615       <first ref="IavTopRibBase-ChildForIavTopRib0xba42f70"/>
616       <second ref="IavTopRibBotCut0xba43130"/>
617       <position name="IavTopRib0xba43230_pos" unit="mm" x="-810.196394411769" y="0" z="-17.2801841140563"/>
618     </subtraction>

lso union of cylinder and polycone:

619     <tube aunit="deg" deltaphi="360" lunit="mm" name="lso_cyl0xb85b498" rmax="1982" rmin="0" startphi="0" z="3964"/>
620     <polycone aunit="deg" deltaphi="360" lunit="mm" name="lso_polycone0xbbd58d0" startphi="0">
621       <zplane rmax="1930" rmin="0" z="3964"/>
622       <zplane rmax="125" rmin="0" z="4058.59604160589"/>
623       <zplane rmax="50" rmin="0" z="4058.59604160589"/>
624       <zplane rmax="50" rmin="0" z="4076.62074383385"/>
625     </polycone>
626     <union name="lso0xb85b048">
627       <first ref="lso_cyl0xb85b498"/>
628       <second ref="lso_polycone0xbbd58d0"/>
629       <position name="lso0xb85b048_pos" unit="mm" x="0" y="0" z="-1982"/>
630     </union>

Visual check of discrepants : lots of interesting shapes

Same process DAE then WRL : vertex counts match

simon:gdml_dae_wrl blyth$ sqlite3 -init cf.sql
-- Loading resources from cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/gdml_dae_wrl/g4_00.dae
3    wrl              /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/gdml_dae_wrl/g4_00.wrl

sqlite> select d.idx,, from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 limit 10 ;
idx         name                                                                                                  name
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0           Universe.0                                                                                            top.0
1           /dd/Structure/Sites/db-rock.1000                                                                      __dd__Structure__Sites__db-rock0xc109960.0
2           /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000                                                  __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearSiteRock--pvNearHallTop0xb4f3440.0
3           /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTopCover.1000                                                  __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallTop--pvNearTopCover0xb1ff6c8.0
4           /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTeleRpc#pvNearTeleRpc:1.1                                      __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallTop--pvNearTeleRpc--pvNearTeleRpc..10xb3dee08.0
5           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCMod#pvRPCFoam.1000                                                              __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCMod--pvRPCFoam0xb2fc9e0.0
6           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCFoam#pvBarCham14Array#pvBarCham14ArrayOne:1#pvBarCham14Unit.1                   __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCFoam--pvBarCham14Array--pvBarCham14ArrayOne..1--pvBarCham14Unit0xb6cd140.0
7           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCBarCham14#pvRPCGasgap14.1000                                                    __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCBarCham14--pvRPCGasgap140xb6cc3e8.0
8           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:1#pvStrip14Unit.1                     __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCGasgap14--pvStrip14Array--pvStrip14ArrayOne..1--pvStrip14Unit0xb6cb9b8.0
9           /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:2#pvStrip14Unit.2                     __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCGasgap14--pvStrip14Array--pvStrip14ArrayOne..2--pvStrip14Unit0xb6cc940.0

sqlite> select d.idx,, from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 limit 10000,10 ;
idx         name                                                                                                  name
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10000       /dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiVacuum#pvPmtHemiBottom.1001                                                 __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiVacuum--pvPmtHemiBottom0xb5e55c8.588
10001       /dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiVacuum#pvPmtHemiDynode.1002                                                 __dd__Geometry__PMT__lvPmtHemiVacuum--pvPmtHemiDynode0xb2e6ff0.588
10002       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10003       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10004       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10005       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10006       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10007       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10008       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa
10009       /dd/Geometry/Pool/lvNearPoolOWS#pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein#pvNearOutFaceinWall9#pvNearOutFaceinWall9:4#p  __dd__Geometry__Pool__lvNearPoolOWS--pvVetoPmtNearOutFacein--pvNearOutFaceinWall9--pvNearOutFaceinWa

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 ;

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 where w.nvertex != d.nvertex ;

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 where w.nvertex = d.nvertex ;

Same process WRL then DAE : vertex counts match

simon:wrl_gdml_dae blyth$ -c -P g4_00.wrl
2013-11-16 18:45:28,206 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     /Users/blyth/env/bin/ -c -P g4_00.wrl
2013-11-16 18:45:28,208 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     create
2013-11-16 18:46:27,520 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     gathering geometry, using idoffset True idlabel 1
2013-11-16 18:46:32,328 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     start persisting to /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/wrl_gdml_dae/g4_00.wrl.db

simon:wrl_gdml_dae blyth$ sqlite3 -init cf.sql
-- Loading resources from cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/wrl_gdml_dae/g4_00.dae
3    wrl              /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/wrl_gdml_dae/g4_00.wrl

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 where w.nvertex != d.nvertex ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom w inner join dae.geom d on w.idx = d.idx + 1 where w.nvertex = d.nvertex ;

Built Meshlab in order to read DAE and WRL

But its real slow at reading DAE, 30 min import. Initially X3D/WRL/VRML plugin failed to load into meshlab. But a recompilation of x3d plugin succeeds.

The WRL import took under 8 min, thats almost 5 times faster than DAE import.:

LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/wrl_gdml_dae/g4_00.wrl in 441612 msec
LOG: 0 All files opened in 441615 msec

Navigation is painful at 0.3 fps though.

  • BUT: the PMT rotations look correct

Nov 18 2013 : Same Process export : WRL then DAE

Prep the DB g4dae-prep: --daepath g4_00.dae --save --noshape g4_00.wrl

Make point comparison g4dae-cf:

simon:wrl_gdml_dae blyth$ cat cf.sql
attach database "g4_00.dae.db" as dae ;
attach database "g4_00.wrl.db" as wrl ;
.mode column
.header on
-- sqlite3 -init cf.sql
simon:wrl_gdml_dae blyth$ sqlite3 -init cf.sql
-- Loading resources from cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/wrl_gdml_dae/g4_00.dae
3    wrl              /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/wrl_gdml_dae/g4_00.wrl

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point ;

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.point ;

sqlite> select d.idx, max(abs(d.x - w.x)), max(abs(d.y - w.y)), max(abs(d.z - w.z))  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx ;

        -- maximum x,y,z absolute deviations for each solid ,
        --      y deviations up to 0.5 mm      <<<< ROUNDED TO   1 MM
        --      x,z more like 0.05 mm          <<<< ROUNDED TO 0.1 MM

12223       0.0394991636276245   0.499330341815948    0.0
12224       0.0418918146169744   0.46747952979058     0.0
12225       0.0464650988578796   0.250274777412415    0.0
12226       0.0406980668867618   0.454132347600535    0.0
12227       0.0394991636276245   0.499330341815948    0.0
12228       0.0418918146169744   0.46747952979058     0.0
12229       0.0516570425825194   0.415786688914523    0.0482940673828125

WRL coordinate roundings again

WRL x/y roundings: 0.1/1 mm:

geometry IndexedFaceSet {
        coord Coordinate {
                point [
                        -11149.5 -797803 668.904,
                        -12907.2 -798915 668.904,
                        -12768.2 -799135 668.904,
                        -11010.5 -798023 668.904,
                        -11149.5 -797803 670.904,
                        -12907.2 -798915 670.904,
                        -12768.2 -799135 670.904,
                        -11010.5 -798023 670.904,


[blyth@cms01 src]$ grep SCB *.* <iomanip>   // SCB    G4cerr << "Using setprecision(5) and fixed floating point notation for veracity of output [SCB PATCH] " << G4endl;    fDest << std::setprecision(5) << std::fixed ; // SCB
[blyth@cms01 src]$ pwd

[blyth@belle7 src]$ grep SCB *.*
G4VRML2SceneHandlerFunc.icc:    std::cerr << "SCB " << pv_name << "\n";
[blyth@belle7 src]$ pwd

DAE does not suffer from Y rounding as using local (not world) coordinates of much smaller magnitude, which do not push precsion.

max squared offset per volume, before VRML mm rounding fix

sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 1 ;
sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.8 ;
sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.4 ;
           -- NO volumes with maximum squared deviations more than 0.4 mm^2

sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.25  ;

            -- most deviate at about 0.25 mm^2

idx         mds
----------  -----------------
102         0.252105649424013
110         0.252105649424024
118         0.252051923645839
119         0.252051923645839
364         0.256258896525109
372         0.25625889640749
376         0.255689442235299
377         0.255689442235299
402         0.25356702983926
403         0.25356702983926
435         0.250579669527435
436         0.250579669527435
438         0.250620243194824

sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.255  ;

sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.255  ;
idx         mds
----------  -----------------
364         0.256258896525109
372         0.25625889640749
376         0.255689442235299
377         0.255689442235299
912         0.256639970217134
913         0.256639970217134
1100        0.259075682699121
1101        0.259075682699121
1132        0.258564938347323
1133        0.258564938347323
2456        0.255183839891695
5472        0.256080675965338
5616        0.256080675965338
5760        0.256080675965338
5904        0.256080675965338
8545        0.256874095728416
8562        0.256781381772678
9136        0.25735507284098
9170        0.256821185116763
9204        0.256818434540021
9238        0.256818568269607
9980        0.255273145259131
10424       0.256093619945864
10968       0.255974403689378

Nov 18 2013 : Same Process export : DAE then WRL

Prep the DB: --daepath g4_00.dae --save --noshape g4_00.wrl

Point comparison:

sqlite> select d.idx, max(abs(d.x - w.x)), max(abs(d.y - w.y)), max(abs(d.z - w.z))  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx ;
12217       0.0489782299046055   0.495534300804138    0.0
12218       0.0521936156255833   0.490957915782928    0.0
12219       0.0487635113167926   0.494483592337929    0.0
12220       0.0493128095640714   0.493383262306452    0.0
12221       0.0464650988578796   0.250274777412415    0.0
12222       0.0406980668885808   0.454132347600535    0.0
12223       0.0394991636276245   0.499330341815948    0.0
12224       0.0418918146169744   0.46747952979058     0.0
12225       0.0464650988578796   0.250274777412415    0.0
12226       0.0406980668867618   0.454132347600535    0.0
12227       0.0394991636276245   0.499330341815948    0.0
12228       0.0418918146169744   0.46747952979058     0.0
12229       0.0545820657571312   0.42653064802289     0.0490875244140625

sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.255  ;
idx         mds
----------  -----------------
364         0.256258896525109
372         0.25625889640749
376         0.255689442235299
377         0.255689442235299
912         0.256639970217134
913         0.256639970217134
1100        0.259075682699121
1101        0.259075682699121
1132        0.258564938347323
1133        0.258564938347323
5597        0.256311818725851
5741        0.256311818725851
5885        0.256311818725851
8545        0.256874095728416
8562        0.256781381772678
9136        0.25735507284098
9170        0.256821185116763
9204        0.256818434540021
9238        0.256818568269607
10424       0.256093619945864
10968       0.255974403689378

Other order leads to the same level of agreement, ie just XY rounding issue.

Nov 19 : recompile N Geant4 with patched VRML2

Rebuild libVRML:


Perform export again:

[blyth@belle7 ~]$
[blyth@belle7 ~]$ cd /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1348/
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ ls -l *.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:51 g4_00.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:51 g4_01.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:51 g4_02.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:52 g4_03.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:52 g4_04.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:52 g4_05.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:52 g4_06.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:52 g4_07.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 13:52 g4_08.wrl
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ ls -l *.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:51 g4_00.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:51 g4_01.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:51 g4_02.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:52 g4_03.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:52 g4_04.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:52 g4_05.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 13:53 g4_06.dae
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ ls -l *.gdml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 4111332 Nov 19 13:52 g4_00.gdml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 4111332 Nov 19 13:52 g4_01.gdml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 4111332 Nov 19 13:52 g4_02.gdml
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$


[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ --save --noshape g4_00.wrl
2013-11-19 13:58:07,683 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     /home/blyth/env/bin/ --save --noshape g4_00.wrl
2013-11-19 13:58:07,683 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     parse
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ python-
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ python- source
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ --daepath g4_00.dae


[blyth@belle7 20131119-1348]$ g4dae-cf
-- Loading resources from cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1348/g4
3    wrl              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1348/g4

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite>  select d.idx, max(abs(d.x - w.x)), max(abs(d.y - w.y)), max(abs(d.z - w.z))  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx ;
12221       0.00441282987594604  0.0112730264663696   0.0
12222       0.00356368305438082  0.0273382695158944   0.0
12223       0.00419008731842041  0.0190313458442688   0.0
12224       0.00595974788302556  0.0325204702094197   0.0
12225       0.00447291135787964  0.0112730264663696   0.0
12226       0.00262916892279463  0.0273382695158944   0.0
12227       0.00346958637237549  0.0190313458442688   0.0
12228       0.00599601340582012  0.0325204702094197   0.0
12229       0.00739222402626183  0.0321993082761765   0.00032806396484375
sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.025 ;
sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.01 ;
sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.005 ;
sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.001 ;

-- maximum squared offset between DAE and WRL vertices for each volume
--    DAE using pycollada monkey patch matrix diddling
--    WRL using g4-vrml-make to fix world coordinate Y 1mm rounding issue

idx         mds
----------  -------------------
1           0.00328436747986416
2           0.00222253675903199
3           0.00106225017796422
4           0.00106450298543162
8           0.00118477510230729
9           0.00118477510230729
18          0.00118477510230729
19          0.00118477510230729
47          0.00100555585161196
49          0.00107641548805947
50          0.0010764154880389
59          0.00107641548805947
60          0.0010764154880389
69          0.0010763202976155
77          0.0010763202976155
12205       0.00103526764915049
12211       0.00103526764914272
12213       0.00103526764915049
12219       0.00103526764914272
12224       0.00106595149374566
12228       0.00106595149374566
12229       0.00106225017796422
In [45]: math.pow(0.00106595, 0.5)
Out[45]: 0.0326488897207853            #  .03 mm is good enough

Nov 19 : Move Matrix fix from pycollada monkey patch to G4DAEWrite

No surpises from /data1/env/local/dyb/external/build/LCG/clhep/

278 inline HepRotation HepRotation::inverse() const {
279   return HepRotation( rxx, ryx, rzx,
280               rxy, ryy, rzy,
281               rxz, ryz, rzz );
282 }
[blyth@belle7 DAE]$ pwd

[blyth@belle7 DAE]$ cat
#!/bin/bash -l
  local arg=$1
  if [ "$arg" == "clean" ]; then
     dae-make clean
     dae-make && dae-install
     dae-make && dae-install
main $*

[blyth@belle7 DAE]$ ./
Making dependency for file src/ ...


[blyth@belle7 ~]$ cd /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1632/
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$ ll *.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_00.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_01.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_02.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_03.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_04.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_05.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:35 g4_06.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:36 g4_07.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103914464 Nov 19 16:36 g4_08.wrl
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$ ll *.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:34 g4_00.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:35 g4_01.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:35 g4_02.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:35 g4_03.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:36 g4_04.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:36 g4_05.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 5126579 Nov 19 16:36 g4_06.dae
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$ ll *.gdml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 4111332 Nov 19 16:35 g4_00.gdml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 4111332 Nov 19 16:35 g4_01.gdml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 4111332 Nov 19 16:35 g4_02.gdml
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$

[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$ g4dae-
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$ g4dae-prep
2013-11-19 16:38:57,992 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     /home/blyth/env/bin/ --save --noshape g4_00.wrl
2013-11-19 16:40:26,073 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     skip extend
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/blyth/env/bin/", line 2, in <module>
    from env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb import main
  File "/data1/env/system/python/Python-2.5.1/lib/python2.5/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/", line 39, in <module>
    from daenode import DAENode, parse_args
  File "/data1/env/system/python/Python-2.5.1/lib/python2.5/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/", line 259, in <module>
    from monkey_matrix_load import _monkey_matrix_load
  File "/data1/env/system/python/Python-2.5.1/lib/python2.5/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/", line 21, in <module>
[blyth@belle7 20131119-1632]$

DAE WRL comparison with invrot done in DAE writing

After moving the matrix invrot to before DAE writing agreement is worse ? But still good enough.

sqlite> select d.idx, max(abs(d.x - w.x)), max(abs(d.y - w.y)), max(abs(d.z - w.z))  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx ;
12223       0.00390625           0.0625               0.0
12224       0.0068359375         0.0                  0.0
12225       0.0048828125         0.0625               0.0
12226       0.0029296875         0.0                  0.0
12227       0.00390625           0.0625               0.0
12228       0.005859375          0.0                  0.0
12229       0.0078125            0.0625               0.0
         --- huh looks like Y is being rounded to 0.25 mm somewhere
In [47]: math.pow(0.0625 , 0.5)
Out[47]: 0.25

Many are RPC stripts that are +-1mm in Y

sqlite> select d.idx, max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) as mds  from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = group by d.idx having mds > 0.005 ;
idx         mds
----------  ------------------
116         0.0156595706939697
120         0.015658512711525
284         0.0156528949737549
288         0.0156470686197281
447         0.0156452655792236
448         0.0156452655792236
451         0.0156443119049072
452         0.0156452655792236
455         0.0156432539224625
456         0.0156442075967789
494         0.0156452655792236
498         0.0156442075967789
657         0.0156443119049072
658         0.0156481266021729
661         0.0156452655792236
662         0.0156481266021729
665         0.0156442075967789
666         0.0156470686197281
704         0.0156481266021729
708         0.0156518369913101
825         0.0156481266021729
826         0.0156775861978531
829         0.0156595706939697
830         0.0156595706939697
834         0.0156775861978531
867         0.0156528949737549
868         0.0156681537628174
871         0.0156528949737549
872         0.0156595706939697
875         0.0156518369913101
876         0.015658512711525
914         0.0156528949737549
918         0.0156470686197281
1040        0.0156775861978531
1044        0.0157042890787125
1124        0.0156910419464111
1128        0.0156775861978531
1250        0.0157042890787125
1254        0.0157386213541031
1502        0.0156481266021729
1506        0.0156470686197281
1712        0.0156452655792236
1716        0.0156470686197281
1875        0.0156518369913101
1876        0.0156681537628174
1879        0.0156595706939697
1880        0.0156595706939697
1883        0.015658512711525
1884        0.015658512711525
1922        0.0156595706939697
1926        0.015658512711525
2043        0.0156775861978531
2044        0.0157053470611572
2047        0.0156786441802979
2048        0.0156786441802979
2051        0.0156775861978531
2052        0.0157042890787125
2090        0.0156786441802979
2094        0.0156775861978531
2132        0.0156786441802979
2136        0.0156775861978531
2253        0.0156775861978531
2254        0.0157053470611572
2257        0.0156786441802979
2258        0.0157053470611572
2261        0.0156775861978531
2262        0.0157042890787125
2300        0.0157053470611572
2304        0.0157042890787125
2360        0.0156488418579102
2395        0.0156861692667007
2396        0.0156861692667007
2420        0.0157205015420914
2422        0.0157205015420914
In [48]: math.pow(0.0156595706939697,0.5)
Out[48]: 0.12513820637187389
sqlite> select idx, id, x, y, z from dae.point where idx=116 ;
idx         id          x                  y             z
----------  ----------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------
116         0           -7321.64794921875  -806950.4375  -1338.71520996094
116         1           -8443.369140625    -805198.8125  -1338.71520996094
116         2           -8662.0576171875   -805338.875   -1351.45520019531
116         3           -7540.33642578125  -807090.5     -1351.45520019531
116         4           -7321.73046875     -806950.5     -1336.71765136719
116         5           -8443.4521484375   -805198.875   -1336.71765136719
116         6           -8662.140625       -805338.9375  -1349.45764160156
116         7           -7540.4189453125   -807090.5625  -1349.45764160156
sqlite> select idx, id, x, y, z from wrl.point where idx=116 ;
idx         id          x                  y            z
----------  ----------  -----------------  -----------  -------------
116         0           -7321.64404296875  -806950.375  -1338.7109375
116         1           -8443.3671875      -805198.75   -1338.7109375
116         2           -8662.0546875      -805338.812  -1351.4509277
116         3           -7540.33251953125  -807090.375  -1351.4509277
116         4           -7321.7265625      -806950.437  -1336.7132568
116         5           -8443.44921875     -805198.812  -1336.7132568
116         6           -8662.1376953125   -805338.875  -1349.4532470
116         7           -7540.4150390625   -807090.437  -1349.4532470


After 40 min import into meshlab, see that the PMT rotations look correct following the invrot fix.

Need to check SVN future of vcglib to see if its fixed. Otherwise need to profile. Suspect some trivial cacheing (map of id against parsed geometries, effects). Especially geometries : as that repeats approx 250 times.

Face Check


In [52]: import collada
In [53]: dae = collada.Collada("/usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1632/g4_00.dae")
In [56]: top = dae.scene.nodes[0]
In [59]: geom = list(top.objects('geometry'))
In [60]: len(geom)
Out[60]: 12230
n [61]: geom[0]
Out[61]: <BoundGeometry id=WorldBox0xcaa0198, 1 primitives>

In [62]: w = geom[0]
In [63]: w.primitives()
Out[63]: <generator object primitives at 0x2519940>

In [64]: list(w.primitives())
Out[64]: [<BoundPolylist length=6>]

In [65]: bpl = list(w.primitives())[0]

In [92]: poly = list(bpl.polygons())

In [93]: poly
[<Polygon vertices=4>,
 <Polygon vertices=4>,
 <Polygon vertices=4>,
 <Polygon vertices=4>,
 <Polygon vertices=4>,
 <Polygon vertices=4>]

In [99]: poly[0].indices
Out[99]: array([0, 3, 2, 1])

In [100]: poly[1].indices
Out[100]: array([4, 7, 3, 0])

In [101]: poly[2].indices
Out[101]: array([7, 6, 2, 3])

In [102]: poly[3].indices
Out[102]: array([6, 5, 1, 2])
simon:20131119-1632 blyth$ head -100 g4_00.wrl
#---------- SOLID: Universe.0
                       coordIndex [
                                0, 3, 2, 1, -1,
                                4, 7, 3, 0, -1,
                                7, 6, 2, 3, -1,
                                6, 5, 1, 2, -1,
                                5, 4, 0, 1, -1,
                                4, 5, 6, 7, -1,

near rock:

In [108]: list(geom[1].primitives())[0]
Out[108]: <BoundPolylist length=11>

In [109]: bpl = list(geom[1].primitives())[0]

In [110]: bpl.pol
bpl.polygons   bpl.polyindex

In [110]: poly = list(bpl.polygons())

In [111]: poly[0].indices
Out[111]: array([0, 1, 2, 3])

In [112]: poly[1].indices
Out[112]: array([4, 5, 0])

In [113]: poly[2].indices
Out[113]: array([0, 3, 4])
#---------- SOLID: /dd/Structure/Sites/db-rock.1000
                        coordIndex [
                                0, 1, 2, 3, -1,
                                4, 5, 0, -1,
                                0, 3, 4, -1,
                                6, 4, 3, -1,
                                3, 2, 6, -1,
                                7, 6, 2, -1,
                                2, 1, 7, -1,
                                5, 7, 1, -1,
                                1, 0, 5, -1,
                                5, 4, 6, -1,
                                6, 7, 5, -1,
In [124]: map(lambda _:numpy.append(_.indices, -1), poly)
[array([ 0,  1,  2,  3, -1]),
 array([ 4,  5,  0, -1]),
 array([ 0,  3,  4, -1]),
 array([ 6,  4,  3, -1]),
 array([ 3,  2,  6, -1]),
 array([ 7,  6,  2, -1]),
 array([ 2,  1,  7, -1]),
 array([ 5,  7,  1, -1]),
 array([ 1,  0,  5, -1]),
 array([ 5,  4,  6, -1]),
 array([ 6,  7,  5, -1])]

In [125]: numpy.concatenate(map(lambda _:numpy.append(_.indices, -1), poly))
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3, -1,  4,  5,  0, -1,  0,  3,  4, -1,  6,  4,  3, -1,
        3,  2,  6, -1,  7,  6,  2, -1,  2,  1,  7, -1,  5,  7,  1, -1,  1,
        0,  5, -1,  5,  4,  6, -1,  6,  7,  5, -1])

In [138]: wrl
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3, -1,  4,  5,  0, -1,  0,  3,  4, -1,  6,  4,  3, -1,
        3,  2,  6, -1,  7,  6,  2, -1,  2,  1,  7, -1,  5,  7,  1, -1,  1,
        0,  5, -1,  5,  4,  6, -1,  6,  7,  5, -1,  0])

In [139]: wrl =  numpy.fromstring(s[:-2],, sep=',')

In [140]: wrl
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3, -1,  4,  5,  0, -1,  0,  3,  4, -1,  6,  4,  3, -1,
        3,  2,  6, -1,  7,  6,  2, -1,  2,  1,  7, -1,  5,  7,  1, -1,  1,
        0,  5, -1,  5,  4,  6, -1,  6,  7,  5, -1])

In [143]: numpy.array_equal(wrl, dae)
Out[143]: True

All well and good, but want to stuff the WRL faces into DB table:

In [144]: s = r"""
   .....:  0  3  2  1 -1  7  6  2  3 -1  6  5  1  2 -1  4  5  6  7 -1 11 13 10  8 -1
   .....:  12 11  8  9 -1 16 17  4 -1  3  0 15 -1 16  4  7 -1  3 15 14 -1 14 16  7 -1
   .....:   7  3 14 -1 18 15  0 -1  1  5  4 -1  4 17 19 -1 18  0  1 -1  1  4 19 -1 19
   .....:  18  1 -1 15 18  9 -1  8 10 14 -1 15  9  8 -1  8 14 15 -1 16 14 10 -1 10 13
   .....:  16 -1 18 19 12 -1 12  9 18 -1 17 16 13 -1 12 19 17 -1 17 13 11 -1 11 12 17
   .....:  -1 """

In [147]: a = numpy.fromstring(s,, sep=' ')

In [148]: a
array([ 0,  3,  2,  1, -1,  7,  6,  2,  3, -1,  6,  5,  1,  2, -1,  4,  5,
        6,  7, -1, 11, 13, 10,  8, -1, 12, 11,  8,  9, -1, 16, 17,  4, -1,
        3,  0, 15, -1, 16,  4,  7, -1,  3, 15, 14, -1, 14, 16,  7, -1,  7,
        3, 14, -1, 18, 15,  0, -1,  1,  5,  4, -1,  4, 17, 19, -1, 18,  0,
        1, -1,  1,  4, 19, -1, 19, 18,  1, -1, 15, 18,  9, -1,  8, 10, 14,
       -1, 15,  9,  8, -1,  8, 14, 15, -1, 16, 14, 10, -1, 10, 13, 16, -1,
       18, 19, 12, -1, 12,  9, 18, -1, 17, 16, 13, -1, 12, 19, 17, -1, 17,
       13, 11, -1, 11, 12, 17, -1])

In [172]: numpy.split(a,  numpy.where(a==-1)[0] + 1 )
[array([ 0,  3,  2,  1, -1]),
 array([ 7,  6,  2,  3, -1]),
 array([ 6,  5,  1,  2, -1]),
 array([ 4,  5,  6,  7, -1]),
 array([11, 13, 10,  8, -1]),
 array([12, 11,  8,  9, -1]),
 array([16, 17,  4, -1]),
 array([ 3,  0, 15, -1]),
 array([16,  4,  7, -1]),
 array([ 3, 15, 14, -1]),
 array([14, 16,  7, -1]),
 array([ 7,  3, 14, -1]),
 array([18, 15,  0, -1]),
 array([ 1,  5,  4, -1]),
 array([ 4, 17, 19, -1]),
 array([18,  0,  1, -1]),
 array([ 1,  4, 19, -1]),
 array([19, 18,  1, -1]),
 array([15, 18,  9, -1]),
 array([ 8, 10, 14, -1]),
 array([15,  9,  8, -1]),
 array([ 8, 14, 15, -1]),
 array([16, 14, 10, -1]),
 array([10, 13, 16, -1]),
 array([18, 19, 12, -1]),
 array([12,  9, 18, -1]),
 array([17, 16, 13, -1]),
 array([12, 19, 17, -1]),
 array([17, 13, 11, -1]),
 array([11, 12, 17, -1]),
 array([], dtype=float64)]
sqlite> .schema face
CREATE TABLE face (idx int,v0 int,v1 int,v2 int,v3 int,vx text,id int,nv int);
sqlite> .w 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100
sqlite> select idx,id,nv,v0,v1,v2,v3,vx from face limit 20 ;
idx         id          nv          v0          v1          v2          v3          vx
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0           0           4           0           3           2           1           0,3,2,1
0           1           4           4           7           3           0           4,7,3,0
0           2           4           7           6           2           3           7,6,2,3
0           3           4           6           5           1           2           6,5,1,2
0           4           4           5           4           0           1           5,4,0,1
0           5           4           4           5           6           7           4,5,6,7
1           0           4           0           1           2           3           0,1,2,3
1           1           3           4           5           0           -1          4,5,0,-1
1           2           3           0           3           4           -1          0,3,4,-1
1           3           3           6           4           3           -1          6,4,3,-1
1           4           3           3           2           6           -1          3,2,6,-1
1           5           3           7           6           2           -1          7,6,2,-1
1           6           3           2           1           7           -1          2,1,7,-1
1           7           3           5           7           1           -1          5,7,1,-1
1           8           3           1           0           5           -1          1,0,5,-1
1           9           3           5           4           6           -1          5,4,6,-1
1           10          3           6           7           5           -1          6,7,5,-1
2           0           4           0           3           2           1           0,3,2,1
2           1           4           7           6           2           3           7,6,2,3
2           2           4           6           5           1           2           6,5,1,2

Investigate DAE/WRL code path differences


859 G4int G4VSceneHandler::GetNoOfSides(const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs)
860 {
861   // No. of sides (lines segments per circle) is normally determined
862   // by the view parameters, but it can be overriddden by the
863   // ForceLineSegmentsPerCircle in the vis attributes.
864   G4int lineSegmentsPerCircle = fpViewer->GetViewParameters().GetNoOfSides();
865   if (pVisAttribs) {
866     if (pVisAttribs->IsForceLineSegmentsPerCircle())
867       lineSegmentsPerCircle = pVisAttribs->GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle();
868     const G4int nSegmentsMin = 12;
869     if (lineSegmentsPerCircle < nSegmentsMin) {
870       lineSegmentsPerCircle = nSegmentsMin;
871       G4cout <<
872     "G4VSceneHandler::GetNoOfSides: attempt to set the"
873     "\nnumber of line segements per circle < " << nSegmentsMin
874          << "; forced to " << lineSegmentsPerCircle << G4endl;
875     }
876   }
877   return lineSegmentsPerCircle;
878 }

VRML2 specialisation of above with visualization/VRML/include/G4VRML2SceneHandler.hh:

* visualization/modeling/include/G4ModelingParameters.hh

Polysmry for debug

The polysmry txt file allows rapid name/nvertex/nface checking by sorting and uniqing:

[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-1957]$ sort g4_00.wrl.txt | uniq >
[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-1957]$ sort g4_00.dae.txt | uniq >
[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-1957]$ ll *.su
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 850219 Nov 21 20:19
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 850197 Nov 21 20:19
[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-1957]$ diff
< n Universe.0 v 8 f 6

Always Create Polyhedron

Switching to CreatePolyhedron rather than GetPolyhedron allows the difference to be apparent in the same run:

[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-2043]$ cat g4_00.dae.txt | sort | uniq >
[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-2043]$ cat g4_00.wrl.txt  | sort | uniq >
[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-2043]$
[blyth@belle7 VDGX_20131121-2043]$ diff
< n /dd/Geometry/AdDetails/lvOcrGdsTfbInLsoOfl#pvOcrGdsInLsoOfl.1000 v 49 f 94
> n /dd/Geometry/AdDetails/lvOcrGdsTfbInLsoOfl#pvOcrGdsInLsoOfl.1000 v 98 f 188
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvADE#pvOflTnkContainer.1002 v 364 f 644
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvADE#pvOflTnkContainer.1002 v 366 f 648
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIAV.1000 v 170 f 264
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIAV.1000 v 148 f 192
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:1#IavTopRibRot.1 v 27 f 53
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:1#IavTopRibRot.1 v 16 f 28
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:3#IavTopRibRot.3 v 24 f 47
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:4#IavTopRibRot.4 v 19 f 34
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:5#IavTopRibRot.5 v 24 f 47
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:6#IavTopRibRot.6 v 19 f 34
< n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:7#IavTopRibRot.7 v 27 f 53
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:3#IavTopRibRot.3 v 16 f 28
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:4#IavTopRibRot.4 v 16 f 28
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:5#IavTopRibRot.5 v 16 f 28
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:6#IavTopRibRot.6 v 16 f 28
> n /dd/Geometry/AD/lvLSO#pvIavTopRibs#IavRibs:7#IavTopRibRot.7 v 16 f 28

Is the difference the same as that between runs ? Not so simple it seems:

[blyth@belle7 gdml]$ grep NearSiteRock\#pvNearHallTop */*.txt
DVGX_20131121-2053/g4_00.dae.txt:n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000 v 16 f 12
DVGX_20131121-2053/g4_00.wrl.txt:n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000 v 20 f 30
VDGX_20131121-2043/g4_00.dae.txt:n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000 v 16 f 12
VDGX_20131121-2043/g4_00.wrl.txt:n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000 v 16 f 12

[Dec 3, 2013] Back to Face checking after MeshLab Visualisation Interlude

Following fixing the omission of simtab clearing previously the horrendous former performance of chunked writing is explained. For DAE, straightforward write to DB once at the end, takes 5 min:

[blyth@belle7 ~]$ --daepath '$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae'
2013-12-03 15:34:54,665 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daenode INFO     /home/blyth/env/bin/
2013-12-03 15:37:03,314 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb INFO     perform final DB insert for inode 12229 insertsize 0
2013-12-03 15:37:03,315 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb INFO     writing tables to /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db
2013-12-03 15:37:03,315 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb INFO     writing geom_t to /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db
2013-12-03 15:37:03,824 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb INFO     writing point_t to /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db
2013-12-03 15:38:20,287 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb INFO     writing face_t to /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db
2013-12-03 15:40:05,296 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daedb INFO     completed writing to /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db


[blyth@belle7 daeserver]$ --save  '$LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.wrl'
2013-12-03 16:00:44,574 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     /home/blyth/env/bin/ --save $LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.wrl
2013-12-03 16:00:44,575 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     parse
2013-12-03 16:02:06,873 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     gathering geometry, using idoffset 0 idlabel True insertsize 0
2013-12-03 16:03:24,562 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     final insert
2013-12-03 16:03:24,562 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     start persisting
2013-12-03 16:06:36,969 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     completed persisting
2013-12-03 16:06:36,973 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     final insert done
2013-12-03 16:06:36,981 env.geant4.geometry.vrml2.vrml2file INFO     skip extend
[blyth@belle7 daeserver]$

Basic DAE queries:

[blyth@belle7 ~]$ echo "select count(*) from geom ;" | sqlite3 $LOCAL_BASE/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db

[blyth@belle7 ~]$ sqlite3 /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/daeserver/VDGX_20131121-2043_g4_00.dae.db

sqlite> select count(*) from point ;
sqlite> select count(*) from geom ;

sqlite> select count(*) from face ;
sqlite> select count(*) from face where nv=3 ;
sqlite> select count(*) from face where nv=4 ;
sqlite> select 1168654+642175  ;
sqlite> select sum(nv) from face ;

sqlite> .w 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5
sqlite> select * from face limit 10 ;
idx    v0     v1     v2     v3     vx          id     nv
-----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----------  -----  -----
0      0      3      2      1      0,3,2,1     0      4
0      4      7      3      0      4,7,3,0     1      4
0      7      6      2      3      7,6,2,3     2      4
0      6      5      1      2      6,5,1,2     3      4
0      5      4      0      1      5,4,0,1     4      4
0      4      5      6      7      4,5,6,7     5      4
1      0      1      2      3      0,1,2,3     0      4
1      4      5      0      -1     4,5,0,-1    1      3
1      0      3      4      -1     0,3,4,-1    2      3
1      6      4      3      -1     6,4,3,-1    3      3
sqlite> select count(distinct(idx)) from face ;

Basic WRL queries:

sqlite> select count(*) from geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from shape ;
sqlite> select count(*) from point ;
sqlite> select count(*) from face ;

Disagree as was using always recreate poly approach.

With Poly reuse : quick polysmry is matching

Format the DAE metadata into a poly summary file:

[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ pwd

[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ -p g4_00.dae -f "%(n_polysmry)s" > g4_00.dae.meta.txt
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ ll
total 115916
drwxrwxr-x 7 blyth blyth      4096 Dec  3 17:19 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth    850213 Dec  3 17:22 g4_00.dae.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth   7785762 Dec  3 17:22 g4_00.dae
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth   1383330 Dec  3 17:22 g4_00.wrl.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth 103033949 Dec  3 17:22 g4_00.wrl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth   4111332 Dec  3 17:22 g4_00.gdml
drwxrwxr-x 2 blyth blyth      4096 Dec  3 17:35 .
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blyth blyth   1383310 Dec  3 17:36 g4_00.dae.meta.txt

Compare the polysummary from the DAE metadata with the .txt summary during VRML2 export:

[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ diff g4_00.wrl.txt g4_00.dae.meta.txt    # just the world volume is different
< n Universe.0 v 8 f 6
> -

Following switching OFF always recreate poly get polysummary agreement. Polysummary just compares names and vertex and face counts:

[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ head -10  g4_00.wrl.txt
n Universe.0 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Structure/Sites/db-rock.1000 v 8 f 11
n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000 v 16 f 12
n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTopCover.1000 v 32 f 60
n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTeleRpc#pvNearTeleRpc:1.1 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCMod#pvRPCFoam.1000 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCFoam#pvBarCham14Array#pvBarCham14ArrayOne:1#pvBarCham14Unit.1 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCBarCham14#pvRPCGasgap14.1000 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:1#pvStrip14Unit.1 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:2#pvStrip14Unit.2 v 8 f 6
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$

[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ head -10 g4_00.dae.meta.txt
n /dd/Structure/Sites/db-rock.1000 v 8 f 11
n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearSiteRock#pvNearHallTop.1000 v 16 f 12
n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTopCover.1000 v 32 f 60
n /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallTop#pvNearTeleRpc#pvNearTeleRpc:1.1 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCMod#pvRPCFoam.1000 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCFoam#pvBarCham14Array#pvBarCham14ArrayOne:1#pvBarCham14Unit.1 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCBarCham14#pvRPCGasgap14.1000 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:1#pvStrip14Unit.1 v 8 f 6
n /dd/Geometry/RPC/lvRPCGasgap14#pvStrip14Array#pvStrip14ArrayOne:2#pvStrip14Unit.2 v 8 f 6
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$
sqlite> select idx, count(*) as nface from wrl.face group by idx limit 10 ;
idx         nface
----------  ----------
0           6
1           11
2           12
3           60
4           6
5           6
6           6
7           6
8           6
9           6

sqlite> select idx, count(*) as nface from dae.face group by idx limit 10 ;
idx         nface
----------  ----------
0           6
1           11
2           30        **
3           64        **
4           6
5           6
6           6
7           6
8           6
9           6
  • Hmm is the VRML2, also recreating poly ?

With poly reuse

Turns out that there was extra poly creation for debugging here.

[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ --daepath g4_00.dae
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ --save g4_00.wrl
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ g4dae-cf-
attach database "g4_00.dae.db" as dae ;
attach database "g4_00.wrl.db" as wrl ;
.mode column
.header on

-- sqlite3 -init cf.sql
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ g4dae-cf- > cf.sql
[blyth@belle7 DVGX_20131203-1719]$ sqlite3 -init cf.sql
Loading resources from cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/DVGX_20131203-17
3    wrl              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/DVGX_20131203-17
SQLite version 3.3.6
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.point ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.face ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.face ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nvertex != w.nvertex ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nvertex = w.nvertex ;
sqlite> select 1208+11022 ;
sqlite> select 1208./(1208+11022) ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nface != w.nface ;

DGV_20131204-1746 : after removing all extra poly creation

Getting precisely the same geometry in DAE and VRML, as are using exactly the same instances of G4Polyhedron. Same points, faces. They get created on the first DAE export and then are reused for the VRML export.

Its kinda cheating but it works.

[blyth@belle7 DGV_20131204-1746]$ export-
[blyth@belle7 DGV_20131204-1746]$ export-cf
export-cf is a function
export-cf ()
    [ -n "$G4DAE_EXPORT_DIR" ] && cd_func $G4DAE_EXPORT_DIR;
    type $FUNCNAME;
    local base=g4_00;
    local dae=$base.dae;
    local wrl=$base.wrl;
    local sql=$base.sql;
    [ ! -f "$dae.db" ] && --daepath $dae;
    [ ! -f "$wrl.db" ] && --save $wrl;
    [ ! -f "$sql" ] && export-cf-sql- $base >$sql;
    cat $sql;
    alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot --show-tilde sqlite3;
    sqlite3 -version;
    sqlite3 -init $sql
2013-12-04 18:08:21,025 env.geant4.geometry.collada.daenode INFO     /home/blyth/env/bin/

-- Loading resources from /home/blyth/.sqliterc 2013-09-03 17:11:13 7dd4968f235d6e1ca9547cda9cf3bd570e1609ef
-- Loading resources from g4_00.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/DGV_20131204-1
3    wrl              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/DGV_20131204-1

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nvertex != w.nvertex ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nface != w.nface ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.point ;

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.face ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.face ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.face d join wrl.face w on w.idx = d.idx and = where w.vx = d.vx ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = ;
sqlite> select max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = ;

sqlite> select max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = ;
In [4]: math.sqrt(0.01573862)
Out[4]: 0.12545365678209622

Offsets up to about 0.125 mm. Most of imprecision comes from the numerically large y values.:

sqlite> select d.idx as idx, as id, d.x as dx, w.x as wx, d.x - w.x as xx, d.y as dy, w.y as wy, d.y - w.y as yy, d.z as dz, w.z as wz, d.z - w.z as zz, round((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z),5) as d2 from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = where d2 > 0.01 ;
idx         id     dx               wx               xx               dy                    wy           yy          dz                 wz                 zz                d2
----------  -----  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ----------
116         3      -7540.336425781  -7540.332519531  -0.00390625      -807090.5             -807090.375  -0.125      -1351.45520019531  -1351.45092773438  -0.0042724609375  0.01566
116         7      -7540.418945312  -7540.415039062  -0.00390625      -807090.5625          -807090.437  -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01566
120         3      -8415.08984375   -8415.0859375    -0.00390625      -807650.6875          -807650.562  -0.125      -1402.41516113281  -1402.41088867187  -0.0042724609375  0.01566
120         7      -8415.171875     -8415.16796875   -0.00390625      -807650.75            -807650.625  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01566
284         7      -14277.37988281  -14277.37695312  -0.0029296875    -811404.875           -811404.75   -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01565
288         7      -15152.1328125   -15152.13085937  -0.001953125     -811965.0625          -811964.937  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01565
447         3      -13943.66210937  -13943.66113281  -0.0009765625    -806453.125           -806453.0    -0.125      -1404.90283203125  -1404.8984375      -0.00439453125    0.01565
448         5      -13313.0234375   -13313.02441406  0.0009765625     -803567.4375          -803567.312  -0.125      -1298.49768066406  -1298.49328613281  -0.00439453125    0.01565
448         6      -15062.53027343  -15062.53027343  0.0              -804687.8125          -804687.687  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
451         7      -12847.3671875   -12847.3671875   0.0              -805739.1875          -805739.062  -0.125      -1336.71765136719  -1336.71325683594  -0.00439453125    0.01564
2257        7      -19758.29882812  -19758.3046875   0.005859375      -798290.125           -798290.0    -0.125      -1228.91760253906  -1228.91320800781  -0.00439453125    0.01568
2258        3      -19976.90429687  -19976.91015625  0.005859375      -798430.125           -798430.0    -0.125      -1243.65515136719  -1243.65087890625  -0.0042724609375  0.01568
2258        4      -19758.29882812  -19758.3046875   0.005859375      -798290.125           -798290.0    -0.125      -1228.91760253906  -1228.91320800781  -0.00439453125    0.01568
2258        6      -21098.70898437  -21098.71679687  0.0078125        -796678.5625          -796678.437  -0.125      -1241.65759277344  -1241.65319824219  -0.00439453125    0.01571
2258        7      -19976.98828125  -19976.99414062  0.005859375      -798430.1875          -798430.062  -0.125      -1241.65759277344  -1241.65319824219  -0.00439453125    0.01568
2261        7      -20633.05273437  -20633.05859375  0.005859375      -798850.3125          -798850.187  -0.125      -1279.87756347656  -1279.87329101563  -0.0042724609375  0.01568
2262        3      -20851.65625     -20851.6640625   0.0078125        -798990.3125          -798990.187  -0.125      -1294.61511230469  -1294.61083984375  -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2262        4      -20633.05078125  -20633.05859375  0.0078125        -798850.3125          -798850.187  -0.125      -1279.87756347656  -1279.87329101563  -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2262        6      -21973.4609375   -21973.46875     0.0078125        -797238.75            -797238.625  -0.125      -1292.61755371094  -1292.61328125     -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2262        7      -20851.74023437  -20851.74609375  0.005859375      -798990.375           -798990.25   -0.125      -1292.61755371094  -1292.61328125     -0.0042724609375  0.01568
2300        7      -21661.2265625   -21661.234375    0.0078125        -799508.75            -799508.625  -0.125      -1241.65759277344  -1241.65319824219  -0.00439453125    0.01571
2304        7      -22535.97851562  -22535.98632812  0.0078125        -800068.9375          -800068.812  -0.125      -1292.61755371094  -1292.61328125     -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2360        16     -16265.6796875   -16265.68457031  0.0048828125     -791837.6875          -791837.562  -0.125      -1730.63610839844  -1730.63610839844  0.0               0.01565
2360        20     -16265.6796875   -16265.68457031  0.0048828125     -791837.6875          -791837.562  -0.125      -1718.63610839844  -1718.63610839844  0.0               0.01565
2395        2      -20896.93164062  -20896.93945312  0.0078125        -794803.75            -794803.625  -0.125      -1436.3701171875   -1436.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2395        5      -20896.93164062  -20896.93945312  0.0078125        -794803.75            -794803.625  -0.125      -1448.3701171875   -1448.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2396        2      -20896.93164062  -20896.93945312  0.0078125        -794803.75            -794803.625  -0.125      -1718.3701171875   -1718.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2396        5      -20896.93164062  -20896.93945312  0.0078125        -794803.75            -794803.625  -0.125      -1730.3701171875   -1730.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2420        3      -23126.91015625  -23126.91992187  0.009765625      -796671.1875          -796671.062  -0.125      -1700.3701171875   -1700.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
2420        7      -23126.91015625  -23126.91992187  0.009765625      -796671.1875          -796671.062  -0.125      -1466.3701171875   -1466.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
2422        3      -25244.84179687  -25244.8515625   0.009765625      -798027.5             -798027.375  -0.125      -1700.3701171875   -1700.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
2422        7      -25244.84179687  -25244.8515625   0.009765625      -798027.5             -798027.375  -0.125      -1466.3701171875   -1466.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = where (d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z) > 0.01 ;

sqlite> select count(*) as N, round((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z), 5) as d2 from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and =  group by d2 ;
N           d2
----------  ----------
597025      0.0
97493       1.0e-05
208077      2.0e-05
22731       3.0e-05
1189        4.0e-05
4274        5.0e-05
3895        6.0e-05
114         7.0e-05
1896        8.0e-05
31          9.0e-05
417         0.0001
578         0.00011
2           0.00012
20          0.00014
1           0.00015
17          0.00016
1           0.00019
1           0.00251
1           0.00254
1           0.00264
1           0.00267
240227      0.00391
57126       0.00392
16431       0.00393
6797        0.00394
1280        0.00395
1172        0.00396
1367        0.00397
275         0.00398
875         0.00399
265         0.004
307         0.00402
12          0.00404
10          0.00406
5           0.00407
18          0.01564
40          0.01565
25          0.01566
2           0.01567
24          0.01568
5           0.01569
12          0.0157
4           0.01571
4           0.01572
1           0.01574

VGD_20131204-1806 : VRML first

[blyth@belle7 VGD_20131204-1806]$ export-cf
export-cf is a function
... 2013-09-03 17:11:13 7dd4968f235d6e1ca9547cda9cf3bd570e1609ef
-- Loading resources from g4_00.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    dae              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/VGD_20131204-1
3    wrl              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/VGD_20131204-1

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nvertex != w.nvertex ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.geom d join wrl.geom w on w.idx = d.idx where d.nface != w.nface ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point ;
sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.point ;

sqlite> select count(*) from wrl.face ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.face ;

sqlite> select count(*) from dae.face d join wrl.face w on w.idx = d.idx and = where w.vx = d.vx ;
sqlite> select count(*) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = ;

sqlite> select max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z)) from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = ;
max((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z))

sqlite> select d.idx as idx, as id, d.x as dx, w.x as wx, d.x - w.x as xx, d.y as dy, w.y as wy, d.y - w.y as yy, d.z as dz, w.z as wz, d.z - w.z as zz, round((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z),5) as      d2 from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and = where d2 > 0.01 ;
idx         id          dx                 wx                 xx           dy          wy           yy          dz                 wz                 zz                d2
----------  ----------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ----------
116         3           -7540.33642578125  -7540.33251953125  -0.00390625  -807090.5   -807090.375  -0.125      -1351.45520019531  -1351.45092773438  -0.0042724609375  0.01566
116         7           -7540.4189453125   -7540.4150390625   -0.00390625  -807090.56  -807090.437  -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01566
120         3           -8415.08984375     -8415.0859375      -0.00390625  -807650.68  -807650.562  -0.125      -1402.41516113281  -1402.41088867187  -0.0042724609375  0.01566
120         7           -8415.171875       -8415.16796875     -0.00390625  -807650.75  -807650.625  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01566
284         7           -14277.3798828125  -14277.376953125   -0.00292968  -811404.87  -811404.75   -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01565
288         7           -15152.1328125     -15152.130859375   -0.00195312  -811965.06  -811964.937  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01565
447         3           -13943.662109375   -13943.6611328125  -0.00097656  -806453.12  -806453.0    -0.125      -1404.90283203125  -1404.8984375      -0.00439453125    0.01565
448         5           -13313.0234375     -13313.0244140625  0.000976562  -803567.43  -803567.312  -0.125      -1298.49768066406  -1298.49328613281  -0.00439453125    0.01565
448         6           -15062.5302734375  -15062.5302734375  0.0          -804687.81  -804687.687  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
451         7           -12847.3671875     -12847.3671875     0.0          -805739.18  -805739.062  -0.125      -1336.71765136719  -1336.71325683594  -0.00439453125    0.01564
452         3           -13065.9736328125  -13065.97265625    -0.00097656  -805879.18  -805879.062  -0.125      -1351.45520019531  -1351.45092773438  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
452         4           -12847.3671875     -12847.3671875     0.0          -805739.18  -805739.062  -0.125      -1336.71765136719  -1336.71325683594  -0.00439453125    0.01564
452         6           -14187.77734375    -14187.77734375    0.0          -804127.62  -804127.5    -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01564
452         7           -13066.0556640625  -13066.0546875     -0.00097656  -805879.25  -805879.125  -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01565
455         7           -13722.1201171875  -13722.1201171875  0.0          -806299.37  -806299.25   -0.125      -1387.67761230469  -1387.67333984375  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
456         3           -13940.7265625     -13940.7255859375  -0.00097656  -806439.37  -806439.25   -0.125      -1402.41516113281  -1402.41088867187  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
456         4           -13722.12109375    -13722.1201171875  -0.00097656  -806299.37  -806299.25   -0.125      -1387.67761230469  -1387.67333984375  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
456         6           -15062.5302734375  -15062.5302734375  0.0          -804687.81  -804687.687  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
456         7           -13940.80859375    -13940.8076171875  -0.00097656  -806439.43  -806439.312  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
494         7           -14750.296875      -14750.2958984375  -0.00097656  -806957.81  -806957.687  -0.125      -1349.45764160156  -1349.45324707031  -0.00439453125    0.01565
498         7           -15625.0498046875  -15625.048828125   -0.00097656  -807518.0   -807517.875  -0.125      -1400.41760253906  -1400.41333007812  -0.0042724609375  0.01564
657         3           -14416.5791015625  -14416.5791015625  0.0          -802006.06  -802005.937  -0.125      -1404.90283203125  -1404.8984375      -0.00439453125    0.01564
2262        3           -20851.65625       -20851.6640625     0.0078125    -798990.31  -798990.187  -0.125      -1294.61511230469  -1294.61083984375  -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2262        4           -20633.05078125    -20633.05859375    0.0078125    -798850.31  -798850.187  -0.125      -1279.87756347656  -1279.87329101563  -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2262        6           -21973.4609375     -21973.46875       0.0078125    -797238.75  -797238.625  -0.125      -1292.61755371094  -1292.61328125     -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2262        7           -20851.740234375   -20851.74609375    0.005859375  -798990.37  -798990.25   -0.125      -1292.61755371094  -1292.61328125     -0.0042724609375  0.01568
2300        7           -21661.2265625     -21661.234375      0.0078125    -799508.75  -799508.625  -0.125      -1241.65759277344  -1241.65319824219  -0.00439453125    0.01571
2304        7           -22535.978515625   -22535.986328125   0.0078125    -800068.93  -800068.812  -0.125      -1292.61755371094  -1292.61328125     -0.0042724609375  0.0157
2372        8           -16214.8525390625  -16214.859375      0.006835937  -793106.87  -793106.75   -0.125      -1722.33911132813  -1722.33947753906  0.0003662109375   0.01567
2372        11          -16221.58984375    -16221.595703125   0.005859375  -793111.18  -793111.062  -0.125      -1722.33911132813  -1722.33947753906  0.0003662109375   0.01566
2372        12          -16214.8525390625  -16214.859375      0.006835937  -793106.87  -793106.75   -0.125      -1650.33911132813  -1650.33947753906  0.0003662109375   0.01567
2372        15          -16221.58984375    -16221.595703125   0.005859375  -793111.18  -793111.062  -0.125      -1650.33911132813  -1650.33947753906  0.0003662109375   0.01566
2395        2           -20896.931640625   -20896.939453125   0.0078125    -794803.75  -794803.625  -0.125      -1436.3701171875   -1436.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2395        5           -20896.931640625   -20896.939453125   0.0078125    -794803.75  -794803.625  -0.125      -1448.3701171875   -1448.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2396        2           -20896.931640625   -20896.939453125   0.0078125    -794803.75  -794803.625  -0.125      -1718.3701171875   -1718.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2396        5           -20896.931640625   -20896.939453125   0.0078125    -794803.75  -794803.625  -0.125      -1730.3701171875   -1730.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01569
2420        3           -23126.91015625    -23126.919921875   0.009765625  -796671.18  -796671.062  -0.125      -1700.3701171875   -1700.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
2420        7           -23126.91015625    -23126.919921875   0.009765625  -796671.18  -796671.062  -0.125      -1466.3701171875   -1466.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
2422        3           -25244.841796875   -25244.8515625     0.009765625  -798027.5   -798027.375  -0.125      -1700.3701171875   -1700.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572
2422        7           -25244.841796875   -25244.8515625     0.009765625  -798027.5   -798027.375  -0.125      -1466.3701171875   -1466.37048339844  0.0003662109375   0.01572

sqlite> select count(*) as N, round((d.x-w.x)*(d.x-w.x) + (d.y-w.y)*(d.y-w.y) + (d.z-w.z)*(d.z-w.z), 5) as d2 from dae.point d join wrl.point w on d.idx = w.idx and =  group by d2 ;
N           d2
----------  ----------
587943      0.0
98421       1.0e-05
204538      2.0e-05
22716       3.0e-05
1125        4.0e-05
4301        5.0e-05
3868        6.0e-05
109         7.0e-05
1885        8.0e-05
31          9.0e-05
413         0.0001
578         0.00011
22          0.00014
1           0.00015
17          0.00016
5           0.00019
2           0.00035
2           0.00046
2           0.0007
2           0.0008
1           0.00251
1           0.00254
1           0.00264
1           0.00267
235705      0.00391
57199       0.00392
15199       0.00393
6351        0.00394
1127        0.00395
1163        0.00396
1418        0.00397
265         0.00398
876         0.00399
271         0.004
311         0.00402
20          0.00404
10          0.00406
5           0.00407
4           0.00409
18          0.01564
38          0.01565
27          0.01566
4           0.01567
24          0.01568
5           0.01569
12          0.0157
4           0.01571
4           0.01572
1           0.01574

Crossed Order Comparison

Compare D from VGD and DGV:

[blyth@belle7 export]$ export-cf-find- > cf.sql
[blyth@belle7 export]$ sqlite3 -init cf.sql
-- Loading resources from cf.sql
seq  name             file
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main
2    db1              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/./VGD_20131204
3    db2              /data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/./DGV_20131204

SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
[blyth@belle7 export]$ sqlite3 -version
-- Loading resources from /home/blyth/.sqliterc 2013-09-03 17:11:13 7dd4968f235d6e1ca9547cda9cf3bd570e1609ef
[blyth@belle7 export]$
[blyth@belle7 export]$ sqlite3 -init cf.sql
SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select count(*) from db1.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from db2.geom ;
sqlite> select count(*) from db1.point ;
sqlite> select count(*) from db2.point ;

sqlite> select count(*) from db1.geom l inner join db2.geom r on l.idx = r.idx ;
sqlite> select count(*) from db1.geom l inner join db2.geom r on l.idx = r.idx where l.geoid = r.geoid ;
sqlite> select l.geoid, count(*) as N from db1.geom l inner join db2.geom r on l.idx = r.idx where l.nvertex != r.nvertex or l.nface != r.nface group by l.geoid ;
geoid                    N
-----------------------  ----------
AmCCo60AcrylicContainer  6
AmCCo60Cavity            6
IavTopRib                16
LsoOflTnk                2
OavTopRib                16
OcrCalLso                2
OcrCalLsoPrt             2
OcrGdsInLsoOfl           2
OcrGdsLsoInOil           2
OcrGdsLsoPrt             2
OcrGdsPrt                2
OcrGdsTfbInLso           2
OcrGdsTfbInLsoOfl        2
OflTnkContainer          2
SstBotRib                16
SstTopCirRibBase         16
SstTopHub                2
SstTopRadiusRib          16
amcco60-source-assy      6
headon-pmt-assy          12
headon-pmt-mount         12
led-source-assy          6
led-source-shell         6
lso                      2
near-radslab-box-9       1
near_hall_top_dwarf      1
near_pentagon_iron_box   144
near_pool_dead_box       1
near_pool_liner_box      1
near_pool_ows_box        1
near_top_cover_box       1
pmt-hemi                 672
pmt-hemi-vac             672
source-assy              6
source-shell             6
wall-led-assy            6
weight-shell             36

Have a look at the matched tables:

sqlite> drop table matched ;
sqlite> create table matched as select l.idx,l.nvertex,l.nface,l.geoid, from db1.geom l inner join db2.geom r on l.idx = r.idx where l.nvertex = r.nvertex and l.nface = r.nface ;
sqlite> select count(*) from matched ;

sqlite> select count(*) from matched m, db1.point l, db2.point r on m.idx = l.idx and m.idx = r.idx and = ;      -- points from the matched volumes

Simple way of establishing volume match by vertex and face count is incorrect for many volumes with large point offsets. The coordinate offsets are meaningless when are not talking abot the same points.:

sqlite> select max((l.x-r.x)*(l.x-r.x) + (l.y-r.y)*(l.y-r.y) + (l.z-r.z)*(l.z-r.z)) from matched m, db1.point l, db2.point r on m.idx = l.idx and m.idx = r.idx and = ;
max((l.x-r.x)*(l.x-r.x) + (l.y-r.y)*(l.y-r.y) + (l.z-r.z)*(l.z-r.z))

sqlite> select m.geoid, round(max((l.x-r.x)*(l.x-r.x) + (l.y-r.y)*(l.y-r.y) + (l.z-r.z)*(l.z-r.z)),6) as mx, round(min((l.x-r.x)*(l.x-r.x) + (l.y-r.y)*(l.y-r.y) + (l.z-r.z)*(l.z-r.z)),6) as mi, count(*) as N from matched m, db1.point l, db2.point r on m.idx = l.idx and m.idx = r.idx and = group by m.geoid  ;
geoid                           mx               mi               N
------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
AcrylicCylinder                 0.0              0.0              576
AdPmtCollar                     0.0              0.0              36864
AmCCo60SourceAcrylic            0.0              0.0              300
GdLSCalibTubAbvLidTub3          0.0              0.0              192
GdLSCalibTubAbvLidTub4          0.0              0.0              192
GdLSCalibTubAbvLidTub5          0.0              0.0              192
GdLSInCalibTubAbvLid            0.0              0.0              100
GdsOfl                          0.003907         0.0              200
GdsOflTnk                       1306770.525574   0.0              1552
Ge68AirBot                      0.0              0.0              300
SupportSpoolInteriorGdLS        0.0              0.0              100
SupportSpoolInteriorLS          0.0              0.0              100
SupportSpoolLS                  0.0              0.0              100
TopESRCutHols                   0.004002         0.0              1156
TopRefCutHols                   4223.694238      0.0              592
TopRefGapCutHols                9023.086114      0.0              592
WallLedDiffuserBall             0.0              0.0              1602
Weight                          0.0              0.0              1800
near-radslab-box-6              0.0              0.0              8
near-radslab-box-7              0.0              0.0              8
near-radslab-box-8              0.0              0.0              8
near_diagonal_angle_iron        1968663.873358   0.0              1440
near_diagonal_square_iron       0.0              0.0              576
pmt-rib-1                       0.0              0.0              6912
pmt-rib-2                       0.0              0.0              6912
pmt-rib-3                       0.0              0.0              6912
pmt-tee                         111473.942777    0.0              5760
pmt-top-ring                    0.0              0.0              27648
sst                             0.0              0.0              100
support_rib1_box                0.0              0.0              64
support_rib5_box                0.0              0.0              32
table_panel_box                 0.047119         0.0              116
top_corner_cable                0.0              0.0              32
top_corner_cable_tray           0.036831         0.0              64
top_short_cable                 0.0              0.0              16
top_short_cable_tray            0.012612         0.0              32
turntable                       172.265908       0.0              2436
verti_cable                     0.0              0.0              64
verti_cable_tray                0.171421         0.0              128
wall-led-rod                    0.0              0.0              300

Lots of huge offsets indicate invalid comparisons, ie not the same point.

Need a better way to establish a volume match, which is independent of the point coordinates. Use face matching.:

sqlite> .w 10 100
sqlite> select idx, group_concat(vx,":") from db1.face group by idx limit 10 ;
idx         group_concat(vx,":")
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
1           0,1,2,3:4,5,0,-1:0,3,4,-1:6,4,3,-1:3,2,6,-1:7,6,2,-1:2,1,7,-1:5,7,1,-1:1,0,5,-1:5,4,6,-1:6,7,5,-1
2           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7:8,11,10,9:12,15,11,8:15,14,10,11:14,13,9,10:13,12,8,
3           5,1,0,-1:0,3,5,-1:4,2,1,-1:1,5,4,-1:8,9,1,-1:1,2,8,-1:11,12,2,-1:2,4,11,-1:12,8,2,-1:14,11,4,-1:4,5,
4           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
5           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
6           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
7           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
8           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
9           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
sqlite> create table face1 as select idx, group_concat(vx,":") as vxa from db1.face group by idx ;
sqlite> create table face2 as select idx, group_concat(vx,":") as vxa from db2.face group by idx ;
sqlite> select count(*) from face1 ;
sqlite> select count(*) from face2 ;

sqlite> select * from face1 limit 10 ;
idx         vxa
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
1           0,1,2,3:4,5,0,-1:0,3,4,-1:6,4,3,-1:3,2,6,-1:7,6,2,-1:2,1,7,-1:5,7,1,-1:1,0,5,-1:5,4,6,-1:6,7,5,-1
2           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7:8,11,10,9:12,15,11,8:15,14,10,11:14,13,9,10:13,12,8,
3           5,1,0,-1:0,3,5,-1:4,2,1,-1:1,5,4,-1:8,9,1,-1:1,2,8,-1:11,12,2,-1:2,4,11,-1:12,8,2,-1:14,11,4,-1:4,5,
4           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
5           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
6           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
7           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
8           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
9           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
sqlite> select * from face2 limit 10 ;
idx         vxa
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
1           0,1,2,3:4,5,0,-1:0,3,4,-1:6,4,3,-1:3,2,6,-1:7,6,2,-1:2,1,7,-1:5,7,1,-1:1,0,5,-1:5,4,6,-1:6,7,5,-1
2           0,3,2,1:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:4,5,6,7:11,13,10,8:12,11,8,9:16,17,4,-1:3,0,15,-1:16,4,7,-1:3,15,14,-1:14,16
3           3,1,0,-1:0,2,3,-1:6,7,0,-1:0,1,8,-1:8,6,0,-1:10,11,1,-1:1,3,10,-1:11,8,1,-1:13,10,3,-1:12,13,3,-1:12
4           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
5           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
6           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
7           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
8           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7
9           0,3,2,1:4,7,3,0:7,6,2,3:6,5,1,2:5,4,0,1:4,5,6,7

sqlite> select count(*) from face1 l, face2 r on l.idx = r.idx and l.vxa = r.vxa ;

sqlite> create table fmatched as select l.idx from face1 l, face2 r on l.idx = r.idx and l.vxa = r.vxa ;
sqlite> select count(*) from fmatched ;

sqlite> select count(*) from matched ;

sqlite> select round(max((l.x-r.x)*(l.x-r.x) + (l.y-r.y)*(l.y-r.y) + (l.z-r.z)*(l.z-r.z)),6) from fmatched m, db1.point l, db2.point r on m.idx = l.idx and m.idx = r.idx and = ;

sqlite> select round((l.x-r.x)*(l.x-r.x) + (l.y-r.y)*(l.y-r.y) + (l.z-r.z)*(l.z-r.z),3) as d2, count(*) as N from fmatched m, db1.point l, db2.point r on m.idx = l.idx and m.idx = r.idx and = group by d2 order by d2 ;
d2          N
----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0.0         702500
0.001       11183
0.002       1242
0.003       4
0.004       17982
0.005       2742
0.006       96
0.007       9
0.008       139
0.009       83
0.01        27
0.011       2
0.013       9
0.014       10
0.015       7
0.016       56
0.017       161
0.018       7
0.02        256
0.021       92
0.023       44
0.024       84
0.025       64
0.026       64
0.027       19
0.028       13
0.029       64
0.032       4
0.033       4
0.036       4
0.037       21
0.038       179
0.039       156
0.04        20
0.041       20
0.042       2
0.047       12
0.063       64
0.065       62
0.071       8
0.074       64
0.16        4
0.17        16
0.171       16
0.174       64
0.176       60
0.177       4
0.283       64
0.285       56
0.286       88
0.3         24
0.301       8
0.312       32
0.335       10
0.336       30
0.337       104
In [6]: math.sqrt(0.337)
Out[6]: 0.58051701094799968

Conclusion is that when doing cross comparison, the majority 83% of volumes have points at most a fraction of a mm off:

In [7]: 10146./12230
Out[7]: 0.82959934587080952

For the toxic volumes, there is no face/point correspondence so cannot compare this way. Could look at bbox howewever.

qlite> create table ftoxic as select l.idx from face1 l, face2 r on l.idx = r.idx and l.vxa != r.vxa ;
sqlite> select count(*) from ftoxic ;

sqlite> select 2084 + 10146  ;

sqlite> .w 10 10 10 10 10
sqlite> select t.idx, round(min(l.x),10),round(min(r.x),10), round(max(l.x),10), round(max(r.x),10) from ftoxic t, db1.point l, db2.point r on t.idx = l.idx and t.idx = r.idx and = group by t.idx ;
idx         round(min(  round(min(  round(max(  round(max(
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2           -31088.125  -31088.125  5406.43164  5405.88867
3           -23431.509  -23431.705  -9608.4257  -9608.4902
2381        -17382.134  -17382.134  -16887.052  -16887.052
2382        -17382.134  -17382.134  -16887.052  -16887.052
2383        -21719.052  -21719.052  -21223.970  -21223.970
2384        -21719.052  -21719.052  -21223.970  -21223.970
2385        -20968.531  -20968.570  -19566.027  -19566.027
2386        -20968.560  -20968.531  -19566.027  -19566.027

sqlite> select t.idx, round(min(l.x)-min(r.x),5) as dmix, round(max(l.x)-max(r.x),5) as dmax, round(min(l.y)-min(r.y),5) as dmiy, round(max(l.y)-max(r.y),5) as dmay, round(min(l.z)-min(r.z),5) as dmiz, round(max(l.z)-max(r.z),5) as dmaz  from ftoxic t, db1.point l, db2.point r on t.idx = l.idx and t.idx = r.idx and = group by t.idx ;
idx         dmix        dmax        dmiy        dmay        dmiz        dmaz
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2           0.0         0.54297     -0.875      0.0         -0.29004    0.0
3           0.19531     0.06445     0.1875      -0.0625     0.0         0.0
2381        0.0         0.0         0.0625      0.0         0.01953     0.0
2382        0.0         0.0         -0.0625     0.0         0.0         -0.01953
2383        0.0         0.0         0.0625      0.0         0.01953     0.0
2384        0.0         0.0         -0.0625     0.0         0.0         -0.01953
2385        0.03906     0.0         0.0         0.0         0.01953     0.0
2386        -0.0293     0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -0.01953
2387        0.03906     0.0         0.0         0.0         0.01953     0.0
2388        -0.0293     0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -0.01953
2389        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
2390        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
2391        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
2392        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
2393        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
2394        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

sqlite> create table toxbox as select t.idx, round(min(l.x)-min(r.x),5) as dmix, round(max(l.x)-max(r.x),5) as dmax, round(min(l.y)-min(r.y),5) as dmiy, round(max(l.y)-max(r.y),5) as dmay, round(min(l.z)-min(r.z),5) as dmiz, round(max(l.z)-max(r.z),5) as dmaz  from ftoxic t, db1.point l, db2.point r on t.idx = l.idx and t.idx = r.idx and = group by t.idx ;

sqlite> select count(*) from toxbox ;

Limited number with xy problems:

sqlite> select * from toxbox where abs(dmix) > 0.1 or abs(dmax) > 0.1 or abs(dmiy) > 0.1 or abs(dmiy) > 0.1  ;
t.idx       dmix        dmax        dmiy        dmay        dmiz        dmaz
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2           0.0         0.54297     -0.875      0.0         -0.29004    0.0
3           0.19531     0.06445     0.1875      -0.0625     0.0         0.0
3148        -0.21875    4241.53809  -0.125      0.375       0.0         0.0
3149        0.21289     -4168.5293  0.125       -0.375      0.0         0.0
3150        -0.21289    -0.32031    -0.125      0.375       0.0         0.0
4465        3.375       -7.69531    9.4375      -6.5        0.0         0.0
4466        0.0         -4.31445    9.125       -10.0625    0.0         0.0
4467        6.55078     -9.47852    3.375       -7.6875     0.0         0.0
4468        10.07227    -9.08789    0.0         -4.3125     0.0         0.0
4469        7.69531     -3.375      6.5         -9.4375     0.0         0.0
4470        4.31445     0.0         10.0625     -9.125      0.0         0.0
4471        9.47852     -6.55078    7.6875      -3.375      0.0         0.0
4472        9.08789     -10.07227   4.3125      0.0         0.0         0.0
6125        3.37402     -7.69629    9.4375      -6.5        0.0         0.0
6126        0.0         -4.31543    9.125       -10.0625    0.0         0.0
6127        6.55078     -9.47852    3.375       -7.6875     0.0         0.0
6128        10.07422    -9.08887    0.0         -4.3125     0.0         0.0
6129        7.69629     -3.37402    6.5         -9.4375     0.0         0.0
6130        4.31543     0.0         10.0625     -9.125      0.0         0.0
6131        9.47852     -6.55078    7.6875      -3.375      0.0         0.0
6132        9.08887     -10.07422   4.3125      0.0         0.0         0.0
12229       0.20703     -4241.5712  0.125       -0.1875     0.0         0.0

Many more with z differences:

sqlite> select * from toxbox where abs(dmix) > 0.1 or abs(dmax) > 0.1 or abs(dmiy) > 0.1 or abs(dmiy) > 0.1 or abs(dmiz) > 0.1 or abs(dmaz) > 0.1 ;
t.idx       dmix        dmax        dmiy        dmay        dmiz        dmaz
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2           0.0         0.54297     -0.875      0.0         -0.29004    0.0
3           0.19531     0.06445     0.1875      -0.0625     0.0         0.0
3148        -0.21875    4241.53809  -0.125      0.375       0.0         0.0
3149        0.21289     -4168.5293  0.125       -0.375      0.0         0.0
3150        -0.21289    -0.32031    -0.125      0.375       0.0         0.0
3165        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -3.06982    0.0
4448        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4449        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4450        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4451        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4452        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4453        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4454        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4455        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
4465        3.375       -7.69531    9.4375      -6.5        0.0         0.0
4466        0.0         -4.31445    9.125       -10.0625    0.0         0.0
4467        6.55078     -9.47852    3.375       -7.6875     0.0         0.0
4468        10.07227    -9.08789    0.0         -4.3125     0.0         0.0
4469        7.69531     -3.375      6.5         -9.4375     0.0         0.0
4470        4.31445     0.0         10.0625     -9.125      0.0         0.0
4471        9.47852     -6.55078    7.6875      -3.375      0.0         0.0
4472        9.08789     -10.07227   4.3125      0.0         0.0         0.0
4511        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         26.21826    0.0
4514        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -27.15381   0.0
4515        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         28.07471    0.0
4516        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -28.12061   0.0
4517        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         3.88184     0.0
4520        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -4.82471    0.0
4540        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   0.00098
4551        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   10.0354
4566        -0.00195    0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   82.76147
4567        0.0         0.00195     0.0         0.0         7.09619     -0.00098
4606        0.0         0.00391     0.0         0.0625      4.99463     165.05713
4628        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   0.00098
4639        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   10.0354
4654        -0.00195    0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   82.76147
4655        0.0         0.00195     0.0         0.0         7.09619     -0.00098
4710        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   0.00098
4721        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   10.0354
4736        -0.00195    0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   82.76147
4737        0.0         0.00195     0.0         0.0         7.09619     -0.00098
4825        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -3.06982    0.0
6108        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6109        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6110        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6111        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6112        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6113        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6114        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6115        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -25.57861   345.57861
6125        3.37402     -7.69629    9.4375      -6.5        0.0         0.0
6126        0.0         -4.31543    9.125       -10.0625    0.0         0.0
6127        6.55078     -9.47852    3.375       -7.6875     0.0         0.0
6128        10.07422    -9.08887    0.0         -4.3125     0.0         0.0
6129        7.69629     -3.37402    6.5         -9.4375     0.0         0.0
6130        4.31543     0.0         10.0625     -9.125      0.0         0.0
6131        9.47852     -6.55078    7.6875      -3.375      0.0         0.0
6132        9.08887     -10.07422   4.3125      0.0         0.0         0.0
6171        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         26.21826    0.0
6174        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -27.15381   0.0
6175        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         28.07471    0.0
6176        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -28.12061   0.0
6177        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         3.88184     0.0
6180        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -4.82471    0.0
6200        -0.00098    0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   0.00098
6211        0.00098     0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   10.0354
6226        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   82.76147
6227        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         7.09619     -0.00098
6266        0.0         0.00391     0.0         0.0625      4.99463     165.05713
6288        -0.00098    0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   0.00098
6299        0.00098     0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   10.0354
6314        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   82.76147
6315        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         7.09619     -0.00098
6370        -0.00098    0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   0.00098
6381        0.00098     0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   10.0354
6396        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         -72.38525   82.76147
6397        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         7.09619     -0.00098
12229       0.20703     -4241.5712  0.125       -0.1875     0.0         0.0